Hide and seek is a popular game mode on Minecraft that allows you to hide as blocks and disguise as normal props from seekers. This plugin allows you to do that but with a lot more features added on such as: shops, stats etc...
This plugin has been heavily inspired from the gamemode "PropHunt", from the game, "Garry's Mod".
**Download and try this plugin out for yourself!**
### This plugin requires you to download and install two addinonal plugins! ([Lib's Disguises](https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/libs-disguises.81/) and [ProtocolLib](http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/protocollib/))
|**Issues/Tickets on GitHub**|[Click Here](https://github.com/AddstarMC/BlockHunt/issues/)|
* Custom wand for selection arena.
* Multiple arenas.
* **Join/Leave signs!**
* Arena full bypass.
* Configurable blocks.
* **Solid blocks like the Hives!**
* Enable commands per arena.
* Executing commands on win.
* **Shop with tokens!**
* Instant respawn.
* **_And more!_**
##Commands & Permissions
_**Note:** Instead of using /BlockHunt you could use:_
* /bh
* /hideandseek
* /seekandfind (from my old plugin)
<> = Required [] = Optional
|`/BlockHunt [info/i]`|Displays the plugin's info.|blockhunt.info|_All players have this permission from default._|
|`/BlockHunt <help/h>`|Shows a list of commands.|blockhunt.help|_All players have this permission from default._|
|`/BlockHunt <reload/r>`|Reloads all configs.|blockhunt.reload|blockhunt.admin|
|`/BlockHunt <join/j> <arenaname>`|Joins a BlockHunt game.|blockhunt.join|blockhunt.player|
|`/BlockHunt <leave/l>`|Leave a BlockHunt game.|blockhunt.leave|blockhunt.player|
|`/BlockHunt <list/li>`|Shows a list of available arenas.|blockhunt.list|blockhunt.player|
|`/BlockHunt <shop/sh>`|Opens the BlockHunt shop.|blockhunt.shop|blockhunt.player|
|`/BlockHunt <start/go> <arenaname>`|Forces an arena to start.|blockhunt.start|blockhunt.moderator|
|`/BlockHunt <wand/w>`|Gives you the wand selection tool.|blockhunt.create|blockhunt.admin|
|`/BlockHunt <create/c> <arenaname>`|Creates an arena from your selection.|blockhunt.create|blockhunt.admin|
|`/BlockHunt <set/s> <arenaname>`|Opens a panel to set settings.|blockhunt.set|blockhunt.moderator|
|`/BlockHunt <setwarp/sw> <lobby/hiders/seekers/spawn> <arenaname>`|Sets warps for your arena.|blockhunt.setwarp|blockhunt.moderator|
|`/BlockHunt <remove/delete> <arenaname>`|Deletes an Arena.|blockhunt.remove|blockhunt.admin|