package com.intellectualcrafters.configuration;

 * Exception thrown when attempting to load an invalid {@link Configuration}
public class InvalidConfigurationException extends Exception {
     * Creates a new instance of InvalidConfigurationException without a
     * message or cause.
    public InvalidConfigurationException() {}
     * Constructs an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the
     * specified message.
     * @param msg The details of the exception.
    public InvalidConfigurationException(final String msg) {
     * Constructs an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the
     * specified cause.
     * @param cause The cause of the exception.
    public InvalidConfigurationException(final Throwable cause) {
     * Constructs an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the
     * specified message and cause.
     * @param cause The cause of the exception.
     * @param msg The details of the exception.
    public InvalidConfigurationException(final String msg, final Throwable cause) {
        super(msg, cause);