package com.graywolf336.jail.beans; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Lang; /** * Represents a Prisoner, player who is jailed, and contains all the information about him/her. * * @author graywolf336 * @since 2.x.x * @version 3.1.0 */ public class Prisoner { private String uuid, name, jailer, reason, inventory, armor; private boolean muted = true, offlinePending = false, teleporting = false, toBeTransferred = false, changed = false; private long time = -1L, afk = 0L; private Location previousPosition; private GameMode previousGameMode; /** * Creates the prisoner instance with the lot of data provided. * * @param uuid The uuid of the prisoner * @param name The name of the prisoner * @param muted Whether the prisoner is muted or not * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has * @param jailer The name of the person who jailed this prisoner * @param reason The reason why this prisoner is in jail */ public Prisoner(String uuid, String name, boolean muted, long time, String jailer, String reason) { this.uuid = uuid; = name; this.muted = muted; this.time = time; this.jailer = jailer; this.reason = reason; finishSetup(); } /** * Creates the prisoner instance with the lot of data provided. * * @param uuid The uuid of the prisoner * @param name The name of the prisoner * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has * @param jailer The name of the person who jailed this prisoner * @param reason The reason why this prisoner is in jail */ public Prisoner(String uuid, String name, long time, String jailer, String reason) { this.uuid = uuid; = name; this.time = time; this.jailer = jailer; this.reason = reason; finishSetup(); } /** * Creates the prisoner instance with the lot of data provided. * * @param uuid The uuid of the prisoner * @param name The name of the prisoner * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has * @param reason The reason why this prisoner is in jail */ public Prisoner(String uuid, String name, long time, String reason) { this.uuid = uuid; = name; this.time = time; this.reason = reason; finishSetup(); } /** * Creates the prisoner instance with the lot of data provided. * * @param uuid The uuid of the prisoner * @param name The name of the prisoner * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has */ public Prisoner(String uuid, String name, long time) { this.uuid = uuid; = name; this.time = time; finishSetup(); } /** * Creates the prisoner instance with the data provided. * * @param player The instance of the player who is to be jailed * @param muted Whether the prisoner is muted or not * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has * @param jailer The jailer who jailed the prisoner * @param reason The reason why this prisoner is in jail */ public Prisoner(Player player, boolean muted, long time, String jailer, String reason) { this.uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); = player.getName(); this.muted = muted; this.time = time; this.jailer = jailer; this.reason = reason; finishSetup(); } /** * Creates the prisoner instance with the data provided. * * @param player The instance of the player who is to be jailed * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has * @param jailer The jailer who jailed the prisoner * @param reason The reason why this prisoner is in jail */ public Prisoner(Player player, long time, String jailer, String reason) { this.uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); = player.getName(); this.time = time; this.jailer = jailer; this.reason = reason; finishSetup(); } /** * The most basic prisoner instance creation via providing the player, time, and reason. * * @param player The instance of the player who is to be jailed * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has * @param reason The reason why this prisoner is in jail */ public Prisoner(Player player, long time, String reason) { this.uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); = player.getName(); this.time = time; this.reason = reason; finishSetup(); } /** * The most basic prisoner instance creation via providing the player and time. * * @param player The instance of the player who is to be jailed * @param time The amount of remaining time the prisoner has */ public Prisoner(Player player, long time) { this.uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); = player.getName(); this.time = time; finishSetup(); } /** Finishes the setup of the prisoner data, set to defaults. */ private void finishSetup() { if(jailer == null) jailer = Lang.DEFAULTJAILER.get(); if(reason == null) Lang.DEFAULTJAILEDREASON.get(); if(inventory == null) inventory = ""; if(armor == null) armor = ""; if(previousGameMode == null) previousGameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL; previousPosition = null; } /** Returns the UUID of the prisoner. */ public UUID getUUID() { return UUID.fromString(this.uuid); } /** Gets the name of this prisoner. */ public String getLastKnownName() { return; } /** Sets the name of this prisoner. */ public String setLastKnownName(String username) { = username; this.changed = true; return; } /** Gets the reason this player was jailed for. */ public String getReason() { return this.reason; } /** * Sets the reason this player was jailed for. * * @param reason the player was jailed. * @return the reason the player was jailed, what we have stored about them. */ public String setReason(String reason) { this.reason = reason; this.changed = true; return this.reason; } /** Gets the person who jailed this prisoner. */ public String getJailer() { return this.jailer; } /** Sets the person who jailed this prisoner. */ public void setJailer(String jailer) { this.jailer = jailer; this.changed = true; } /** Gets whether the prisoner is muted or not. */ public boolean isMuted() { return this.muted; } /** Sets whether the prisoner is muted or not. */ public void setMuted(boolean muted) { this.muted = muted; this.changed = true; } /** Gets the remaining time the prisoner has. */ public long getRemainingTime() { return this.time; } /** Gets the remaining time the prisoner has in minutes. */ public long getRemainingTimeInMinutes() { return TimeUnit.MINUTES.convert(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** Gets the remaining time the prison has in minutes except only in int format. */ public int getRemainingTimeInMinutesInt() { return (int) this.getRemainingTimeInMinutes(); } /** * Sets the remaining time the prisoner has left. * * @param time The amount of time left, in milliseconds. */ public void setRemainingTime(long time) { this.time = time; this.changed = true; } /** * Adds the given time to the remaining time the prisoner has left, unless they're jailed forever. * * @param time to add to the prisoner's remaining time. * @return the new remaining time the prisoner has */ public long addTime(long time) { if(this.time != -1L) { this.time += time; this.changed = true; } return this.time; } /** * Subtracts the given time from the remaining time the prisoner has left, unless they're jailed forever. * * @param time to subtract from the prisoner's remaining time. * @return the new remaining time the prisoner has */ public long subtractTime(long time) { if(this.time != -1L) { this.time -= time; this.changed = true; } return this.time; } /** Gets whether the player is offline or not. */ public boolean isOfflinePending() { return this.offlinePending; } /** Sets whether the player is offline or not. */ public void setOfflinePending(boolean offline) { this.offlinePending = offline; this.changed = true; } /** Gets whether the player is being teleported or not. */ public boolean isTeleporting() { return this.teleporting; } /** Sets whether the player is being teleported or not. */ public void setTeleporting(boolean teleport) { this.teleporting = teleport; } /** Gets whether the prisoner is going to be transferred or not, mainly for teleporting on join purposes. */ public boolean isToBeTransferred() { return this.toBeTransferred; } /** Sets whether the prisoner is going to be transferred or not, mainly for teleporting on join purposes. */ public void setToBeTransferred(boolean transferred) { this.toBeTransferred = transferred; this.changed = true; } /** Gets the previous location of this player, can be null. */ public Location getPreviousLocation() { return this.previousPosition; } /** Gets the previous location of this player, separated by a comma. */ public String getPreviousLocationString() { if(previousPosition == null) return ""; else if(previousPosition.getWorld() == null) return ""; else return previousPosition.getWorld().getName() + "," + previousPosition.getX() + "," + previousPosition.getY() + "," + previousPosition.getZ() + "," + previousPosition.getYaw() + "," + previousPosition.getPitch(); } /** Sets the previous location of this player. */ public void setPreviousPosition(Location location) { this.previousPosition = location; } /** Sets the previous location of this player from a comma separated string. */ public void setPreviousPosition(String location) { if(location == null) return; if(location.isEmpty()) return; this.changed = true; String[] s = location.split(","); this.previousPosition = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(s[0]), Double.valueOf(s[1]), Double.valueOf(s[2]), Double.valueOf(s[3]), Float.valueOf(s[4]), Float.valueOf(s[5])); } /** Gets the previous gamemode of this player. */ public GameMode getPreviousGameMode() { return this.previousGameMode; } /** Sets the previous gamemode of this player. */ public void setPreviousGameMode(GameMode previous) { this.previousGameMode = previous; this.changed = true; } /** Sets the previous gamemode of this player based upon the provided string. */ public void setPreviousGameMode(String previous) { if(previous == null) return; else if(previous.isEmpty()) return; else this.previousGameMode = GameMode.valueOf(previous); this.changed = true; } /** Gets the inventory string for this player, it is encoded in Base64 string. */ public String getInventory() { return this.inventory; } /** Sets the inventory Base64 string. */ public void setInventory(String inventory) { this.inventory = inventory; this.changed = true; } /** Gets the armor content, encoded in Base64 string. */ public String getArmor() { return this.armor; } /** Sets the armor inventory Base64 string. */ public void setArmor(String armor) { this.armor = armor; this.changed = true; } /** Gets the time, in milliseconds, this prisoner has been afk. */ public long getAFKTime() { return this.afk; } /** Sets the time, in milliseconds, this prisoner has been afk. */ public void setAFKTime(long time) { this.afk = time; } /** Checks if the prisoner was changed or not. */ public boolean wasChanged() { return this.changed; } /** Sets whether the prisoner was changed or not. */ public boolean setChanged(boolean change) { this.changed = change; return this.changed; } }