system: configVersion: 3 debug: false language: 'en' updateNotifications: true useBukkitTimer: true storage: type: 'flatfile' #can be flatfile, sqlite, or mysql mysql: host: 'localhost' port: 3306 username: 'root' password: 'password' database: 'jailDatabase' prefix: 'j3_' jailing: during: blockBreakPenalty: 5m blockBreakProtection: true blockBreakWhiteList: ['crops', 'carrot', 'potato'] # these blocks can be broken at any time by prisoners blockPlacePenalty: 5m blockPlaceProtection: true blockPlaceWhiteList: ['crops', 'carrot', 'potato'] # these blocks can be placed at any time by prisoners commandPenalty: 5m commandProtection: true commandWhitelist: ['/ping', '/list', '/jail status', '/jail pay'] countDownTimeWhileOffline: false cropTramplingPenalty: 5m cropTramplingProtection: true foodControl: true foodControlMax: 20 foodControlMin: 10 ignoreSleeping: true maxAFKTime: 10m #in minutes movePenalty: 10m moveProtection: true openChest: true preventInteractionBlocks: ['wooden_door', 'iron_door_block'] preventInteractionBlocksPenalty: 5m preventInteractionItems: [] preventInteractionItemsPenalty: 5m recieveMessages: true scoreboard: enabled: true title: 'Jail Info' time: '&aTime:' jail: automaticMute: true broadcastJailing: false commands: [] defaultJail: nearest #the jail nearest to the player defaultTime: 30m #default the time to 30 minutes, if no time deleteInventory: false gameMode: adventure logToConsole: true logToProfile: false storeInventory: true release: backToPreviousPosition: false commands: [] restorePreviousGameMode: false teleport: true jails: endermenProtection: true explosionProtection: true jailpay: enabled: true item: air pricePerMinute: 1.5 priceInfinite: 10000 jailstick: enabled: true sticks: ["stick,30,,Running away"]