The variables possible are:
* %player% - the player's last known name
* %uuid% - the player's uuid, or what can fit on a sign
* %reason% - the reason the player was jailed
* %jailer% - the person/thing who jailed this player
* %afktime% - the amount of time the player has been afk
* %timeinminutes% - the amount of remaining time the player has in
If the player is jailed forever, then it pulls from the language file
`jailedforeversign` property.
1. In the player move event we looped through the jailed players more
than once which really is an issue when you have several hundred jailed
and since the move event is called several times a second, that was a
huge performance hit.
2. Don't save the prisoner data as soon as they are jailed, we take care
of that else where with the shutting down and counting down time.