package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config; import org.bukkit.Material; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A representation of the presets for different kinds of smiths */ public enum SmithPreset { /** * A blacksmith capable of re-forging all swords */ SWORD_SMITH, /** * A blacksmith capable of re-forging all weapons (including shields) */ WEAPON_SMITH, /** * A blacksmith capable of re-forging all armor */ ARMOR_SMITH, /** * A blacksmith capable of re-forging all tools (hoe, axe, shovel, pickaxe, flint and steel, shears, fishing rod) */ TOOL_SMITH, /** * A blacksmith capable of re-forging all ranged weapons (bow, crossbow, trident) */ RANGED_SMITH; /** * Replaces the given string if it's a smith type placeholder * * @param possiblePlaceholder

The string that might be a placeholder

* @return

The string, possibly with the placeholder replaced

*/ public static String replacePlaceholder(String possiblePlaceholder) { for (SmithPreset smithPreset : SmithPreset.values()) { if (possiblePlaceholder.replace('-', '_').equalsIgnoreCase("preset:" + { return String.join(",", smithPreset.getMaterialNames()); } } return possiblePlaceholder; } /** * Gets all materials included in this preset * * @return

All materials in this preset

*/ public List getMaterials() { return switch (this) { case SWORD_SMITH -> getSwords(); case WEAPON_SMITH -> getWeapons(); case ARMOR_SMITH -> getArmor(); case TOOL_SMITH -> getTools(); case RANGED_SMITH -> getRanged(); }; } /** * Gets all ranged weapon materials * * @return

All ranged weapon materials

*/ private List getRanged() { List ranged = new ArrayList<>(); ranged.add(Material.TRIDENT); ranged.add(Material.BOW); ranged.add(Material.CROSSBOW); return ranged; } /** * Gets all tool materials * * @return

All tool materials

*/ private List getTools() { List tools = new ArrayList<>(); tools.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("_HOE")); tools.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("_SHOVEL")); tools.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("_AXE")); tools.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("_PICKAXE")); tools.add(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL); tools.add(Material.FISHING_ROD); tools.add(Material.SHEARS); return tools; } /** * Gets all weapon materials * * @return

All weapon materials

*/ private List getWeapons() { List weapons = new ArrayList<>(getSwords()); weapons.addAll(getRanged()); weapons.add(Material.SHIELD); return weapons; } /** * Gets all sword materials * * @return

All sword materials

*/ private List getSwords() { return getMaterialsEndingWith("_SWORD"); } private List getArmor() { List armor = new ArrayList<>(); armor.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("HELMET")); armor.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("CHESTPLATE")); armor.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("LEGGINGS")); armor.addAll(getMaterialsEndingWith("BOOTS")); armor.add(Material.ELYTRA); return armor; } /** * Gets all materials ending with the given string * * @param end

The string to look for

* @return

The resulting materials

*/ private List getMaterialsEndingWith(String end) { List swords = new ArrayList<>(); for (Material material : Material.values()) { if (!"LEGACY") && { swords.add(material); } } return swords; } /** * Gets material names of all materials reforge-able by this smith * * @return

All material names for this smith

*/ private List getMaterialNames() { List items = new ArrayList<>(); for (Material material : this.getMaterials()) { items.add("_", "-")); } return items; } }