package com.graywolf336.jail; import; import; import java.util.Set; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail; import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.SimpleLocation; public class JailIO { private JailMain pl; private FileConfiguration flat; private int storage; //0 = flatfile, 1 = sqlite, 2 = mysql public JailIO(JailMain plugin) { = plugin; String st = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.type", "flatfile"); if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) { storage = 1; }else if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) { storage = 2; }else { storage = 0; } } public void prepareStorage() { switch(storage) { case 1: //prepare sqlite, I need to research this break; case 2: //prepare mysql, research this as well break; default: flat = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml")); break; } } public void loadJails() { switch(storage) { case 1: //load the jails from sqlite break; case 2: //load the jails from mysql break; default: //load the jails from flatfile if(flat.isConfigurationSection("jails")) { Set jails = flat.getConfigurationSection("jails").getKeys(false); if(!jails.isEmpty()) { pl.getLogger().info("Jails configuration section exists and there are " + jails.size() + "."); for(String name : jails) { loadJail(name); } }else { pl.getLogger().warning("Jails configuration section exists but no jails are there."); } } break; } int s = pl.getJailManager().getJails().size(); pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + s + (s == 1 ? " jail." : " jails.")); } public void saveJail(Jail j) { switch(storage) { case 1: case 2: break; default: if(flat != null) { String node = "jails." + j.getName() + "."; //Corners flat.set(node + "world", j.getWorldName()); flat.set(node + "top.x", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX()); flat.set(node + "top.y", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY()); flat.set(node + "top.z", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ()); flat.set(node + "bottom.x", j.getMinPoint().getBlockX()); flat.set(node + "bottom.y", j.getMinPoint().getBlockY()); flat.set(node + "bottom.z", j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ()); //Tele in flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getX()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getY()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getZ()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getYaw()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportIn().getPitch()); //Tele out flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getX()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getY()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getZ()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getYaw()); flat.set(node + "", j.getTeleportFree().getPitch()); try { File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml")); } catch (IOException e) { pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage()); } }else { pl.getLogger().severe("Storage not enabled, could not save the jail " + j.getName()); } break; } } private void loadJail(String name) { switch(storage) { case 1: case 2: break; default: String node = "jails." + name + "."; Jail j = new Jail(pl, name); j.setWorld(node + "world"); j.setMaxPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "top.x"), flat.getInt(node + "top.y"), flat.getInt(node + "top.z")}); j.setMinPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "bottom.x"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.y"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.z")}); j.setTeleportIn(new SimpleLocation( flat.getString(node + "world"), flat.getDouble(node + ""), flat.getDouble(node + ""), flat.getDouble(node + ""), (float) flat.getDouble(node + ""), (float) flat.getDouble(node + ""))); j.setTeleportFree(new SimpleLocation( flat.getString(node + ""), flat.getDouble(node + ""), flat.getDouble(node + ""), flat.getDouble(node + ""), (float) flat.getDouble(node + ""), (float) flat.getDouble(node + ""))); pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false); break; } } }