From a2aaa3633a85f39dede0a23cc7ee7e5ab1c369c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: N0tMyFaultOG Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2020 16:56:42 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] More work --- Core/src/main/resources/lang/messages_en.json | 193 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 193 insertions(+) diff --git a/Core/src/main/resources/lang/messages_en.json b/Core/src/main/resources/lang/messages_en.json index 6cf7f35c0..4f918a096 100644 --- a/Core/src/main/resources/lang/messages_en.json +++ b/Core/src/main/resources/lang/messages_en.json @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ "debug.degub_header": " Debug Information\n", "debug.debug_section": ">> &l%val%", "debug.debug_line": ">> %var%: %val%\n", + "debug.plot_debug": "[Plot Debug] (%plot%): %message%", "set.set_attribute": "Successfully set %s0 set to %s1", "web.generating_link": "Processing plot...", "web.generating_link_failed": "Failed to generate download link!", @@ -146,7 +147,199 @@ "core.enabled": "%s0 is now enabled.", "reload.reloaded_configs": "Translations and world settings have been reloaded.", "reload.reload_failed": "Failed to reload file configurations.", + "desc.desc_set": "Plot description set.", + "desc.desc_unset": "Plot description unset.", + "alias.alias_set_to": "Plot alias set to %alias%.", + "alias.alias_removed": "Plot alias removed.", + "alias.alias_too_long": "The alias must have less than 50 characters in length.", + "alias.alias_is_taken": "That alias is already taken.", + "position.position_set": "Home position set to your current location.", + "position.position_unset": "Home position reset to the default location.", + "position.home_argument": "Use /plot set home [none]", + "permission.no_schematic_permission": "You don't have the permission required to use schematic %s.", + "permission.no_permission": "You are lacking the permission node: %s.", + "permission.no_permission_event": "You are lacking the permission node: %s.", + "permission.no_plot_perms": "You must be the plot owner to perform this action.", + "permission.cant_claim_more_plots": "You can't claim more plots.", + "permission.cant_claim_more_clusters": "You can't claim more clusters.", + "permission.cant_transfer_more_plots": "You can't send more plots to that user.", + "permission.cant_claim_more_plots_num": "You can't claim more than %s plots at once.", + "merge.merge_request_confirm": "Merge request from %s.", + "merge.merge_not_valid": "This merge request is no longer valid.", + "merge.merge_accepted": "The merge request has been accepted.", + "merge.success_merge": "Plots have been merged!", + "merge.merge_requested": "Successfully sent a merge request.", + "merge.no_available_automerge": "You do not own any adjacent plots in the specified direction or are not allowed to merge to the required size.", + "merge.unlink_impossible": "You can only unlink a mega-plot.", + "merge.unmerge_cancelled": "Unlink has been cancelled.", + "merge.unlink_success": "Successfully unlinked plots.", + "commandconfig.not_valid_subcommand": "That is not a valid subcommand.", + "commandconfig.did_you_mean": "Did you mean: %s", + "commandconfig.subcommand_set_options_header": "Possible Values: ", + "commandconfig.command_syntax": "Usage: %s", + "commandconfig.flag_tutorial_usage": "Have an admin set the flag: %s", + "invalid.component_illegal_block": "You are not allowed to generate a component containg the block %s", + "invalid.not_valid_block": "That's not a valid block: %s", + "invalid.not_allowed_block": "That block is not allowed: %s", + "invalid.not_valid_number": "That's not a valid number within the range: %s", + "invalid.not_valid_plot_id": "That's not a valid plot ID.", + "invalid.found_no_plots": "Found no plots with your search query.", + "invalid.number_not_in_range": "That's not a valid number within the range: (%s, %s)", + "invalid.number_not_positive": "That's not a positive number: %s", + "invalid.not_a_number": "%s is not a valid number.", + "errors.invalid_player": "Player not found: %s.", + "errors.invalid_player_offline": "The player must be online: %s.", + "errors.invalid_command_flag": "Invalid command flag: %s0", + "errors.error": "An error occurred: %s", + "errors.command_went_wrong": "Something went wrong when executing that command...", + "errors.no_free_plots": "There are no free plots available.", + "errors.not_in_plot": "You're not in a plot.", + "errors.not_in_cluster": "You must be within a plot cluster to perform that action.", + "errors.not_in_plot_world": "You're not in a plot area.", + "errors.plotworld_incompatible": "The two worlds must be compatible.", + "errors.not_valid_world": "That is not a valid world (case sensitive).", + "errors.not_valid_plot_world": "That is not a valid plot area (case sensitive).", + "errors.no_plots": "You don't have any plots.", + "errors.player_no_plots": "That player does not own any plots.", + "errors.wait_for_timer": "A set block timer is bound to either the current plot or you. Please wait for it to finish.", + "errors.tile_entity_cap_reached": "The total number of tile entities in this chunk may not exceed %s.", + "debugpaste.debug_report_created": "Uploaded a full debug to: %url%", + "purge.purge_success": "Successfully purged %s plots.", + "players.fetching_player": "PlotSquared is attempting to find the specified player from your argument(s). This may take a while.", + "players.fetching_players_timeout": "The specified users did not exist in the cache and will be fetched in the background. Please wait a couple of minutes.", + "trim.trim_in_progress": "A world trim task is already in progress!", + "blocklist.block_list_separator": ", ", + "biome.need_biome": "You need to specify a valid biome.", + "biome.biome_set_to": "Plot biome set to ", + "teleport.teleported_to_plot": "You have been teleported.", + "teleport.teleported_to_road": "You got teleported to the road.", + "teleport.teleport_in_seconds": "Teleporting in %s seconds. Do not move...", + "teleport.teleport_failed": "Teleportation cancelled due to movement or damage.", + "setblock.set_block_action_finished": "The last setblock action is now finished.", + "unsafe.debugallowunsafe_on": "Unsafe actions enabled.", + "unsafe.debugallowunsafe_off": "Unsafe actions disabled.", + "need.need_block": "You've got to specify a block.", + "near.plot_near": "Players: %s0", + "info.none": "None", + "": "Now", + "info.unknown": "Unknown", + "info.server": "Server", + "info.everyone": "Everyone", + "info.plot_unowned": "The current plot must have an owner to perform this action.", + "info.plot_info_unclaimed": "Plot %s is not yet claimed.", + "info.plot_info_header": "--------- INFO ---------", + "info.plot_info_hidden": "You cannot view the information about this plot.", + "info.plot_info_format": "ID: %id%\nArea: %area%\nAlias:%alias%\nOwner:%owner%\nBiome: %biome%\nCan Build: %build%\nRating: %rating%\nSeen: %seen%\nTrusted:%trusted%\nMembers:%members%\nDenied:%denied%\nFlags:%flags%\nDescription: %desc%", + "info.plot_info_footer": "--------- INFO ---------", + "info.plot_info_trusted": "Trusted:%trusted%", + "info.plot_info_members": "Members:%members%", + "info.plot_info_denied": "Denied:%denied%", + "info.plot_info_flags": "Flags: %flags%", + "info.plot_info_biome": "Biome: %biome%", + "info.plot_info_rating": "Rating: %rating%", + "info.plot_info_likes": "Like Ratio: %likes%", + "info.plot_info_owner": "Owner:%owner%", + "info.plot_info_id": "ID: %id%", + "info.plot_info_alias": "Alias: %alias%", + "info.plot_info_size": "Size: %size%", + "info.plot_info_seen": "Seen: %seen%", + "info.plot_user_list": "%user%", + "info.plot_flag_list": "%s0:%s1", + "info.plot_no_description": "No description set.", + "info.info_syntax_console": "/plot info X;Z", + "info.plot_caps_header": "--------- CAPS ---------", + "infoplot_caps_format": "- Cap Type: %cap% | Status: %current%/%limit% (%percentage%%)", + "working.generating_component": "Started generating component from your settings.", + "working.clearing_done": "Clear completed! Took %sms.", + "working.deleting_done": "Delete completed! Took %sms.", + "working.plot_not_claimed": "Plot not claimed.", + "working.plot_is_claimed": "This plot is already claimed.", + "working.claimed": "You successfully claimed the plot.", + "list.comment_list_header_paged": "(Page %cur/%max) List of %amount% comments", + "list.clickable": " (interactive)", + "list.area_list_header_paged": "(Page %cur/%max) List of %amount% areas", + "list.plot_list_header_paged": "(Page %cur/%max) List of %amount% plots", + "list.plot_list_header": "List of %word% plots.", + "chat.plot_chat_spy_format": "[Plot Spy] [%plot_id%] %sender%: %msg%", + "chat.plot_chat_format": "[Plot Chat] [%plot_id%] %sender%: %msg%", + "chat.plot_chat_forced": "This world forces everyone to use plot chat.", + "deny.denied_added": "You successfully denied the player from this plot.", + "deny.you_got_denied": "You are denied from the plot you were previously on, and got teleported to spawn..", + "deny.cant_remove_owner": "You can't remove the plot owner.", + "kick.you_got_kicked": "You got kicked!", + "trusted.trusted_added": "You successfully trusted a user to the plot.", + "trusted.plot_removed_user": "Plot %s of which you were added to has been deleted due to owner inactivity.", + "member.removed_players": "Removed %s player(s) from this plot.", + "member.plot_left": "%s left the plot.", + "member.already_owner": "That user is already the plot owner: %s0", + "member.already_added": "That user is already added to that category: %s0", + "member.member_added": "That user can now build while the plot owner is online.", + "members.plot_max_members": "You are not allowed to add any more players to this plot.", + "members.not_added_trusted": "You must be added or trusted to the plot to run that command.", + "owner.set_owner": "You successfully set the plot owner.", + "owner.set_owner_cancelled": "The set owner action was cancelled.", + "owner.set_owner_missing_player": "You need to specify a new owner. Correct usage is: /plot setowner ", + "owner.now_owner": "You are now the plot owner of %s", + "signs.owner_sign_line_1": "ID: %id%", + "signs.owner_sign_line_2": "Owner:", + "signs.owner_sign_line_3": "%plr%", + "signs.owner_sign_line_4": "Claimed", + "help.help_header": "--------- PlotSquared Help ---------", + "help.help_page_header": "Category: %category%, Page: %current%/%max%", + "help.help_footer": "--------- PlotSquared Help ---------", + "help.help_info_item": "/plot help %category% - %category_desc%", + "help.help_item": "%usage% [%alias%]\n - %desc%\n", + "help.help_display_all_commands": "Display all commands.", + "help.direction": "Current direction: %dir%", + "category.command_category_claiming": "Claiming", + "category.command_category_teleport": "Teleport", + "category.command_category_settings": "Protection", + "category.command_category_chat": "Chat", + "category.command_category_schematic": "Web", + "category.command_category_appearance": "Cosmetic", + "category.command_category_info": "Info", + "category.command_category_debug": "Debug", + "category.command_category_administration": "Admin", + "grants.granted_plots": "Result: %s grants left.", + "grants.granted_plot": "You granted %s0 plot to %s1.", + "events.event_denied": "%s Cancelled by external plugin.", + "backups.backup_usage": "Usage: /plot backup save/list/load", + "backups.backup_impossible": "Backups are not enabled for this plot: %s.", + "backups.backup_save_success": "The backup was created successfully.", + "backups.backup_save_failed": "The backup could not be created: %s", + "backups.backup_load_success": "The backup was restored successfully.", + "backups.backup_load_failure": "The backup could not be restored: %s", + "backups.backup_load_usage": "Usage: /plot backup load [#]", + "backups.backup_list_header": "Available backups for plot %s", + "backups.backup_list_entry": "- #%s0 %s1", + "backups.backup_list_failed": "Backup listing failed: %s", + "backups.backup_automatic_started": "Backing up the plot...", + "backups.backup_automatic_finished": "The automatic backup process finished successfully!", + "backups.backup_automatic_failure": "The automatic backup process failed. Your pending action has been canceled. Reason: %s", + "preset.preset_cannot_afford": "You cannot afford that preset.", + "preset.preset_invalid": "Could not generate a pattern from that preset.", + "preset.preset_lore_cost": "Cost: %cost%", + "preset-preset_lore_component": "Component: %component%", + "generic.generic_other": "other", + "generic.generic_merged": "merged", + "generic.generic_unowned": "unowned", + "generic.generic_invalid_choice": "invalid choice", + "single.single_area_missing_selection": "Error! You need to select a square region.", + "single.single_area_not_square": "Error! Your selection needs to be a square.", + "single.single_area_overlapping": "Error! Your selection overlaps with an existing plot area.", + "single.single_area_needs_name": "Error! Please specify a plot name: /plot area single ", + "single.single_area_name_taken": "Error! The plot name is already taken.", + "single.single_area_failed_to_save": "Error! Failed to save the area schematic.", + "single.single_area_could_not_make_directories": "Error! Failed to create the schematic directory.", + "single.single_area_created": "The area was created successfully!", + "legacyconfig.legacy_config_found": "A legacy configuration file was detected. Conversion will be attempted.", + "legacyconfig.legacy_config_backup": "A copy of worlds.yml has been saved in the file worlds.yml.old.", + "legacyconfig.legacy_config_replaced": "> %s has been replaced with %s", + "legacyconfig.legacy_config_done": "The conversion has finished. PlotSquared will now be disabled and the new configuration file will be used at next startup. Please review the new worlds.yml file. Please note that schematics will not be converted, as we are now using WorldEdit to handle schematics. You need to re-generate the schematics.", + "legacyconfig.legacy_config_conversion_failed": "Failed to convert the legacy configuration file. See stack trace for information.", + + }