en: VALUE_CHANGED: "&7{setting} set to &6{newValue}" VALUE_FOR_ITEM_CHANGED: "&7{setting} for {itemType} {item} set to &6{newValue}" CURRENT_VALUE: "&7Current value of {setting}:&r {currentValue}" CURRENT_VALUE_FOR_ITEM: "&7Current value of {setting} for {itemType} {item}:&r {currentValue}" ITEM_TYPE_ENCHANTMENT: "enchantment" ITEM_TYPE_MATERIAL: "material" RAW_VALUE: "Raw value: {rawValue}" NO_NPC_SELECTED: "You must select an NPC before running this command" INPUT_STRING_LIST_REQUIRED: "A string list is required!" INPUT_PERCENTAGE_REQUIRED: "You specified a value which isn't between 0 and 100!" INPUT_STRING_REQUIRED: "A non-empty string is required!" INPUT_POSITIVE_DOUBLE_REQUIRED: "You specified a value which isn't a positive double!" INPUT_POSITIVE_INTEGER_REQUIRED: "You specified a value which isn't a positive integer!" PERMISSION_DENIED: "You lack the necessary permission" PLUGIN_RELOADED: "Blacksmith config reloaded!" INVALID_FILTER_FOR_PRESET: "The specified filter is not valid for that preset" INVALID_PRESET_OR_FILTER: "You specified an invalid preset or an invalid filter" PRESET_MATERIALS: "Materials in preset: {materials}" DURATION_FORMAT: "in {time} {unit}" NPC_TALK_FORMAT: "&a[{npc}] -> You:&r {message}" UNIT_NOW: "imminently" UNIT_SECOND: "second" UNIT_SECONDS: "seconds" UNIT_MINUTE: "minute" UNIT_MINUTES: "minutes" UNIT_HOUR: "hour" UNIT_HOURS: "hours" UNIT_DAY: "day" UNIT_DAYS: "days" UNIT_WEEK: "week" UNIT_WEEKS: "weeks" UNIT_MONTH: "month" UNIT_MONTHS: "months" UNIT_YEAR: "year" UNIT_YEARS: "years" UNIT_DECADE: "decade" UNIT_DECADES: "decades" INTERVAL_LESS_THAN_10_SECONDS: "in just a moment" INTERVAL_LESS_THAN_30_SECONDS: "in a little while" INTERVAL_LESS_THAN_1_MINUTE: "in a while" INTERVAL_LESS_THAN_5_MINUTES: "after some time" INTERVAL_MORE_THAN_5_MINUTES: "in quite a while" SETTING_OVERRIDDEN_MARKER: " [NPC]"