package; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.Event; import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner; /** * Event thrown after we transfer a prisoner, both an offline and an online prisoner. * *
* * This event is called after we transfer the prisoner whether the prisoner is offline or online, getPlayer() will always return null if isOnline() return false. * * @author graywolf336 * @since 3.0.0 * @version 1.0.0 */ public class PrisonerTransferredEvent extends Event { private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList(); private Jail originalJail, targetJail; private Cell originalCell, targetCell; private Prisoner prisoner; private Player player; /** * Creates a new {@link PrisonerTransferredEvent prisoner transferred event} for the given player after they get transferred to their new jail and cell. * * @param originalJail The jail the prisoner is coming from. * @param originalCell The cell the prisoner is coming from, can be null. * @param targetJail The jail the prisoner went to. * @param targetCell The cell the prisoner went to, can be null. * @param prisoner The prisoner data. * @param player The player being jailed. */ public PrisonerTransferredEvent(Jail originalJail, Cell originalCell, Jail targetJail, Cell targetCell, Prisoner prisoner, Player player) { this.originalJail = originalJail; this.originalCell = originalCell; this.targetJail = targetJail; this.targetCell = targetCell; this.prisoner = prisoner; this.player = player; } /** Gets the {@link Jail} this prisoner is coming from. */ public Jail getOriginalJail() { return this.originalJail; } /** Gets the {@link Cell} this prisoner is coming from, can be null. */ public Cell getOriginalCell() { return this.originalCell; } /** Checks if there was an original cell involved. */ public boolean hasOriginalCell() { return this.originalCell != null; } /** Gets the {@link Jail} this prisoner is being transferred to. */ public Jail getTargetJail() { return this.targetJail; } /** Gets the {@link Cell} this prisoner is being sent to, can be null. * * Will return null if the cell is not in the targetJail. */ public Cell getTargetCell() { if(this.targetJail.isValidCell(this.targetCell.getName())) return this.targetCell; else return null; } /** Checks if there was a target cell involved. */ public boolean hasTargetCell() { return this.getTargetCell() != null; } /** Gets the {@link Prisoner} data for this prisoner. */ public Prisoner getPrisoner() { return this.prisoner; } /** Gets the instance of the player being transferred but will return null if {@link #isOnline()} returns false. */ public Player getPlayer() { return this.player; } /** Gets whether the prisoner being transferred is online or not. */ public boolean isOnline() { return player == null; } public static HandlerList getHandlerList() { return handlers; } public HandlerList getHandlers() { return handlers; } }