# default config.yml #config version for us devs. DONT CHANGE THIS, or it will screw up some things PRETTY badly. config: version: 1.4 ###################################### ######## Game Configuration ######### ###################################### # If all HA features are restricted to the HA-world(s) only . # If set to 'false' all worlds will be allowed. Restricted: true # If left at 0 there will be no death match, fill in a time in minutes DeathMatch: 0 #Whether or not to broadcast game messages to all players broadcastAll: true # The max amount of players that can be in a game, This is also dependent on the amount of startpoints you have set. maxPlayers: 24 # If the worlds spawn is not the same as your Arena spawn you can set this to true for players spawn at arena joinTeleport: 'false' # Message to display when the games start Start_Message: '&bLet The Games Begin!' # If the games should automatically restart at the end Auto_Restart: 'false' # If it should automatically start the countdown on warping Auto_Start: 'false' # If it should automatically warp players if there are enough (else wait for the command 'warpall') Auto_Warp: 'true' # If tributes need to type /ha confirm to join Need_Confirm: 'true' # Whether or not the countdown will start upon warping. Countdown: 'true' # Duration of the countdown . Countdown_Timer: 15 # How long the grace period should last (seconds) Grace_Period: 60 # Whether or not players can break ANY blocks while playing Protected_Arena: 'true' # Whether or not players (not playing) can break blocks while waiting Protected_Arena_Always: 'true' # Whether new or unknown players on HA-maps should be forced to the spawn or not. Force_Players_toSpawn: 'true' # Whether or not players will be frozen when they are teleported to their positions Frozen_Teleport: 'true' # If the Tributes will get blown to bits when stepping off the pedestal Explode_on_Move: 'false' # Whether or not thunder will sound upon a players death Cannon_Death: 'true' # Whether players are allowed to use beds, or not! DenyBedUsage: 'true' # Whether or not to have the arena be the world or the WorldEdit selection WorldEdit: false # What item should be used to set spawns after /startpoint [arena#] spawnsTool: GOLDEN_AXE ###################################### ###################################### ###################################### ################################ ###### Rewards/Sponsoring ###### ################################ # What the reward for winning is Reward: - DIAMOND,10 Sponsor_Cost: - DIAMOND,1 EntryFee: enabled: false eco: false cost: 50 fee: - IRON_INGOT,1 # True means give money to winner, false means don't. # How much money to give the winner. rewardEco: enabled: false reward: 100 # What sponsors have to pay to sponsor tributes sponsorEco: enabled: false cost: 50 # Pay the Players for finding chests etc. ChestPay: enabled: false items: - COOKED_BEEF,2 ################################ ################################ ################################ ############################# ####### Chat Related ######## ############################# # If players will only talk to close players of the whole server ChatClose: 'true' # How close the players have to be to talk to them ChatClose_Radius: 10 ############################# ############################# #############################