package com.graywolf336.jail; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner; import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString; import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Settings; import; import; import; import; /** * Provides methods, non-statically, that do the preparing of jails and handle all the good stuff like that. * * @author graywolf336 * @since 2.x.x * @version 3.0.0 */ public class PrisonerManager { private JailMain pl; public PrisonerManager(JailMain plugin) { = plugin; } /** * Does everything preparing for the jailing of the provided prisoner, if they are online it forwards it to {@link #jailPrisoner(Jail, Cell, Player, Prisoner)}. * *

* * In this we do the following: *

  1. Checks if the jail is null, if so it throws an Exception
  2. *
  3. Checks if the prisoner is null, if so it throws an Exception
  4. *
  5. Sets the prisoner data to offline pending or not, player == null
  6. *
  7. If the cell is null, add the prisoner data to the jail otherwise we set the cell's prisoner to this one. Check before here if the cell already contains a prisoner.
  8. *
  9. Saves the jail information, goes out to the {@link JailIO} to initate a save.
  10. *
  11. If the prisoner is not offline, we will actually {@link #jailPrisoner(Jail, Cell, Player, Prisoner) jail} them now.
  12. *
  13. Does checks to get the right message for the next two items.
  14. *
  15. If we broadcast the jailing, then let's broadcast it.
  16. *
  17. If we log the jailing to console and we haven't broadcasted it, then we log it to the console.
  18. *
* * @param jail The {@link Jail jail instance} we are sending this prisoner to * @param cell The name of the {@link Cell cell} we are sending this prisoner to * @param player The {@link Player player} we are preparing the jail for. * @param prisoner The {@link Prisoner prisoner} file. * @throws Exception if the jail or prisoner are null. */ public void prepareJail(Jail jail, Cell cell, Player player, Prisoner prisoner) throws Exception { //Do some checks of whether the passed params are null. if(jail == null) throw new Exception("The jail can not be null."); if(prisoner == null) throw new Exception("Prisoner data can not be null."); //Set whether the prisoner is offline or not. prisoner.setOfflinePending(player == null); //Now that we've got those checks out of the way, let's start preparing. if(cell == null) { jail.addPrisoner(prisoner); }else { cell.setPrisoner(prisoner); } //Save the jail after adding them to the jail pl.getJailIO().saveJail(jail); //If they are NOT offline, jail them if(!prisoner.isOfflinePending()) { jailPrisoner(jail, cell, player, prisoner); } //Get a message ready for broadcasting or logging. String msg = ""; if(prisoner.getRemainingTime() < 0L) msg = pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.BROADCASTMESSAGEFOREVER, new String[] { prisoner.getName() }); else msg = pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.BROADCASTMESSAGEFORMINUTES, new String[] { prisoner.getName(), String.valueOf(prisoner.getRemainingTimeInMinutes()) }); boolean broadcasted = false; //Broadcast the message, if it is enabled if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.BROADCASTJAILING.getPath(), false)) { pl.getServer().broadcastMessage(msg); broadcasted = true; } //Log the message, if it is enabled if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.LOGJAILINGTOCONSOLE.getPath(), true) && !broadcasted) { pl.getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(msg); } } /** * Jails the prisoner with the proper information given. * * @param jail where they are going * @param cell where they are being placed in, can be null * @param player who is the prisoner * @param prisoner data containing everything pertaining to them */ public void jailPrisoner(Jail jail, Cell cell, Player player, Prisoner prisoner) { //If they have handcuffs on them, then let's remove them before we continue //this way the handcuff listeners and this aren't battleing each other if(pl.getHandCuffManager().isHandCuffed(player.getName())) { pl.getHandCuffManager().removeHandCuffs(player.getName()); } //They are no longer offline, so set that. prisoner.setOfflinePending(false); //We are getting ready to teleport them, so set it to true so that //the *future* move checkers won't be canceling our moving. prisoner.setTeleporting(true); //If their reason is empty send proper message, else send other proper message if(prisoner.getReason().isEmpty()) { player.sendMessage(pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.JAILED)); }else { player.sendMessage(pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.JAILEDWITHREASON, new String[] { prisoner.getReason() })); } //If the config has inventory deletion, then let's delete it if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.DELETEINVENTORY.getPath(), false)) { player.getInventory().setArmorContents(null); player.getInventory().clear(); } //If the config has releasing them back to their previous position, //then let's set it in the prisoner data. if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.RELEASETOPREVIOUSPOSITION.getPath(), false)) { prisoner.setPreviousPosition(player.getLocation()); } //If the config has restoring their previous gamemode enabled, //then let's set it in their prisoner data. if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.RESTOREPREVIOUSGAMEMODE.getPath(), false)) { prisoner.setPreviousGameMode(player.getGameMode()); } //Set their gamemode to the one in the config, if we get a null value //from the parsing then we set theirs to adventure try { player.setGameMode(GameMode.valueOf(pl.getConfig().getString(Settings.JAILEDGAMEMODE.getPath(), "ADVENTURE").toUpperCase())); }catch(Exception e) { pl.getLogger().severe("Your jailedgamemode setting is incorrect, please fix."); player.setGameMode(GameMode.ADVENTURE); } //only eject them if they're inside a vehicle and also eject anyone else on top of them if(player.isInsideVehicle()) { player.getVehicle().eject(); player.getPassenger().eject(); player.eject(); } //If we are ignoring the sleeping state of prisoners, //then let's set that if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.IGNORESLEEPINGSTATE.getPath(), true)) { player.setSleepingIgnored(true); } //Get the max and min food level in the config int maxFood = pl.getConfig().getInt(Settings.FOODCONTROLMAX.getPath(), 20); int minFood = pl.getConfig().getInt(Settings.FOODCONTROLMIN.getPath(), 10); //If their food level is less than the min food level, set it to the min //but if it is higher than the max, set it to the max if (player.getFoodLevel() < minFood) { player.setFoodLevel(minFood); } else if (player.getFoodLevel() > maxFood) { player.setFoodLevel(maxFood); } //If the cell doesn't equal null, then let's put them in the jail if(cell != null) { //check if we store the inventory if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.JAILEDSTOREINVENTORY.getPath(), true)) { //Check if there is a chest to store our items to and if it is a double chest, if not we will then serialize it if(cell.hasChest()) { //Get the chest's inventory and then clear it Inventory chest = cell.getChest().getInventory(); chest.clear(); //Get the separate inventory, so we can iterate of them ItemStack[] inventory = player.getInventory().getContents(); ItemStack[] armor = player.getInventory().getArmorContents(); for(ItemStack item : inventory) { int i = chest.firstEmpty(); if(i != -1) {//Check that we have got a free spot, should never happen but just in case chest.setItem(i, item); } } for(ItemStack item : armor) { int i = chest.firstEmpty(); if(i != -1) {//Check that we have got a free spot, should never happen but just in case chest.setItem(i, item); } } player.getInventory().setArmorContents(null); player.getInventory().clear(); //Here so we don't forget about it later as this method isn't finished, but //Updates the cell's signs cell.update(); }else { String[] inv = Util.playerInventoryToBase64(player.getInventory()); prisoner.setInventory(inv[0]); prisoner.setArmor(inv[1]); player.getInventory().setArmorContents(null); player.getInventory().clear(); } } //Teleport them to the cell's teleport location //they will now be placed in jail. player.teleport(cell.getTeleport()); }else { //There is no cell we're jailing them to, so stick them in the jail if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.JAILEDSTOREINVENTORY.getPath(), true)) { String[] inv = Util.playerInventoryToBase64(player.getInventory()); prisoner.setInventory(inv[0]); prisoner.setArmor(inv[1]); player.getInventory().setArmorContents(null); player.getInventory().clear(); } //Teleport them to the jail's teleport in location //They will now be placed in jail. player.teleport(jail.getTeleportIn()); } //Set them to not allowing teleporting, as we are not going to be moving them anymore //this way the move checkers will start checking this player. prisoner.setTeleporting(false); //Get the commands to execute after they are jailed //replace all of the %p% so that the commands can have a player name in them for(String command : pl.getConfig().getStringList(Settings.COMMANDSONJAIL.getPath())) { command = command.replaceAll("%p%", player.getName()); pl.getServer().dispatchCommand(pl.getServer().getConsoleSender(), command); } //Add the scoreboard to them if it is enabled if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.SCOREBOARDENABLED.getPath())) { pl.getScoreBoardManager().addScoreBoard(player, prisoner); } //Call our custom event for when a prisoner is actually jailed. PrisonerJailedEvent event = new PrisonerJailedEvent(jail, cell, prisoner, player); pl.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); //Save the data, as we have changed it pl.getJailIO().saveJail(jail); } /** * Release the given prisoner from jailing, does the checks if they are offline or not. * * @param player we are releasing, can be null and if so they'll be treated as offline. * @param prisoner data to handle. */ public void releasePrisoner(Player player, Prisoner prisoner) { if(player == null) { prisoner.setOfflinePending(true); prisoner.setRemainingTime(0); }else { Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJailPlayerIsIn(player.getUniqueId()); try { unJail(j, j.getCellPrisonerIsIn(player.getName()), player, prisoner); }catch(Exception e) { if(pl.inDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to unjail the prisoner " + player.getName() + " because '" + e.getMessage() + "'."); } } } /** * Unjails a prisoner from jail, removing all their data. * *

* * Throws an exception if either the jail is null or the prisoner is null. * * @param jail where the prisoner is located at * @param cell which the prisoner is in, can be null * @param player instance for the prisoner we're unjailing * @param prisoner data where everything resides * @throws Exception */ public void unJail(Jail jail, Cell cell, Player player, Prisoner prisoner) throws Exception { //Do some checks of whether the passed params are null. if(jail == null) throw new Exception("The jail can not be null."); if(prisoner == null) throw new Exception("Prisoner data can not be null."); //Throw the custom event which is called before we start releasing them PrePrisonerReleasedEvent preEvent = new PrePrisonerReleasedEvent(jail, cell, prisoner, player); pl.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(preEvent); //We are getting ready to teleport them, so set it to true so that //the *future* move checkers won't be canceling our moving. prisoner.setTeleporting(true); //In case they have somehow got on a vehicle, let's unmount //them so we can possibly teleport them if(player.isInsideVehicle()) { player.getVehicle().eject(); player.getPassenger().eject(); player.eject(); } //In case we had set their sleeping state to be ignored //let's enable their sleeping state taking place again player.setSleepingIgnored(false); //If the config has us teleporting them back to their //previous position then let's do that boolean tpd = false; if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.RELEASETOPREVIOUSPOSITION.getPath(), false)) { if(prisoner.getPreviousLocation() != null) tpd = player.teleport(prisoner.getPreviousLocation()); } //If they haven't already been teleported and the config has us to teleport on release, //then we teleport players to the jail's free spot if(!tpd && pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.TELEPORTONRELEASE.getPath(), true)) { player.teleport(jail.getTeleportFree()); } //If we are to restore their previous gamemode and we have it stored, //then by all means let's restore it if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.RESTOREPREVIOUSGAMEMODE.getPath(), false)) { player.setGameMode(prisoner.getPreviousGameMode()); } //Now, let's restore their inventory //if the cell isn't null, let's check if the cell has a chest and if so then try out best to restore //the prisoner's inventory from that if(cell != null) { if(cell.hasChest()) { Inventory chest = cell.getChest().getInventory(); for (ItemStack item : chest.getContents()) { if (item == null || item.getType() == Material.AIR) continue; if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("helmet") && (player.getInventory().getHelmet() == null || player.getInventory().getHelmet().getType() == Material.AIR)) { player.getInventory().setHelmet(item); } else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("chestplate") && (player.getInventory().getChestplate() == null || player.getInventory().getChestplate().getType() == Material.AIR)) { player.getInventory().setChestplate(item); } else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("leg") && (player.getInventory().getLeggings() == null || player.getInventory().getLeggings().getType() == Material.AIR)) { player.getInventory().setLeggings(item); } else if(item.getType().toString().toLowerCase().contains("boots") && (player.getInventory().getBoots() == null || player.getInventory().getBoots().getType() == Material.AIR)) { player.getInventory().setBoots(item); } else if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1) { player.getWorld().dropItem(player.getLocation(), item); } else { player.getInventory().addItem(item); } } chest.clear(); }else { Util.restoreInventory(player, prisoner); } pl.getJailIO().removePrisoner(jail, cell, prisoner); cell.removePrisoner(); }else { Util.restoreInventory(player, prisoner); pl.getJailIO().removePrisoner(jail, prisoner); jail.removePrisoner(prisoner); } //Get the commands to execute prisoners are unjailed //replace all of the %p% so that the commands can have a player name in them for(String command : pl.getConfig().getStringList(Settings.COMMANDSONRELEASE.getPath())) { command = command.replaceAll("%p%", player.getName()); pl.getServer().dispatchCommand(pl.getServer().getConsoleSender(), command); } //Remove the scoreboard to them if it is enabled if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.SCOREBOARDENABLED.getPath())) { pl.getScoreBoardManager().removeScoreBoard(player); } //Call the prisoner released event as we have released them. PrisonerReleasedEvent event = new PrisonerReleasedEvent(jail, cell, prisoner, player); pl.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); player.sendMessage(pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.UNJAILED)); } /** Forcefully releases a {@link Prisoner prisoner} from {@link Jail}. */ public void forceRelease(Prisoner prisoner) { Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJailPrisonerIsIn(prisoner); forceUnJail(j, j.getCellPrisonerIsIn(prisoner.getName()), pl.getServer().getPlayer(prisoner.getUUID()), prisoner); } /** Forcefully unjails a {@link Prisoner prisoner} from {@link Jail}. */ public void forceUnJail(Jail jail, Cell cell, Player player, Prisoner prisoner) { if(player == null) { //Player is offline, we just forcefully remove them from the database pl.getJailIO().removePrisoner(jail, cell, prisoner); if(cell == null) { jail.removePrisoner(prisoner); }else { cell.removePrisoner(); } }else { try { unJail(jail, cell, player, prisoner); } catch (Exception e) { releasePrisoner(player, prisoner); } } } /** * Transfers the prisoner from one jail, or cell, to another jail, and/or cell. * * @param originJail The jail where they are coming from. * @param originCell The cell where they are coming from. * @param targetJail The jail we're transferring them from. * @param targetCell The cell we're putting them into. * @param prisoner The prisoner data we're handling. */ public void transferPrisoner(Jail originJail, Cell originCell, Jail targetJail, Cell targetCell, Prisoner prisoner) { Player player = pl.getServer().getPlayer(prisoner.getUUID()); //If there is no origin cell, then we need to basically just put them to their targetJail if(originCell == null) { //But first thing is first, let's check if there is a targetCell we're putting them in if(targetCell == null) { //There is no cell, so we're just going to be putting them into //the target jail and that's it targetJail.addPrisoner(prisoner); //Now then let's remove them from their old jail originJail.removePrisoner(prisoner); //If the player is not online, trigger them to be teleported when they //come online again if(player == null) { //Set them to have an action on offline pending, so it gets triggered prisoner.setOfflinePending(true); //Now let's set them to be transferred when they come online next prisoner.setToBeTransferred(true); }else { prisoner.setTeleporting(true); player.teleport(targetJail.getTeleportIn()); prisoner.setTeleporting(false); player.sendMessage(pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.TRANSFERRED, targetJail.getName())); } }else { //They are set to go to the targetCell, so handle accordingly targetCell.setPrisoner(prisoner); //If the player is not online, trigger them to be teleported when they //come online again if(player == null) { //Set them to have an action on offline pending, so it gets triggered prisoner.setOfflinePending(true); //Now let's set them to be transferred when they come online next prisoner.setToBeTransferred(true); }else { prisoner.setTeleporting(true); player.teleport(targetCell.getTeleport()); prisoner.setTeleporting(false); player.sendMessage(pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.TRANSFERRED, targetJail.getName())); } } }else { //They are being transferred from a cell, so we need to handle getting the inventory //and all that sort of stuff from the old cell before we transfer them over to the new cell //If they're not being sent to a cell any more, handle that differently as well if(targetCell == null) { //Add them to the target jail targetJail.addPrisoner(prisoner); //Next, remove them from the cell originCell.removePrisoner(); //If the cell they came from has any items from their inventory, //let's get it all and store it if(originCell.hasChest()) { //Convert the inventory to base64 string and store it in the prisoner's file prisoner.setInventory(Util.toBase64(originCell.getChest().getInventory())); //Clear the origin cell's inventory so nothing is left behind originCell.getChest().getInventory().clear(); } }else { //They are being transferred to a cell in another cell, //we aren't going to do any sanity checks as we hope the method that is //calling this one does those sanity checks for us. //Set the cell's prisoner to this one targetCell.setPrisoner(prisoner); //Remove the prisoner from the old one originCell.removePrisoner(); //Check if the origin cell has a chest, put all the player's inventory into it if(originCell.hasChest()) { //If the targetCell has a chest if(targetCell.hasChest()) { //Loop through the origin's chest inventory and add it to the target cell's chest for(ItemStack i : originCell.getChest().getInventory().getContents()) { targetCell.getChest().getInventory().addItem(i); } //Clear the origin cell's chest as it is clear now originCell.getChest().getInventory().clear(); }else { //targetCell has no chest so we aren't going to try and put anything into it //Convert the inventory to base64 string and store it in the prisoner's file prisoner.setInventory(Util.toBase64(originCell.getChest().getInventory())); //Clear the origin cell's inventory so nothing is left behind originCell.getChest().getInventory().clear(); } } } } //Throw our custom event PrisonerTransferredEvent to say it was successful PrisonerTransferredEvent event = new PrisonerTransferredEvent(originJail, originCell, targetJail, targetCell, prisoner, player); pl.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event); } }