package com.graywolf336.jail.command.commands; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.graywolf336.jail.JailManager; import com.graywolf336.jail.command.Command; import com.graywolf336.jail.command.CommandInfo; @CommandInfo( maxArgs = -1, minimumArgs = 1, needsPlayer = false, pattern = "jail|j", permission = "jail.command.jail", usage = "/jail [p:name] (t:time) (j:Jail name) (c:Cell name) (m:Muted) (r:Reason)" ) public class JailCommand implements Command { public boolean execute(JailManager jm, CommandSender sender, String... args) { String player = "", jail = "", cell = "", reason = ""; int time = 30; boolean muted = false; for(String s : args) { if(s.startsWith("p:")) { player = s.substring(2); }else if(s.startsWith("t:")) { time = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(2)); }else if(s.startsWith("j:")) { jail = s.substring(2); }else if(s.startsWith("c:")) { cell = s.substring(2); }else if(s.startsWith("m:")) { muted = Boolean.parseBoolean(s.substring(2)); }else if(s.startsWith("r:")) { reason = s.substring(2); } } Player p = jm.getPlugin().getServer().getPlayer(player); //Player is not online if(p == null) { sender.sendMessage(player + " is offline and will be jailed for " + time + " minutes in the jail " + jail + " and will be muted: " + muted + "."); }else { //Player *is* online sender.sendMessage(player + " is offline and will be jailed for " + time + " minutes in the jail " + jail + " and will be muted: " + muted + "."); } return true; } }