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2014-06-12 10:44:13 -05:00
package com.graywolf336.jail;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Cell;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Jail;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.Prisoner;
import com.graywolf336.jail.beans.SimpleLocation;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Lang;
import com.graywolf336.jail.enums.Settings;
2014-06-12 10:44:13 -05:00
* Handles all the saving and loading of the plugin's data.
2014-06-12 10:44:13 -05:00
* @author graywolf336
* @since 2.x.x
* @version 3.0.0
2014-06-12 10:44:13 -05:00
public class JailIO {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
private JailMain pl;
private FileConfiguration flat, records;
private Connection con;
private int storage = -1; //0 = flatfile, 1 = sqlite, 2 = mysql
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
private String prefix;
private boolean changed = false;
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
protected JailIO(JailMain plugin) {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
this.pl = plugin;
/** Loads the language file from disk, if there is none then we save the default one. */
protected void loadLanguage() {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
String language = pl.getConfig().getString(Settings.LANGUAGE.getPath());
boolean save = false;
File langFile = new File(pl.getDataFolder(), language + ".yml");
//File or folder already exists, let's check
if(langFile.exists()) {
if(langFile.isFile()) {
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded the language: " + language);
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("The language file can not be a folder.");
pl.getLogger().severe("As a result, we are reverting back to English as the language.");
save = true;
}else {
pl.getLogger().warning("Loading the default language of: en");
pl.getLogger().warning("If you wish to change this, please rename 'en.yml' to whatever you wish and set the config value to the name of the file.");
save = true;
//Make sure we have all the new language settings loaded
if(!save) save = Lang.writeNewLanguage(YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(pl.getResource("en.yml")));
//If we have flagged to save the language file, let's save it as en.yml as this flag usually means they didn't have it loaded.
if(save) {
try {
Lang.getFile().save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "en.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the language file: " + e.getMessage());
/** Prepares the storage engine to be used, returns true if everything went good. */
protected boolean prepareStorage(boolean doInitialCreations) {
int inital = storage == -1 ? -1 : storage;
String st = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.type", "flatfile");
if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("sqlite")) {
storage = 1;
prefix = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.prefix");
}else if(st.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {
storage = 2;
prefix = pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.prefix");
}else {
storage = 0;
//Determine if we changed storage types midstream
//this way we can know whether to save EVERYTHING
//or not afterwards
if(inital != -1 && inital != storage) {
pl.debug("We changed storage types! We used to be " + inital + " and changed to " + storage + ".");
changed = true;
pl.debug("The storage type " + st + " with the type being " + storage + ".");
if(!pl.inDebug()) pl.getLogger().info("Storage type selected: " + st);
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
switch(storage) {
case 1:
try {
pl.getLogger().info("Connecting to the sqlite database.");
Connection sqliteConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + new File(pl.getDataFolder().getPath(), "jail3.sqlite").getPath());
this.con = sqliteConnection;
pl.debug("Connection created for sqlite.");
2014-08-19 16:54:14 -05:00
if(doInitialCreations) createTables();
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Sqlite driver not found, disabling the plugin.");
return false;
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to connect to the sqlite database, please update your config accordingly.");
return false;
case 2:
try {
pl.getLogger().info("Connecting to the MySQL database.");
Connection mysqlConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.host") + ":"
+ pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.port") + "/"
+ pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.database"), pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.username"), pl.getConfig().getString("storage.mysql.password"));
this.con = mysqlConnection;
pl.debug("Connection created for MySQL.");
if(doInitialCreations) createTables();
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("MySQL driver not found, disabling the plugin.");
return false;
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to connect to the MySQL database, please update your config accordingly.");
return false;
flat = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
records = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
if(changed) {
changed = false;
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
return true;
* Gets the connection for the sqlite and mysql, null if flatfile.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @return The connection for the sql database.
private Connection getConnection() {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
switch(storage) {
case 1:
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
try {
if(con.isClosed()) this.prepareStorage(false);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to get a SQLite connection, please see the error above and fix the problem.");
return null;
return con;
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
case 2:
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
try {
if(con.isClosed() || !con.isValid(10)) this.prepareStorage(false);
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to get a MySql connection, please see the error above and fix the problem.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
return null;
return con;
return null;
/** Closes the sql connection. */
protected void closeConnection() {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
if(con != null) {
con = null;
pl.debug("Closed the SQL connection.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to close the SQL connection.");
private void createTables() {
if(getConnection() == null) {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
pl.debug("The connection was null when we tried to create a table.");
try {
Statement st = getConnection().createStatement();
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
case 1:
2014-08-19 16:54:14 -05:00
String sqlJailCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "jails` ("
+ "`world` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`top.x` INT NOT NULL,"
+ "`top.y` INT NOT NULL,"
+ "`top.z` INT NOT NULL,"
+ "`bottom.x` INT NOT NULL,"
+ "`bottom.y` INT NOT NULL,"
+ "`bottom.z` INT NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.in.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.in.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.in.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.in.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.in.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.free.world` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.free.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.free.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.free.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.free.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tps.free.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL);";
st.executeUpdate("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "jails_name` on `" + prefix + "jails` (`name`) ");
String sqlCellCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "cells` ("
+ "`name` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`jail` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`tp.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tp.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tp.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tp.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`tp.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL,"
+ "`chest.x` INT NULL,"
+ "`chest.y` INT NULL,"
+ "`chest.z` INT NULL,"
+ "`signs` VARCHAR NULL);";
st.executeUpdate("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "cells_cellid` on `" + prefix + "cells` (`cellid`) ");
String sqlPrisCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "prisoners` ("
+ "`name` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`jail` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`cell` VARCHAR NULL,"
+ "`muted` TINYINT NOT NULL,"
+ "`time` BIGINT NOT NULL,"
+ "`offlinePending` TINYINT NOT NULL,"
+ "`toBeTransferred` TINYINT NOT NULL,"
+ "`jailer` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`reason` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`inventory` BLOB NULL,"
+ "`armor` BLOB NULL,"
+ "`previousLocation` VARCHAR(250) NULL,"
+ "`previousGameMode` VARCHAR(16) NULL);";
st.executeUpdate("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "prisoners_uuid` on `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`) ");
String sqlProCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "records` ("
+ "`uuid` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`username` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`jailer` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`date` VARCHAR NOT NULL,"
+ "`time` BIGINT NOT NULL,"
+ "`reason` VARCHAR NOT NULL);";
st.executeUpdate("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "records_recordid` on `" + prefix + "records` (`recordid`) ");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
case 2:
String jailCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "jails` ("
+ "`name` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL,"
+ "`world` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The world for the top, bottom, and teleport in.',"
+ "`top.x` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top coordinate x.',"
+ "`top.y` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top coordinate y.',"
+ "`top.z` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The top coordinate z.',"
+ "`bottom.x` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The bottom coordinate x.',"
+ "`bottom.y` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The bottom coordinate y.',"
+ "`bottom.z` INT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The bottom coordinate z.',"
+ "`tps.in.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in x coordinate.',"
+ "`tps.in.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in y coordinate.',"
+ "`tps.in.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in z coordinate.',"
+ "`tps.in.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in yaw.',"
+ "`tps.in.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in pitch.',"
+ "`tps.free.world` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free world.',"
+ "`tps.free.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free x coordinate.',"
+ "`tps.free.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free y coordinate.',"
+ "`tps.free.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free z coordinate.',"
+ "`tps.free.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free yaw.',"
+ "`tps.free.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport for being free pitch.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`name`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `name_UNIQUE` (`name` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Holds all the jails for the Bukkit Jail plugin.';";
String cellCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "cells` ("
+ "`cellid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The cellid for the database.',"
+ "`name` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the cell.',"
+ "`jail` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the jail the cell is in.',"
+ "`tp.x` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in x coordinate.',"
+ "`tp.y` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in y coordinate.',"
+ "`tp.z` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in z coordinate.',"
+ "`tp.yaw` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in yaw.',"
+ "`tp.pitch` DOUBLE NOT NULL COMMENT 'The teleport in pitch.',"
+ "`chest.x` INT NULL COMMENT 'The chest x coordinate.',"
+ "`chest.y` INT NULL COMMENT 'The chest y coordinate.',"
+ "`chest.z` INT NULL COMMENT 'The chest z coordinate.',"
+ "`signs` VARCHAR(250) NULL COMMENT 'A string containing the signs.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`cellid`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `cellid_UNIQUE` (`cellid` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Contains all the cells for the jails.';";
String prisCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "prisoners` ("
+ "`uuid` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The UUID of the prisoner.',"
+ "`name` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the prisoner.',"
+ "`jail` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The jail the prisoner is in.',"
+ "`cell` VARCHAR(250) NULL COMMENT 'The cell the prisoner is in.',"
+ "`muted` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the player is muted or not.',"
+ "`time` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The remaining time the prisoner has.',"
+ "`offlinePending` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the prisoner has something happened to them while they were offline.',"
+ "`toBeTransferred` TINYINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whether the prisoner is to be transferred.',"
+ "`jailer` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the person who jailed them.',"
+ "`reason` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The reason they are jailed.',"
+ "`inventory` BLOB NULL COMMENT 'Their inventory in base64.',"
+ "`armor` BLOB NULL COMMENT 'The armor in base64.',"
+ "`previousLocation` VARCHAR(250) NULL COMMENT 'A string of their previous location.',"
+ "`previousGameMode` VARCHAR(16) NULL COMMENT 'Their previous gamemode before they were jailed.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `uuid_UNIQUE` (`uuid` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Contains all the prisoners, in cells and jails.';";
String proCreateCmd = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" + prefix + "records` ("
+ "`recordid` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Auto generated number for the records database.',"
+ "`uuid` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The UUID of the prisoner.',"
+ "`username` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The username of the prisoner.',"
+ "`jailer` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the person who jailed the prisoner.',"
+ "`date` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'A string of the date.',"
+ "`time` BIGINT NOT NULL COMMENT 'The milliseconds they were jailed for.',"
+ "`reason` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The reason they were jailed for.',"
+ "PRIMARY KEY (`recordid`),"
+ "UNIQUE INDEX `recordid_UNIQUE` (`recordid` ASC))"
+ "COMMENT = 'Holds a history of all the times prisoners have been jailed.'";
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while creating the tables, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
* Loads the jails, this should <strong>only</strong> be called after {@link #prepareStorage(boolean)}.
protected void loadJails() {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
//load the jails from mysql and sqlite
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "jails");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while(set.next()) {
Jail j = new Jail(pl, set.getString("name"));
j.setMaxPoint(new int[] { set.getInt("top.x"), set.getInt("top.y"), set.getInt("top.z") });
j.setMinPoint(new int[] { set.getInt("bottom.x"), set.getInt("bottom.y"), set.getInt("bottom.z") });
j.setTeleportIn(new Location(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()), set.getDouble("tps.in.x"),
set.getDouble("tps.in.y"), set.getDouble("tps.in.z"),
set.getFloat("tps.in.yaw"), set.getFloat("tps.in.pitch")));
j.setTeleportFree(new Location(pl.getServer().getWorld(j.getWorldName()), set.getDouble("tps.free.x"),
set.getDouble("tps.free.y"), set.getDouble("tps.free.z"),
set.getFloat("tps.free.yaw"), set.getFloat("tps.free.pitch")));
j.setEnabled(j.getWorld() != null);
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while loading the jails, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//This list contains an integer which refers to the cellid column in sql
//this list only gets populated if there are cells which reference a jail
//that doesn't exist anymore
List<Integer> cellsToRemove = new LinkedList<Integer>();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "cells");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while(set.next()) {
Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJail(set.getString("jail"));
if(j != null) {
if(j.getWorld() != null) {
Cell c = new Cell(set.getInt("cellid"), set.getString("name"));
c.setTeleport(new SimpleLocation(j.getWorldName(), set.getDouble("tp.x"), set.getDouble("tp.y"), set.getDouble("tp.z"),
set.getFloat("tp.yaw"), set.getFloat("tp.pitch")));
c.setChestLocation(new SimpleLocation(j.getWorldName(), set.getInt("chest.x"), set.getInt("chest.y"), set.getInt("chest.z")));
String cSigns = set.getString("signs");
if(!cSigns.isEmpty()) {
String[] signs = cSigns.split(";");
for(String s : signs) {
String[] co = s.split(",");
c.addSign(new SimpleLocation(co[0], co[1], co[2], co[3]));
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
//Since we're loading the data, the cell hasn't officially changed
//Try to add the cell to the jail
//if this method returns false then
//the cell already exists and needs
//to be removed from the database
if(!j.addCell(c, false)) {
int id = set.getInt("cellid");
pl.debug("The cell, " + c.getName() + " (" + id + "), is already in jail " + j.getName() + " so we're removing it.");
}else {
pl.getLogger().warning("The cell, " + set.getString("name") + ", in " + j.getName() + " is located in a world that is not loaded.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
}else {
pl.debug("There are " + cellsToRemove.size() + " cells we need to remove due to being invalid.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while loading all of the cells, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//Remove the invalid prisoners
if(cellsToRemove.size() != 0) {
StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder();
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
for(int c : cellsToRemove) {
if(ids.length() == 0) ids.append("'" + c + "'");
else ids.append("," + "'" + c + "'");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
try {
PreparedStatement cds = getConnection().prepareStatement("delete from " + prefix + "cells where cellid in (" + ids.toString() + ");");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
pl.debug("Deleting old cells: `delete from " + prefix + "cells where cellid in (" + ids.toString() + ");`");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
int count = cds.executeUpdate();
pl.getLogger().info("Deleted " + count + " cells which were invalid, they either referenced a jail which are no longer valid or were duplicates.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while deleting the old cells which were invalid (they either referenced a jail which are no longer valid or were duplicates), please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
//This list contains a string which refers to the name of the prisoner in sql
//this list only gets populated if there are prisoners which reference a jail
//that doesn't exist anymore
List<String> prisonersToRemove = new LinkedList<String>();
try {
PreparedStatement ps = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "prisoners");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while(set.next()) {
Jail j = pl.getJailManager().getJail(set.getString("jail"));
if(j != null) {
String cellname = set.getString("cell");
Cell c = j.getCell(cellname);
Prisoner p = new Prisoner(set.getString("uuid"), set.getString("name"), set.getBoolean("muted"), set.getLong("time"), set.getString("jailer"), set.getString("reason"));
2014-08-19 16:54:14 -05:00
p.setInventory(new String(set.getBytes("inventory")));
p.setArmor(new String(set.getBytes("armor")));
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
p.setChanged(false);//Since we just loaded the prisoner, we really don't need to save them.
if(cellname == null || cellname.isEmpty()) {
}else if(c != null) {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
}else {
//the prisoner is assigned to a cell which doesn't exist, so just put them into the jail
} else {
//if the jail doesn't exist, do the same as the cells
pl.debug("There are " + prisonersToRemove.size() + " prisoners we need to remove due to being invalid.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while loading all of the prisoners, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
//Remove the invalid prisoners
if(prisonersToRemove.size() != 0) {
String names = "";
for(String s : prisonersToRemove) {
if(names.isEmpty()) names = "'" + s + "'";
else names += "," + "'" + s + "'";
try {
PreparedStatement pds = getConnection().prepareStatement("delete from " + prefix + "prisoners where name in (" + names + ");");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
pl.debug("Deleting old prisoners: 'delete from " + prefix + "prisoners where name in (" + names + ");'");
int count = pds.executeUpdate();
pl.getLogger().info("Deleted " + count + " old prisoners which referenced a jail no longer valid: " + names);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while deleting the old prisoners which don't have a valid jail, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
pl.debug("Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " millis to load the jails and all the data.");
//load the jails from flatfile
if(flat.isConfigurationSection("jails")) {
Set<String> jails = flat.getConfigurationSection("jails").getKeys(false);
if(!jails.isEmpty()) {
for(String name : jails) {
int js = pl.getJailManager().getJails().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + js + (js == 1 ? " jail." : " jails."));
int cs = pl.getJailManager().getAllCells().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + cs + (cs == 1 ? " cell." : " cells."));
int ps = pl.getJailManager().getAllPrisoners().size();
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded " + ps + (ps == 1 ? " prisoner." : " prisoners."));
private void loadJailFromFlatFile(String name) {
String node = "jails." + name + ".";
String cNode = node + "cells.";
pl.debug("Loading the jail " + name + "; " + node + "; " + cNode);
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
Jail j = new Jail(pl, name);
if(flat.getString(node + "world") == null || flat.getString(node + "world").isEmpty()) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Failed to load the jail, " + name + ", because the world is not set.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
j.setWorld(flat.getString(node + "world"));
j.setMaxPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "top.x"), flat.getInt(node + "top.y"), flat.getInt(node + "top.z")});
j.setMinPoint(new int[] {flat.getInt(node + "bottom.x"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.y"), flat.getInt(node + "bottom.z")});
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
j.setTeleportIn(new Location(
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.x"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.y"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.in.pitch")));
j.setTeleportFree(new Location(
pl.getServer().getWorld(flat.getString(node + "tps.free.world")),
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.x"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.y"),
flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(node + "tps.free.pitch")));
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "cells")) {
Set<String> cells = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "cells").getKeys(false);
if(!cells.isEmpty()) {
for(String cell : cells) {
Cell c = new Cell(cell);
String cellNode = cNode + cell + ".";
c.setTeleport(new SimpleLocation(j.getWorldName(),
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.x"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.y"),
flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.z"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.yaw"),
(float) flat.getDouble(cellNode + "tp.pitch")));
c.setChestLocation(new SimpleLocation(j.getWorldName(),
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.x"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.y"),
flat.getInt(cellNode + "chest.z")));
for(String sign : flat.getStringList(cellNode + "signs")) {
String[] arr = sign.split(",");
c.addSign(new SimpleLocation(arr[0],
if(flat.contains(cellNode + "prisoner")) {
Prisoner p = new Prisoner(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.uuid"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.name"),
flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.muted"),
flat.getLong(cellNode + "prisoner.time"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.jailer"),
flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.reason"));
p.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.offlinePending"));
p.setToBeTransferred(flat.getBoolean(cellNode + "prisoner.toBeTransferred"));
p.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousLocation"));
p.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode"));
p.setInventory(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.inventory", ""));
p.setArmor(flat.getString(cellNode + "prisoner.armor", ""));
p.setChanged(false);//Since we just loaded the prisoner, we really don't need to save them.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
j.addCell(c, false);
if(flat.isConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners")) {
Set<String> prisoners = flat.getConfigurationSection(node + "prisoners").getKeys(false);
if(!prisoners.isEmpty()) {
for(String uuid : prisoners) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + uuid + ".";
Prisoner pris = new Prisoner(uuid,
flat.getString(pNode + "name"),
flat.getBoolean(pNode + "muted"),
flat.getLong(pNode + "time"),
flat.getString(pNode + "jailer"),
flat.getString(pNode + "reason"));
pris.setOfflinePending(flat.getBoolean(pNode + "offlinePending"));
pris.setToBeTransferred(flat.getBoolean(pNode + "toBeTransferred"));
pris.setPreviousPosition(flat.getString(pNode + "previousLocation"));
pris.setPreviousGameMode(flat.getString(pNode + "previousGameMode"));
pris.setInventory(flat.getString(pNode + "inventory", ""));
pris.setArmor(flat.getString(pNode + "armor", ""));
pris.setChanged(false);//Since we just loaded the prisoner, we really don't need to save them.
j.setEnabled(j.getWorld() != null);
pl.getJailManager().addJail(j, false);
pl.getLogger().info("Loaded jail " + j.getName() + " with " + j.getAllPrisoners().size() + " prisoners and " + j.getCellCount() + " cells" + (j.isEnabled() ? "." : " but the jail is disabled as the world doesn't exist or isn't loaded."));
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
/** Saves everything about a jail, don't usually call this. */
protected void saveEverything() {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
for(Jail j : pl.getJailManager().getJails()) {
//Only save the cells individually
//when we are not using the flatfile storage
if(storage != 0) {
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
saveCell(j, c, true);
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
pl.debug("Saving everything took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " millis.");
* Saves the provided {@link Jail jail} to the storage system we are using.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param j The jail to save.
protected void saveJail(Jail j) {
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
if(j.isEnabled()) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
long st = System.currentTimeMillis();
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
try {
if(con == null) this.prepareStorage(false);
PreparedStatement ps = getConnection().prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO "
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
+ prefix + "jails (`name`, `world`, `top.x`, `top.y`, `top.z`, `bottom.x`, `bottom.y`,"
+ "`bottom.z`, `tps.in.x`, `tps.in.y`, `tps.in.z`, `tps.in.yaw`, `tps.in.pitch`,"
+ "`tps.free.world`, `tps.free.x`, `tps.free.y`, `tps.free.z`, `tps.free.yaw`, `tps.free.pitch`)"
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
ps.setString(1, j.getName());
ps.setString(2, j.getWorldName());
ps.setInt(3, j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX());
ps.setInt(4, j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY());
ps.setInt(5, j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ());
ps.setInt(6, j.getMinPoint().getBlockX());
ps.setInt(7, j.getMinPoint().getBlockY());
ps.setInt(8, j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ());
ps.setDouble(9, j.getTeleportIn().getX());
ps.setDouble(10, j.getTeleportIn().getY());
ps.setDouble(11, j.getTeleportIn().getZ());
ps.setDouble(12, j.getTeleportIn().getYaw());
ps.setDouble(13, j.getTeleportIn().getPitch());
ps.setString(14, j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName());
ps.setDouble(15, j.getTeleportFree().getX());
ps.setDouble(16, j.getTeleportFree().getY());
ps.setDouble(17, j.getTeleportFree().getZ());
ps.setDouble(18, j.getTeleportFree().getYaw());
ps.setDouble(19, j.getTeleportFree().getPitch());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the Jail '" + j.getName() + "' (not updating the prisoners), please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
try {
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
if(c.getDatabaseID() != -1)
saveCell(j, c, false);
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
if(c.hasPrisoner() && c.getPrisoner().wasChanged()) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
PreparedStatement pPS = getConnection().prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`, `name`, `jail`, `cell`, `muted`, `time`,"
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
+ "`offlinePending`, `toBeTransferred`, `jailer`, `reason`, `inventory`, `armor`, `previousLocation`, `previousGameMode`)"
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pPS.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pPS.setString(2, p.getLastKnownName());
pPS.setString(3, j.getName());
pPS.setString(4, c.getName());
pPS.setBoolean(5, p.isMuted());
pPS.setFloat(6, p.getRemainingTime());
pPS.setBoolean(7, p.isOfflinePending());
pPS.setBoolean(8, p.isToBeTransferred());
pPS.setString(9, p.getJailer());
pPS.setString(10, p.getReason());
pPS.setBytes(11, p.getInventory().getBytes());
pPS.setBytes(12, p.getArmor().getBytes());
pPS.setString(13, p.getPreviousLocationString());
pPS.setString(14, p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
p.setChanged(false);//Since we just saved the prisoner
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the cells of the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
try {
for(Prisoner p : j.getPrisonersNotInCells().values()) {
if(p.wasChanged()) {
PreparedStatement pPS = getConnection().prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`, `name`, `jail`, `cell`, `muted`, `time`,"
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
+ "`offlinePending`, `toBeTransferred`, `jailer`, `reason`, `inventory`, `armor`, `previousLocation`, `previousGameMode`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pPS.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pPS.setString(2, p.getLastKnownName());
pPS.setString(3, j.getName());
pPS.setString(4, "");
pPS.setBoolean(5, p.isMuted());
pPS.setFloat(6, p.getRemainingTime());
pPS.setBoolean(7, p.isOfflinePending());
pPS.setBoolean(8, p.isToBeTransferred());
pPS.setString(9, p.getJailer());
pPS.setString(10, p.getReason());
pPS.setBytes(11, p.getInventory().getBytes());
pPS.setBytes(12, p.getArmor().getBytes());
pPS.setString(13, p.getPreviousLocationString());
pPS.setString(14, p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
p.setChanged(false);//Since we just saved the prisoner
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the prisoners of the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
pl.debug("Took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - st) + " millis to save the jail " + j.getName() + ".");
if(flat != null) {
String node = "jails." + j.getName() + ".";
flat.set(node + "world", j.getWorldName());
flat.set(node + "top.x", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "top.y", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "top.z", j.getMaxPoint().getBlockZ());
flat.set(node + "bottom.x", j.getMinPoint().getBlockX());
flat.set(node + "bottom.y", j.getMinPoint().getBlockY());
flat.set(node + "bottom.z", j.getMinPoint().getBlockZ());
//Tele in
flat.set(node + "tps.in.x", j.getTeleportIn().getX());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.y", j.getTeleportIn().getY());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.z", j.getTeleportIn().getZ());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.yaw", j.getTeleportIn().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "tps.in.pitch", j.getTeleportIn().getPitch());
//Tele out
flat.set(node + "tps.free.world", j.getTeleportFree().getWorld().getName());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.x", j.getTeleportFree().getX());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.y", j.getTeleportFree().getY());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.z", j.getTeleportFree().getZ());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.yaw", j.getTeleportFree().getYaw());
flat.set(node + "tps.free.pitch", j.getTeleportFree().getPitch());
//Set all the cells to nothing, then we save each of them so no cells are left behind
flat.set(node + "cells", null);
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
String cNode = node + "cells." + c.getName() + ".";
if(c.getTeleport() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "tp.x", c.getTeleport().getX());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.y", c.getTeleport().getY());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.z", c.getTeleport().getZ());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.yaw", c.getTeleport().getYaw());
flat.set(cNode + "tp.pitch", c.getTeleport().getPitch());
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
if(c.getChestLocation() != null) {
flat.set(cNode + "chest.x", c.getChestLocation().getBlockX());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.y", c.getChestLocation().getBlockY());
flat.set(cNode + "chest.z", c.getChestLocation().getBlockZ());
String[] signs = new String[c.getSigns().size()];
int count = 0;
for(SimpleLocation loc : c.getSigns()) {
signs[count] = loc.toString();
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
flat.set(cNode + "signs", signs);
if(c.getPrisoner() != null) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.uuid", p.getUUID().toString());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.name", p.getLastKnownName());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.toBeTransferred", p.isToBeTransferred());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.jailer", p.getJailer());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.armor", p.getArmor());
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
flat.set(cNode + "prisoner.previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
//Null all the prisoners out before we save them again, this way no prisoners are left behind
flat.set(node + "prisoners", null);
for(Prisoner p : j.getPrisonersNotInCells().values()) {
String pNode = node + "prisoners." + p.getUUID().toString() + ".";
flat.set(pNode + "name", p.getLastKnownName());
flat.set(pNode + "muted", p.isMuted());
flat.set(pNode + "time", p.getRemainingTime());
flat.set(pNode + "offlinePending", p.isOfflinePending());
flat.set(pNode + "toBeTransferred", p.isToBeTransferred());
flat.set(pNode + "jailer", p.getJailer());
flat.set(pNode + "reason", p.getReason());
flat.set(pNode + "inventory", p.getInventory());
flat.set(pNode + "armor", p.getArmor());
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
if(p.getPreviousLocationString() != null)
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
flat.set(pNode + "previousLocation", p.getPreviousLocationString());
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
if(p.getPreviousGameMode() != null)
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
flat.set(pNode + "previousGameMode", p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
try {
flat.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());
}else {
pl.getLogger().severe("Storage not enabled, could not save the jail " + j.getName());
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
2014-08-20 11:45:45 -05:00
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
public void saveCell(Jail j, Cell c, boolean force) {
//if the cell hasn't changed, no need to save it again
//unless they're forcing the save
if(!c.hasChanged() && !force) return;
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
pl.debug("Saving the cell " + c.getName());
boolean hasId = c.getDatabaseID() != -1;
PreparedStatement cPS = getConnection().prepareStatement((hasId ? "REPLACE" : "INSERT")
+ " INTO `" + prefix + "cells` (" + (hasId ? "`cellid`, " : "")
+ "`name`, `jail`, `tp.x`, `tp.y`, `tp.z`, `tp.yaw`,"
+ "`tp.pitch`, `chest.x`, `chest.y`, `chest.z`, `signs`) VALUES ("
+ (hasId ? c.getDatabaseID() + "," : "") + "?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
cPS.setString(1, c.getName());
cPS.setString(2, j.getName());
cPS.setDouble(3, c.getTeleport().getX());
cPS.setDouble(4, c.getTeleport().getY());
cPS.setDouble(5, c.getTeleport().getZ());
cPS.setDouble(6, c.getTeleport().getYaw());
cPS.setDouble(7, c.getTeleport().getPitch());
if(c.hasChest()) {
cPS.setInt(8, c.getChestLocation().getBlockX());
cPS.setInt(9, c.getChestLocation().getBlockY());
cPS.setInt(10, c.getChestLocation().getBlockZ());
}else {
cPS.setNull(8, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cPS.setNull(9, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cPS.setNull(10, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cPS.setString(11, c.getSignString());
if(c.hasPrisoner()) {
Prisoner p = c.getPrisoner();
PreparedStatement pPS = getConnection().prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO `" + prefix + "prisoners` (`uuid`, `name`, `jail`, `cell`, `muted`, `time`,"
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
+ "`offlinePending`, `toBeTransferred`, `jailer`, `reason`, `inventory`, `armor`, `previousLocation`, `previousGameMode`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
pPS.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pPS.setString(2, p.getLastKnownName());
pPS.setString(3, j.getName());
pPS.setString(4, c.getName());
pPS.setBoolean(5, p.isMuted());
pPS.setFloat(6, p.getRemainingTime());
pPS.setBoolean(7, p.isOfflinePending());
pPS.setBoolean(8, p.isToBeTransferred());
pPS.setString(9, p.getJailer());
pPS.setString(10, p.getReason());
pPS.setBytes(11, p.getInventory().getBytes());
pPS.setBytes(12, p.getArmor().getBytes());
pPS.setString(13, p.getPreviousLocationString());
pPS.setString(14, p.getPreviousGameMode().toString());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while saving the cell '" + c.getName() + "' of the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* Removes the prisoner from the storage system.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param j the jail which the prisoner is in.
* @param p the prisoner data
protected void removePrisoner(Jail j, Prisoner p) {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
this.removePrisoner(j, null, p);
* Removes the prisoner from the storage system.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param j the jail which the prisoner is in.
* @param c the cell which the prisoner is in, null if none
* @param p the prisoner data
protected void removePrisoner(Jail j, Cell c, Prisoner p) {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement pp = getConnection().prepareStatement("delete from `" + prefix + "prisoners` where uuid = ?");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
pp.setString(1, p.getUUID().toString());
pl.debug("Removing " + p.getLastKnownName() + " (" + p.getUUID().toString() + ") from MySQL database.");
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while removing the prisoner '" + p.getLastKnownName() + "' (" + p.getUUID().toString() + ") from the database, please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(c == null)
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + ".prisoners." + p.getUUID().toString(), null);
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + ".cells." + c.getName() + ".prisoner", null);
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
try {
flat.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("Unable to save the Jail data: " + e.getMessage());
* Removes the provided cell from the jail.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param j instance of the jail the cell is in
* @param c instance of the cell we are removing
public void removeCell(Jail j, Cell c) {
//Clear the inventory before we delete it
if(c.hasChest()) c.getChest().getInventory().clear();
//transfer the prisoner if it has one
if(c.hasPrisoner()) {
pl.getLogger().warning("Removing of cell '" + c.getName() + "' from the jail '" + j.getName() + "' failed as it has a prisoner.");
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement p = getConnection().prepareStatement("delete from `" + prefix + "cells` where name = ? and jail = ? limit 1;");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
p.setString(1, c.getName());
p.setString(2, j.getName());
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while removing the cell '" + c.getName() + "' from the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(flat != null) {
flat.set("jails." + j.getName() + "cells." + c.getName(), null);
try {
flat.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Removing of the cell '" + c.getName() + "' from the jail '" + j.getName() + "' errored out while on saving.");
* Removes a jail from the storage system.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param j the jail instance to remove.
protected void removeJail(Jail j) {
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
String name = j.getName();
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
for(Cell c : j.getCells()) {
removeCell(j, c);
try {
PreparedStatement p = getConnection().prepareStatement("delete from `" + prefix + "jails` where name = ?");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
p.setString(1, name);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while removing the Jail '" + j.getName() + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
flat.set("jails." + name, null);
try {
flat.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "data.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Removing of the jail '" + j.getName() + "' errored out while on saving.");
* Adds an entry to the database/file for the user, logging when they was jailed.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param uuid of the player
* @param username of the player
* @param jailer who jailed them
* @param date string of when they are jailed
* @param time of the player's sentence
* @param reason the player is jailed
public void addRecordEntry(String uuid, String username, String jailer, String date, long time, String reason) {
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement p = getConnection().prepareStatement("insert into `" + prefix + "records` (`uuid`, `username`, `jailer`, `date`, `time`, `reason`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
p.setString(1, uuid);
p.setString(2, username);
p.setString(3, jailer);
p.setString(4, date);
p.setLong(5, time);
p.setString(6, reason);
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while adding a record entry for '" + username + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(records == null) records = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
List<String> previous = records.getStringList(uuid);
previous.add(Lang.RECORDENTRY.get(new String[] { date, username, jailer, String.valueOf(time), reason, uuid }));
records.set(username, previous);
try {
records.save(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Saving the records.yml file failed while putting an entry in for '" + username + "'.");
* Gets all the record entries for the given player.
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
* @param username the of the prisoner's records to get.
* @return A List of strings containing the record entries.
* @deprecated This calls getOfflinePlayer which is a blocking call from Bukkit
public List<String> getRecordEntries(String username) {
UUID uuid = pl.getServer().getOfflinePlayer(username).getUniqueId();
List<String> entries = new ArrayList<String>();
switch(storage) {
case 1:
case 2:
try {
PreparedStatement ps = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "records where uuid = ?");
2014-07-27 14:46:25 -05:00
ps.setString(1, uuid.toString());
ResultSet set = ps.executeQuery();
while(set.next()) {
entries.add(Lang.RECORDENTRY.get(new String[] { set.getString("date"), set.getString("username"), set.getString("jailer"), String.valueOf(set.getLong("time")), set.getString("reason") }));
} catch (SQLException e) {
pl.getLogger().severe("---------- Jail Error!!! ----------");
pl.getLogger().severe("Error while getting all the record entries for '" + uuid + "', please check the error and fix what is wrong.");
if(records == null) records = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(pl.getDataFolder(), "records.yml"));
entries = records.getStringList(uuid.toString());
return entries;
2014-06-12 10:44:13 -05:00