package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper; import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.Setting; import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.SettingValueType; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * An enum representing all scrapper-related settings */ public enum ScrapperSetting implements Setting { /** * The setting for whether the NPC should drop an item to the ground when finished * *

If set to false, the item will be directly put in the player's inventory instead

*/ DROP_ITEM("dropItem", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, true, "Whether the " + "item will drop materials resulting from scrapping on the ground, instead of putting them into the user's" + " inventory", true, false), /** * The chance of a scrapper returning no salvage, regardless of item condition */ FAIL_SALVAGE_CHANCE("failSalvageChance", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_DOUBLE, 0, "The chance to fail a salvage, thus destroying the item (0-100)", true, false), /** * The setting for which items a scrapper is able to salvage */ SALVAGE_ABLE_ITEMS("salvageAbleItems", SettingValueType.REFORGE_ABLE_ITEMS, "", "The items a blacksmith is able to salvage. Setting this only " + "allows NPCs to repair the listed items. This should be set for each individual NPC, and should not be " + "set here, unless you want to restrict NPCs which have not been set up yet", true, false), /** * The maximum amount of seconds a player may need to wait for the reforging to finish */ MAX_SALVAGE_DELAY("maxSalvageWaitTimeSeconds", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_INTEGER, 30, "The maximum time for a salvaging to finish", true, false), /** * The minimum amount of seconds a player may need to wait for the reforging to finish */ MIN_SALVAGE_DELAY("minSalvageWaitTimeSeconds", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_INTEGER, 5, "The minimum time for a salvaging to finish", true, false), /** * The setting for number of seconds a player has to wait between each usage of the blacksmith */ SALVAGE_COOL_DOWN("salvageCoolDownSeconds", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_INTEGER, 60, "The cool-down period between each salvage", true, false), /** * The setting for the title used to display which kind of scrapper the NPC is * *

While this should be entirely configurable, values such as armor-scrapper, sword-scrapper and similar, which * describe the scrapper's specialization, and thus the range of salvageable items, is expected.

*/ SCRAPPER_TITLE("scrapperTitle", SettingValueType.STRING, "scrapper", "The title describing the scrapper's usage/speciality", true, false), /** * The setting for whether the NPC should allow salvaging of any craft-able item instead of just repairable items */ EXTENDED_SALVAGE_ENABLED("extendedSalvageEnabled", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, false, "Whether to enable salvaging of non-repairable items, such as planks", true, false), /*----------- | Messages | -----------*/ /** * The message displayed when the scrapper is busy with another player */ BUSY_WITH_PLAYER_MESSAGE("busyPlayerMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cI'm busy at the moment. Come " + "back later!", "The message to display when another player is using the scrapper", true, true), /** * The message displayed when the scrapper is busy salvaging the player's item */ BUSY_WITH_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("busySalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cI'm working on it. Be " + "patient! I'll finish {time}!", "The message to display when the blacksmith is working on the " + "salvaging", true, true), /** * The message displayed if the player needs to wait for the cool-down to expire */ COOL_DOWN_UNEXPIRED_MESSAGE("coolDownUnexpiredMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cYou've already had your chance! Give me a break! I'll be ready {time}!", "The message to display when the blacksmith is still " + "on a cool-down from the previous re-forging", true, true), /** * The message displayed if the scrapper encounters an item they cannot salvage */ INVALID_ITEM_MESSAGE("invalidItemMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cI'm sorry, but I'm a/an {title}, I don't know how to salvage that!", "The message to display if the player tries to salvage" + " an item the scrapper cannot salvage", true, true), /** * The message displayed if salvaging an item would return in no items */ TOO_DAMAGED_FOR_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("tooDamagedForSalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cThat item is too damaged to be salvaged into anything useful", "The message to display " + "if salvaging the player's item would result in no salvage", true, true), /** * The message displayed if a salvage is successful */ SUCCESS_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("successSalvagedMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cThere you go!", "The message to display when an item is successfully salvaged", true, true), /** * The message displayed if a salvage is unsuccessful */ FAIL_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("failSalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cWhoops! The item broke! Maybe " + "next time?", "The message to display when a scrapper fails to salvage an item because of the " + "fail chance.", true, true), /** * The message displayed if a player presents a different item after seeing the price to reforge an item */ ITEM_UNEXPECTEDLY_CHANGED_MESSAGE("itemChangedMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&cThat's not the item" + " you wanted to reforge before!", "The message to display when presenting a different item than" + " the one just evaluated", true, true), /** * The message displayed when the scrapper starts salvaging an item */ START_SALVAGE_MESSAGE("startSalvageMessage", SettingValueType.STRING, "&eOk, let's see what I can do...", "The message to display once the blacksmith starts re-forging", true, true), /*------------------ | Global settings | ------------------*/ /** * Whether to display exact time in minutes and seconds when displaying a remaining cool-down */ SHOW_EXACT_TIME("showExactTime", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, "false", "Exact time displays the " + "exact number of seconds and minutes remaining as part of the scrapping cool-down and scrapping delay " + "messages, instead of just vaguely hinting at the remaining time.", false, false), /** * Whether to give experience back when salvaging an enchanted item */ GIVE_EXPERIENCE("giveExperience", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, "true", "Whether enchanted " + "salvaged items should return some amount of exp upon salvage", false, false), /** * Which items are ignored when calculating salvage for a given material */ IGNORED_SALVAGE("ignoredSalvage", SettingValueType.STRING_LIST, new ArrayList<>(List.of("*_SHOVEL,*_PICKAXE,*_AXE,*_HOE,*_SWORD:STICK")), "Items ignored during salvage calculation. This follows the format: " + "\"MATERIAL[,MATERIAL2][,MATERIAL3]:IGNORED\", so the material or materials listed will ignore " + "the material specified after the \":\" when calculating salvage (* matches any character). This " + "causes the player to lose some items during salvaging, but can prevent cases where a diamond " + "pickaxe is salvaged and only sticks are returned.", false, false), ; private final String path; private final String childPath; private final Object value; private final String commandName; private final SettingValueType valueType; private final String description; private final boolean isPerNPC; private final boolean isMessage; /** * Instantiates a new setting * * @param key

The configuration key for this setting

* @param valueType

The type of value used by this setting

* @param value

The default value of this setting

* @param description

The description describing this setting

* @param isPerNPC

Whether this setting is per-NPC or global

* @param isMessage

Whether this option is for an NPC message

*/ ScrapperSetting(String key, SettingValueType valueType, Object value, @NotNull String description, boolean isPerNPC, boolean isMessage) { if (isPerNPC) { if (isMessage) { this.path = "scrapper.defaults.messages." + key; } else { this.path = "scrapper.defaults." + key; } } else { this.path = "" + key; } this.value = value; this.valueType = valueType; this.childPath = key; if (key.contains(".")) { String[] pathParts = path.split("\\."); this.commandName = pathParts[0]; } else { this.commandName = key; } this.description = description; this.isPerNPC = isPerNPC; this.isMessage = isMessage; } @Override public @NotNull String getPath() { return this.path; } @Override public @NotNull String getChildPath() { return this.childPath; } @Override public @NotNull Object getDefaultValue() { return this.value; } @Override public @NotNull String getCommandName() { return this.commandName; } @Override public @NotNull SettingValueType getValueType() { return this.valueType; } @Override public @NotNull String getDescription() { return this.description; } @Override public boolean isPerNPC() { return this.isPerNPC; } @Override public boolean isMessage() { return this.isMessage; } /** * Gets the scrapper setting specified by the input string * * @param input

The input to check

* @return

The matching scrapper setting, or null if not found

*/ public static @Nullable ScrapperSetting getSetting(@NotNull String input) { for (ScrapperSetting scrapperSetting : ScrapperSetting.values()) { if (input.equalsIgnoreCase(scrapperSetting.getCommandName())) { return scrapperSetting; } } return null; } }