<p align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IntellectualSites/Assets/main/plugins/PlotSquared/PlotSquared.svg" width="250"> </p> --- PlotSquared is a land and world management plugin for Minecraft. It includes several highly configurable world generators. You can create plots of land in existing worlds using plot clusters, or you can have a full world of plots. For the end user, PlotSquared is packed with a tonne of cool features. It allows you to merge plots, and build together with your friends. You can also change a lot of plot specific settings in the form of flags. Such as: weather, time, game modes, pvp status. Whilst we provide a whole load of unique features, the biggest focus is to provide a lag-free and smooth experience. <p align="center"> <a href="https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/PlotSquared" title="PlotSquared on bStats"> <img src="https://bstats.org/signatures/bukkit/PlotSquared.svg" /> </a> </p> ## Links * [Download](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/77506/) * [Discord](https://discord.gg/intellectualsites) * [Wiki](https://intellectualsites.gitbook.io/plotsquared/) * [Issues](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared/issues) * [Translations](https://intellectualsites.crowdin.com/plotsquared/) * [Contributing](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) ### Developer Resources * [API Documentation](https://intellectualsites.gitbook.io/plotsquared/api/api-documentation) * [Event API](https://intellectualsites.gitbook.io/plotsquared/api/event-api) * [Flag API](https://intellectualsites.gitbook.io/plotsquared/api/flag-api) # Official Addons * [Plot2Dynmap](http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plot2dynmap.1292/) * [HoloPlots](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/holoplots.4880/) * [PlotHider](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plot-hider.20701/) ### Edit The Code Want to add new features to PlotSquared or fix bugs yourself? You can get the game running, with PlotSquared, from the code here: For additional information about compiling PlotSquared, see [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/IntellectualSites/.github/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) ### Submitting Your Changes PlotSquared is open source (specifically licensed under GPL v3), so note that your contributions will also be open source. The best way to submit a change is to create a fork on GitHub, put your changes there, and then create a "pull request" on our PlotSquared repository. <a href="https://yourkit.com/"> <img src="https://www.yourkit.com/images/yklogo.png"> </a> Thank you to YourKit for supporting our product by providing us with their innovative and intelligent tools for monitoring and profiling Java and .NET applications. YourKit is the creator of [YourKit Java Profiler](https://www.yourkit.com/java/profiler/), [YourKit .NET Profiler](https://www.yourkit.com/.net/profiler/), and [YourKit YouMonitor](https://www.yourkit.com/youmonitor/).