package com.graywolf336.jail.command.subcommands; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import com.graywolf336.jail.JailManager; import com.graywolf336.jail.command.Command; import com.graywolf336.jail.command.CommandInfo; import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Lang; @CommandInfo( maxArgs = 0, minimumArgs = 0, needsPlayer = false, pattern = "confirm|con", permission = "", usage = "/jail confirm" ) public class JailConfirmCommand implements Command{ public boolean execute(JailManager jm, CommandSender sender, String... args) { //Check if the sender is actually confirming something. if(jm.isConfirming(sender.getName())) { if(jm.confirmingHasExpired(sender.getName())) { //Their confirmation time frame has closed sender.sendMessage(Lang.EXPIRED.get()); }else { switch(jm.getWhatIsConfirming(sender.getName())) { case CLEAR: //Copy the original arguments for easy access String[] cArgs = jm.getOriginalArgs(sender.getName()); //Clear a jail if the args length is two, else send null String msg = jm.clearJailOfPrisoners(cArgs.length == 2 ? cArgs[1] : null); //Send the message we got back sender.sendMessage(msg); //Remove them from confirming so they can't do it again jm.removeConfirming(sender.getName()); break; case CLEARFORCE: //Copy the original arguments for easy access String[] cArgs2 = jm.getOriginalArgs(sender.getName()); //Forcefully clear a jail if the args length is two, else send null to clear all String msg2 = jm.forcefullyClearJailOrJails(cArgs2.length == 2 ? cArgs2[1] : null); //Send the message we got back sender.sendMessage(msg2); jm.removeConfirming(sender.getName()); break; case DELETECELL: //Copy the original arguments for easy access String[] cArgs3 = jm.getOriginalArgs(sender.getName()); //delete a cell from a jail with the given arguments String msg3 = jm.deleteJailCell(cArgs3[1], cArgs3[2]); //Send the message we got back sender.sendMessage(msg3); jm.removeConfirming(sender.getName()); break; case DELETECELLS: //Copy the original arguments for easy access String[] cArgs4 = jm.getOriginalArgs(sender.getName()); //delete a cell from a jail with the given arguments String[] msgs4 = jm.deleteAllJailCells(cArgs4[1]); //Send the messages we got back for(String s : msgs4) { sender.sendMessage(s); } jm.removeConfirming(sender.getName()); break; case DELETE: //Copy the original arguments for easy access String[] cArgs5 = jm.getOriginalArgs(sender.getName()); //delete a cell from a jail with the given arguments String msg5 = jm.deleteJail(cArgs5[1]); //Send the message we got back sender.sendMessage(msg5); jm.removeConfirming(sender.getName()); break; default: sender.sendMessage(Lang.NOTHING.get()); jm.removeConfirming(sender.getName()); break; } } }else { //They aren't confirming anything right now. sender.sendMessage(Lang.NOTHING.get()); } return true; } public List provideTabCompletions(JailManager jm, CommandSender sender, String... args) throws Exception { //confirming doesn't require any tab completing return Collections.emptyList(); } }