package com.graywolf336.jail; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner; import com.graywolf336.jail.command.CommandHandler; import com.graywolf336.jail.command.JailHandler; import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Lang; import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Settings; import com.graywolf336.jail.interfaces.IJailPayManager; import com.graywolf336.jail.interfaces.IJailStickManager; import com.graywolf336.jail.legacy.LegacyManager; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.CacheListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.CellSignListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.EntityListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.HandCuffListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.JailingListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.MoveProtectionListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.PlayerListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.ProtectionListener; import com.graywolf336.jail.listeners.WorldListener; /** * The main class for this Jail plugin, holds instances of vital classes. * * @author graywolf336 * @since 1.x.x * @version 3.0.0 */ public class JailMain extends JavaPlugin { private CommandHandler cmdHand; private HandCuffManager hcm; private JailHandler jh; private JailIO io; private JailManager jm; private IJailPayManager jpm; private IJailStickManager jsm; private JailTimer jt; private JailVoteManager jvm; private PrisonerManager pm; private ScoreBoardManager sbm; private MoveProtectionListener mpl; private Update update; private boolean debug = false; private int updateCheckTask = -1; public void onEnable() { long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); loadConfig(); debug = getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.DEBUG.getPath()); if(debug) getLogger().info("Debugging enabled."); hcm = new HandCuffManager(); jm = new JailManager(this); //Try to load the old stuff before we load anything, esp the storage stuff LegacyManager lm = new LegacyManager(this); if(lm.doWeNeedToConvert()) { lm.convertOldData(); if(!lm.wasAnythingConverted()) getLogger().severe("We was unable to convert some, or all, of the old data."); } io = new JailIO(this); io.loadLanguage(); //If the prepareStorage returns false, we need to disable the plugin if(!io.prepareStorage(true)) { this.getLogger().severe("An error occured while preparing the connection to the storage, please see the error above for more information."); this.getServer().getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this); return; } io.loadJails(); //If we converted something, let's save EVERYTHING including the cells if(lm.wasAnythingConverted()) { io.saveEverything(); } cmdHand = new CommandHandler(this); jh = new JailHandler(this); pm = new PrisonerManager(this); try { jvm = new JailVoteManager(this); }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getLogger().severe("Failed to load the Jail Vote system, please see the stacktrace above (you probably misconfigured the time)."); } PluginManager plm = this.getServer().getPluginManager(); plm.registerEvents(new CacheListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new CellSignListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new EntityListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new HandCuffListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new JailingListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new PlayerListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new ProtectionListener(this), this); plm.registerEvents(new WorldListener(this), this); //Only register the move protection listener if this is enabled in the //config when we first start the plugin. The reason for this change is //that the move event is called a ton of times per single move and so //not registering this event listener will hopefully safe some performance. //But doing this also forces people to restart their server if they to //enable it after disabling it. if(getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.MOVEPROTECTION.getPath())) { this.mpl = new MoveProtectionListener(this); plm.registerEvents(this.mpl, this); } jt = new JailTimer(this); sbm = new ScoreBoardManager(this); reloadJailPayManager(); reloadJailSticks(); reloadUpdateCheck(); new JailsAPI(this); debug("Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " to enable the plugin."); getLogger().info("Completed enablement."); } public void onDisable() { if(jm != null) for(Jail j : jm.getJails()) io.saveJail(j); if(jt != null) if(jt.getTimer() != null) jt.getTimer().stop(); if(io != null) io.closeConnection(); getServer().getScheduler().cancelTasks(this); update = null; jvm = null; jt = null; sbm = null; jpm = null; cmdHand = null; pm = null; jm = null; jsm = null; io = null; hcm = null; } private void loadConfig() { //Only create the default config if it doesn't exist saveDefaultConfig(); //Append new key-value pairs to the config getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); // Set the header and save getConfig().options().header(getHeader()); saveConfig(); } private String getHeader() { String sep = System.getProperty("line.separator"); return "###################" + sep + "Jail v" + this.getDescription().getVersion() + " config file" + sep + "Note: You -must- use spaces instead of tabs!" + sep + "###################"; } /* Majority of the new command system was heavily influenced by the MobArena. * Thank you garbagemule for the great system you have in place there. * * Send the command off to the CommandHandler class, that way this main class doesn't get clogged up. */ public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String commandLabel, String[] args) { if(jh == null || cmdHand == null) { sender.sendMessage(Lang.PLUGINNOTLOADED.get()); getServer().getConsoleSender().sendMessage(Lang.PLUGINNOTLOADED.get()); }else { if(commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("jail") || commandLabel.equalsIgnoreCase("j")) { jh.parseCommand(jm, sender, args); }else { cmdHand.handleCommand(jm, sender, command.getName().toLowerCase(), args); } } return true;//Always return true here, that way we can handle the help and command usage ourself. } public void reloadEverything() throws Exception { reloadConfig(); getJailIO().loadLanguage(); getJailIO().loadJails(); reloadScoreBoardManager(); reloadJailSticks(); reloadJailPayManager(); reloadJailVoteManager(); reloadUpdateCheck(); } /** Reloads the scoreboard manager class, useful when something is changed int he config about it. */ private void reloadScoreBoardManager() { this.sbm.removeAllScoreboards(); this.sbm = null; this.sbm = new ScoreBoardManager(this); if(getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.SCOREBOARDENABLED.getPath())) { for(Jail j : jm.getJails()) { for(Prisoner p : j.getAllPrisoners().values()) { if(getServer().getPlayer(p.getUUID()) != null) { this.sbm.addScoreBoard(getServer().getPlayer(p.getUUID()), p); } } } } } /** Reloads the Jail Sticks, so the new ones can be loaded from the config. */ private void reloadJailSticks() { if(getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.JAILSTICKENABLED.getPath())) { if(this.jsm != null) { this.jsm.removeAllStickUsers(); this.jsm = null; } this.jsm = new JailStickManager(this); } } /** Reloads the {@link JailPayManager}. */ private void reloadJailPayManager() { this.jpm = null; if(getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.JAILPAYENABLED.getPath())) { if(getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Vault")) { this.jpm = new JailPayManager(this); }else { getConfig().set(Settings.JAILPAYENABLED.getPath(), false); getLogger().severe("Jail Pay couldn't find an economy, disabling Jail Pay."); } } } /** Reloads the {@link JailVoteManager}. */ private void reloadJailVoteManager() throws Exception { if(this.jvm != null) { for(Integer i : this.jvm.getRunningTasks().values()) { this.getServer().getScheduler().cancelTask(i); } this.jvm.getRunningTasks().clear(); this.jvm.getVotes().clear(); } this.jvm = null; this.jvm = new JailVoteManager(this); } /** Reloads the update checker, in case they changed a setting about it. */ private void reloadUpdateCheck() { getServer().getScheduler().cancelTask(updateCheckTask); update = new Update(this); if(getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.UPDATENOTIFICATIONS.getPath())) { try { updateCheckTask = getServer().getScheduler().runTaskTimerAsynchronously(this, new Runnable() { public void run() { update.query(); } }, 80L, Util.getTime(getConfig().getString(Settings.UPDATETIME.getPath()), TimeUnit.SECONDS) * 20).getTaskId(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); getLogger().severe("Was unable to schedule the update checking, please check your time format is correct."); } } } /** Gets the {@link HandCuffManager} instance. */ public HandCuffManager getHandCuffManager() { return this.hcm; } /** Gets the {@link JailIO} instance. */ public JailIO getJailIO() { return; } /** Gets the {@link JailManager} instance. */ public JailManager getJailManager() { return; } /** Gets an instance of the {@link IJailPayManager}. */ public IJailPayManager getJailPayManager() { return this.jpm; } /** Gets the {@link PrisonerManager} instance. */ public PrisonerManager getPrisonerManager() { return; } /** Gets an instance of the {@link JailStickManager}. */ public IJailStickManager getJailStickManager() { return this.jsm; } /** Gets the {@link ScoreBoardManager} instance. */ public ScoreBoardManager getScoreBoardManager() { return this.sbm; } /** Gets the {@link JailVoteManager} instance. */ public JailVoteManager getJailVoteManager() { return this.jvm; } /** Gets the {@link Update} instance. */ public Update getUpdate() { return this.update; } /** Sets whether the plugin is in debugging or not. */ public boolean setDebugging(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; //Save whether we are debugging when we disable the plugin getConfig().set(Settings.DEBUG.getPath(), this.debug); saveConfig(); return this.debug; } /** Returns if the plugin is in debug state or not. */ public boolean inDebug() { return this.debug; } /** Logs a debugging message to the console if debugging is enabled. */ public void debug(String message) { if(inDebug()) getLogger().info("[Debug]: " + message); } /** * This method is only for testing, there is no need to use this. * * @return the move protection listener * @deprecated */ public MoveProtectionListener getPlayerMoveListener() { return this.mpl; } }