graywolf336 e4f74e5e91 Lots of progress was made towards jailing the player.
We now handle the jailing of the players and even store their inventory.
Unjailing hasn't been tested at all yet, so that's still to do.
2013-12-27 18:19:47 -06:00

357 lines
13 KiB

package com.graywolf336.jail;
import java.util.Set;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.SimpleLocation;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString;
* Handles all the saving and loading of the plugin's data.
* @author graywolf336
* @since 3.0.0
* @version 1.0.0
public class JailIO {
private JailMain pl;
private FileConfiguration flat, lang;
private int storage; //0 = flatfile, 1 = sqlite, 2 = mysql
public JailIO(JailMain plugin) { = plugin;
String st = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.type", "flatfile");
if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) {
storage = 1;
}else if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {
storage = 2;
}else {
storage = 0;
/** Loads the language file from disk, if there is none then we save the default one. */
public void loadLanguage() {
String language = pl.getConfig().getString("system.language");
boolean save = false;
File langFile = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), language + ".yml");
//File or folder already exists, let's check
if(langFile.exists()) {
if(langFile.isFile()) {
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(langFile);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded the language: " + language);
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("The language file can not be a folder, please");
pl.getLogger().info("double check your setup. Because of that, we");
pl.getLogger().info("are reverting back to English as the language.");
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pl.getResource("en.yml"));
save = true;
}else {
pl.getLogger().info("Loading the default language of: en");
pl.getLogger().info("If you wish to change this,");
pl.getLogger().info("please rename 'en.yml' to whatever");
pl.getLogger().info("you wish and set the config value");
pl.getLogger().info("to the name of the file.");
lang = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pl.getResource("en.yml"));
save = true;
//If we have flagged to save the language file, let's save it as en.yml as this flag usually means they didn't have it loaded.
if(save) {
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "en.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the language file: " + e.getMessage());
/** Returns the message in the language, no variables are replaced.*/
public String getLanguageString(LangString langString) {
return getLanguageString(langString, new String[] {});
* Returns the message in the language, with the provided variables being replaced.
* @param langString Which {@link LangString} we should be getting to send.
* @param variables All the variables to replace, in order from 0 to however many.
* @return The message as a colorful message or an empty message if that isn't defined in the language file.
public String getLanguageString(LangString langString, String... variables) {
String message = lang.getString("language." + langString.toString().toLowerCase());
if(message == null) return "";
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
message = message.replaceAll("%" + i + "%", variables[i]);
return Util.getColorfulMessage(message);
* Prepares the storage engine to be used.
public void prepareStorage() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
//prepare sqlite, I need to research this
case 2:
//prepare mysql, research this as well
flat = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
* Loads the jails, this should <strong>only</strong> be called after {@link #prepareStorage()}.
public void loadJails() {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
//load the jails from sqlite
case 2:
//load the jails from mysql
//load the jails from flatfile
if(flat.isConfigurationSection("jails")) {
Set<String> jails = flat.getConfigurationSection("jails").getKeys(false);
if(!jails.isEmpty()) {
for(String name : jails) {
int s = pl.getJailManager().getJails().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + s + (s == 1 ? " jail." : " jails."));
* Saves the provided {@link Jail jail} to the storage system we are using.
* @param j The jail to save.
public void saveJail(Jail j) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
if(flat != null) {
String node = "jails." + j.getName() + ".";
flat.set(node + "world", j.getWorldName());
flat.set(node + "top.x", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "top.y", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "top.z", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ());
flat.set(node + "bottom.x", j.getMinPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "bottom.y", j.getMinPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "bottom.z", j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ());
//Tele in
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getX());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getY());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getZ());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getPitch());
//Tele out
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getX());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getY());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getZ());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getPitch());
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
String cNode = node + ".cells." + c.getName() + ".";
if(c.getTeleport() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "tp.x", c.getTeleport().getX());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.y", c.getTeleport().getY());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.z", c.getTeleport().getZ());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.yaw", c.getTeleport().getYaw());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.pitch", c.getTeleport().getPitch());
if(c.getChestLocation() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "chest.x", c.getChestLocation().getBlockX());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.y", c.getChestLocation().getBlockY());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.z", c.getChestLocation().getBlockZ());
String[] signs = new String[c.getSigns().size()];
int count = 0;
for(SimpleLocation loc : c.getSigns()) {
signs[count] = loc.toString();
flat.set(cNode + "signs", signs);
if(c.getPrisoner() != null) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
flat.set(cNode + "", p.getName());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
for(Prisoner p : j.getPrisonersNotInCells()) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + p.getName() + ".";
flat.set(pNode + "muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(pNode + "time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(pNode + "offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(pNode + "reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(pNode + "inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(pNode + "armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(pNode + "previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(pNode + "previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("Storage not enabled, could not save the jail " + j.getName());
private void loadJail(String name) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
String node = "jails." + name + ".";
String cNode = node + "cells.";
Jail j = new Jail(pl, name);
j.setWorld(flat.getString(node + "world"));
j.setMaxPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "top.x"), flat.getInt(node + "top.y"), flat.getInt(node + "top.z")});
j.setMinPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "bottom.x"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.y"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.z")});
j.setTeleportIn(new SimpleLocation(
flat.getString(node + "world"),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "")));
j.setTeleportFree(new SimpleLocation(
flat.getString(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + ""),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "")));
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "cells")) {
Set<String> cells = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "cells").getKeys(false);
if(!cells.isEmpty()) {
pl.getLogger().info("Cell configuration section for " + name + " exists and there are " + cells.size() + " cells.");
for(String cell : cells) {
Cell c = new Cell(cell);
String cellNode = cNode + "cell.";
c.setTeleport(new SimpleLocation(j.getTeleportIn().getWorld().getName(),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.x"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.y"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.pitch")));
c.setChestLocation(new Location(j.getTeleportIn().getWorld(),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.x"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.y"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "cheset.z")));
for(String sign : flat.getStringList(cellNode + "signs")) {
String[] arr = sign.split(",");
c.addSign(new SimpleLocation(arr[0],
if(flat.contains(cellNode + "prisoner")) {
Prisoner p = new Prisoner(flat.getString(cellNode + ""),
flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.muted"),
flat.getLong(cellNode + "prisoner.time"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.reason"));
p.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.offlinePending"));
p.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousLocation"));
p.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode"));
p.setInventory(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.inventory", ""));
p.setInventory(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.armor", ""));
j.addCell(c, false);
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners")) {
Set<String> prisoners = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners").getKeys(false);
if(!prisoners.isEmpty()) {
for(String prisoner : prisoners) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + prisoner + ".";
Prisoner pris = new Prisoner(prisoner, flat.getBoolean(pNode + "muted"), flat.getLong(pNode + "time"), flat.getString(pNode + "reason"));
pris.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(pNode + "offlinePending"));
pris.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(pNode + "previousLocation"));
pris.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(pNode + "previousGameMode"));
pris.setInventory(flat.getString(pNode + "inventory", ""));
pris.setInventory(flat.getString(pNode + "armor", ""));
if(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()) != null) {
pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded jail " + j.getName() + " with " + j.getAllPrisoners().size() + " prisoners.");
} else
pl.getLogger().severe("Failed to load the jail " + j.getName() + " as the world '" + j.getWorldName() + "' does not exist (is null). Did you remove this world?");