package com.massivecraft.factions; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Relation; import com.massivecraft.factions.struct.Role; import com.massivecraft.factions.util.DiscUtil; /** * Logged in players always have exactly one FPlayer instance. * Logged out players may or may not have an FPlayer instance. They will always have one if they are part of a faction. * This is because only players with a faction are saved to disk (in order to not waste disk space). * * The FPlayer is linked to a minecraft player using the player name. * * The same instance is always returned for the same player. * This means you can use the == operator. No .equals method necessary. */ public class FPlayer { // -------------------------------------------- // // Fields // -------------------------------------------- // private static transient TreeMap instances = new TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); private static transient File file = new File(Factions.instance.getDataFolder(), "players.json"); private transient String playerName; private transient FLocation lastStoodAt = new FLocation(); // Where did this player stand the last time we checked? private int factionId; private Role role; private String title; private double power; private long lastPowerUpdateTime; private long lastLoginTime; private transient boolean mapAutoUpdating; private transient boolean autoClaimEnabled; private transient boolean autoSafeZoneEnabled; private transient boolean autoWarZoneEnabled; private transient boolean loginPvpDisabled; private boolean factionChatting; // -------------------------------------------- // // Construct // -------------------------------------------- // // GSON need this noarg constructor. public FPlayer() { this.resetFactionData(); this.power = this.getPowerMax(); this.lastPowerUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastLoginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.mapAutoUpdating = false; this.autoClaimEnabled = false; this.autoSafeZoneEnabled = false; this.autoWarZoneEnabled = false; this.loginPvpDisabled = (Conf.noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin > 0) ? true : false; } public void resetFactionData() { // clean up any territory ownership in old faction, if there is one if (this.factionId > 0 && Faction.exists(this.factionId)) { Faction.get(factionId).clearClaimOwnership(playerName); } this.factionId = 0; // The default neutral faction this.factionChatting = false; this.role = Role.NORMAL; this.title = ""; if (playerName != null && !playerName.isEmpty()) { SpoutFeatures.updateAppearances(this.getPlayer()); } } // -------------------------------------------- // // Minecraft Player // -------------------------------------------- // public Player getPlayer() { return Factions.instance.getServer().getPlayer(playerName); } public String getPlayerName() { return this.playerName; } public boolean isOnline() { return Factions.instance.getServer().getPlayer(playerName) != null; } public boolean isOffline() { return ! isOnline(); } // -------------------------------------------- // // Getters And Setters // -------------------------------------------- // public Faction getFaction() { return Faction.get(factionId); } public int getFactionId() { return factionId; } public void setFaction(Faction faction) { this.factionId = faction.getId(); SpoutFeatures.updateAppearances(this.getPlayer()); } public boolean hasFaction() { return factionId != 0; } public Role getRole() { return this.role; } public void setRole(Role role) { this.role = role; SpoutFeatures.updateAppearances(this.getPlayer()); } public boolean isFactionChatting() { if (this.factionId == 0) { return false; } return factionChatting; } public void setFactionChatting(boolean factionChatting) { this.factionChatting = factionChatting; } public long getLastLoginTime() { return lastLoginTime; } public boolean autoClaimEnabled() { if (this.factionId == 0) return false; return autoClaimEnabled; } public void enableAutoClaim(boolean enabled) { this.autoClaimEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { this.autoSafeZoneEnabled = false; this.autoWarZoneEnabled = false; } } public boolean autoSafeZoneEnabled() { return autoSafeZoneEnabled; } public void enableAutoSafeZone(boolean enabled) { this.autoSafeZoneEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { this.autoClaimEnabled = false; this.autoWarZoneEnabled = false; } } public boolean autoWarZoneEnabled() { return autoWarZoneEnabled; } public void enableAutoWarZone(boolean enabled) { this.autoWarZoneEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { this.autoClaimEnabled = false; this.autoSafeZoneEnabled = false; } } public void setLastLoginTime(long lastLoginTime) { this.lastLoginTime = lastLoginTime; this.lastPowerUpdateTime = lastLoginTime; if (Conf.noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin > 0) { this.loginPvpDisabled = true; } } public boolean isMapAutoUpdating() { return mapAutoUpdating; } public void setMapAutoUpdating(boolean mapAutoUpdating) { this.mapAutoUpdating = mapAutoUpdating; } public boolean hasLoginPvpDisabled() { if (!loginPvpDisabled) { return false; } if (this.lastLoginTime + (Conf.noPVPDamageToOthersForXSecondsAfterLogin * 1000) < System.currentTimeMillis()) { this.loginPvpDisabled = false; return false; } return true; } public FLocation getLastStoodAt() { return this.lastStoodAt; } public void setLastStoodAt(FLocation flocation) { this.lastStoodAt = flocation; } //----------------------------------------------// // Title, Name, Faction Tag and Chat //----------------------------------------------// // Base: public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public String getName() { return this.playerName; } public String getTag() { if ( ! this.hasFaction()) { return ""; } return this.getFaction().getTag(); } // Base concatenations: public String getNameAndSomething(String something) { String ret = this.role.getPrefix(); if (something.length() > 0) { ret += something+" "; } ret += this.getName(); return ret; } public String getNameAndTitle() { return this.getNameAndSomething(this.getTitle()); } public String getNameAndTag() { return this.getNameAndSomething(this.getTag()); } // Colored concatenations: // These are used in information messages public String getNameAndTitle(Faction faction) { return this.getRelationColor(faction)+this.getNameAndTitle(); } public String getNameAndTitle(FPlayer fplayer) { return this.getRelationColor(fplayer)+this.getNameAndTitle(); } public String getNameAndTag(Faction faction) { return this.getRelationColor(faction)+this.getNameAndTag(); } public String getNameAndTag(FPlayer fplayer) { return this.getRelationColor(fplayer)+this.getNameAndTag(); } public String getNameAndRelevant(Faction faction) { // Which relation? Relation rel = this.getRelation(faction); // For member we show title if (rel == Relation.MEMBER) { return rel.getColor() + this.getNameAndTitle(); } // For non members we show tag return rel.getColor() + this.getNameAndTag(); } public String getNameAndRelevant(FPlayer fplayer) { return getNameAndRelevant(fplayer.getFaction()); } // Chat Tag: // These are injected into the format of global chat messages. public String getChatTag() { if ( ! this.hasFaction()) { return ""; } return String.format(Conf.chatTagFormat, this.role.getPrefix()+this.getTag()); } // Colored Chat Tag public String getChatTag(Faction faction) { if ( ! this.hasFaction()) { return ""; } return this.getRelation(faction).getColor()+getChatTag(); } public String getChatTag(FPlayer fplayer) { if ( ! this.hasFaction()) { return ""; } return this.getRelation(fplayer).getColor()+getChatTag(); } // ------------------------------- // Relation and relation colors // ------------------------------- public Relation getRelation(Faction faction) { return faction.getRelation(this); } public Relation getRelation(FPlayer fplayer) { return this.getFaction().getRelation(fplayer); } public Relation getRelationToLocation() { return Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this)).getRelation(this); } public ChatColor getRelationColor(Faction faction) { return faction.getRelationColor(this); } public ChatColor getRelationColor(FPlayer fplayer) { return this.getRelation(fplayer).getColor(); } //----------------------------------------------// // Health //----------------------------------------------// public void heal(int amnt) { Player player = this.getPlayer(); if (player == null) { return; } player.setHealth(player.getHealth() + amnt); } //----------------------------------------------// // Power //----------------------------------------------// public double getPower() { this.updatePower(); return this.power; } protected void alterPower(double delta) { this.power += delta; if (this.power > this.getPowerMax()) { this.power = this.getPowerMax(); } else if (this.power < this.getPowerMin()) { this.power = this.getPowerMin(); } //Log.debug("Power of "+this.getName()+" is now: "+this.power); } public double getPowerMax() { return Conf.powerPlayerMax; } public double getPowerMin() { return Conf.powerPlayerMin; } public int getPowerRounded() { return (int) Math.round(this.getPower()); } public int getPowerMaxRounded() { return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMax()); } public int getPowerMinRounded() { return (int) Math.round(this.getPowerMin()); } protected void updatePower() { if (this.isOffline() && !Conf.powerRegenOffline) { return; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long millisPassed = now - this.lastPowerUpdateTime; this.lastPowerUpdateTime = now; int millisPerMinute = 60*1000; this.alterPower(millisPassed * Conf.powerPerMinute / millisPerMinute); } public void onDeath() { this.updatePower(); this.alterPower(-Conf.powerPerDeath); } //----------------------------------------------// // Territory //----------------------------------------------// public boolean isInOwnTerritory() { return Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this)) == this.getFaction(); } public boolean isInOthersTerritory() { int idHere = Board.getIdAt(new FLocation(this)); return idHere > 0 && idHere != this.factionId; } public boolean isInAllyTerritory() { return Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this)).getRelation(this).isAlly(); } public boolean isInNeutralTerritory() { return Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this)).getRelation(this).isNeutral(); } public boolean isInEnemyTerritory() { return Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this)).getRelation(this).isEnemy(); } public void sendFactionHereMessage() { Faction factionHere = Board.getFactionAt(new FLocation(this)); String msg = Conf.colorSystem+" ~ "+factionHere.getTag(this); if (factionHere.getDescription().length() > 0) { msg += " - "+factionHere.getDescription(); } this.sendMessage(msg); } // ------------------------------- // Actions // ------------------------------- public void leave(boolean makePay) { Faction myFaction = this.getFaction(); if (this.getRole() == Role.ADMIN && myFaction.getFPlayers().size() > 1) { sendMessage("You must give the admin role to someone else first."); return; } if (!Conf.CanLeaveWithNegativePower && this.getPower() < 0) { sendMessage("You cannot leave until your power is positive."); return; } // if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make 'em pay if (makePay && Econ.enabled() && !Conf.adminBypassPlayers.contains(this.playerName)) { double cost = Conf.econCostLeave; // pay up if (cost > 0.0) { String costString = Econ.moneyString(cost); if (!Econ.deductMoney(this.getName(), cost)) { sendMessage("It costs "+costString+" to leave your faction, which you can't currently afford."); return; } sendMessage("You have paid "+costString+" to leave your faction."); } // wait... we pay you to leave? else if (cost < 0.0) { String costString = Econ.moneyString(-cost); Econ.addMoney(this.getName(), -cost); sendMessage("You have been paid "+costString+" for leaving your faction."); } } if (myFaction.isNormal()) { myFaction.sendMessage(this.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction) + Conf.colorSystem + " left your faction."); } this.resetFactionData(); if (myFaction.isNormal() && myFaction.getFPlayers().isEmpty()) { // Remove this faction for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayer.getAllOnline()) { fplayer.sendMessage("The faction "+myFaction.getTag(fplayer)+Conf.colorSystem+" was disbanded."); } Faction.delete(myFaction.getId()); } } public boolean attemptClaim(boolean notifyFailure) { // notifyFailure is false if called by auto-claim; no need to notify on every failure for it // return value is false on failure, true on success Faction myFaction = getFaction(); FLocation flocation = new FLocation(this); Faction otherFaction = Board.getFactionAt(flocation); if (Worldguard.checkForRegions(this.getPlayer().getLocation())) { // Checks for WorldGuard regions in the chunk attempting to be claimed sendMessage("This land is protected"); return false; } if (myFaction == otherFaction) { if (notifyFailure) sendMessage("You already own this land."); return false; } if (this.getRole().value < Role.MODERATOR.value) { sendMessage("You must be "+Role.MODERATOR+" to claim land."); return false; } if (myFaction.getFPlayers().size() < Conf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers && !Conf.adminBypassPlayers.contains(this.playerName)) { sendMessage("Your faction must have at least "+Conf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers+" members to claim land."); return false; } if (Conf.worldsNoClaiming.contains(flocation.getWorldName())) { sendMessage("Sorry, this world has land claiming disabled."); return false; } if (otherFaction.isSafeZone()) { if (notifyFailure) sendMessage("You can not claim a Safe Zone."); return false; } else if (otherFaction.isWarZone()) { if (notifyFailure) sendMessage("You can not claim a War Zone."); return false; } int ownedLand = myFaction.getLandRounded(); if (ownedLand >= myFaction.getPowerRounded()) { sendMessage("You can't claim more land! You need more power!"); return false; } if (otherFaction.getRelation(this) == Relation.ALLY) { if (notifyFailure) sendMessage("You can't claim the land of your allies."); return false; } if ( Conf.claimsMustBeConnected && !Conf.adminBypassPlayers.contains(this.playerName) && myFaction.getLandRoundedInWorld(flocation.getWorldName()) > 0 && !Board.isConnectedLocation(flocation, myFaction) && (!Conf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction || !otherFaction.isNormal()) ) { if (Conf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction) sendMessage("You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim or controlled by another faction!"); else sendMessage("You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim!"); return false; } if (otherFaction.isNormal()) { if (myFaction.isPeaceful()) { sendMessage(this.getRelationColor(otherFaction)+otherFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+" owns this land. Your faction is peaceful, so you cannot claim land from other factions."); return false; } if (otherFaction.isPeaceful()) { sendMessage(this.getRelationColor(otherFaction)+otherFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+" owns this land, and is a peaceful faction. You cannot claim land from them."); return false; } if ( ! otherFaction.hasLandInflation()) { // TODO more messages WARN current faction most importantly sendMessage(this.getRelationColor(otherFaction)+otherFaction.getTag()+Conf.colorSystem+" owns this land and is strong enough to keep it."); return false; } if ( ! Board.isBorderLocation(flocation)) { sendMessage("You must start claiming land at the border of the territory."); return false; } } // if economy is enabled and they're not on the bypass list, make 'em pay if (Econ.enabled() && !Conf.adminBypassPlayers.contains(this.playerName)) { double cost = Econ.calculateClaimCost(ownedLand, otherFaction.isNormal()); String costString = Econ.moneyString(cost); if (!Econ.deductMoney(this.playerName, cost)) { sendMessage("Claiming this land will cost "+costString+", which you can't currently afford."); return false; } sendMessage("You have paid "+costString+" to claim this land."); } // announce success if (otherFaction.isNormal()) { // ASDF claimed some of your land 450 blocks NNW of you. // ASDf claimed some land from FACTION NAME otherFaction.sendMessage(this.getNameAndRelevant(otherFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" stole some of your land :O"); myFaction.sendMessage(this.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" claimed some land from "+otherFaction.getTag(myFaction)); } else { myFaction.sendMessage(this.getNameAndRelevant(myFaction)+Conf.colorSystem+" claimed some new land :D"); } Board.setFactionAt(myFaction, flocation); return true; } // -------------------------------------------- // // Messages // -------------------------------------------- // public void sendMessage(String message) { if (this.getPlayer() != null) this.getPlayer().sendMessage(Conf.colorSystem + message); } public void sendMessage(List messages) { for(String message : messages) { this.sendMessage(message); } } // -------------------------------------------- // // Get and search // -------------------------------------------- // // You should use this one to be sure you do not spell the player name wrong. public static FPlayer get(Player player) { return get(player.getName()); } private static FPlayer get(String playerName) { if (instances.containsKey(playerName)) { return instances.get(playerName); } FPlayer vplayer = new FPlayer(); vplayer.playerName = playerName; instances.put(playerName, vplayer); return vplayer; } public static Set getAllOnline() { Set fplayers = new HashSet(); for (Player player : Factions.instance.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) { fplayers.add(FPlayer.get(player)); } return fplayers; } public static Collection getAll() { return instances.values(); } public static FPlayer find(String playername) { for (Entry entry : instances.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(playername) || entry.getKey().startsWith(playername)) { return entry.getValue(); } } return null; } // -------------------------------------------- // // Persistance // -------------------------------------------- // public boolean shouldBeSaved() { return this.factionId != 0; } public static boolean save() { //Factions.log("Saving players to disk"); // We only wan't to save the players with non default values Map playersToSave = new HashMap(); for (Entry entry : instances.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().shouldBeSaved()) { playersToSave.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } try { DiscUtil.write(file, Factions.instance.gson.toJson(playersToSave)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Factions.log("Failed to save the players to disk."); return false; } return true; } public static boolean load() { Factions.log("Loading players from disk"); if ( ! file.exists()) { if ( ! loadOld()) Factions.log("No players to load from disk. Creating new file."); save(); return true; } try { Type type = new TypeToken>(){}.getType(); Map instancesFromFile = Factions.instance.gson.fromJson(, type); instances.clear(); instances.putAll(instancesFromFile); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Factions.log("Failed to load the players from disk."); return false; } fillPlayernames(); return true; } public static void fillPlayernames() { for(Entry entry : instances.entrySet()) { entry.getValue().playerName = entry.getKey(); } } public static void clean() { for (FPlayer fplayer : instances.values()) { if ( ! Faction.exists(fplayer.getFactionId())) { Factions.log("Reset faction data (invalid faction) for player "+fplayer.getName()); fplayer.resetFactionData(); } } } public static void autoLeaveOnInactivityRoutine() { if (Conf.autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity <= 0.0) { return; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); double toleranceMillis = Conf.autoLeaveAfterDaysOfInactivity * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; for (FPlayer fplayer : FPlayer.getAll()) { if (now - fplayer.getLastLoginTime() > toleranceMillis) { fplayer.leave(false); } } } private static boolean loadOld() { File folderFollower = new File(Factions.instance.getDataFolder(), "follower"); if ( ! folderFollower.isDirectory()) return false; Factions.log("Players file doesn't exist, attempting to load old pre-1.1 data."); String ext = ".json"; class jsonFileFilter implements FileFilter { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".json") && file.isFile()); } } File[] jsonFiles = folderFollower.listFiles(new jsonFileFilter()); for (File jsonFile : jsonFiles) { // Extract the name from the filename. The name is filename minus ".json" String name = jsonFile.getName(); name = name.substring(0, name.length() - ext.length()); try { FPlayer follower = Factions.instance.gson.fromJson(, FPlayer.class); follower.playerName = name; follower.lastLoginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); instances.put(follower.playerName, follower); Factions.log("loaded pre-1.1 follower "+name); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Factions.log(Level.WARNING, "failed to load follower "+name); } } return true; } }