/* * _____ _ _ _____ _ * | __ \| | | | / ____| | | * | |__) | | ___ | |_| (___ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __| | * | ___/| |/ _ \| __|\___ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \/ _` | * | | | | (_) | |_ ____) | (_| | |_| | (_| | | | __/ (_| | * |_| |_|\___/ \__|_____/ \__, |\__,_|\__,_|_| \___|\__,_| * | | * |_| * PlotSquared plot management system for Minecraft * Copyright (C) 2020 IntellectualSites * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package com.plotsquared.bukkit.entity; import com.plotsquared.core.configuration.Settings; import org.bukkit.Art; import org.bukkit.DyeColor; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Rotation; import org.bukkit.TreeSpecies; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace; import org.bukkit.entity.AbstractHorse; import org.bukkit.entity.Ageable; import org.bukkit.entity.ArmorStand; import org.bukkit.entity.Bat; import org.bukkit.entity.Boat; import org.bukkit.entity.ChestedHorse; import org.bukkit.entity.EnderDragon; import org.bukkit.entity.Entity; import org.bukkit.entity.IronGolem; import org.bukkit.entity.Item; import org.bukkit.entity.ItemFrame; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Painting; import org.bukkit.entity.Rabbit; import org.bukkit.entity.Sheep; import org.bukkit.entity.Slime; import org.bukkit.entity.Tameable; import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.util.EulerAngle; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.List; public final class ReplicatingEntityWrapper extends EntityWrapper { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("P2/" + ReplicatingEntityWrapper.class.getSimpleName()); private final short depth; private final int hash; private final EntityBaseStats base = new EntityBaseStats(); private ItemStack[] inventory; // Extended private ItemStack stack; private byte dataByte; private byte dataByte2; private String dataString; private LivingEntityStats lived; private AgeableStats aged; private TameableStats tamed; private ArmorStandStats stand; private HorseStats horse; private boolean noGravity; public ReplicatingEntityWrapper(Entity entity, short depth) { super(entity); this.hash = entity.getEntityId(); this.depth = depth; if (depth == 0) { return; } List passengers = entity.getPassengers(); if (passengers.size() > 0) { this.base.passenger = new ReplicatingEntityWrapper(passengers.get(0), depth); } this.base.fall = entity.getFallDistance(); this.base.fire = (short) entity.getFireTicks(); this.base.age = entity.getTicksLived(); Vector velocity = entity.getVelocity(); this.base.vX = velocity.getX(); this.base.vY = velocity.getY(); this.base.vZ = velocity.getZ(); if (depth == 1) { return; } if (!entity.hasGravity()) { this.noGravity = true; } switch (entity.getType()) { case BOAT: Boat boat = (Boat) entity; this.dataByte = getOrdinal(TreeSpecies.values(), boat.getWoodType()); return; case ARROW: case EGG: case ENDER_CRYSTAL: case ENDER_PEARL: case ENDER_SIGNAL: case EXPERIENCE_ORB: case FALLING_BLOCK: case FIREBALL: case FIREWORK: case FISHING_HOOK: case LEASH_HITCH: case LIGHTNING: case MINECART: case MINECART_COMMAND: case MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER: case MINECART_TNT: case PLAYER: case PRIMED_TNT: case SLIME: case SMALL_FIREBALL: case SNOWBALL: case MINECART_FURNACE: case SPLASH_POTION: case THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE: case WITHER_SKULL: case UNKNOWN: case SPECTRAL_ARROW: case SHULKER_BULLET: case DRAGON_FIREBALL: case AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD: case TRIDENT: case LLAMA_SPIT: // Do this stuff later return; // MISC // case DROPPED_ITEM: Item item = (Item) entity; this.stack = item.getItemStack(); return; case ITEM_FRAME: this.x = Math.floor(this.x); this.y = Math.floor(this.y); this.z = Math.floor(this.z); ItemFrame itemFrame = (ItemFrame) entity; this.dataByte = getOrdinal(Rotation.values(), itemFrame.getRotation()); this.stack = itemFrame.getItem().clone(); return; case PAINTING: this.x = Math.floor(this.x); this.y = Math.floor(this.y); this.z = Math.floor(this.z); Painting painting = (Painting) entity; Art art = painting.getArt(); this.dataByte = getOrdinal(BlockFace.values(), painting.getFacing()); int h = art.getBlockHeight(); if (h % 2 == 0) { this.y -= 1; } this.dataString = art.name(); return; // END MISC // // INVENTORY HOLDER // case MINECART_CHEST: case MINECART_HOPPER: storeInventory((InventoryHolder) entity); return; // START LIVING ENTITY // // START AGEABLE // // START TAMEABLE // case HORSE: case DONKEY: case LLAMA: case MULE: case SKELETON_HORSE: AbstractHorse horse = (AbstractHorse) entity; this.horse = new HorseStats(); this.horse.jump = horse.getJumpStrength(); if (horse instanceof ChestedHorse) { ChestedHorse horse1 = (ChestedHorse) horse; this.horse.chest = horse1.isCarryingChest(); } //todo these horse features need fixing //this.horse.variant = horse.getVariant(); //this.horse.style = horse.getStyle(); //this.horse.color = horse.getColor(); storeTameable(horse); storeAgeable(horse); storeLiving(horse); storeInventory(horse); return; // END INVENTORY HOLDER // case WOLF: case OCELOT: storeTameable((Tameable) entity); storeAgeable((Ageable) entity); storeLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return; // END TAMEABLE // //todo fix sheep case SHEEP: Sheep sheep = (Sheep) entity; if (sheep.isSheared()) { this.dataByte = (byte) 1; } else { this.dataByte = (byte) 0; } this.dataByte2 = sheep.getColor().getDyeData(); storeAgeable(sheep); storeLiving(sheep); return; case VILLAGER: case CHICKEN: case COW: case MUSHROOM_COW: case PIG: case TURTLE: case POLAR_BEAR: storeAgeable((Ageable) entity); storeLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return; case RABBIT: this.dataByte = getOrdinal(Rabbit.Type.values(), ((Rabbit) entity).getRabbitType()); storeAgeable((Ageable) entity); storeLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return; // END AGEABLE // case ARMOR_STAND: ArmorStand stand = (ArmorStand) entity; this.inventory = new ItemStack[] {stand.getItemInHand().clone(), stand.getHelmet().clone(), stand.getChestplate().clone(), stand.getLeggings().clone(), stand.getBoots().clone()}; storeLiving(stand); this.stand = new ArmorStandStats(); EulerAngle head = stand.getHeadPose(); this.stand.head[0] = (float) head.getX(); this.stand.head[1] = (float) head.getY(); this.stand.head[2] = (float) head.getZ(); EulerAngle body = stand.getBodyPose(); this.stand.body[0] = (float) body.getX(); this.stand.body[1] = (float) body.getY(); this.stand.body[2] = (float) body.getZ(); EulerAngle leftLeg = stand.getLeftLegPose(); this.stand.leftLeg[0] = (float) leftLeg.getX(); this.stand.leftLeg[1] = (float) leftLeg.getY(); this.stand.leftLeg[2] = (float) leftLeg.getZ(); EulerAngle rightLeg = stand.getRightLegPose(); this.stand.rightLeg[0] = (float) rightLeg.getX(); this.stand.rightLeg[1] = (float) rightLeg.getY(); this.stand.rightLeg[2] = (float) rightLeg.getZ(); EulerAngle leftArm = stand.getLeftArmPose(); this.stand.leftArm[0] = (float) leftArm.getX(); this.stand.leftArm[1] = (float) leftArm.getY(); this.stand.leftArm[2] = (float) leftArm.getZ(); EulerAngle rightArm = stand.getRightArmPose(); this.stand.rightArm[0] = (float) rightArm.getX(); this.stand.rightArm[1] = (float) rightArm.getY(); this.stand.rightArm[2] = (float) rightArm.getZ(); if (stand.hasArms()) { this.stand.arms = true; } if (!stand.hasBasePlate()) { this.stand.noPlate = true; } if (!stand.isVisible()) { this.stand.invisible = true; } if (stand.isSmall()) { this.stand.small = true; } return; case ENDERMITE: return; case BAT: if (((Bat) entity).isAwake()) { this.dataByte = (byte) 1; } else { this.dataByte = (byte) 0; } return; case ENDER_DRAGON: EnderDragon entity1 = (EnderDragon) entity; this.dataByte = (byte) entity1.getPhase().ordinal(); return; case SKELETON: case WITHER_SKELETON: case GUARDIAN: case ELDER_GUARDIAN: case GHAST: case MAGMA_CUBE: case SQUID: case PIG_ZOMBIE: case ZOMBIE: case WITHER: case WITCH: case SPIDER: case CAVE_SPIDER: case SILVERFISH: case GIANT: case ENDERMAN: case CREEPER: case BLAZE: case SHULKER: case SNOWMAN: storeLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return; case IRON_GOLEM: if (((IronGolem) entity).isPlayerCreated()) { this.dataByte = (byte) 1; } else { this.dataByte = (byte) 0; } storeLiving((LivingEntity) entity); // END LIVING // } } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return this.hash == obj.hashCode(); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.hash; } public void storeInventory(InventoryHolder held) { this.inventory = held.getInventory().getContents().clone(); } void restoreLiving(LivingEntity entity) { entity.setCanPickupItems(this.lived.loot); if (this.lived.name != null) { entity.setCustomName(this.lived.name); entity.setCustomNameVisible(this.lived.visible); } if (this.lived.potions != null && !this.lived.potions.isEmpty()) { entity.addPotionEffects(this.lived.potions); } entity.setRemainingAir(this.lived.air); entity.setRemoveWhenFarAway(this.lived.persistent); if (this.lived.equipped) { this.restoreEquipment(entity); } if (this.lived.leashed) { // TODO leashes // World world = entity.getWorld(); // Entity leash = world.spawnEntity(new Location(world, Math.floor(x) + // lived.leashX, Math.floor(y) + lived.leashY, Math.floor(z) + lived.leashZ), // EntityType.LEASH_HITCH); // entity.setLeashHolder(leash); } } void restoreEquipment(LivingEntity entity) { EntityEquipment equipment = entity.getEquipment(); if (equipment != null) { equipment.setItemInMainHand(this.lived.mainHand); equipment.setItemInOffHand(this.lived.offHand); equipment.setHelmet(this.lived.helmet); equipment.setChestplate(this.lived.chestplate); equipment.setLeggings(this.lived.leggings); equipment.setBoots(this.lived.boots); } } private void restoreInventory(InventoryHolder entity) { try { entity.getInventory().setContents(this.inventory); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.error("Failed to restore inventory", e); } } private void storeLiving(LivingEntity lived) { this.lived = new LivingEntityStats(); this.lived.potions = lived.getActivePotionEffects(); this.lived.loot = lived.getCanPickupItems(); this.lived.name = lived.getCustomName(); this.lived.visible = lived.isCustomNameVisible(); this.lived.health = (float) lived.getHealth(); this.lived.air = (short) lived.getRemainingAir(); this.lived.persistent = lived.getRemoveWhenFarAway(); this.lived.leashed = lived.isLeashed(); if (this.lived.leashed) { Location location = lived.getLeashHolder().getLocation(); this.lived.leashX = (short) (this.x - location.getBlockX()); this.lived.leashY = (short) (this.y - location.getBlockY()); this.lived.leashZ = (short) (this.z - location.getBlockZ()); } EntityEquipment equipment = lived.getEquipment(); this.lived.equipped = equipment != null; if (this.lived.equipped) { storeEquipment(equipment); } } void storeEquipment(EntityEquipment equipment) { this.lived.mainHand = equipment.getItemInMainHand().clone(); this.lived.offHand = equipment.getItemInOffHand().clone(); this.lived.boots = equipment.getBoots().clone(); this.lived.leggings = equipment.getLeggings().clone(); this.lived.chestplate = equipment.getChestplate().clone(); this.lived.helmet = equipment.getHelmet().clone(); } private void restoreTameable(Tameable entity) { if (this.tamed.tamed) { if (this.tamed.owner != null) { entity.setTamed(true); entity.setOwner(this.tamed.owner); } } } private void restoreAgeable(Ageable entity) { if (!this.aged.adult) { entity.setBaby(); } entity.setAgeLock(this.aged.locked); if (this.aged.age > 0) { entity.setAge(this.aged.age); } } public void storeAgeable(Ageable aged) { this.aged = new AgeableStats(); this.aged.age = aged.getAge(); this.aged.locked = aged.getAgeLock(); this.aged.adult = aged.isAdult(); } public void storeTameable(Tameable tamed) { this.tamed = new TameableStats(); this.tamed.owner = tamed.getOwner(); this.tamed.tamed = tamed.isTamed(); } @Override public Entity spawn(World world, int xOffset, int zOffset) { Location location = new Location(world, this.x + xOffset, this.y, this.z + zOffset); location.setYaw(this.yaw); location.setPitch(this.pitch); if (!this.getType().isSpawnable()) { return null; } Entity entity; switch (this.getType()) { case DROPPED_ITEM: return world.dropItem(location, this.stack); case PLAYER: case LEASH_HITCH: return null; case ITEM_FRAME: entity = world.spawn(location, ItemFrame.class); break; case PAINTING: entity = world.spawn(location, Painting.class); break; default: entity = world.spawnEntity(location, this.getType()); break; } if (this.depth == 0) { return entity; } if (this.base.passenger != null) { try { entity.addPassenger(this.base.passenger.spawn(world, xOffset, zOffset)); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } if (this.base.fall != 0) { entity.setFallDistance(this.base.fall); } if (this.base.fire != 0) { entity.setFireTicks(this.base.fire); } if (this.base.age != 0) { entity.setTicksLived(this.base.age); } entity.setVelocity(new Vector(this.base.vX, this.base.vY, this.base.vZ)); if (this.depth == 1) { return entity; } if (this.noGravity) { entity.setGravity(false); } switch (entity.getType()) { case BOAT: Boat boat = (Boat) entity; boat.setWoodType(TreeSpecies.values()[dataByte]); return entity; case SLIME: ((Slime) entity).setSize(this.dataByte); return entity; case ARROW: case EGG: case ENDER_CRYSTAL: case ENDER_PEARL: case ENDER_SIGNAL: case DROPPED_ITEM: case EXPERIENCE_ORB: case FALLING_BLOCK: case FIREBALL: case FIREWORK: case FISHING_HOOK: case LEASH_HITCH: case LIGHTNING: case MINECART: case MINECART_COMMAND: case MINECART_MOB_SPAWNER: case MINECART_TNT: case PLAYER: case PRIMED_TNT: case SMALL_FIREBALL: case SNOWBALL: case SPLASH_POTION: case THROWN_EXP_BOTTLE: case SPECTRAL_ARROW: case SHULKER_BULLET: case AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD: case DRAGON_FIREBALL: case WITHER_SKULL: case MINECART_FURNACE: case LLAMA_SPIT: case TRIDENT: case UNKNOWN: // Do this stuff later return entity; // MISC // case ITEM_FRAME: ItemFrame itemframe = (ItemFrame) entity; itemframe.setRotation(Rotation.values()[this.dataByte]); itemframe.setItem(this.stack); return entity; case PAINTING: Painting painting = (Painting) entity; painting.setFacingDirection(BlockFace.values()[this.dataByte], true); painting.setArt(Art.getByName(this.dataString), true); return entity; // END MISC // // INVENTORY HOLDER // case MINECART_CHEST: case MINECART_HOPPER: restoreInventory((InventoryHolder) entity); return entity; // START LIVING ENTITY // // START AGEABLE // // START TAMEABLE // case HORSE: case LLAMA: case SKELETON_HORSE: case DONKEY: case MULE: AbstractHorse horse = (AbstractHorse) entity; horse.setJumpStrength(this.horse.jump); if (horse instanceof ChestedHorse) { ((ChestedHorse) horse).setCarryingChest(this.horse.chest); } //todo broken as of 1.13 //horse.setVariant(this.horse.variant); //horse.setStyle(this.horse.style); //horse.setColor(this.horse.color); restoreTameable(horse); restoreAgeable(horse); restoreLiving(horse); restoreInventory(horse); return entity; // END INVENTORY HOLDER // case WOLF: case OCELOT: restoreTameable((Tameable) entity); restoreAgeable((Ageable) entity); restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; // END AGEABLE // case SHEEP: Sheep sheep = (Sheep) entity; if (this.dataByte == 1) { sheep.setSheared(true); } if (this.dataByte2 != 0) { sheep.setColor(DyeColor.getByDyeData(this.dataByte2)); } restoreAgeable(sheep); restoreLiving(sheep); return sheep; case VILLAGER: case CHICKEN: case COW: case TURTLE: case POLAR_BEAR: case MUSHROOM_COW: case PIG: restoreAgeable((Ageable) entity); restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; // END AGEABLE // case RABBIT: if (this.dataByte != 0) { ((Rabbit) entity).setRabbitType(Rabbit.Type.values()[this.dataByte]); } restoreAgeable((Ageable) entity); restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; case ARMOR_STAND: // CHECK positions ArmorStand stand = (ArmorStand) entity; if (this.inventory[0] != null) { stand.setItemInHand(this.inventory[0]); } if (this.inventory[1] != null) { stand.setHelmet(this.inventory[1]); } if (this.inventory[2] != null) { stand.setChestplate(this.inventory[2]); } if (this.inventory[3] != null) { stand.setLeggings(this.inventory[3]); } if (this.inventory[4] != null) { stand.setBoots(this.inventory[4]); } if (this.stand.head[0] != 0 || this.stand.head[1] != 0 || this.stand.head[2] != 0) { EulerAngle pose = new EulerAngle(this.stand.head[0], this.stand.head[1], this.stand.head[2]); stand.setHeadPose(pose); } if (this.stand.body[0] != 0 || this.stand.body[1] != 0 || this.stand.body[2] != 0) { EulerAngle pose = new EulerAngle(this.stand.body[0], this.stand.body[1], this.stand.body[2]); stand.setBodyPose(pose); } if (this.stand.leftLeg[0] != 0 || this.stand.leftLeg[1] != 0 || this.stand.leftLeg[2] != 0) { EulerAngle pose = new EulerAngle(this.stand.leftLeg[0], this.stand.leftLeg[1], this.stand.leftLeg[2]); stand.setLeftLegPose(pose); } if (this.stand.rightLeg[0] != 0 || this.stand.rightLeg[1] != 0 || this.stand.rightLeg[2] != 0) { EulerAngle pose = new EulerAngle(this.stand.rightLeg[0], this.stand.rightLeg[1], this.stand.rightLeg[2]); stand.setRightLegPose(pose); } if (this.stand.leftArm[0] != 0 || this.stand.leftArm[1] != 0 || this.stand.leftArm[2] != 0) { EulerAngle pose = new EulerAngle(this.stand.leftArm[0], this.stand.leftArm[1], this.stand.leftArm[2]); stand.setLeftArmPose(pose); } if (this.stand.rightArm[0] != 0 || this.stand.rightArm[1] != 0 || this.stand.rightArm[2] != 0) { EulerAngle pose = new EulerAngle(this.stand.rightArm[0], this.stand.rightArm[1], this.stand.rightArm[2]); stand.setRightArmPose(pose); } if (this.stand.invisible) { stand.setVisible(false); } if (this.stand.arms) { stand.setArms(true); } if (this.stand.noPlate) { stand.setBasePlate(false); } if (this.stand.small) { stand.setSmall(true); } restoreLiving(stand); return stand; case BAT: if (this.dataByte != 0) { ((Bat) entity).setAwake(true); } restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; case ENDER_DRAGON: if (this.dataByte != 0) { ((EnderDragon) entity).setPhase(EnderDragon.Phase.values()[this.dataByte]); } restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; case ENDERMITE: case GHAST: case MAGMA_CUBE: case SQUID: case PIG_ZOMBIE: case ZOMBIE: case WITHER: case WITCH: case SPIDER: case CAVE_SPIDER: case SILVERFISH: case GIANT: case ENDERMAN: case CREEPER: case BLAZE: case SNOWMAN: case SHULKER: case GUARDIAN: case ELDER_GUARDIAN: case SKELETON: case WITHER_SKELETON: restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; case IRON_GOLEM: if (this.dataByte != 0) { ((IronGolem) entity).setPlayerCreated(true); } restoreLiving((LivingEntity) entity); return entity; default: if (Settings.DEBUG) { logger.info("Could not identify entity: {}", entity.getType()); } return entity; // END LIVING } } public void saveEntity() { } private byte getOrdinal(Object[] list, Object value) { for (byte i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].equals(value)) { return i; } } return 0; } }