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# Books Without Borders
2021-08-26 20:32:22 +02:00
2022-08-10 12:25:41 +02:00
This is a rewrite of the Books Without Borders plugin. This rewrite originally used the source code given
at [the original bukkit page]( While the old plugin still worked
the last time I checked, this plugin does not use any depreciated function calls, making sure it works for the
foreseeable future.
## Books without Borders!
Ever wanted to export your book to a text file? Ever want to import it back in? Accidentally sign it too soon? If so,
Books without Borders has got your back!
### Features
- Export written books and book and quills to .txt or .yml files
- Import books from files as written books or unsigned books
- Text files can be any length, and the import process fits the content to the correct page length
- Books can be saved privately, or to a directory visible server wide
- Encrypt books to prevent other players from reading them
- Give, encrypt, or decrypt held books with signs
- Give players books via command blocks
- Unsign or copy held books with a simple command
- Give first time players a single book or a set of books when they join
- Configurable option to require certain items or pay via Vault compatible economy to create books via command
- Add lore to any item with a simple command
- Supports adding and saving color to title, lore, and book contents
- Color and formatting codes can be manually turned into formatting using /formatbook
- Formatting and color codes can be turned into formatting once any book is signed. This is enabled through a config
- Change generation of books. Create tattered books for your RPG server!
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- Optionally, make it impossible to duplicate the original version of a book
#### Group encryption
- Group encryption allows every player with the bookswithoutborders.decrypt.\<group> permission to decrypt the encrypted
book without using a password.
### Commands:
An in-game description of available commands is available through the /bwb command.
- /bookswithoutborders - Displays information about commands (and permissions if the user has bookswithoutborders.admin)
- /copybook <# of copies> - Copies the book the player is holding
- /decryptbook <key> - Decrypts the book the player is holding. "key" is required and MUST be IDENTICAL to the key used
to encrypt the held book
- /deletebook <file name or number> - Deletes the specified file in the player's directory
- /deletepublicbook <file name or number> - Same as deletebook, but deletes files in the public directory
- encryptbook <key> \[encryption style] - Encrypts the book the player is holding. "key" is required and can be any
phrase or number excluding spaces. "style" is not required. Possible values are "DNA" or ""
- /formatbook - Formats the held written book (converts color and formatting codes to the corresponding formatted text)
- /givebook <file name or number> <playername> \[# of copies (num)] \[signed (true/false)] - Gives the selected player a
book from your personal directory
- /givepublicbook <file name or number> <playername> \[# of copies (num)] \[signed (true/false)] - Same as givebook, but
uses books from the public directory
- /loadbook <file name or number> \[# of copies] \[signed (true/false)] - Creates a book from the specified file and
gives it to the player. If no file is specified, a list of available files is returned. If true is specified, the book
will be signed, if false it will be unsigned
- /loadpublicbook <file name or number> \[# of copies] \[signed (true/false)] - Same as loadbook, but views files in the
public directory
- /reload - Reloads BwB's configuration file
- /savebook \[overwrite (true/false)] - Saves the book the player is holding to a text file in a private directory. If
true is specified, a book of the same name by the same author will be overwritten by the new book
- /savepublicbook \[overwrite (true/false)] - Same as savebook, but saves files in the public directory
- /setbookauthor <author> - Sets the author of the book the player is holding
- /setbookgeneration <generation> - Sets the generation (ORIGINAL, COPY_OF_ORIGINAL, COPY_OF_COPY, TATTERED)
- /setbookprice <item/eco> <quantity> - Sets the per-book price to create a book via commands. If "Item", the item in
the player's hand in the amount of <quantity> will be the price. If "Eco", a Vault based economy will be used for
price. If neither <Item/Eco> nor <quantity> are specified, the current price to create books will be removed.
- /setlore <new lore> - Sets the lore of the item the player is holding. Insert the lore_line_separator character to
force a new line ("~" by default)
- /settitle <title> - Sets the title of the book/item the player is holding
- /unsignbook - Un-signs the book the player is holding
### Permissions:
- bookswithoutborders.* - Grants all permissions
- bookswithoutborders.admin - Grants all permissions
- bookswithoutborders.use - Allows player to use commands to save/load/delete in their personal directory
- bookswithoutborders.alterbooks - Allows player to change books' data such as lore/title/author/formatting and
unsigning books
- bookswithoutborders.reload - Allows player to reload this plugin
- bookswithoutborders.format - Allows a player to format a book
- - Allows a player to save books to their personal directory
- bookswithoutborders.load - Allows player to load books from their personal directory
- bookswithoutborders.delete - Allows player to delete books from their personal directory
- bookswithoutborders.unsign - Allows player to un-sign books
- bookswithoutborders.copy - Allows player to copy books
- bookswithoutborders.loadpublic - Allows player to load from the public directory
- bookswithoutborders.savepublic - Allows player to save to the public directory
- bookswithoutborders.encrypt - Allows player to encrypt books
- bookswithoutborders.groupencrypt - Allows player to use group-based encryption
- bookswithoutborders.decrypt - Allows player to decrypt books
- bookswithoutborders.decrypt.agroup - Allows player to decrypt books group-encrypted for group "agroup"
- bookswithoutborders.signs - Allows player to create signs that give/encrypt/decrypt books
- bookswithoutborders.give - Allows player to give another player one of their privately saved books
- bookswithoutborders.givepublic - Allows a player to give another player a book from the public directory
- bookswithoutborders.settitle - Allows player to set the title of the currently held book
- bookswithoutborders.setauthor - Allows player to set the author of the currently held book
- bookswithoutborders.setlore - Allows player to set the lore of the currently held item
- bookswithoutborders.bypassauthoronlycopy - Allows player to ignore Author_Only_Copy config setting
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- bookswithoutborders.bypassauthoronlyunsign - Allows player to ignore Author_Only_Unsign config setting
- bookswithoutborders.bypassbookprice - Allows player to ignore Price_to_create_book config setting
- bookswithoutborders.setbookprice - Allows player to set the cost of creating a book
- bookswithoutborders.setgeneration - Allows player to change the generation of a book (Original, Copy, Copy of Copy)
### Signs
This plugin supports several custom signs with special functionality. Each plugin sign must have \[BwB] on its first
#### Give sign
The **_give_** sign must have **\[Give]** on its second line. The third and fourth line contains the book to be loaded.
This can either be a numerical id pointing to a publicly saved book, or the full text identifier of the book (book name,
#### Encrypt sign
The **_encrypt_** sign must have **\[Encrypt]** on its second line. The third line must contain the encryption key The
fourth line can be empty or contain "dna" for dna-based encryption.
#### Decrypt sign
The **_decrypt_** sign must have **\[Decrypt]** on its second line. The third line must contain the decryption key
### Configuration options:
- Save_Books_in_Yaml_Format - Whether to use YAML for saved books instead of just storing them as text
- Max_Number_of_Duplicates - The maximum number of duplicates of a saved book allowed
- Author_Separator - The separator used to separate the book title and the book author
- Lore_line_separator - The separator used to denote a new line in the book/item lore
- Books_for_new_players - A list of books given to new players the first time they join the server
- Message_for_new_players - An optional message displayed to new players the first time they join the server
- Price_to_create_book.Item_type - The item type used as currency for copying books. Use "Economy" to use money instead
of items
- Price_to_create_book.Required_quantity - The quantity of currency required to pay for each book produced
- Admin_Auto_Decrypt - Whether any admin can decrypt any book regardless of the group it was encrypted for
- Author_Only_Copy - Whether to only allow the author of a book to create copies
- Author_Only_Unsign - Whether to only allow the author of a book to unsign it
- Format_Book_After_Signing - Whether to automatically format every book when it's signed
- Change_Generation_On_Copy - Whether to display "COPY" or "COPY_OF_COPY" instead of "ORIGINAL" when a book is copied.
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This also uses the vanilla behavior where a copy of a copy or tattered book cannot be copied further.