package inf112.fiasko.roborally.objects; import inf112.fiasko.roborally.elementproperties.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This class handles everything that should happen during a phase */ public class Phase { private Board gameBoard; private final List playerList; private int cycleDelay; private List> cogwheels; private List> conveyorBelts; private List> fastConveyorBelts; private List> flags; private RoboRallyGame game; /** * Instantiates a new phase * @param gameBoard The board to act on * @param playerList A list of players participating in the game * @param cycleDelay The amount of milliseconds to wait between moves * @param game The game which uses this object */ public Phase(Board gameBoard, List playerList, int cycleDelay, RoboRallyGame game) { this.gameBoard = gameBoard; this.playerList = playerList; this.cycleDelay = cycleDelay; = game; generateTileLists(); } /** * Runs one phase as defined in the Robo Rally rulebook * @param phaseNumber The number of the phase to run * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted wile trying to sleep */ public void runPhase(int phaseNumber) throws InterruptedException { runProgrammingCards(phaseNumber); moveAllConveyorBelts(); rotateCogwheels(); fireAllLasers(); checkAllFlags(); } /** * Checks all flags for robots. Tries to update the flag of the robot. */ public void checkAllFlags() { for (BoardElementContainer flag : flags) { Position flagPosition = flag.getPosition(); if (!gameBoard.hasRobotOnPosition(flagPosition)) { continue; } RobotID robotID = gameBoard.getRobotOnPosition(flagPosition); if (gameBoard.isHasTouchedFlagThisTurnFromRobotID(robotID)) { continue; } gameBoard.updateFlagOnRobot(robotID, flag.getElement().getTileType()); gameBoard.setHasTouchedFlagThisTurnFromRobotID(robotID,true); checkIfPlayerWon(robotID, flags.size()); } } /** * Fires all lasers on the game board */ public void fireAllLasers() throws InterruptedException { gameBoard.fireAllLasers(); sleep(); gameBoard.doLaserCleanup(); } /** * Runs all programming cards for a phase * @param phase The number of the phase to run cards for * @throws InterruptedException If it gets interrupted while trying to sleep */ public void runProgrammingCards(int phase) throws InterruptedException { List robotsToDoAction = new ArrayList<>(); List programToBeRun = new ArrayList<>(); List originalPriority = new ArrayList<>(); for (Player player : playerList) { List playerProgram = player.getProgram(); if (!playerProgram.isEmpty()) { ProgrammingCard programmingCard = playerProgram.get(phase - 1); originalPriority.add(programmingCard.getPriority()); robotsToDoAction.add(player.getRobotID()); programToBeRun.add(programmingCard); } } Collections.sort(programToBeRun); for (ProgrammingCard card : programToBeRun) { int i = originalPriority.indexOf(card.getPriority()); RobotID robot = robotsToDoAction.get(i); makeMove(robot, card.getAction()); } } /** * Rotates all robots that are standing on cogWheel tiles on the board. * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted while sleeping. */ public void rotateCogwheels() throws InterruptedException { for (BoardElementContainer cogwheel : cogwheels) { if (!gameBoard.hasRobotOnPosition(cogwheel.getPosition())) { continue; } sleep(); if (cogwheel.getElement().getTileType() == TileType.COGWHEEL_RIGHT) { gameBoard.rotateRobotRight(gameBoard.getRobotOnPosition(cogwheel.getPosition())); } else { gameBoard.rotateRobotLeft(gameBoard.getRobotOnPosition(cogwheel.getPosition())); } } } /** * Moves robots standing on conveyor belts in the direction of the conveyor belt * * In addition, the function rotates appropriately when arriving at any non-straight conveyor belt * * @throws InterruptedException If disturbed during sleep */ public void moveAllConveyorBelts() throws InterruptedException { sleep(); moveConveyorBelts(fastConveyorBelts); sleep(); moveConveyorBelts(conveyorBelts); } /** * Makes the given robot move according to to the action input. * @param robotID The ID of the robot to move. * @param action The specific movement the robot is to take. * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted wile trying to sleep. */ public void makeMove(RobotID robotID, Action action) throws InterruptedException { if (!gameBoard.isRobotAlive(robotID)) { return; } sleep(); switch (action) { case MOVE_1: gameBoard.moveRobotForward(robotID); break; case MOVE_2: gameBoard.moveRobotForward(robotID); moveForward(robotID); break; case MOVE_3: gameBoard.moveRobotForward(robotID); moveForward(robotID); moveForward(robotID); break; case ROTATE_RIGHT: gameBoard.rotateRobotRight(robotID); break; case ROTATE_LEFT: gameBoard.rotateRobotLeft(robotID); break; case U_TURN: gameBoard.rotateRobotLeft(robotID); gameBoard.rotateRobotLeft(robotID); break; case BACK_UP: gameBoard.reverseRobot(robotID); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a recognized action."); } } /** * Checks if the player won, and shows the victory screen * @param robotID The robot to be checked * @param numberOfFlags The number of flags on the map */ private void checkIfPlayerWon(RobotID robotID, int numberOfFlags) { if (victoryCheck(gameBoard.getLastFlagVisitedFromRobotID(robotID), numberOfFlags)) { for (Player player : playerList) { if (player.getRobotID() != robotID) { continue; } if (game != null) { game.setWinningPlayerName(player.getName()); game.setGameState(GameState.GAME_IS_WON); } } } } /** * Checks whether a player has won * @param lastFlagVisited The last flag the player visited * @param lastFlag The last flag of the board * @return True if the player has visited the last flag */ private boolean victoryCheck(int lastFlagVisited, int lastFlag) { return (lastFlagVisited == lastFlag); } /** * Moves a list of conveyor belts * @param conveyorBelts A list of board element containers containing conveyor belts */ private void moveConveyorBelts(List> conveyorBelts) { Map newPositions = new HashMap<>(); Map moveNormally = new HashMap<>(); for (Robot robot : gameBoard.getAliveRobots()) { newPositions.put(robot.getRobotId(), robot.getPosition()); } //Updates hash maps containing robot move information for (BoardElementContainer conveyorBelt : conveyorBelts) { Position conveyorBeltPosition = conveyorBelt.getPosition(); Direction conveyorBeltDirection = conveyorBelt.getElement().getDirection(); if (gameBoard.conveyorBeltCanMove(conveyorBelt, 0) && gameBoard.hasRobotOnPosition(conveyorBeltPosition)) { updateConveyorBeltMaps(conveyorBeltPosition, conveyorBeltDirection, newPositions, moveNormally); } } //Updates position for all robots affected by conveyor belts for (RobotID robotID : RobotID.values()) { if (newPositions.get(robotID) == null || moveNormally.get(robotID) == null) { continue; } if (moveNormally.get(robotID)) { gameBoard.moveRobot(robotID, gameBoard.getTileOnPosition(newPositions.get(robotID)).getDirection()); } else { gameBoard.teleportRobot(robotID, newPositions.get(robotID)); } } } /** * Updates maps containing information about what a robot on a conveyor belt should do * @param conveyorBeltPosition The position of the conveyor belt the robot stands on * @param conveyorBeltDirection The direction of the conveyor belt the robot stands on * @param newPositions The map containing new positions for robots * @param moveNormally The map containing whether a robot should move normally following normal rules */ private void updateConveyorBeltMaps(Position conveyorBeltPosition, Direction conveyorBeltDirection, Map newPositions, Map moveNormally) { RobotID robotAtConveyorBelt = gameBoard.getRobotOnPosition(conveyorBeltPosition); Position newPosition = gameBoard.getNewPosition(conveyorBeltPosition, conveyorBeltDirection); if (gameBoard.isConveyorBelt(gameBoard.getTileOnPosition(newPosition))) { newPositions.put(robotAtConveyorBelt, newPosition); moveNormally.put(robotAtConveyorBelt, false); Direction newDirection = gameBoard.getTileOnPosition(newPosition).getDirection(); if (Direction.getRightRotatedDirection(newDirection) == conveyorBeltDirection) { gameBoard.rotateRobotLeft(robotAtConveyorBelt); } else if (Direction.getLeftRotatedDirection(newDirection) == conveyorBeltDirection) { gameBoard.rotateRobotRight(robotAtConveyorBelt); } } else { newPositions.put(robotAtConveyorBelt, conveyorBeltPosition); moveNormally.put(robotAtConveyorBelt, true); } } /** * Helper method for makeMove. Takes care of movement forward of given robot. * @param robotID ID of the given robot. * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted wile sleeping. */ private void moveForward(RobotID robotID) throws InterruptedException { if (!gameBoard.isRobotAlive(robotID)) { return; } sleep(); gameBoard.moveRobotForward(robotID); } /** * Makes the game thread wait a given time amount before continuing. * @throws InterruptedException If interrupted while trying to sleep. */ private void sleep() throws InterruptedException { if (cycleDelay > 0) { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(cycleDelay); } } /** * Generates lists containing board element containers with all tiles of certain types */ private void generateTileLists() { cogwheels = gameBoard.getPositionsOfTileOnBoard(TileType.COGWHEEL_RIGHT, TileType.COGWHEEL_LEFT); fastConveyorBelts = gameBoard.getPositionsOfTileOnBoard(TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_FAST, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_FAST_RIGHT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_FAST_LEFT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_FAST_SIDE_ENTRANCE_RIGHT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_FAST_SIDE_ENTRANCE_LEFT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_FAST_SIDE_ENTRANCES); conveyorBelts = new ArrayList<>(); conveyorBelts.addAll(fastConveyorBelts); conveyorBelts.addAll(gameBoard.getPositionsOfTileOnBoard(TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_SLOW, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_SLOW_RIGHT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_SLOW_LEFT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_SLOW_SIDE_ENTRANCE_RIGHT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_SLOW_SIDE_ENTRANCE_LEFT, TileType.CONVEYOR_BELT_SLOW_SIDE_ENTRANCES)); flags = gameBoard.getPositionsOfTileOnBoard(TileType.FLAG_1, TileType.FLAG_2, TileType.FLAG_3, TileType.FLAG_4); } }