1. Obsidian generator exploit, which converts redstone wire to obsidian. New setting "handleExploitObsidianGenerators" (enabled by default) to determine whether it's prevented or not. Some servers might want to disable this prevention, to keep it as a viable obsidian creation method. Thanks to ObGenBlocker and WorldGuard plugins for the prevention method.
2. Ender pearl exploit, which could be used to clip through doors, glass, and probably a few other things if just the right spot was targeted. New setting "handleExploitEnderPearlClipping" (enabled by default) to determine whether it's prevented or not.
Also removed our TNT exploit prevention code, since they did get it fully fixed in 1.1-R4 and it doesn't look to be coming back from the dead again like it did when they released 1.1-R2.