package com.intellectualcrafters.plot; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.Cluster; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.commands.MainCommand; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.C; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Configuration; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.config.Settings; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.DBFunc; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.Database; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.MySQL; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.SQLManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.database.SQLite; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.AbstractFlag; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.FlagManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.flag.FlagValue; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.AugmentedPopulator; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.ClassicPlotWorld; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.HybridGen; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.HybridPlotWorld; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.HybridUtils; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.SquarePlotManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.generator.SquarePlotWorld; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.listeners.APlotListener; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.Plot; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotBlock; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotCluster; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotGenerator; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotHandler; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotId; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotPlayer; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.PlotWorld; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.object.comment.CommentManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.BlockManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.ChunkManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.ClusterManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.EventUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.ExpireManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.Logger; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.Logger.LogLevel; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.MainUtil; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.PlayerManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.SetupUtils; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.TaskManager; import com.intellectualcrafters.plot.util.bukkit.UUIDHandler; import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin; public class PlotSquared { public static final String MAIN_PERMISSION = "plots.use"; public static final String ADMIN_PERMISSION = "plots.admin"; public static File styleFile; public static YamlConfiguration style; public static File configFile; public static YamlConfiguration config; public static File storageFile; public static YamlConfiguration storage; public static PlotSquared THIS = null; // This class public static File FILE = null; // This file public static IPlotMain IMP = null; // Specific implementation of PlotSquared public static String VERSION = null; public static TaskManager TASK = null; private static boolean LOADING_WORLD = false; public static Economy economy = null; public static WorldEditPlugin worldEdit = null; private final static HashMap plotworlds = new HashMap<>(); private final static HashMap plotmanagers = new HashMap<>(); private static LinkedHashMap> plots; private static Database database; public static Connection connection; public static Database getDatabase() { return database; } public static void updatePlot(final Plot plot) { final String world =; if (!plots.containsKey(world)) { plots.put(world, new HashMap()); } plot.hasChanged = true; plots.get(world).put(, plot); } public static PlotWorld getPlotWorld(final String world) { if (plotworlds.containsKey(world)) { return plotworlds.get(world); } return null; } public static void addPlotWorld(final String world, final PlotWorld plotworld, final PlotManager manager) { plotworlds.put(world, plotworld); plotmanagers.put(world, manager); if (!plots.containsKey(world)) { plots.put(world, new HashMap()); } } public static void removePlotWorld(final String world) { plots.remove(world); plotmanagers.remove(world); plotworlds.remove(world); } public static HashMap> getAllPlotsRaw() { return plots; } public static void setAllPlotsRaw(final LinkedHashMap> plots) { PlotSquared.plots = plots; } public static Set getPlots() { final ArrayList newplots = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Entry> entry : plots.entrySet()) { if (isPlotWorld(entry.getKey())) { newplots.addAll(entry.getValue().values()); } } return new LinkedHashSet<>(newplots); } public static Set getPlotsRaw() { final ArrayList newplots = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Entry> entry : plots.entrySet()) { newplots.addAll(entry.getValue().values()); } return new LinkedHashSet<>(newplots); } public static ArrayList sortPlots(Collection plots) { ArrayList newPlots = new ArrayList<>(); newPlots.addAll(plots); Collections.sort(newPlots, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Plot p1, Plot p2) { int h1 = p1.hashCode(); int h2 = p2.hashCode(); if (h1 < 0) { h1 = -h1*2 - 1; } else { h1*=2; } if (h2 < 0) { h2 = -h2*2 - 1; } else { h2*=2; } return h1-h2; } }); return newPlots; } public static ArrayList sortPlots(Collection plots, final String priorityWorld) { ArrayList newPlots = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap worldPlots = PlotSquared.plots.get(priorityWorld); if (worldPlots != null) { for (Plot plot : sortPlots(worldPlots.values())) { if (plots.contains(plot)) { newPlots.add(plot); } } } ArrayList worlds = new ArrayList<>(PlotSquared.plots.keySet()); Collections.sort(worlds); for (String world : worlds) { if (!world.equals(priorityWorld)) { for (Plot plot : PlotSquared.plots.get(world).values()) { if (plots.contains(plot)) { newPlots.add(plot); } } } } return newPlots; } public static ArrayList sortPlotsByWorld(Collection plots) { ArrayList newPlots = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList worlds = new ArrayList<>(PlotSquared.plots.keySet()); Collections.sort(worlds); for (String world : worlds) { for (Plot plot : PlotSquared.plots.get(world).values()) { if (plots.contains(plot)) { newPlots.add(plot); } } } return newPlots; } public static Set getPlots(final String world, final String player) { final UUID uuid = UUIDHandler.getUUID(player); return getPlots(world, uuid); } public static Set getPlots(final String world, final PlotPlayer player) { final UUID uuid = player.getUUID(); return getPlots(world, uuid); } public static Set getPlots(final String world, final UUID uuid) { final ArrayList myplots = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Plot plot : getPlots(world).values()) { if (plot.hasOwner()) { if (PlotHandler.isOwner(plot, uuid)) { myplots.add(plot); } } } return new HashSet<>(myplots); } public static boolean isPlotWorld(final String world) { return (plotworlds.containsKey(world)); } public static PlotManager getPlotManager(final String world) { if (plotmanagers.containsKey(world)) { return plotmanagers.get(world); } return null; } public static String[] getPlotWorldsString() { final Set strings = plots.keySet(); return strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()]); } public static HashMap getPlots(final String world) { if (plots.containsKey(world)) { return plots.get(world); } return new HashMap<>(); } public static Set getPlots(final PlotPlayer player) { return getPlots(player.getUUID()); } public static Set getPlots(final UUID uuid) { final ArrayList myplots = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String world : plots.keySet()) { if (isPlotWorld(world)) { for (final Plot plot : plots.get(world).values()) { if (plot.hasOwner()) { if (PlotHandler.isOwner(plot, uuid)) { myplots.add(plot); } } } } } return new HashSet<>(myplots); } public static boolean removePlot(final String world, final PlotId id, final boolean callEvent) { EventUtil.manager.callDelete(world, id); plots.get(world).remove(id); if (MainUtil.lastPlot.containsKey(world)) { final PlotId last = MainUtil.lastPlot.get(world); final int last_max = Math.max(last.x, last.y); final int this_max = Math.max(id.x, id.y); if (this_max < last_max) { MainUtil.lastPlot.put(world, id); } } return true; } public static void loadWorld(final String world, PlotGenerator generator) { PlotWorld plotWorld = getPlotWorld(world); if (plotWorld != null) { if (generator != null) { generator.init(plotWorld); } return; } final Set worlds = (config.contains("worlds") ? config.getConfigurationSection("worlds").getKeys(false) : new HashSet()); final PlotGenerator plotGenerator; final PlotManager plotManager; final String path = "worlds." + world; if (!LOADING_WORLD && (generator != null) && (generator instanceof PlotGenerator)) { plotGenerator = generator; plotWorld = plotGenerator.getNewPlotWorld(world); plotManager = plotGenerator.getPlotManager(); if (!world.equals("CheckingPlotSquaredGenerator")) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&aDetected world load for '" + world + "'"); log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&3 - generator: &7" + plotGenerator.getClass().getName()); log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&3 - plotworld: &7" + plotWorld.getClass().getName()); log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&3 - manager: &7" + plotManager.getClass().getName()); } if (!config.contains(path)) { config.createSection(path); } plotWorld.saveConfiguration(config.getConfigurationSection(path)); plotWorld.loadDefaultConfiguration(config.getConfigurationSection(path)); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Now add it addPlotWorld(world, plotWorld, plotManager); generator.init(plotWorld); MainUtil.setupBorder(world); } else { if (!worlds.contains(world)) { return; } if (!LOADING_WORLD) { LOADING_WORLD = true; try { final String gen_string = config.getString("worlds." + world + "." + "generator.plugin"); if (gen_string == null) { generator = new HybridGen(); } else { generator = (PlotGenerator) IMP.getGenerator(world, gen_string); } loadWorld(world, generator); } catch (final Exception e) { log("&d=== Oh no! Please set the generator for the " + world + " ==="); e.printStackTrace(); LOADING_WORLD = false; removePlotWorld(world); } finally { LOADING_WORLD = false; } } else { final PlotGenerator gen_class = generator; plotWorld = gen_class.getNewPlotWorld(world); plotManager = gen_class.getPlotManager(); if (!config.contains(path)) { config.createSection(path); } plotWorld.TYPE = 2; plotWorld.TERRAIN = 0; plotWorld.saveConfiguration(config.getConfigurationSection(path)); plotWorld.loadDefaultConfiguration(config.getConfigurationSection(path)); try {; } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (((plotWorld.TYPE == 2) && !Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS) || !(plotManager instanceof SquarePlotManager)) { log("&c[ERROR] World '" + world + "' in settings.yml is not using PlotSquared generator! Please set the generator correctly or delete the world from the 'settings.yml'!"); return; } addPlotWorld(world, plotWorld, plotManager); if (plotWorld.TYPE == 2) { if (ClusterManager.getClusters(world).size() > 0) { for (final PlotCluster cluster : ClusterManager.getClusters(world)) { new AugmentedPopulator(world, gen_class, cluster, plotWorld.TERRAIN == 2, plotWorld.TERRAIN != 2); } } } else if (plotWorld.TYPE == 1) { new AugmentedPopulator(world, gen_class, null, plotWorld.TERRAIN == 2, plotWorld.TERRAIN != 2); } gen_class.init(plotWorld); } } } public static boolean setupPlotWorld(final String world, final String id) { if ((id != null) && (id.length() > 0)) { // save configuration final String[] split = id.split(","); final HybridPlotWorld plotworld = new HybridPlotWorld(world); final int width = SquarePlotWorld.PLOT_WIDTH_DEFAULT; final int gap = SquarePlotWorld.ROAD_WIDTH_DEFAULT; final int height = ClassicPlotWorld.PLOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT; final PlotBlock[] floor = ClassicPlotWorld.TOP_BLOCK_DEFAULT; final PlotBlock[] main = ClassicPlotWorld.MAIN_BLOCK_DEFAULT; final PlotBlock wall = ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_FILLING_DEFAULT; final PlotBlock border = ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_BLOCK_DEFAULT; for (final String element : split) { final String[] pair = element.split("="); if (pair.length != 2) { log("&cNo value provided for: &7" + element); return false; } final String key = pair[0].toLowerCase(); final String value = pair[1]; try { switch (key) { case "s": case "size": { SquarePlotWorld.PLOT_WIDTH_DEFAULT = ((Integer) Configuration.INTEGER.parseString(value)).shortValue(); break; } case "g": case "gap": { SquarePlotWorld.ROAD_WIDTH_DEFAULT = ((Integer) Configuration.INTEGER.parseString(value)).shortValue(); break; } case "h": case "height": { ClassicPlotWorld.PLOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = (Integer) Configuration.INTEGER.parseString(value); ClassicPlotWorld.ROAD_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = (Integer) Configuration.INTEGER.parseString(value); ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = (Integer) Configuration.INTEGER.parseString(value); break; } case "f": case "floor": { ClassicPlotWorld.TOP_BLOCK_DEFAULT = (PlotBlock[]) Configuration.BLOCKLIST.parseString(value); break; } case "m": case "main": { ClassicPlotWorld.MAIN_BLOCK_DEFAULT = (PlotBlock[]) Configuration.BLOCKLIST.parseString(value); break; } case "w": case "wall": { ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_FILLING_DEFAULT = (PlotBlock) Configuration.BLOCK.parseString(value); break; } case "b": case "border": { ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_BLOCK_DEFAULT = (PlotBlock) Configuration.BLOCK.parseString(value); break; } default: { log("&cKey not found: &7" + element); return false; } } } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log("&cInvalid value: &7" + value + " in arg " + element); return false; } } try { final String root = "worlds." + world; if (!config.contains(root)) { config.createSection(root); } plotworld.saveConfiguration(config.getConfigurationSection(root)); ClassicPlotWorld.PLOT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = height; ClassicPlotWorld.ROAD_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = height; ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_HEIGHT_DEFAULT = height; ClassicPlotWorld.TOP_BLOCK_DEFAULT = floor; ClassicPlotWorld.MAIN_BLOCK_DEFAULT = main; ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_BLOCK_DEFAULT = border; ClassicPlotWorld.WALL_FILLING_DEFAULT = wall; SquarePlotWorld.PLOT_WIDTH_DEFAULT = width; SquarePlotWorld.ROAD_WIDTH_DEFAULT = gap; } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } public static Connection getConnection() { return connection; } public PlotSquared(final IPlotMain imp_class) { THIS = this; IMP = imp_class; try { FILE = new File(PlotSquared.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI().getPath()); } catch (Exception e) { log("Could not determine file path"); } VERSION = IMP.getVersion(); economy = IMP.getEconomy(); C.setupTranslations(); C.saveTranslations(); if (getJavaVersion() < 1.7) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&cYour java version is outdated. Please update to at least 1.7."); // Didn't know of any other link :D log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&cURL: &6"); IMP.disable(); return; } if (getJavaVersion() < 1.8) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&cIt's really recommended to run Java 1.8, as it increases performance"); } TASK = IMP.getTaskManager(); if (C.ENABLED.s().length() > 0) { log(C.ENABLED.s()); } setupConfigs(); setupDefaultFlags(); setupDatabase(); CommentManager.registerDefaultInboxes(); // Tasks if (Settings.KILL_ROAD_MOBS) { IMP.runEntityTask(); } // Events IMP.registerCommands(); IMP.registerPlayerEvents(); IMP.registerInventoryEvents(); IMP.registerPlotPlusEvents(); IMP.registerForceFieldEvents(); IMP.registerWorldEditEvents(); IMP.registerWorldEvents(); if (Settings.TNT_LISTENER) { IMP.registerTNTListener(); } if (Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR) { IMP.registerChunkProcessor(); } // create UUIDWrapper UUIDHandler.uuidWrapper = IMP.initUUIDHandler(); // create event util class EventUtil.manager = IMP.initEventUtil(); // create Hybrid utility class HybridUtils.manager = IMP.initHybridUtils(); // create setup util class SetupUtils.manager = IMP.initSetupUtils(); // Set block BlockManager.manager = IMP.initBlockManager(); // Set chunk ChunkManager.manager = IMP.initChunkManager(); // Plot listener APlotListener.manager = IMP.initPlotListener(); // Player manager PlayerManager.manager = IMP.initPlayerManager(); // PlotMe if (Settings.CONVERT_PLOTME || Settings.CACHE_PLOTME) { TaskManager.runTaskLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (IMP.initPlotMeConverter()) { log("&c=== IMPORTANT ==="); log("&cTHIS MESSAGE MAY BE EXTREMELY HELPFUL IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE CONVERTING PLOTME!"); log("&c - Make sure '' is disabled (false)!"); log("&c - Sometimes the database can be locked, deleting PlotMe.jar beforehand will fix the issue!"); log("&c - After the conversion is finished, please set 'plotme-convert.enabled' to false in the 'settings.yml'"); } } }, 200); } if (Settings.AUTO_CLEAR) { ExpireManager.runTask(); } if (Settings.COMMENT_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL > 0) { CommentManager.runTask(); } // Copy files copyFile("town.template", "templates"); copyFile("skyblock.template", "templates"); copyFile("german.yml", "translations"); copyFile("s_chinese_unescaped.yml", "translations"); copyFile("s_chinese.yml", "translations"); showDebug(); } public void copyFile(String file, String folder) { try { byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; File output = PlotSquared.IMP.getDirectory(); if (!output.exists()) { output.mkdirs(); } File newFile = new File((output + File.separator + folder + File.separator + file)); if (newFile.exists()) { return; } ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(FILE)); ZipEntry ze = zis.getNextEntry(); while (ze != null) { String name = ze.getName(); if (name.equals(file)) { new File(newFile.getParent()).mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile); int len; while ((len = > 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, len); } fos.close(); ze = null; } else { ze = zis.getNextEntry(); } } zis.closeEntry(); zis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); log("&cCould not save " + file); } } public void disable() { try { database.closeConnection(); } catch (NullPointerException | SQLException e) { log("&cCould not close database connection!"); } } public static void log(final String message) { IMP.log(message); } public void setupDatabase() { final String[] tables; if (Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS) { MainCommand.subCommands.add(new Cluster()); tables = new String[] { "plot_trusted", "plot_ratings", "plot_comments", "cluster" }; } else { tables = new String[] { "plot_trusted", "plot_ratings", "plot_comments" }; } if (Settings.DB.USE_MYSQL) { try { database = new MySQL(THIS, Settings.DB.HOST_NAME, Settings.DB.PORT, Settings.DB.DATABASE, Settings.DB.USER, Settings.DB.PASSWORD); connection = database.openConnection(); { if (DBFunc.dbManager == null) { DBFunc.dbManager = new SQLManager(connection, Settings.DB.PREFIX); } final DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet res = meta.getTables(null, null, Settings.DB.PREFIX + "plot", null); if (! { DBFunc.createTables("mysql", true); } else { for (final String table : tables) { res = meta.getTables(null, null, Settings.DB.PREFIX + table, null); if (! { DBFunc.createTables("mysql", false); } } } } } catch (final Exception e) { log("&c[Plots] MySQL is not setup correctly. The plugin will disable itself."); if ((config == null) || config.getBoolean("debug")) { log("&d==== Here is an ugly stacktrace if you are interested in those things ===="); e.printStackTrace(); log("&d==== End of stacktrace ===="); log("&6Please go to the PlotSquared 'storage.yml' and configure MySQL correctly."); } IMP.disable(); return; } plots = DBFunc.getPlots(); if (Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS) { ClusterManager.clusters = DBFunc.getClusters(); } } else if (Settings.DB.USE_MONGO) { // DBFunc.dbManager = new MongoManager(); log(C.PREFIX.s() + "MongoDB is not yet implemented"); } else if (Settings.DB.USE_SQLITE) { try { this.database = new SQLite(THIS, IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + Settings.DB.SQLITE_DB + ".db"); connection = this.database.openConnection(); { DBFunc.dbManager = new SQLManager(connection, Settings.DB.PREFIX); final DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet res = meta.getTables(null, null, Settings.DB.PREFIX + "plot", null); if (! { DBFunc.createTables("sqlite", true); } else { for (final String table : tables) { res = meta.getTables(null, null, Settings.DB.PREFIX + table, null); if (! { DBFunc.createTables("sqlite", false); } } } } } catch (final Exception e) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&cFailed to open SQLite connection. The plugin will disable itself."); log("&9==== Here is an ugly stacktrace, if you are interested in those things ==="); e.printStackTrace(); IMP.disable(); return; } plots = DBFunc.getPlots(); if (Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS) { ClusterManager.clusters = DBFunc.getClusters(); } } else { log(C.PREFIX + "&cNo storage type is set!"); IMP.disable(); return; } } public static void setupDefaultFlags() { final List booleanFlags = Arrays.asList("notify-enter", "notify-leave", "item-drop", "invincible", "instabreak", "drop-protection", "forcefield", "titles", "pve", "pvp", "no-worldedit", "redstone", "keep"); final List intervalFlags = Arrays.asList("feed", "heal"); final List stringFlags = Arrays.asList("greeting", "farewell"); final List intFlags = Arrays.asList("entity-cap", "mob-cap", "animal-cap", "hostile-cap", "vehicle-cap"); for (final String flag : stringFlags) { FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag(flag)); } for (final String flag : intervalFlags) { FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag(flag, new FlagValue.IntervalValue())); } for (final String flag : booleanFlags) { FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag(flag, new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); } for (final String flag : intFlags) { FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag(flag, new FlagValue.UnsignedIntegerValue())); } FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("fly", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("explosion", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("hostile-interact", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("hostile-attack", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("animal-interact", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("animal-attack", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("tamed-interact", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("tamed-attack", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("misc-interact", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("hanging-place", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("hanging-break", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("vehicle-use", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("vehicle-place", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("vehicle-break", new FlagValue.BooleanValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("place", new FlagValue.PlotBlockListValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("break", new FlagValue.PlotBlockListValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("use", new FlagValue.PlotBlockListValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("gamemode") { @Override public String parseValueRaw(final String value) { switch (value) { case "creative": case "c": case "1": return "creative"; case "survival": case "s": case "0": return "survival"; case "adventure": case "a": case "2": return "adventure"; default: return null; } } @Override public String getValueDesc() { return "Flag value must be a gamemode: 'creative' , 'survival' or 'adventure'"; } }); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("price", new FlagValue.UnsignedDoubleValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("time", new FlagValue.LongValue())); FlagManager.addFlag(new AbstractFlag("weather") { @Override public String parseValueRaw(final String value) { switch (value) { case "rain": case "storm": case "on": return "rain"; case "clear": case "off": case "sun": return "clear"; default: return null; } } @Override public String getValueDesc() { return "Flag value must be weather type: 'clear' or 'rain'"; } }); } public static void setupConfig() { config.set("version", VERSION); final Map options = new HashMap<>(); // Command confirmation options.put("confirmation.clear", Settings.CONFIRM_CLEAR); options.put("confirmation.delete", Settings.CONFIRM_DELETE); options.put("confirmation.unlink", Settings.CONFIRM_UNLINK); // Protection options.put("protection.tnt-listener.enabled", Settings.TNT_LISTENER); options.put("protection.piston.falling-blocks", Settings.PISTON_FALLING_BLOCK_CHECK); // Clusters options.put("clusters.enabled", Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS); // PlotMe options.put("plotme-alias", Settings.USE_PLOTME_ALIAS); options.put("plotme-convert.enabled", Settings.CONVERT_PLOTME); options.put("plotme-convert.cache-uuids", Settings.CACHE_PLOTME); // UUID options.put("UUID.offline", Settings.OFFLINE_MODE); options.put("UUID.force-lowercase", Settings.UUID_LOWERCASE); options.put("", Settings.UUID_FROM_DISK); // Mob stuff options.put("kill_road_mobs", Settings.KILL_ROAD_MOBS_DEFAULT); options.put("mob_pathfinding", Settings.MOB_PATHFINDING_DEFAULT); // Clearing + Expiry options.put("", false); options.put("", 365); options.put("clear.check-disk", Settings.AUTO_CLEAR_CHECK_DISK); options.put("clear.on.ban", false); options.put("clear.fastmode", Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS); // Schematics options.put("schematics.save_path", Settings.SCHEMATIC_SAVE_PATH); // Caching options.put("cache.permissions", Settings.PERMISSION_CACHING); // Titles options.put("titles", Settings.TITLES); // Teleportation options.put("teleport.on_login", Settings.TELEPORT_ON_LOGIN); options.put("teleport.delay", 0); // WorldEdit options.put("worldedit.require-selection-in-mask", Settings.REQUIRE_SELECTION); options.put("worldedit.max-volume", Settings.WE_MAX_VOLUME); options.put("worldedit.max-iterations", Settings.WE_MAX_ITERATIONS); options.put("worldedit.blacklist", Arrays.asList("cs", ".s", "restore", "snapshot", "delchunks", "listchunks")); // Chunk processor options.put("chunk-processor.enabled", Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR); options.put("chunk-processor.max-blockstates", Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR_MAX_BLOCKSTATES); options.put("chunk-processor.max-entities", Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR_MAX_ENTITIES); // Comments options.put("comments.notifications.interval", Settings.COMMENT_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL); // Plot limits options.put("global_limit", Settings.GLOBAL_LIMIT); options.put("max_plots", Settings.MAX_PLOTS); options.put("claim.max-auto-area", Settings.MAX_AUTO_SIZE); // Misc options.put("console.color", Settings.CONSOLE_COLOR); options.put("metrics", true); options.put("debug", true); options.put("auto_update", false); for (final Entry node : options.entrySet()) { if (!config.contains(node.getKey())) { config.set(node.getKey(), node.getValue()); } } // Command confirmation Settings.CONFIRM_CLEAR = config.getBoolean("confirmation.clear"); Settings.CONFIRM_DELETE = config.getBoolean("confirmation.delete"); Settings.CONFIRM_UNLINK = config.getBoolean("confirmation.unlink"); // Protection Settings.TNT_LISTENER = config.getBoolean("protection.tnt-listener.enabled"); Settings.PISTON_FALLING_BLOCK_CHECK = config.getBoolean("protection.piston.falling-blocks"); // Clusters Settings.ENABLE_CLUSTERS = config.getBoolean("clusters.enabled"); // PlotMe Settings.USE_PLOTME_ALIAS = config.getBoolean("plotme-alias"); Settings.CONVERT_PLOTME = config.getBoolean("plotme-convert.enabled"); Settings.CACHE_PLOTME = config.getBoolean("plotme-convert.cache-uuids"); // UUID Settings.OFFLINE_MODE = config.getBoolean("UUID.offline"); Settings.UUID_LOWERCASE = config.getBoolean("UUID.force-lowercase"); Settings.UUID_FROM_DISK = config.getBoolean(""); // Mob stuff Settings.KILL_ROAD_MOBS = config.getBoolean("kill_road_mobs"); Settings.MOB_PATHFINDING = config.getBoolean("mob_pathf" + "inding"); // Clearing + Expiry Settings.FAST_CLEAR = config.getBoolean("clear.fastmode"); Settings.AUTO_CLEAR_DAYS = config.getInt(""); Settings.AUTO_CLEAR_CHECK_DISK = config.getBoolean("clear.check-disk"); Settings.AUTO_CLEAR = config.getBoolean(""); // Schematics Settings.SCHEMATIC_SAVE_PATH = config.getString("schematics.save_path"); // Caching Settings.PERMISSION_CACHING = config.getBoolean("cache.permissions"); // Titles Settings.TITLES = config.getBoolean("titles"); // Teleportation Settings.TELEPORT_DELAY = config.getInt("teleport.delay"); Settings.TELEPORT_ON_LOGIN = config.getBoolean("teleport.on_login"); // WorldEdit Settings.REQUIRE_SELECTION = config.getBoolean("worldedit.require-selection-in-mask"); Settings.WE_MAX_VOLUME = config.getLong("worldedit.max-volume"); Settings.WE_MAX_ITERATIONS = config.getLong("worldedit.max-iterations"); Settings.WE_BLACKLIST = config.getStringList("worldedit.blacklist"); // Chunk processor Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR = config.getBoolean("chunk-processor.enabled"); Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR_MAX_BLOCKSTATES = config.getInt("chunk-processor.max-blockstates"); Settings.CHUNK_PROCESSOR_MAX_ENTITIES= config.getInt("chunk-processor.max-entities"); // Comments Settings.COMMENT_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL = config.getInt("comments.notifications.interval"); // Plot limits Settings.MAX_AUTO_SIZE = config.getInt("claim.max-auto-area"); Settings.MAX_PLOTS = config.getInt("max_plots"); if (Settings.MAX_PLOTS > 32767) { log("&c`max_plots` Is set too high! This is a per player setting and does not need to be very large."); Settings.MAX_PLOTS = 32767; } Settings.GLOBAL_LIMIT = config.getBoolean("global_limit"); // Misc Settings.DEBUG = config.getBoolean("debug"); if (Settings.DEBUG) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&6Debug Mode Enabled (Default). Edit the config to turn this off."); } Settings.CONSOLE_COLOR = config.getBoolean("console.color"); Settings.METRICS = config.getBoolean("metrics"); } public static void setupConfigs() { final File folder = new File(IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "config"); if (!folder.exists() && !folder.mkdirs()) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + "&cFailed to create the /plugins/config folder. Please create it manually."); } try { styleFile = new File(IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "translations" + File.separator + "style.yml"); if (!styleFile.exists()) { if (!styleFile.createNewFile()) { log("Could not create the style file, please create \"translations/style.yml\" manually"); } } style = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(styleFile); setupStyle(); } catch (final Exception err) { Logger.add(LogLevel.DANGER, "Failed to save style.yml"); log("failed to save style.yml"); } try { configFile = new File(IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "config" + File.separator + "settings.yml"); if (!configFile.exists()) { if (!configFile.createNewFile()) { log("Could not create the settings file, please create \"settings.yml\" manually."); } } config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile); setupConfig(); } catch (final Exception err_trans) { Logger.add(LogLevel.DANGER, "Failed to save settings.yml"); log("Failed to save settings.yml"); } try { storageFile = new File(IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "config" + File.separator + "storage.yml"); if (!storageFile.exists()) { if (!storageFile.createNewFile()) { log("Could not the storage settings file, please create \"storage.yml\" manually."); } } storage = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(storageFile); setupStorage(); } catch (final Exception err_trans) { Logger.add(LogLevel.DANGER, "Failed to save storage.yml"); log("Failed to save storage.yml"); } try {;;; } catch (final IOException e) { Logger.add(LogLevel.DANGER, "Configuration file saving failed"); e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void setupStorage() { storage.set("version", VERSION); final Map options = new HashMap<>(); options.put("mysql.use", false); options.put("sqlite.use", true); options.put("sqlite.db", "storage"); options.put("", "localhost"); options.put("mysql.port", "3306"); options.put("mysql.user", "root"); options.put("mysql.password", "password"); options.put("mysql.database", "plot_db"); options.put("prefix", ""); for (final Entry node : options.entrySet()) { if (!storage.contains(node.getKey())) { storage.set(node.getKey(), node.getValue()); } } Settings.DB.USE_MYSQL = storage.getBoolean("mysql.use"); Settings.DB.USER = storage.getString("mysql.user"); Settings.DB.PASSWORD = storage.getString("mysql.password"); Settings.DB.HOST_NAME = storage.getString(""); Settings.DB.PORT = storage.getString("mysql.port"); Settings.DB.DATABASE = storage.getString("mysql.database"); Settings.DB.USE_SQLITE = storage.getBoolean("sqlite.use"); Settings.DB.SQLITE_DB = storage.getString("sqlite.db"); Settings.DB.PREFIX = storage.getString("prefix"); Settings.METRICS = config.getBoolean("metrics"); Settings.AUTO_CLEAR = config.getBoolean(""); Settings.AUTO_CLEAR_DAYS = config.getInt(""); Settings.DELETE_PLOTS_ON_BAN = config.getBoolean("clear.on.ban"); } public static void showDebug() { C.COLOR_1 = "&" + (style.getString("color.1")); C.COLOR_2 = "&" + (style.getString("color.2")); C.COLOR_3 = "&" + (style.getString("color.3")); C.COLOR_4 = "&" + (style.getString("color.4")); if (Settings.DEBUG) { final Map settings = new HashMap<>(); settings.put("Kill Road Mobs", "" + Settings.KILL_ROAD_MOBS); settings.put("Use Metrics", "" + Settings.METRICS); settings.put("Delete Plots On Ban", "" + Settings.DELETE_PLOTS_ON_BAN); settings.put("Mob Pathfinding", "" + Settings.MOB_PATHFINDING); settings.put("DB Mysql Enabled", "" + Settings.DB.USE_MYSQL); settings.put("DB SQLite Enabled", "" + Settings.DB.USE_SQLITE); settings.put("Auto Clear Enabled", "" + Settings.AUTO_CLEAR); settings.put("Auto Clear Days", "" + Settings.AUTO_CLEAR_DAYS); settings.put("Schematics Save Path", "" + Settings.SCHEMATIC_SAVE_PATH); settings.put("API Location", "" + Settings.API_URL); for (final Entry setting : settings.entrySet()) { log(C.PREFIX.s() + String.format("&cKey: &6%s&c, Value: &6%s", setting.getKey(), setting.getValue())); } } } private static void setupStyle() { style.set("version", VERSION); final Map o = new HashMap<>(); o.put("color.1", C.COLOR_1.substring(1)); o.put("color.2", C.COLOR_2.substring(1)); o.put("color.3", C.COLOR_3.substring(1)); o.put("color.4", C.COLOR_4.substring(1)); for (final Entry node : o.entrySet()) { if (!style.contains(node.getKey())) { style.set(node.getKey(), node.getValue()); } } } public static double getJavaVersion() { return Double.parseDouble(System.getProperty("java.specification.version")); } public static Set getPlotWorlds() { return plotworlds.keySet(); } public static Collection getPlotWorldObjects() { return plotworlds.values(); } }