55 lines
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55 lines
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package com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.graywolf336.jail.JailManager;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.Command;
import com.graywolf336.jail.command.CommandInfo;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString;
maxArgs = 2,
minimumArgs = 1,
needsPlayer = false,
pattern = "telein|teleportin",
permission = "jail.command.jailtelein",
usage = "/jail telein <jailname> (player)"
public class JailTeleInCommand implements Command {
public boolean execute(JailManager jm, CommandSender sender, String... args) throws Exception {
Jail j = jm.getJail(args[1]);
//The jail doesn't exist
if(j == null) {
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.NOJAIL, args[1]));
}else {
//The jail does exist
//now let's check the size of the command
//if it has two args then someone is sending someone else in
//otherwise it is just the sender going in
if(args.length == 3) {
Player p = jm.getPlugin().getServer().getPlayer(args[2]);
//If the player they're trying to send is offline, don't do anything
if(p == null) {
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.PLAYERNOTONLINE, args[2]));
}else {
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.TELEIN, new String[] { args[2], args[1] }));
}else {
if(sender instanceof Player) {
((Player) sender).teleport(j.getTeleportIn());
sender.sendMessage(jm.getPlugin().getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.TELEIN, new String[] { sender.getName(), args[1] }));
}else {
return true;