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EpicKnarvik97/Blacksmith/pipeline/head This commit looks good
Fixes incorrect dropItems instead of dropItem key in config.yml Adds some missing dropper messages to config.yml Adds proper migration keys for all known configuration options Adds a modified version of Stargate's StargateYamlConfiguration to allow retaining comments during configuration migration. Fixes the annoying "[]" is not a valid repairable item Removes the use of data keys for the global configuration
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292 lines
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package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.Setting;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.SettingValueType;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* An enum representing all scrapper-related settings
public enum ScrapperSetting implements Setting {
* The setting for whether the NPC should drop an item to the ground when finished
* <p>If set to false, the item will be directly put in the player's inventory instead</p>
DROP_ITEM("dropItem", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, true, "Whether the " +
"item will drop materials resulting from scrapping on the ground, instead of putting them into the user's" +
" inventory", true, false),
* The chance of a scrapper returning no salvage, regardless of item condition
FAIL_SALVAGE_CHANCE("failSalvageChance", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_DOUBLE, 0,
"The chance to fail a salvage, thus destroying the item (0-100)",
true, false),
* The setting for which items a scrapper is able to salvage
SALVAGE_ABLE_ITEMS("salvageAbleItems", SettingValueType.REFORGE_ABLE_ITEMS, "",
"The items a blacksmith is able to salvage. Setting this only " +
"allows NPCs to repair the listed items. This should be set for each individual NPC, and should not be " +
"set here, unless you want to restrict NPCs which have not been set up yet", true, false),
* The maximum amount of seconds a player may need to wait for the reforging to finish
MAX_SALVAGE_DELAY("maxSalvageWaitTimeSeconds", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_INTEGER, 30,
"The maximum time for a salvaging to finish",
true, false),
* The minimum amount of seconds a player may need to wait for the reforging to finish
MIN_SALVAGE_DELAY("minSalvageWaitTimeSeconds", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_INTEGER, 5,
"The minimum time for a salvaging to finish",
true, false),
* The setting for number of seconds a player has to wait between each usage of the blacksmith
SALVAGE_COOL_DOWN("salvageCoolDownSeconds", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_INTEGER, 60,
"The cool-down period between each salvage",
true, false),
* The setting for the title used to display which kind of scrapper the NPC is
* <p>While this should be entirely configurable, values such as armor-scrapper, sword-scrapper and similar, which
* describe the scrapper's specialization, and thus the range of salvageable items, is expected.</p>
SCRAPPER_TITLE("scrapperTitle", SettingValueType.STRING, "scrapper",
"The title describing the scrapper's usage/speciality", true, false),
* The setting for whether the NPC should allow salvaging of any craft-able item instead of just repairable items
EXTENDED_SALVAGE_ENABLED("extendedSalvageEnabled", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, false,
"Whether to enable salvaging of non-repairable items, such as planks", true, false),
| Messages |
* The message displayed when the scrapper is busy with another player
BUSY_WITH_PLAYER_MESSAGE("busyPlayerMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cI'm busy at the moment. Come " +
"back later!", "The message to display when another player is using the scrapper",
true, true),
* The message displayed when the scrapper is busy salvaging the player's item
BUSY_WITH_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("busySalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cI'm working on it. Be " +
"patient! I'll finish {time}!", "The message to display when the blacksmith is working on the " +
"salvaging", true, true),
* The message displayed if the player needs to wait for the cool-down to expire
COOL_DOWN_UNEXPIRED_MESSAGE("coolDownUnexpiredMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&cYou've already had your chance! Give me a break! I'll be ready {time}!",
"The message to display when the blacksmith is still " +
"on a cool-down from the previous re-forging", true, true),
* The message displayed if the scrapper encounters an item they cannot salvage
INVALID_ITEM_MESSAGE("invalidItemMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&cI'm sorry, but I'm a/an {title}, I don't know how to salvage that!",
"The message to display if the player tries to salvage" +
" an item the scrapper cannot salvage", true, true),
* The message displayed if salvaging an item would return in no items
TOO_DAMAGED_FOR_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("tooDamagedForSalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&cThat item is too damaged to be salvaged into anything useful", "The message to display " +
"if salvaging the player's item would result in no salvage", true, true),
* The message displayed if a salvage is successful
SUCCESS_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("successSalvagedMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cThere you go!",
"The message to display when an item is successfully salvaged", true, true),
* The message displayed if a salvage is unsuccessful
FAIL_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("failSalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cWhoops! The item broke! Maybe " +
"next time?", "The message to display when a scrapper fails to salvage an item because of the " +
"fail chance.", true, true),
* The message displayed if a player presents a different item after seeing the price to reforge an item
ITEM_UNEXPECTEDLY_CHANGED_MESSAGE("itemChangedMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cThat's not the item" +
" you wanted to salvage before!", "The message to display when presenting a different item than" +
" the one just evaluated", true, true),
* The message displayed when the scrapper starts salvaging an item
START_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("startSalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&eOk, let's see what I can do...",
"The message to display once the blacksmith starts re-forging", true, true),
* The message displayed if a player is unable to pay the blacksmith
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS_MESSAGE("insufficientFundsMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&cYou don't have enough money to salvage an item!",
"The message to display when a player cannot pay for the salvaging", true, true),
* The message displayed when displaying the cost of reforging the held item to the player
COST_MESSAGE("costMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&eIt will cost &a{cost}&e to salvage that item! Click again to salvage!",
"The message to display when informing a player about the salvaging cost", true, true),
| Global settings |
* The setting for the use cost of using the scrapper
USE_COST("basePrice", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_DOUBLE, 0, "The cost of using a scrapper",
false, false),
* Whether to display exact time in minutes and seconds when displaying a remaining cool-down
SHOW_EXACT_TIME("showExactTime", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, "false", "Exact time displays the " +
"exact number of seconds and minutes remaining as part of the scrapping cool-down and scrapping delay " +
"messages, instead of just vaguely hinting at the remaining time.", false, false),
* Whether to give experience back when salvaging an enchanted item
GIVE_EXPERIENCE("giveExperience", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, "true", "Whether enchanted " +
"salvaged items should return some amount of exp upon salvage", false, false),
* Which items are ignored when calculating salvage for a given material
IGNORED_SALVAGE("ignoredSalvage", SettingValueType.STRING_LIST,
new ArrayList<>(List.of("*_SHOVEL;*_PICKAXE;*_AXE;*_HOE;*_SWORD:STICK")),
"Items ignored during salvage calculation. This follows the format: " +
"\"MATERIAL[,MATERIAL2][,MATERIAL3]:IGNORED\", so the material or materials listed will ignore " +
"the material specified after the \":\" when calculating salvage (* matches any character). This " +
"causes the player to lose some items during salvaging, but can prevent cases where a diamond " +
"pickaxe is salvaged and only sticks are returned.", false, false),
private final String path;
private final String childPath;
private final Object value;
private final String commandName;
private final SettingValueType valueType;
private final String description;
private final boolean isPerNPC;
private final boolean isMessage;
* Instantiates a new setting
* @param key <p>The configuration key for this setting</p>
* @param valueType <p>The type of value used by this setting</p>
* @param value <p>The default value of this setting</p>
* @param description <p>The description describing this setting</p>
* @param isPerNPC <p>Whether this setting is per-NPC or global</p>
* @param isMessage <p>Whether this option is for an NPC message</p>
ScrapperSetting(String key, SettingValueType valueType, Object value,
@NotNull String description, boolean isPerNPC, boolean isMessage) {
if (isPerNPC) {
if (isMessage) {
this.path = "scrapper.defaults.messages." + key;
} else {
this.path = "scrapper.defaults." + key;
} else {
this.path = "" + key;
this.value = value;
this.valueType = valueType;
this.childPath = key;
if (key.contains(".")) {
String[] pathParts = key.split("\\.");
this.commandName = pathParts[0];
} else {
this.commandName = key;
this.description = description;
this.isPerNPC = isPerNPC;
this.isMessage = isMessage;
public @NotNull String getPath() {
return this.path;
public @NotNull String getChildPath() {
return this.childPath;
public @NotNull Object getDefaultValue() {
return this.value;
public @NotNull String getCommandName() {
return this.commandName;
public @NotNull SettingValueType getValueType() {
return this.valueType;
public @NotNull String getDescription() {
return this.description;
public boolean isPerNPC() {
return this.isPerNPC;
public boolean isMessage() {
return this.isMessage;
* Gets the scrapper setting specified by the input string
* @param input <p>The input to check</p>
* @return <p>The matching scrapper setting, or null if not found</p>
public static @Nullable ScrapperSetting getSetting(@NotNull String input) {
for (ScrapperSetting scrapperSetting : ScrapperSetting.values()) {
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(scrapperSetting.getCommandName())) {
return scrapperSetting;
return null;