package com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import; import; import; import; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.PS; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.C; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.DBFunc; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.BukkitOfflinePlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.OfflinePlotPlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotPlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.StringWrapper; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.ExpireManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.NbtFactory; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.NbtFactory.NbtCompound; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.NbtFactory.StreamOptions; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.TaskManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.uuid.OfflineUUIDWrapper; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.uuid.UUIDWrapper; public class UUIDHandler { /** * Map containing names and UUIDs * * @see */ private final static BiMap uuidMap = HashBiMap.create(new HashMap()); public static boolean CACHED = false; public static UUIDWrapper uuidWrapper = null; public static HashMap players = new HashMap<>(); public static void add(final StringWrapper name, final UUID uuid) { if ((uuid == null) || (name == null)) { return; } BiMap inverse = uuidMap.inverse(); if (inverse.containsKey(uuid)) { if (uuidMap.containsKey(name)) { return; } inverse.remove(uuid); } uuidMap.put(name, uuid); } /** * Get the map containing all names/uuids * * @return map with names + uuids * * @see */ public static BiMap getUuidMap() { return uuidMap; } /** * Check if a uuid is cached * * @param uuid to check * * @return true of the uuid is cached * * @see */ public static boolean uuidExists(final UUID uuid) { return uuidMap.containsValue(uuid); } /** * Check if a name is cached * * @param name to check * * @return true of the name is cached * * @see */ public static boolean nameExists(final StringWrapper name) { return uuidMap.containsKey(name); } public static HashSet getAllUUIDS() { HashSet uuids = new HashSet(); for (Plot plot : PS.get().getPlotsRaw()) { if (plot.owner != null) { uuids.add(plot.owner); uuids.addAll(plot.getTrusted()); uuids.addAll(plot.getMembers()); uuids.addAll(plot.getDenied()); } } return uuids; } public static void cacheAll(final String world) { if (CACHED) { return; } final File container = Bukkit.getWorldContainer(); UUIDHandler.CACHED = true; TaskManager.runTaskAsync(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PS.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&6Starting player data caching for: " + world); final HashMap toAdd = new HashMap<>(); toAdd.put(new StringWrapper("*"), DBFunc.everyone); if (Settings.TWIN_MODE_UUID) { HashSet all = getAllUUIDS(); PS.log("&aFast mode UUID caching enabled!"); final File playerdataFolder = new File(container, world + File.separator + "playerdata"); String[] dat = playerdataFolder.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File f, final String s) { return s.endsWith(".dat"); } }); boolean check = all.size() == 0; if (dat != null) { for (final String current : dat) { final String s = current.replaceAll(".dat$", ""); try { UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(s); if (check || all.contains(uuid)) { File file = new File(playerdataFolder + File.separator + current); InputSupplier is = Files.newInputStreamSupplier(file); NbtCompound compound = NbtFactory.fromStream(is, StreamOptions.GZIP_COMPRESSION); NbtCompound bukkit = (NbtCompound) compound.get("bukkit"); String name = (String) bukkit.get("lastKnownName"); long last = (long) bukkit.get("lastPlayed"); ExpireManager.dates.put(uuid, last); toAdd.put(new StringWrapper(name), uuid); } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); PS.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "Invalid playerdata: " + current); } } } cache(toAdd); return; } final HashSet worlds = new HashSet<>(); worlds.add(world); worlds.add("world"); final HashSet uuids = new HashSet<>(); final HashSet names = new HashSet<>(); File playerdataFolder = null; for (final String worldname : worlds) { // Getting UUIDs playerdataFolder = new File(container, worldname + File.separator + "playerdata"); String[] dat = playerdataFolder.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File f, final String s) { return s.endsWith(".dat"); } }); if (dat != null && dat.length != 0) { for (final String current : dat) { final String s = current.replaceAll(".dat$", ""); try { final UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(s); uuids.add(uuid); } catch (final Exception e) { PS.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "Invalid playerdata: " + current); } } break; } // Getting names final File playersFolder = new File(worldname + File.separator + "players"); dat = playersFolder.list(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File f, final String s) { return s.endsWith(".dat"); } }); if (dat != null && dat.length != 0) { for (final String current : dat) { names.add(current.replaceAll(".dat$", "")); } break; } } for (UUID uuid : uuids) { try { File file = new File(playerdataFolder + File.separator + uuid.toString() + ".dat"); InputSupplier is = Files.newInputStreamSupplier(file); NbtCompound compound = NbtFactory.fromStream(is, StreamOptions.GZIP_COMPRESSION); NbtCompound bukkit = (NbtCompound) compound.get("bukkit"); String name = (String) bukkit.get("lastKnownName"); long last = (long) bukkit.get("lastPlayed"); if (Settings.OFFLINE_MODE) { if (Settings.UUID_LOWERCASE && !name.toLowerCase().equals(name)) { uuid = uuidWrapper.getUUID(name); } else { long most = (long) compound.get("UUIDMost"); long least = (long) compound.get("UUIDLeast"); uuid = new UUID(most, least); } } ExpireManager.dates.put(uuid, last); toAdd.put(new StringWrapper(name), uuid); } catch (final Throwable e) { PS.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&6Invalid playerdata: " + uuid.toString() + ".dat"); } } for (final String name : names) { final UUID uuid = uuidWrapper.getUUID(name); final StringWrapper nameWrap = new StringWrapper(name); toAdd.put(nameWrap, uuid); } if (uuidMap.size() == 0) { for (OfflinePlotPlayer op : uuidWrapper.getOfflinePlayers()) { if (op.getLastPlayed() != 0) { String name = op.getName(); StringWrapper wrap = new StringWrapper(name); UUID uuid = uuidWrapper.getUUID(op); toAdd.put(wrap, uuid); } } } cache(toAdd); } }); } public static void cache(final HashMap toAdd) { TaskManager.runTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (Entry entry : toAdd.entrySet()) { add(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } PS.log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&6Cached a total of: " + UUIDHandler.uuidMap.size() + " UUIDs"); } }); } public static UUID getUUID(final PlotPlayer player) { return UUIDHandler.uuidWrapper.getUUID(player); } public static UUID getUUID(final BukkitOfflinePlayer player) { return UUIDHandler.uuidWrapper.getUUID(player); } public static String getName(final UUID uuid) { if (uuid == null) { return null; } // check online final PlotPlayer player = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(uuid); if (player != null) { return player.getName(); } // check cache final StringWrapper name = UUIDHandler.uuidMap.inverse().get(uuid); if (name != null) { return name.value; } return null; } public static PlotPlayer getPlayer(final UUID uuid) { for (final PlotPlayer player : players.values()) { if (player.getUUID().equals(uuid)) { return player; } } return null; } public static PlotPlayer getPlayer(final String name) { return players.get(name); } public static UUID getUUID(final String name) { if ((name == null) || (name.length() == 0)) { return null; } // check online final PlotPlayer player = getPlayer(name); if (player != null) { return player.getUUID(); } // check cache final StringWrapper wrap = new StringWrapper(name); UUID uuid = UUIDHandler.uuidMap.get(wrap); if (uuid != null) { return uuid; } // Read from disk OR convert directly to offline UUID if (Settings.UUID_FROM_DISK || (uuidWrapper instanceof OfflineUUIDWrapper)) { uuid = UUIDHandler.uuidWrapper.getUUID(name); add(new StringWrapper(name), uuid); return uuid; } return null; } }