package com.graywolf336.jail;
import org.bukkit.GameMode;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.LangString;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Settings;
public class PrisonerManager {
private JailMain pl;
public PrisonerManager(JailMain plugin) { = plugin;
* Prepare the jailing of this player.
* In this we do the following:
* - Checks if the jail is null, if so it throws an Exception
* - Checks if the prisoner is null, if so it throws an Exception
* - Sets the prisoner data to offline pending or not, player == null
* - If the cell is null, add the prisoner data to the jail otherwise we set the cell's prisoner to this one. Check before here if the cell already contains a prisoner.
* - Saves the jail information, goes out to the {@link JailIO} to initate a save.
* - If the prisoner is not offline, we will actually {@link #jailPrisoner(Jail, Cell, Player, Prisoner) jail} them now.
* - Does checks to get the right message for the next two items.
* - If we broadcast the jailing, then let's broadcast it.
* - If we log the jailing to console and we haven't broadcasted it, then we log it to the console.
* @param jail The jail instance we are sending this prisoner to
* @param cell The name of the cell we are sending this prisoner to
* @param player The player we are preparing the jail for.
* @param prisoner The prisoner file.
* @throws Exception if the jail or prisoner are null.
public void prepareJail(Jail jail, Cell cell, Player player, Prisoner prisoner) throws Exception {
//Do some checks of whether the passed params are null.
if(jail == null)
throw new Exception("The jail can not be null.");
if(prisoner == null)
throw new Exception("Prisoner data can not be null.");
//Set whether the prisoner is offline or not.
prisoner.setOfflinePending(player == null);
//Now that we've got those checks out of the way, let's start preparing.
if(cell == null) {
}else {
//Save the jail after adding them to the jail
//If they are NOT offline, jail them
if(!prisoner.isOfflinePending()) {
jailPrisoner(jail, cell, player, prisoner);
//Get a message ready for broadcasting or logging.
String msg = "";
if(prisoner.getRemainingTime() < 0L)
msg = pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.BROADCASTMESSAGEFOREVER, new String[] { prisoner.getName() });
msg = pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.BROADCASTMESSAGEFOREVER, new String[] { prisoner.getName(), String.valueOf(prisoner.getRemainingTimeInMinutes()) });
boolean broadcasted = false;
//Broadcast the message, if it is enabled
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.BROADCASTJAILING.getPath(), false)) {
broadcasted = true;
//Log the message, if it is enabled
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.LOGJAILING.getPath(), true) && !broadcasted) {
* Jails the prisoner with the given name.
* @param name of the prisoner to jail.
public void jailPrisoner(String name) {
Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJailPlayerIsIn(name);
jailPrisoner(j, j.getCellPrisonerIsIn(name), pl.getServer().getPlayerExact(name), j.getPrisoner(name));
* Jails the prisoner with the proper information given.
* @param jail where they are going
* @param cell where they are being placed in, can be null
* @param player who is the prisoner
* @param prisoner data containing everything pertaining to them
public void jailPrisoner(Jail jail, Cell cell, Player player, Prisoner prisoner) {
//They are no longer offline, so set that.
//We are getting ready to teleport them, so set it to true so that
//the *future* move checkers won't be cancelling our moving.
//If their reason is empty send proper message, else send other proper message
if(prisoner.getReason().isEmpty()) {
}else {
player.sendMessage(pl.getJailIO().getLanguageString(LangString.JAILEDWITHREASON, new String[] { prisoner.getReason() }));
//If the config has inventory deletion, then let's delete it
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.DELETEINVENTORY.getPath(), false)) {
//If the config has releasing them back to their previous position,
//then let's set it in the prisoner data.
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.RELEASETOPREVIOUSPOSITION.getPath(), false)) {
//If the config has restoring their previous gamemode enabled,
//then let's set it in their prisoner data.
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.RESTOREPREVIOUSGAMEMODE.getPath(), false)) {
//Set their gamemode to the one in the config, if we get a null value
//from the parsing then we set theirs to adventure
try {
player.setGameMode(GameMode.valueOf(pl.getConfig().getString(Settings.JAILEDGAMEMODE.getPath(), "ADVENTURE").toUpperCase()));
}catch(Exception e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Your jailedgamemode setting is incorrect, please fix.");
//only eject them if they're inside a vehicle and also eject anyone else on top of them
if(player.isInsideVehicle()) {
//If we are ignoring the sleeping state of prisoners,
//then let's set that
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.IGNORESLEEPINGSTATE.getPath(), true)) {
//Get the max and min food level in the config
int maxFood = pl.getConfig().getInt(Settings.MAXFOODLEVEL.getPath(), 20);
int minFood = pl.getConfig().getInt(Settings.MINFOODLEVEL.getPath(), 10);
//If their food level is less than the min food level, set it to the min
//but if it is higher than the max, set it to the max
if (player.getFoodLevel() < minFood) {
} else if (player.getFoodLevel() > maxFood) {
//If the cell doesn't equal null, then let's put them in the jail
if(cell != null) {
//check if we store the inventory
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.JAILEDSTOREINVENTORY.getPath(), true)) {
//Check if there is a chest to store our items to and if it is a double chest, if not we will then serialize it
if(cell.hasChest()) {
//Get the chest's inventory and then clear it
Inventory chest = cell.getChest().getInventory();
//Get the separate inventory, so we can iterate of them
ItemStack[] inventory = player.getInventory().getContents();
ItemStack[] armor = player.getInventory().getArmorContents();
for(ItemStack item : inventory) {
int i = chest.firstEmpty();
if(i != -1) {//Check that we have got a free spot, should never happen but just in case
chest.setItem(i, item);
for(ItemStack item : armor) {
int i = chest.firstEmpty();
if(i != -1) {//Check that we have got a free spot, should never happen but just in case
chest.setItem(i, item);
//Here so we don't forget about it later as this method isn't finished, but
//Updates the cell's signs
}else {
String[] inv = Util.playerInventoryToBase64(player.getInventory());
//Teleport them to the cell's teleport location
//they will now be placed in jail.
}else {
//There is no cell we're jailing them to, so stick them in the jail
if(pl.getConfig().getBoolean(Settings.JAILEDSTOREINVENTORY.getPath(), true)) {
String[] inv = Util.playerInventoryToBase64(player.getInventory());
//Teleport them to the jail's teleport in location
//They will now be placed in jail.
//Set them to not allowing teleporting, as we are not going to be moving them anymore
//this way the move checkers will start checking this player.
//Get the commands to execute after they are jailed
//replace all of the %p% so that the commands can have a player name in them
for(String command : pl.getConfig().getStringList(Settings.COMMANDSONJAIL.getPath())) {
command = command.replaceAll("%p%", player.getName());
pl.getServer().dispatchCommand(pl.getServer().getConsoleSender(), command);
//Save the data, as we have changed it