1261 lines
30 KiB
1261 lines
30 KiB
package com.massivecraft.factions.entity;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Factions;
import com.massivecraft.factions.FactionsParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel;
import com.massivecraft.factions.RelationParticipator;
import com.massivecraft.factions.predicate.PredicateCommandSenderFaction;
import com.massivecraft.factions.predicate.PredicateMPlayerRole;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.MiscUtil;
import com.massivecraft.factions.util.RelationUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveList;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveMapDef;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveSet;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.collections.MassiveTreeSetDef;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.comparator.ComparatorCaseInsensitive;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.mixin.MixinMessage;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.money.Money;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.predicate.Predicate;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.predicate.PredicateAnd;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.predicate.PredicateVisibleTo;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.ps.PS;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.store.Entity;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.store.SenderColl;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.IdUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.MUtil;
import com.massivecraft.massivecore.util.Txt;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
public class Faction extends Entity<Faction> implements FactionsParticipator
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static final transient String NODESCRIPTION = Txt.parse("<em><silver>no description set");
public static final transient String NOMOTD = Txt.parse("<em><silver>no message of the day set");
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public static Faction get(Object oid)
return FactionColl.get().get(oid);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Faction load(Faction that)
return this;
public void preDetach(String id)
// The database must be fully inited.
// We may move factions around during upgrades.
if (!Factions.get().isDatabaseInitialized()) return;
// NOTE: Existence check is required for compatibility with some plugins.
// If they have money ...
if (Money.exists(this))
// ... remove it.
Money.set(this, null, 0);
// Clean the board
// Clean the mplayers
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// In this section of the source code we place the field declarations only.
// Each field has it's own section further down since just the getter and setter logic takes up quite some place.
// The actual faction id looks something like "54947df8-0e9e-4471-a2f9-9af509fb5889" and that is not too easy to remember for humans.
// Thus we make use of a name. Since the id is used in all foreign key situations changing the name is fine.
// Null should never happen. The name must not be null.
private String name = null;
// Factions can optionally set a description for themselves.
// This description can for example be seen in territorial alerts.
// Null means the faction has no description.
private String description = null;
// Factions can optionally set a message of the day.
// This message will be shown when logging on to the server.
// Null means the faction has no motd
private String motd = null;
// We store the creation date for the faction.
// It can be displayed on info pages etc.
private long createdAtMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Factions can optionally set a home location.
// If they do their members can teleport there using /f home
// Null means the faction has no home.
private PS home = null;
// Factions usually do not have a powerboost. It defaults to 0.
// The powerBoost is a custom increase/decrease to default and maximum power.
// Null means the faction has powerBoost (0).
private Double powerBoost = null;
// Can anyone join the Faction?
// If the faction is open they can.
// If the faction is closed an invite is required.
// Null means default.
// private Boolean open = null;
// This is the ids of the invited players.
// They are actually "senderIds" since you can invite "@console" to your faction.
// Null means no one is invited
private MassiveTreeSetDef<String, ComparatorCaseInsensitive> invitedPlayerIds = new MassiveTreeSetDef<>(ComparatorCaseInsensitive.get());
// The keys in this map are factionIds.
// Null means no special relation whishes.
private MassiveMapDef<String, Rel> relationWishes = new MassiveMapDef<>();
// The flag overrides are modifications to the default values.
// Null means default.
private MassiveMapDef<String, Boolean> flags = new MassiveMapDef<>();
// The perm overrides are modifications to the default values.
// Null means default.
private MassiveMapDef<String, Set<Rel>> perms = new MassiveMapDef<>();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: id
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isNone()
return this.getId().equals(Factions.ID_NONE);
public boolean isNormal()
return ! this.isNone();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: name
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public String getName()
String ret = this.name;
if (MConf.get().factionNameForceUpperCase)
ret = ret.toUpperCase();
return ret;
public void setName(String name)
// Clean input
String target = name;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.name, target)) return;
// Apply
this.name = target;
// Mark as changed
public String getComparisonName()
return MiscUtil.getComparisonString(this.getName());
public String getName(String prefix)
return prefix + this.getName();
public String getName(RelationParticipator observer)
if (observer == null) return getName();
return this.getName(this.getColorTo(observer).toString());
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: description
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public boolean hasDescription()
return this.description != null;
public String getDescription()
if (this.hasDescription()) return this.description;
public void setDescription(String description)
// Clean input
String target = description;
if (target != null)
target = target.trim();
// This code should be kept for a while to clean out the previous default text that was actually stored in the database.
if (target.length() == 0 || target.equals("Default faction description :("))
target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.description, target)) return;
// Apply
this.description = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: motd
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public boolean hasMotd()
return this.motd != null;
public String getMotd()
if (this.hasMotd()) return Txt.parse(this.motd);
return NOMOTD;
public void setMotd(String description)
// Clean input
String target = description;
if (target != null)
target = target.trim();
if (target.length() == 0)
target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.motd, target)) return;
// Apply
this.motd = target;
// Mark as changed
public List<Object> getMotdMessages()
// Create
List<Object> ret = new MassiveList<>();
// Fill
Object title = this.getName() + " - Message of the Day";
title = Txt.titleize(title);
String motd = Txt.parse("<i>" + this.getMotd());
// Return
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: createdAtMillis
// -------------------------------------------- //
public long getCreatedAtMillis()
return this.createdAtMillis;
public void setCreatedAtMillis(long createdAtMillis)
// Clean input
long target = createdAtMillis;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.createdAtMillis, createdAtMillis)) return;
// Apply
this.createdAtMillis = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: home
// -------------------------------------------- //
public PS getHome()
return this.home;
public void verifyHomeIsValid()
if (this.isValidHome(this.home)) return;
this.home = null;
msg("<b>Your faction home has been un-set since it is no longer in your territory.");
public boolean isValidHome(PS ps)
if (ps == null) return true;
if (!MConf.get().homesMustBeInClaimedTerritory) return true;
if (BoardColl.get().getFactionAt(ps) == this) return true;
return false;
public boolean hasHome()
return this.getHome() != null;
public void setHome(PS home)
// Clean input
PS target = home;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.home, target)) return;
// Apply
this.home = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: powerBoost
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public double getPowerBoost()
Double ret = this.powerBoost;
if (ret == null) ret = 0D;
return ret;
public void setPowerBoost(Double powerBoost)
// Clean input
Double target = powerBoost;
if (target == null || target == 0) target = null;
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.powerBoost, target)) return;
// Apply
this.powerBoost = target;
// Mark as changed
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: open
// -------------------------------------------- //
// Nowadays this is a flag!
public boolean isDefaultOpen()
return MFlag.getFlagOpen().isStandard();
public boolean isOpen()
return this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagOpen());
public void setOpen(Boolean open)
MFlag flag = MFlag.getFlagOpen();
if (open == null) open = flag.isStandard();
this.setFlag(flag, open);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: invitedPlayerIds
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public TreeSet<String> getInvitedPlayerIds()
return this.invitedPlayerIds;
public void setInvitedPlayerIds(Collection<String> invitedPlayerIds)
// Clean input
MassiveTreeSetDef<String, ComparatorCaseInsensitive> target = new MassiveTreeSetDef<>(ComparatorCaseInsensitive.get());
if (invitedPlayerIds != null)
for (String invitedPlayerId : invitedPlayerIds)
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.invitedPlayerIds, target)) return;
// Apply
this.invitedPlayerIds = target;
// Mark as changed
public boolean isInvited(String playerId)
return this.getInvitedPlayerIds().contains(playerId);
public boolean isInvited(MPlayer mplayer)
return this.isInvited(mplayer.getId());
public boolean setInvited(String playerId, boolean invited)
List<String> invitedPlayerIds = new ArrayList<>(this.getInvitedPlayerIds());
boolean ret;
if (invited)
ret = invitedPlayerIds.add(playerId);
ret = invitedPlayerIds.remove(playerId);
return ret;
public void setInvited(MPlayer mplayer, boolean invited)
this.setInvited(mplayer.getId(), invited);
public List<MPlayer> getInvitedMPlayers()
List<MPlayer> mplayers = new ArrayList<>();
for (String id : this.getInvitedPlayerIds())
MPlayer mplayer = MPlayer.get(id);
return mplayers;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: relationWish
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public Map<String, Rel> getRelationWishes()
return this.relationWishes;
public void setRelationWishes(Map<String, Rel> relationWishes)
// Clean input
MassiveMapDef<String, Rel> target = new MassiveMapDef<>(relationWishes);
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.relationWishes, target)) return;
// Apply
this.relationWishes = target;
// Mark as changed
public Rel getRelationWish(String factionId)
Rel ret = this.getRelationWishes().get(factionId);
if (ret == null) ret = Rel.NEUTRAL;
return ret;
public Rel getRelationWish(Faction faction)
return this.getRelationWish(faction.getId());
public void setRelationWish(String factionId, Rel rel)
Map<String, Rel> relationWishes = this.getRelationWishes();
if (rel == null || rel == Rel.NEUTRAL)
relationWishes.put(factionId, rel);
public void setRelationWish(Faction faction, Rel rel)
this.setRelationWish(faction.getId(), rel);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: flagOverrides
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public Map<MFlag, Boolean> getFlags()
// We start with default values ...
Map<MFlag, Boolean> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (MFlag mflag : MFlag.getAll())
ret.put(mflag, mflag.isStandard());
// ... and if anything is explicitly set we use that info ...
Iterator<Entry<String, Boolean>> iter = this.flags.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
// ... for each entry ...
Entry<String, Boolean> entry = iter.next();
// ... extract id and remove null values ...
String id = entry.getKey();
if (id == null)
// ... resolve object and skip unknowns ...
MFlag mflag = MFlag.get(id);
if (mflag == null) continue;
ret.put(mflag, entry.getValue());
return ret;
public void setFlags(Map<MFlag, Boolean> flags)
Map<String, Boolean> flagIds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Entry<MFlag, Boolean> entry : flags.entrySet())
flagIds.put(entry.getKey().getId(), entry.getValue());
public void setFlagIds(Map<String, Boolean> flagIds)
// Clean input
MassiveMapDef<String, Boolean> target = new MassiveMapDef<>();
for (Entry<String, Boolean> entry : flagIds.entrySet())
String key = entry.getKey();
if (key == null) continue;
key = key.toLowerCase(); // Lowercased Keys Version 2.6.0 --> 2.7.0
Boolean value = entry.getValue();
if (value == null) continue;
target.put(key, value);
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.flags, target)) return;
// Apply
this.flags = new MassiveMapDef<>(target);
// Mark as changed
public boolean getFlag(String flagId)
if (flagId == null) throw new NullPointerException("flagId");
Boolean ret = this.flags.get(flagId);
if (ret != null) return ret;
MFlag flag = MFlag.get(flagId);
if (flag == null) throw new NullPointerException("flag");
return flag.isStandard();
public boolean getFlag(MFlag flag)
if (flag == null) throw new NullPointerException("flag");
String flagId = flag.getId();
if (flagId == null) throw new NullPointerException("flagId");
Boolean ret = this.flags.get(flagId);
if (ret != null) return ret;
return flag.isStandard();
public Boolean setFlag(String flagId, boolean value)
if (flagId == null) throw new NullPointerException("flagId");
Boolean ret = this.flags.put(flagId, value);
if (ret == null || ret != value) this.changed();
return ret;
public Boolean setFlag(MFlag flag, boolean value)
if (flag == null) throw new NullPointerException("flag");
String flagId = flag.getId();
if (flagId == null) throw new NullPointerException("flagId");
Boolean ret = this.flags.put(flagId, value);
if (ret == null || ret != value) this.changed();
return ret;
// -------------------------------------------- //
// FIELD: permOverrides
// -------------------------------------------- //
// RAW
public Map<MPerm, Set<Rel>> getPerms()
// We start with default values ...
Map<MPerm, Set<Rel>> ret = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (MPerm mperm : MPerm.getAll())
ret.put(mperm, new LinkedHashSet<>(mperm.getStandard()));
// ... and if anything is explicitly set we use that info ...
Iterator<Entry<String, Set<Rel>>> iter = this.perms.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
// ... for each entry ...
Entry<String, Set<Rel>> entry = iter.next();
// ... extract id and remove null values ...
String id = entry.getKey();
if (id == null)
// ... resolve object and skip unknowns ...
MPerm mperm = MPerm.get(id);
if (mperm == null) continue;
ret.put(mperm, new LinkedHashSet<>(entry.getValue()));
return ret;
public void setPerms(Map<MPerm, Set<Rel>> perms)
Map<String, Set<Rel>> permIds = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Entry<MPerm, Set<Rel>> entry : perms.entrySet())
permIds.put(entry.getKey().getId(), entry.getValue());
public void setPermIds(Map<String, Set<Rel>> perms)
// Clean input
MassiveMapDef<String, Set<Rel>> target = new MassiveMapDef<>();
for (Entry<String, Set<Rel>> entry : perms.entrySet())
String key = entry.getKey();
if (key == null) continue;
key = key.toLowerCase(); // Lowercased Keys Version 2.6.0 --> 2.7.0
Set<Rel> value = entry.getValue();
if (value == null) continue;
target.put(key, value);
// Detect Nochange
if (MUtil.equals(this.perms, target)) return;
// Apply
this.perms = target;
// Mark as changed
public boolean isPermitted(String permId, Rel rel)
if (permId == null) throw new NullPointerException("permId");
Set<Rel> rels = this.perms.get(permId);
if (rels != null) return rels.contains(rel);
MPerm perm = MPerm.get(permId);
if (perm == null) throw new NullPointerException("perm");
return perm.getStandard().contains(rel);
public boolean isPermitted(MPerm perm, Rel rel)
if (perm == null) throw new NullPointerException("perm");
String permId = perm.getId();
if (permId == null) throw new NullPointerException("permId");
Set<Rel> rels = this.perms.get(permId);
if (rels != null) return rels.contains(rel);
return perm.getStandard().contains(rel);
// ---
public Set<Rel> getPermitted(MPerm perm)
if (perm == null) throw new NullPointerException("perm");
String permId = perm.getId();
if (permId == null) throw new NullPointerException("permId");
Set<Rel> rels = this.perms.get(permId);
if (rels != null) return rels;
return perm.getStandard();
public Set<Rel> getPermitted(String permId)
if (permId == null) throw new NullPointerException("permId");
Set<Rel> rels = this.perms.get(permId);
if (rels != null) return rels;
MPerm perm = MPerm.get(permId);
if (perm == null) throw new NullPointerException("perm");
return perm.getStandard();
// Use getPermitted instead. It's much quicker although not immutable.
public Set<Rel> getPermittedRelations(MPerm perm)
return this.getPerms().get(perm);
// ---
// TODO: Fix these below. They are reworking the whole map.
public void setPermittedRelations(MPerm perm, Set<Rel> rels)
Map<MPerm, Set<Rel>> perms = this.getPerms();
perms.put(perm, rels);
public void setPermittedRelations(MPerm perm, Rel... rels)
Set<Rel> temp = new HashSet<>();
this.setPermittedRelations(perm, temp);
public void setRelationPermitted(MPerm perm, Rel rel, boolean permitted)
Map<MPerm, Set<Rel>> perms = this.getPerms();
Set<Rel> rels = perms.get(perm);
boolean changed;
if (permitted)
changed = rels.add(rel);
changed = rels.remove(rel);
if (changed) this.changed();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// OVERRIDE: RelationParticipator
// -------------------------------------------- //
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator observer, boolean ucfirst)
return RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(this, observer, ucfirst);
public String describeTo(RelationParticipator observer)
return RelationUtil.describeThatToMe(this, observer);
public Rel getRelationTo(RelationParticipator observer)
return RelationUtil.getRelationOfThatToMe(this, observer);
public Rel getRelationTo(RelationParticipator observer, boolean ignorePeaceful)
return RelationUtil.getRelationOfThatToMe(this, observer, ignorePeaceful);
public ChatColor getColorTo(RelationParticipator observer)
return RelationUtil.getColorOfThatToMe(this, observer);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// TODO: Implement a has enough feature.
public double getPower()
if (this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagInfpower())) return 999999;
double ret = 0;
for (MPlayer mplayer : this.getMPlayers())
ret += mplayer.getPower();
ret = this.limitWithPowerMax(ret);
ret += this.getPowerBoost();
return ret;
public double getPowerMax()
if (this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagInfpower())) return 999999;
double ret = 0;
for (MPlayer mplayer : this.getMPlayers())
ret += mplayer.getPowerMax();
ret = this.limitWithPowerMax(ret);
ret += this.getPowerBoost();
return ret;
private double limitWithPowerMax(double power)
// NOTE: 0.0 powerMax means there is no max power
double powerMax = MConf.get().factionPowerMax;
return powerMax <= 0 || power < powerMax ? power : powerMax;
public int getPowerRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPower());
public int getPowerMaxRounded()
return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMax());
public int getLandCount()
return BoardColl.get().getCount(this);
public int getLandCountInWorld(String worldName)
return Board.get(worldName).getCount(this);
public boolean hasLandInflation()
return this.getLandCount() > this.getPowerRounded();
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public Set<String> getClaimedWorlds()
return BoardColl.get().getClaimedWorlds(this);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
protected transient Set<MPlayer> mplayers = new MassiveSet<>();
public void reindexMPlayers()
String factionId = this.getId();
if (factionId == null) return;
for (MPlayer mplayer : MPlayerColl.get().getAll())
if (!MUtil.equals(factionId, mplayer.getFactionId())) continue;
// TODO: Even though this check method removeds the invalid entries it's not a true solution.
// TODO: Find the bug causing non-attached MPlayers to be present in the index.
private void checkMPlayerIndex()
Iterator<MPlayer> iter = this.mplayers.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
MPlayer mplayer = iter.next();
if (!mplayer.attached())
String msg = Txt.parse("<rose>WARN: <i>Faction <h>%s <i>aka <h>%s <i>had unattached mplayer in index:", this.getName(), this.getId());
public List<MPlayer> getMPlayers()
return new ArrayList<>(this.mplayers);
public List<MPlayer> getMPlayersWhere(Predicate<? super MPlayer> predicate)
List<MPlayer> ret = this.getMPlayers();
for (Iterator<MPlayer> it = ret.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
if ( ! predicate.apply(it.next())) it.remove();
return ret;
public List<MPlayer> getMPlayersWhereOnline(boolean online)
return this.getMPlayersWhere(online ? SenderColl.PREDICATE_ONLINE : SenderColl.PREDICATE_OFFLINE);
public List<MPlayer> getMPlayersWhereOnlineTo(Object senderObject)
return this.getMPlayersWhere(PredicateAnd.get(SenderColl.PREDICATE_ONLINE, PredicateVisibleTo.get(senderObject)));
public List<MPlayer> getMPlayersWhereRole(Rel role)
return this.getMPlayersWhere(PredicateMPlayerRole.get(role));
public MPlayer getLeader()
List<MPlayer> ret = this.getMPlayersWhereRole(Rel.LEADER);
if (ret.size() == 0) return null;
return ret.get(0);
public List<CommandSender> getOnlineCommandSenders()
// Create Ret
List<CommandSender> ret = new ArrayList<>();
// Fill Ret
for (CommandSender sender : IdUtil.getLocalSenders())
if (MUtil.isntSender(sender)) continue;
MPlayer mplayer = MPlayer.get(sender);
if (mplayer.getFaction() != this) continue;
// Return Ret
return ret;
public List<Player> getOnlinePlayers()
// Create Ret
List<Player> ret = new ArrayList<>();
// Fill Ret
for (Player player : MUtil.getOnlinePlayers())
if (MUtil.isntPlayer(player)) continue;
MPlayer mplayer = MPlayer.get(player);
if (mplayer.getFaction() != this) continue;
// Return Ret
return ret;
// used when current leader is about to be removed from the faction; promotes new leader, or disbands faction if no other members left
public void promoteNewLeader()
if ( ! this.isNormal()) return;
if (this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagPermanent()) && MConf.get().permanentFactionsDisableLeaderPromotion) return;
MPlayer oldLeader = this.getLeader();
// get list of officers, or list of normal members if there are no officers
List<MPlayer> replacements = this.getMPlayersWhereRole(Rel.OFFICER);
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty())
replacements = this.getMPlayersWhereRole(Rel.MEMBER);
if (replacements == null || replacements.isEmpty())
// faction leader is the only member; one-man faction
if (this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagPermanent()))
if (oldLeader != null)
// TODO: Where is the logic in this? Why MEMBER? Why not LEADER again? And why not OFFICER or RECRUIT?
// no members left and faction isn't permanent, so disband it
if (MConf.get().logFactionDisband)
Factions.get().log("The faction "+this.getName()+" ("+this.getId()+") has been disbanded since it has no members left.");
for (MPlayer mplayer : MPlayerColl.get().getAllOnline())
mplayer.msg("<i>The faction %s<i> was disbanded.", this.getName(mplayer));
// promote new faction leader
if (oldLeader != null)
this.msg("<i>Faction leader <h>%s<i> has been removed. %s<i> has been promoted as the new faction leader.", oldLeader == null ? "" : oldLeader.getName(), replacements.get(0).getName());
Factions.get().log("Faction "+this.getName()+" ("+this.getId()+") leader was removed. Replacement leader: "+replacements.get(0).getName());
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
public boolean isAllMPlayersOffline()
return this.getMPlayersWhereOnline(true).size() == 0;
public boolean isAnyMPlayersOnline()
return !this.isAllMPlayersOffline();
public boolean isFactionConsideredOffline()
return this.isAllMPlayersOffline();
public boolean isFactionConsideredOnline()
return !this.isFactionConsideredOffline();
public boolean isExplosionsAllowed()
boolean explosions = this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagExplosions());
boolean offlineexplosions = this.getFlag(MFlag.getFlagOfflineexplosions());
if (explosions && offlineexplosions) return true;
if ( ! explosions && ! offlineexplosions) return false;
boolean online = this.isFactionConsideredOnline();
return (online && explosions) || (!online && offlineexplosions);
// -------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------------- //
// These methods are simply proxied in from the Mixin.
public boolean sendMessage(Object message)
return MixinMessage.get().messagePredicate(new PredicateCommandSenderFaction(this), message);
public boolean sendMessage(Object... messages)
return MixinMessage.get().messagePredicate(new PredicateCommandSenderFaction(this), messages);
public boolean sendMessage(Collection<Object> messages)
return MixinMessage.get().messagePredicate(new PredicateCommandSenderFaction(this), messages);
public boolean msg(String msg)
return MixinMessage.get().msgPredicate(new PredicateCommandSenderFaction(this), msg);
public boolean msg(String msg, Object... args)
return MixinMessage.get().msgPredicate(new PredicateCommandSenderFaction(this), msg, args);
public boolean msg(Collection<String> msgs)
return MixinMessage.get().msgPredicate(new PredicateCommandSenderFaction(this), msgs);