package com.massivecraft.factions.integration.herochat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.dthielke.herochat.Channel; import com.dthielke.herochat.ChannelChatEvent; import com.dthielke.herochat.ChannelStorage; import com.dthielke.herochat.ChatCompleteEvent; import com.dthielke.herochat.Chatter; import com.dthielke.herochat.Herochat; import com.dthielke.herochat.MessageFormatSupplier; import com.dthielke.herochat.MessageNotFoundException; import com.massivecraft.factions.Rel; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.MPlayer; import com.massivecraft.factions.entity.Faction; public abstract class ChannelFactionsAbstract implements Channel { private static final Pattern msgPattern = Pattern.compile("(.*)<(.*)%1\\$s(.*)> %2\\$s"); private final ChannelStorage storage = Herochat.getChannelManager().getStorage(); private final MessageFormatSupplier formatSupplier = Herochat.getChannelManager(); @Override public boolean addMember(Chatter chatter, boolean announce, boolean flagUpdate) { if (chatter.hasChannel(this)) return false; if ((announce) && (this.isVerbose())) { try { this.announce(Herochat.getMessage("channel_join").replace("$1", chatter.getPlayer().getDisplayName())); } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) { Herochat.severe(" is missing: channel_join"); } } chatter.addChannel(this, announce, flagUpdate); return true; } @Override public boolean kickMember(Chatter chatter, boolean announce) { if (!chatter.hasChannel(this)) return false; this.removeMember(chatter, false, true); if (announce) { try { announce(Herochat.getMessage("channel_kick").replace("$1", chatter.getPlayer().getDisplayName())); } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) { Herochat.severe(" is missing: channel_kick"); } } return true; } @Override public boolean removeMember(Chatter chatter, boolean announce, boolean flagUpdate) { if (!chatter.hasChannel(this)) return false; chatter.removeChannel(this, announce, flagUpdate); if (announce && this.isVerbose()) { try { this.announce(Herochat.getMessage("channel_leave").replace("$1", chatter.getPlayer().getDisplayName())); } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) { Herochat.severe(" is missing: channel_leave"); } } return true; } @Override public Set getMembers() { Set ret = new HashSet(); for (Chatter chatter : Herochat.getChatterManager().getChatters()) { if(chatter.hasChannel(this)) ret.add(chatter); } return ret; } @Override public void announce(String message) { String colorized = message.replaceAll("(?i)&([a-fklmno0-9])", "§$1"); message = applyFormat(this.getFormatSupplier().getAnnounceFormat(), "").replace("%2$s", colorized); for (Chatter member : this.getMembers()) { member.getPlayer().sendMessage(message); } Herochat.logChat(ChatColor.stripColor(message)); } @Override public String applyFormat(String format, String originalFormat) { format = format.replace("{default}", this.getFormatSupplier().getStandardFormat()); format = format.replace("{name}", this.getName()); format = format.replace("{nick}", this.getNick()); format = format.replace("{color}", this.getColor().toString()); format = format.replace("{msg}", "%2$s"); Matcher matcher = msgPattern.matcher(originalFormat); if (matcher.matches() && matcher.groupCount() == 3) { format = format.replace("{sender}", + + "%1$s" +; } else { format = format.replace("{sender}", "%1$s"); } format = format.replaceAll("(?i)&([a-fklmnor0-9])", "§$1"); return format; } @Override public String applyFormat(String format, String originalFormat, Player sender) { format = this.applyFormat(format, originalFormat); format = format.replace("{plainsender}", sender.getName()); format = format.replace("{world}", sender.getWorld().getName()); Chat chat = Herochat.getChatService(); if (chat != null) { try { String prefix = chat.getPlayerPrefix(sender); if (prefix == null || prefix == "") { prefix = chat.getPlayerPrefix((String)null, sender.getName()); } String suffix = chat.getPlayerSuffix(sender); if (suffix == null || suffix == "") { suffix = chat.getPlayerSuffix((String)null, sender.getName()); } String group = chat.getPrimaryGroup(sender); String groupPrefix = group == null ? "" : chat.getGroupPrefix(sender.getWorld(), group); if (group != null && (groupPrefix == null || groupPrefix == "")) { groupPrefix = chat.getGroupPrefix((String)null, group); } String groupSuffix = group == null ? "" : chat.getGroupSuffix(sender.getWorld(), group); if (group != null && (groupSuffix == null || groupSuffix == "")) { groupSuffix = chat.getGroupSuffix((String)null, group); } format = format.replace("{prefix}", prefix == null ? "" : prefix.replace("%", "%%")); format = format.replace("{suffix}", suffix == null ? "" : suffix.replace("%", "%%")); format = format.replace("{group}", group == null ? "" : group.replace("%", "%%")); format = format.replace("{groupprefix}", groupPrefix == null ? "" : groupPrefix.replace("%", "%%")); format = format.replace("{groupsuffix}", groupSuffix == null ? "" : groupSuffix.replace("%", "%%")); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ignored) { } } else { format = format.replace("{prefix}", ""); format = format.replace("{suffix}", ""); format = format.replace("{group}", ""); format = format.replace("{groupprefix}", ""); format = format.replace("{groupsuffix}", ""); } format = format.replaceAll("(?i)&([a-fklmno0-9])", "§$1"); return format; } @Override public void emote(Chatter sender, String message) { message = this.applyFormat(this.getFormatSupplier().getEmoteFormat(), "").replace("%2$s", message); Set recipients = new HashSet(); for (Chatter member : this.getMembers()) { recipients.add(member.getPlayer()); } this.trimRecipients(recipients, sender); for (Player recipient : recipients) { recipient.sendMessage(message); } } @Override public boolean isMuted(String name) { if (this.isMuted()) return true; return this.getMutes().contains(name.toLowerCase()); } public abstract Set getTargetRelations(); public Set getRecipients(Player sender) { Set ret = new HashSet(); // TODO: Dormant non-erased universe support? MPlayer fpsender = MPlayer.get(sender); Faction faction = fpsender.getFaction(); String universe = fpsender.getUniverse(); for (Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) { MPlayer frecipient = MPlayer.get(player); if (!frecipient.getUniverse().equals(universe)) continue; if (!this.getTargetRelations().contains(faction.getRelationTo(frecipient))) continue; ret.add(player); } return ret; } @Override public void processChat(ChannelChatEvent event) { Player player = event.getSender().getPlayer(); String format = this.applyFormat(event.getFormat(), event.getBukkitFormat(), player); Chatter sender = Herochat.getChatterManager().getChatter(player); // NOTE: This line is not standard deobfuscation. It's altered to achieve the recipient limitations. Set recipients = this.getRecipients(player); this.trimRecipients(recipients, sender); String msg = String.format(format, new Object[] { player.getDisplayName(), event.getMessage() }); for (Player recipient : recipients) { recipient.sendMessage(msg); } Bukkit.getPluginManager().callEvent(new ChatCompleteEvent(sender, this, msg)); Herochat.logChat(msg); } public boolean isMessageHeard(Set recipients, Chatter sender) { if (!isLocal()) return true; Player senderPlayer = sender.getPlayer(); for (Player recipient : recipients) { if (recipient.equals(senderPlayer)) continue; if (recipient.hasPermission("herochat.admin.stealth")) continue; return true; } return false; } public void trimRecipients(Set recipients, Chatter sender) { World world = sender.getPlayer().getWorld(); Set members = this.getMembers(); Iterator iterator = recipients.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { Chatter recipient = Herochat.getChatterManager().getChatter(; if (recipient == null) continue; World recipientWorld = recipient.getPlayer().getWorld(); if (!members.contains(recipient)) iterator.remove(); else if ((isLocal()) && (!sender.isInRange(recipient, this.getDistance()))) iterator.remove(); else if (!hasWorld(recipientWorld)) iterator.remove(); else if (recipient.isIgnoring(sender)) iterator.remove(); else if ((!this.isCrossWorld()) && (!world.equals(recipientWorld))) iterator.remove(); } } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == this) return true; if (other == null) return false; if (!(other instanceof Channel)) return false; Channel channel = (Channel)other; return (this.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(channel.getName())) || (this.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(channel.getNick())); } public int hashCode() { int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + (this.getName() == null ? 0 : this.getName().toLowerCase().hashCode()); result = prime * result + (this.getNick() == null ? 0 : this.getNick().toLowerCase().hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean isTransient() { return false; } @Override public String getPassword() { return ""; } @Override public void setPassword(String password) {} @Override public boolean isVerbose() { return false; } @Override public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {} @Override public boolean isHidden() { return false; } @Override public boolean isLocal() { return this.getDistance() != 0; } @Override public void attachStorage(ChannelStorage storage) { } @Override public boolean banMember(Chatter chatter, boolean announce) { return false; } @Override public Set getBans() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public Set getModerators() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public Set getMutes() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public ChannelStorage getStorage() { return; } @Override public boolean hasWorld(String world) { return (this.getWorlds().isEmpty()) || (this.getWorlds().contains(world)); } @Override public boolean hasWorld(World world) { return this.hasWorld(world.getName()); } @Override public boolean isBanned(String name) { return this.getBans().contains(name.toLowerCase()); } @Override public boolean isMember(Chatter chatter) { return this.getMembers().contains(chatter); } @Override public boolean isModerator(String name) { return this.getModerators().contains(name.toLowerCase()); } @Override public void onFocusGain(Chatter chatter) {} @Override public void onFocusLoss(Chatter chatter) {} @Override public void removeWorld(String world) { this.getWorlds().remove(world); } @Override public void setBanned(String name, boolean banned) {} @Override public void setBans(Set bans) {} @Override public void setModerator(String name, boolean moderator) {} @Override public void setModerators(Set moderators) { } @Override public void setMuted(String name, boolean muted) {} @Override public void setMutes(Set mutes) {} @Override public MessageFormatSupplier getFormatSupplier() { return this.formatSupplier; } @Override public void sendRawMessage(String rawMessage) { for (Chatter member : this.getMembers()) { member.getPlayer().sendMessage(rawMessage); } } }