package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * The ChatFormater is a system offered by factions for tag parsing. * * Note that every tag and modifier id must be lowercase. * A tag with id "derp" is allowed but not with id "Derp". For that reason the tag {sender} will work but {Sender} wont. */ public class ChatFormatter { // -------------------------------------------- // // CONSTANTS // -------------------------------------------- // public final static String START = "{"; public final static String END = "}"; public final static String SEPARATOR = "|"; public final static String ESC_START = "\\"+START; public final static String ESC_END = "\\"+END; public final static String ESC_SEPARATOR = "\\"+SEPARATOR; public final static Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(ESC_START+"([^"+ESC_START+ESC_END+"]+)"+ESC_END); // -------------------------------------------- // // TAG REGISTER // -------------------------------------------- // private final static Map idToTag = new HashMap(); public static ChatTag getTag(String tagId) { return idToTag.get(tagId); } public static boolean registerTag(ChatTag tag) { if (tag == null) throw new NullPointerException("tag"); String id = tag.getId(); if (id == null) throw new NullPointerException("tag id"); if (!id.equals(id.toLowerCase())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tag id must be lowercase"); } ChatTag current = idToTag.get(id); if (current != null) { return current.equals(tag); } idToTag.put(id, tag); return true; } public static boolean unregisterTag(ChatTag tag) { if (tag == null) return false; return idToTag.remove(tag) != null; } // -------------------------------------------- // // MODIFIER REGISTER // -------------------------------------------- // private final static Map idToModifier = new HashMap(); public static ChatModifier getModifier(String modifierId) { return idToModifier.get(modifierId); } public static boolean registerModifier(ChatModifier modifier) { if (modifier == null) throw new NullPointerException("modifier"); String id = modifier.getId(); if (id == null) throw new NullPointerException("modifier id"); if (!id.equals(id.toLowerCase())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("modifier id must be lowercase"); } ChatModifier current = idToModifier.get(id); if (current != null) { return current.equals(modifier); } idToModifier.put(id, modifier); return true; } public static boolean unregisterModifier(ChatModifier modifier) { if (modifier == null) return false; return idToModifier.remove(modifier) != null; } // -------------------------------------------- // // FORMAT // -------------------------------------------- // public static String format(String msg, String senderId, String sendeeId, String recipientId) { // We build the return value in this string buffer StringBuffer ret = new StringBuffer(); // A matcher to match all the tags in the msg Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(msg); // For each tag we find while (matcher.find()) { // The fullmatch is something like "{sender|lp|rp}" String fullmatch =; // The submatch is something like "sender|lp|rp" String submatch =; // The parts are something like ["sender", "lp", "rp"] String[] parts = submatch.split(ESC_SEPARATOR); // The modifier ids are something like ["lp", "rp"] and tagId something like "sender" List modifierIds = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(parts)); String tagId = modifierIds.remove(0); // Fetch tag for the id ChatTag tag = getTag(tagId); String replacement; if (tag == null) { // No change if tag wasn't found replacement = fullmatch; } else { replacement = compute(tag, modifierIds, senderId, sendeeId, recipientId); if (replacement == null) { // If a tag or modifier returns null it's the same as opting out. replacement = fullmatch; } } matcher.appendReplacement(ret, replacement); } // Append the rest matcher.appendTail(ret); // And finally we return the string value of the buffer we built return ret.toString(); } // -------------------------------------------- // // TAG COMPUTE // -------------------------------------------- // public static String compute(ChatTag tag, List modifierIds, String senderId, String sendeeId, String recipientId) { String ret = tag.getReplacement(senderId, sendeeId, recipientId); if (ret == null) return null; for (String modifierId : modifierIds) { // Find the modifier or skip ChatModifier modifier = getModifier(modifierId); if (modifier == null) continue; // Modify and ignore change if null. // Modifier can't get or return null. String modified = modifier.getModified(ret, senderId, sendeeId, recipientId); if (modified == null) continue; ret = modified; } return ret; } }