Plot analysis (more progress)
- Relevant debug command: /plot debugexec analyze
- I've been working on some more interesting plot analysis which will in
future give a better indication of quality content rather than blocks
- The main problem with blocks changes is that if a plot is entirely set
to a blob of stone it will pass that requirement, despite the fact that
it's a blob of stone
- With the plot analysis it will calculate the complexity of the build
based on 13 different metrics
Rating priority:
- Relevant command to teleport to the next plot: /plot rate next
- PlotSquared will try to prioritize higher quality plots to receive
more ratings
- Low quality plots will still be rated, just not as much as higher
quality builds
Plot popularity:
- Relevent command to list popular plots: /plot list top
- Will sort the plots based on average rating and number of ratings
There are a couple of differences between helpers and trusted members.
Helpers can only build and interact with a plot while the owner is online.
Trusted members can do anything, including WorldEdit, at any time.
The distinction between online and offline access is important, and
helpers vs trusted makes sense for that, however, it can be desirable to
allow WorldEdit access to helpers. This option would allow helpers to use
WorldEdit only when the plot owner is online.
- ExpireManager should be more stable
- the PlotMe converter can convert merged plots (I'm not sure when the
official PlotMe will get around to adding this, but the converter works)