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package com.graywolf336.jail.beans;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import com.graywolf336.jail.JailMain;
/** Represents a Jail, contains the prisoners and the cells.
* @author graywolf336
* @since 3.0.0
* @version 1.0.3
public class Jail {
private JailMain plugin;
private HashMap<String, Cell> cells;
private HashSet<Prisoner> nocellPrisoners;//prisoners who aren't in a cell
private String name = "", world = "";
private int minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ;
private SimpleLocation in, free;
public Jail(JailMain plugin, String name) {
this.plugin = plugin;
this.name = name;
cells = new HashMap<String, Cell>();
nocellPrisoners = new HashSet<Prisoner>();
/** Gets the instance of the plugin's main class. */
public JailMain getPlugin() {
return this.plugin;
/** Sets the name of the jail. */
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
/** Gets the name of the jail. */
public String getName() {
return this.name;
/** Sets the location of the <b>minimum</b> point to the given location's coordinates. */
public void setMinPoint(Location location) {
if(this.world.isEmpty()) this.world = location.getWorld().getName();
this.minX = location.getBlockX();
this.minY = location.getBlockY();
this.minZ = location.getBlockZ();
/** Accepts an array of ints as the coord, where <strong>0 = x</strong>, <strong>1 = y</strong>, <strong>2 = z</strong>. */
public void setMinPoint(int[] coords) {
if(coords.length != 3) return;
this.minX = coords[0];
this.minY = coords[1];
this.minZ = coords[2];
/** Gets the minimum point as a Bukkit Location class. */
public Location getMinPoint() {
return new Location(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(world), minX, minY, minZ);
/** Sets the location of the <b>maximum</b> point to the given location's coordinates. */
public void setMaxPoint(Location location) {
if(this.world.isEmpty()) this.world = location.getWorld().getName();
this.maxX = location.getBlockX();
this.maxY = location.getBlockY();
this.maxZ = location.getBlockZ();
/** Gets the minimum point as a Bukkit Location class. */
public Location getMaxPoint() {
return new Location(Bukkit.getServer().getWorld(world), maxX, maxY, maxZ);
/** Accepts an array of ints as the coord, where <strong>0 = x</strong>, <strong>1 = y</strong>, <strong>2 = z</strong>. */
public void setMaxPoint(int[] coords) {
if(coords.length != 3) return;
this.maxX = coords[0];
this.maxY = coords[1];
this.maxZ = coords[2];
/** Sets the name of the world this Jail is in. */
public void setWorld(String name) {
this.world = name;
/** Gets the name of the world this Jail is in. */
public String getWorldName() {
return this.world;
/** Gets the instance of the {@link World world} this Jail is in. */
public World getWorld() {
return plugin.getServer().getWorld(world);
/** Sets the {@link SimpleLocation location} of the teleport <strong>in</strong>. */
public void setTeleportIn(SimpleLocation location) {
if(this.world.isEmpty()) this.world = location.getWorldName();
this.in = location;
/** Gets the {@link Location location} of the teleport in. */
public Location getTeleportIn() {
return this.in.getLocation();
/** Sets the {@link SimpleLocation location} of the teleport for the <strong>free</strong> spot. */
public void setTeleportFree(SimpleLocation location) {
this.free = location;
/** Gets the {@link Location location} of the teleport free spot.*/
public Location getTeleportFree() {
return this.free.getLocation();
/** Add a prisoner to this jail. */
public void addPrisoner(Prisoner p) {
/** Adds a cell to the Jail. */
public void addCell(Cell cell, boolean save) {
if(save) plugin.getJailIO().saveJail(this);
this.cells.put(cell.getName(), cell);
/** Gets the cell with the given name. */
public Cell getCell(String name) {
return this.cells.get(name);
/** Returns the cell which the given player name is jailed in, null if not. */
public Cell getCellPrisonerIsIn(String name) {
for(Cell c : cells.values())
if(c.getPrisoner() != null)
return c;
return null;
/** Returns the first empty cell, returns null if there aren't any cells or any free cells. */
public Cell getFirstEmptyCell() {
for(Cell c : getCells())
return c;
return null;
/** Gets the amount of cells the jail. */
public int getCellCount() {
return this.cells.size();
/** Gets all the cells in the jail. */
public HashSet<Cell> getCells() {
return new HashSet<Cell>(this.cells.values());
/** Gets a HashSet of <b>all</b> the prisoners, the ones in cells and ones who aren't. */
public HashSet<Prisoner> getAllPrisoners() {
HashSet<Prisoner> all = new HashSet<Prisoner>(nocellPrisoners); //initalize the temp one to return with the prisoners not in any cells
for(Cell c : cells.values())
return all;
/** Gets a HashSet of the prisoners <b>in cells</b>. */
public HashSet<Prisoner> getPrisonersInCells() {
HashSet<Prisoner> all = new HashSet<Prisoner>();
for(Cell c : getCells())
return all;
/** Gets a HashSet of the prisoners <b>not</b> in cells.*/
public HashSet<Prisoner> getPrisonersNotInCells() {
return this.nocellPrisoners;
* Returns whether the player is a prisoner in the system, whether in a cell or no cell.
* @param player The {@link Player player instance} of the person we're checking.
* @return true if is jailed, false if not.
public boolean isPlayerJailed(Player player) {
return this.isPlayerAPrisoner(player.getName());
* Returns whether the name of a player is a prisoner in the system, whether in a cell or no cell.
* @param name The name of the person we're checking.
* @return true if is jailed, false if not.
public boolean isPlayerJailed(String name) {
return this.isPlayerAPrisoner(name);
* Returns whether the name of a player is a prisoner in the system, whether in a cell or no cell.
* @param name The name of the person we're checking.
* @return true if is a prisoner, false if not.
public boolean isPlayerAPrisoner(String name) {
boolean is = false;
for(Prisoner p : this.getAllPrisoners()) {
if(p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
is = true;
return is;
* Checks if the given name is a prisoner in a cell.
* @param name of the prisoner to check.
* @return true if is jailed in a cell, false if not.
public boolean isJailedInACell(String name) {
for(Prisoner p : nocellPrisoners)
return false;
for(Cell c : cells.values())
if(c.getPrisoner() != null)
return true;
return false;
* Gets the {@link Prisoner prisoner} instance for the given name.
* @param name The name of the prisoner to get.
* @return the prisoner instance, can be null
public Prisoner getPrisoner(String name) {
Prisoner r = null;
for(Prisoner p : this.getAllPrisoners()) {
if(p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
r = p;
return r;
* Returns the squared distance between teleport location of this jail
* and specified location in blocks. If locations are not in same world,
* distance cannot be calculated and it will return Integer.MAX_VALUE.
* @param loc The location to check
* @return Distance between the location provided and the teleport in location.
public double getDistance(Location loc) {
if (loc.getWorld().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(getTeleportIn().getWorld().getName())) return (double) Integer.MAX_VALUE;
else return loc.distance(getTeleportIn());