Compare commits
No commits in common. "book-splitting" and "master" have entirely different histories.
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
@ -92,11 +92,6 @@
<!-- Build information -->
@ -132,10 +127,6 @@
@ -150,12 +141,6 @@
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.formatting.BlacksmithTranslatableMessage;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.listener.NPCClickListener;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.listener.PlayerListener;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager.EconomyManager;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager.PlayerUsageManager;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.trait.BlacksmithTrait;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.trait.ScrapperTrait;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.util.ConfigHelper;
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.StringFormatter;
import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.TranslatableTimeUnit;
import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.Translator;
import net.knarcraft.knarlib.util.UpdateChecker;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import org.bukkit.command.TabCompleter;
@ -185,10 +183,6 @@ public class BlacksmithPlugin extends JavaPlugin {
//Alert about an update in the console
UpdateChecker.checkForUpdate(this, "",
() -> this.getDescription().getVersion(), null);
// Remove expired scrapper usage data
Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, () -> PlayerUsageManager.removeExpiredData(
System.currentTimeMillis() - 3600000), 36000, 36000);
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.command;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.BlacksmithPlugin;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.container.ActionCost;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.formatting.BlacksmithTranslatableMessage;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.TabExecutor;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
public class CostCommand implements TabExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(@NotNull CommandSender commandSender, @NotNull Command command, @NotNull String s, @NotNull String[] arguments) {
//TODO: Whenever a cost is specified (not for the per-material and per-enchantment costs), allow either a simple
// cost or an ActionCost. When loading costs, first try and parse a double. If not, parse an ActionCost object.
// TODO: The command should look like "blacksmithEdit <option> <simple|advanced> <double|economy|item|permission|exp>
// <double|blank/null|comma-separated-string|integer>"
//TODO: Check arguments size
if (arguments.length < 2) {
return false;
ActionCost actionCost;
switch (arguments[0]) {
case "simple":
// TODO: Do something with the cost
double cost = parseSimpleCost(commandSender, arguments[1]);
case "advanced":
switch (arguments[1]) {
case "economy":
// TODO: Expect the next argument to be the cost
case "item":
// TODO: The next argument would either be "null" to clear the value, or "mainHand" to use the item in the player's main hand
case "permission":
// TODO: The next argument will be a comma-separated list of permissions
case "exp":
// TODO: Expect the next argument to be an integer
return false;
return false;
public @Nullable List<String> onTabComplete(@NotNull CommandSender commandSender, @NotNull Command command,
@NotNull String s, @NotNull String[] strings) {
return List.of();
* Parses a simple double cost
* @param commandSender <p>The command sender to notify of any problems</p>
* @param costString <p>The string to parse into a cost</p>
* @return <p>The parsed cost</p>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException <p>If the specified cost is invalid</p>
private double parseSimpleCost(@NotNull CommandSender commandSender,
@NotNull String costString) throws IllegalArgumentException {
try {
double cost = Double.parseDouble(costString);
if (cost < 0) {
throw new NumberFormatException();
return cost;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid cost given");
@ -55,9 +55,4 @@ public enum SettingValueType {
* Advanced cost, that supports either a simple double, or specifying money cost, permission requirement, exp cost and an item cost
@ -212,24 +212,6 @@ public class GlobalScrapperSettings implements Settings<ScrapperSetting> {
return asDouble(ScrapperSetting.NETHERITE_SALVAGE_COST);
* Gets the math formula for the increase in salvage cost
* @return <p>The salvage cost increase formula</p>
public String getSalvageCostIncrease() {
return asString(ScrapperSetting.SALVAGE_COST_INCREASE);
* Gets the math formula for the increase in salvage cooldown
* @return <p>The salvage cooldown increase formula</p>
public String getSalvageCooldownIncrease() {
return asString(ScrapperSetting.SALVAGE_COOLDOWN_INCREASE);
* Gets trash salvage for the given material
@ -293,15 +275,4 @@ public class GlobalScrapperSettings implements Settings<ScrapperSetting> {
* Gets the string value of the given setting
* @param setting <p>The setting to get the value of</p>
* @return <p>The value of the given setting as a string</p>
private String asString(@NotNull ScrapperSetting setting) {
return getValue(setting).toString();
@ -83,15 +83,6 @@ public class ScrapperNPCSettings implements TraitSettings<ScrapperSetting> {
* Gets whether this scrapper is able to split an enchanted book
* @return <p>True if this scrapper is able to split an enchanted book</p>
public boolean splitEnchantedBook() {
return asBoolean(ScrapperSetting.SPLIT_ENCHANTED_BOOK);
* Gets the raw current value of a setting
@ -180,15 +171,6 @@ public class ScrapperNPCSettings implements TraitSettings<ScrapperSetting> {
return asString(ScrapperSetting.COST_MESSAGE_NETHERITE);
* Gets the message to use for displaying enchanted book salvage cost
* @return <p>The message to use for displaying enchanted book salvage cost</p>
public String getEnchantedBookCostMessage() {
return asString(ScrapperSetting.COST_MESSAGE_ENCHANTED_BOOK);
public String getCoolDownUnexpiredMessage() {
@ -484,24 +466,4 @@ public class ScrapperNPCSettings implements TraitSettings<ScrapperSetting> {
return asString(ScrapperSetting.CANNOT_SALVAGE_NETHERITE_MESSAGE);
* Gets the message to display when explaining that this scrapper is unable to salvage enchanted books
* @return <p>The message to display when explaining that this scrapper is unable to salvage enchanted books</p>
public String getCannotSalvageEnchantedBookMessage() {
* Gets the message to display when explaining that the scrapper cannot salvage an enchanted book with a single enchantment
* @return <p>The message to display when explaining that the scrapper cannot salvage an enchanted book with a single enchantment</p>
public String getCannotSplitEnchantedBookFurtherMessage() {
@ -91,12 +91,6 @@ public enum ScrapperSetting implements Setting {
SALVAGE_NETHERITE("salvageNetherite", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, true,
"Whether to enable salvaging of netherite items", true, false),
* The setting for whether the NPC should allow salvaging an enchanted books with several enchantments into several books with one enchantment
SPLIT_ENCHANTED_BOOK("splitEnchantedBook", SettingValueType.BOOLEAN, false, "Whether to enable " +
"splitting of enchanted books", true, false),
| Messages |
@ -200,13 +194,6 @@ public enum ScrapperSetting implements Setting {
"&eIt will cost &a{cost}&e to salvage that &a{item}&e into diamond!",
"The message to display when explaining the shown item's netherite salvage cost", true, true),
* The message displayed when displaying the cost of salvaging the player's held enchanted book
COST_MESSAGE_ENCHANTED_BOOK("costMessageEnchantedBook", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&eIt will cost &a{cost}&e to salvage that enchanted book!",
"The message to display when explaining the shown enchanted book's salvage cost", true, true),
* The message displayed when explaining that all items will be returned as salvage
@ -249,20 +236,6 @@ public enum ScrapperSetting implements Setting {
"&cI'm sorry, but I'm unable to salvage netherite items!",
"The message to display when asked to salvage netherite items, and that option is disabled", true, true),
* The message displayed when explaining that enchanted book salvage is disabled
CANNOT_SALVAGE_ENCHANTED_BOOK_MESSAGE("cannotSalvageEnchantedBookMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&cI'm sorry, but I'm unable to salvage enchanted books!",
"The message to display when asked to salvage enchanted books, and the option is disabled", true, true),
* The message displayed when explaining that a player cannot salvage an enchanted book containing a single enchantment
CANNOT_SPLIT_ENCHANTED_BOOK_FURTHER_MESSAGE("cannotSplitEnchantedBookFurtherMessage", SettingValueType.STRING,
"&cI'm sorry, but I cannot salvage that enchanted book any further",
"The message displayed when a player attempts to salvage an enchanted book with a single enchantment", true, true),
* The message displayed when clicking a scrapper with an empty hand
@ -291,20 +264,6 @@ public enum ScrapperSetting implements Setting {
NETHERITE_SALVAGE_COST("netheriteSalvagePrice", SettingValueType.POSITIVE_DOUBLE, 15,
"The cost of using the scrapper to remove netherite from an item", false, false),
* The mathematical formula for increasing salvage cost
SALVAGE_COST_INCREASE("salvageCostIncrease", SettingValueType.STRING, "{cost}*{timesUsed}",
"The mathematical formula for salvage cost increase when continually used within the same hour. " +
"This is necessary for some servers where items can be easily farmed. Set to {cost} to disable behavior.", false, false),
* The mathematical formula for increasing salvage cooldown
SALVAGE_COOLDOWN_INCREASE("salvageCooldownIncrease", SettingValueType.STRING, "{cooldown}*{timesUsed}",
"The mathematical formula for salvage cooldown increase when continually used within the same hour. " +
"This is necessary for some servers where items can be easily farmed. Set to {cooldown} to disable behavior.", false, false),
* Whether to display exact time in minutes and seconds when displaying a remaining cool-down
@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.container;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.BlacksmithPlugin;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager.EconomyManager;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* The cost of performing an action
* @param monetaryCost <p>The monetary cost of the action</p>
* @param expCost <p>The experience cost of the action</p>
* @param itemCost <p>The item-based cost of the action</p>
* @param requiredPermissions <p>The permission required for the action</p>
public record ActionCost(double monetaryCost, int expCost, @Nullable ItemStack itemCost,
@NotNull Set<String> requiredPermissions) implements ConfigurationSerializable {
public String displayCost() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (monetaryCost > 0) {
builder.append(EconomyManager.format(monetaryCost)).append(", ");
if (expCost > 0) {
builder.append(expCost).append("exp, ");
if (itemCost != null) {
// TODO: Present name, amount and name + lore
// TODO: Display required permissions if the player doesn't have them?
return builder.toString();
* Checks whether the given player is able to pay this action cost
* @param player <p>The player to check</p>
* @return <p>True if the player is able to pay</p>
public boolean canPay(@NotNull Player player) {
for (String permission : this.requiredPermissions) {
if (!player.hasPermission(permission)) {
return false;
if (player.getExp() < this.expCost || !EconomyManager.hasEnough(player, this.monetaryCost)) {
return false;
return hasEnoughValidItemsInInventory(player);
* Takes exp, money and items from the player, according to this cost
* @param player <p>The player to take the payment from</p>
public void takePayment(@NotNull Player player) {
EconomyManager.withdraw(player, monetaryCost);
* Checks whether the given player has enough items specified as the item cost
* @param player <p>The player to check</p>
* @return <p>True if the player has enough items in their inventory</p>
private boolean hasEnoughValidItemsInInventory(@NotNull Player player) {
if (this.itemCost == null) {
return true;
int amountInInventory = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : getValidItems(player).entrySet()) {
amountInInventory += entry.getValue();
return this.itemCost.getAmount() >= amountInInventory;
* Gets all items in a player's inventory equal to the specified item
* @param player <p>The player to get valid items for</p>
* @return <p>All valid items in the format: Inventory id -> Amount</p>
private Map<Integer, Integer> getValidItems(@NotNull Player player) {
if (this.itemCost == null) {
return new HashMap<>();
PlayerInventory playerInventory = player.getInventory();
ItemMeta targetMeta = this.itemCost.getItemMeta();
String displayName = null;
List<String> lore = null;
if (targetMeta != null) {
displayName = targetMeta.hasDisplayName() ? targetMeta.getDisplayName() : null;
lore = targetMeta.hasLore() ? targetMeta.getLore() : null;
Map<Integer, Integer> output = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Integer, ? extends ItemStack> itemsOfType = playerInventory.all(this.itemCost.getType());
for (Map.Entry<Integer, ? extends ItemStack> entry : itemsOfType.entrySet()) {
if (targetMeta != null) {
// Only consider item if the name and lore is the same
ItemMeta meta = entry.getValue().getItemMeta();
if (meta == null || (displayName != null && (!meta.hasDisplayName() ||
!meta.getDisplayName().equals(displayName)) || lore != null && (!meta.hasLore() ||
meta.getLore() == null || !meta.getLore().equals(lore)))) {
output.put(entry.getKey(), (Integer) entry.getValue().getAmount());
return output;
* Takes the amount of items specified as the cost for this action
* @param player <p>The player to take the items from</p>
private void takeItemCost(@NotNull Player player) {
if (this.itemCost == null) {
int clearedAmount = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : getValidItems(player).entrySet()) {
int inventory = entry.getKey();
int amount = entry.getValue();
if (amount <= this.itemCost.getAmount() - clearedAmount) {
clearedAmount += amount;
} else {
clearedAmount = this.itemCost.getAmount();
ItemStack item = player.getInventory().getItem(inventory);
if (item != null) {
item.setAmount(amount - clearedAmount);
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.error("An item changed after calculating item cost. Was unable to take " +
amount + " items");
if (clearedAmount >= this.itemCost.getAmount()) {
* Loads an action cost from a configuration section
* @param configurationSection <p>The configuration section to load from</p>
* @param key <p>The key of the cost to load</p>
* @return <p>The loaded cost</p>
private static ActionCost loadActionCost(@NotNull ConfigurationSection configurationSection, @NotNull String key) {
double cost = configurationSection.getDouble(key, Double.MIN_VALUE);
if (cost != Double.MIN_VALUE) {
return new ActionCost(cost, 0, null, Set.of());
} else {
return (ActionCost) configurationSection.get(key);
* Deserializes an action cost
* @param serialized <p>The serialized action cost</p>
* @return <p>The deserialized action cost</p>
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"})
public static ActionCost deserialize(Map<String, Object> serialized) {
double monetaryCost = (double) serialized.get("monetaryCost");
int expCost = (int) serialized.get("expCost");
ItemStack itemCost = (ItemStack) serialized.get("itemCost");
Set<String> requiredPermissions = (Set<String>) serialized.get("requiredPermissions");
return new ActionCost(monetaryCost, expCost, itemCost, requiredPermissions);
public @NotNull Map<String, Object> serialize() {
Map<String, Object> serialized = new HashMap<>();
serialized.put("monetaryCost", Optional.of(this.monetaryCost));
serialized.put("expCost", Optional.of(this.expCost));
serialized.put("itemCost", itemCost);
serialized.put("requiredPermissions", this.requiredPermissions);
return serialized;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Event;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public abstract class AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent extends Event implements Bla
protected final NPC npc;
protected final Player player;
protected final Entity entity;
* Instantiates a new blacksmith plugin event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player involved in the event</p>
public AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player) {
public AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player) {
this.npc = npc;
this.entity = entity;
this.player = player;
@ -35,12 +31,6 @@ public abstract class AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent extends Event implements Bla
return this.npc;
public Entity getEntity() {
return this.entity;
public Player getPlayer() {
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -19,14 +18,6 @@ public interface BlacksmithPluginEvent {
NPC getNpc();
* Gets the entity of the NPC
* @return <p>The NPC entity</p>
Entity getEntity();
* Gets the player involved in the event
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -16,12 +15,10 @@ public class BlacksmithReforgeFailEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent im
* Instantiates a new blacksmith reforge fail event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player that initiated the session</p>
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
public BlacksmithReforgeFailEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, entity, player);
public BlacksmithReforgeFailEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, player);
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -20,14 +19,13 @@ public class BlacksmithReforgeStartEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent i
* Instantiates a new blacksmith reforge start event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player involved in the event</p>
* @param durationTicks <p>The duration of the reforge</p>
* @param craftingStation <p>The appropriate crafting station for this reforging</p>
public BlacksmithReforgeStartEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player, long durationTicks,
public BlacksmithReforgeStartEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player, long durationTicks,
@NotNull Material craftingStation) {
super(npc, entity, player);
super(npc, player);
this.durationTicks = durationTicks;
this.craftingStation = craftingStation;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -17,11 +16,10 @@ public class BlacksmithReforgeSucceedEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent
* Instantiates a new blacksmith reforge succeed event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player involved in the event</p>
public BlacksmithReforgeSucceedEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, entity, player);
public BlacksmithReforgeSucceedEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, player);
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.SoundCategory;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.Cancellable;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
@ -26,16 +25,15 @@ public class NPCSoundEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent implements Canc
* Instantiates a new NPC sound event
* @param npc <p>The NPC playing the sound</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity playing the sound</p>
* @param player <p>The player whose interaction triggered the sound</p>
* @param soundCategory <p>The category the sound is to play in</p>
* @param sound <p>The sound to play</p>
* @param volume <p>The volume of the played sound</p>
* @param pitch <p>The pitch of the played sound</p>
public NPCSoundEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull SoundCategory soundCategory,
public NPCSoundEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull SoundCategory soundCategory,
@NotNull Sound sound, float volume, float pitch) {
super(npc, entity, player);
super(npc, player);
this.soundCategory = soundCategory;
this.sound = sound;
this.volume = volume;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -17,11 +16,10 @@ public class ScrapperSalvageFailEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent impl
* Instantiates a new scrapper salvage fail event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player involved in the event</p>
public ScrapperSalvageFailEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, entity, player);
public ScrapperSalvageFailEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, player);
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -21,14 +20,13 @@ public class ScrapperSalvageStartEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent imp
* Instantiates a new scrapper salvage start event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player involved in the event</p>
* @param durationTicks <p>The duration of the salvage</p>
* @param craftingStation <p>The appropriate crafting station for this salvaging</p>
public ScrapperSalvageStartEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player, long durationTicks,
public ScrapperSalvageStartEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player, long durationTicks,
@NotNull Material craftingStation) {
super(npc, entity, player);
super(npc, player);
this.durationTicks = durationTicks;
this.craftingStation = craftingStation;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -17,11 +16,10 @@ public class ScrapperSalvageSucceedEvent extends AbstractBlacksmithPluginEvent i
* Instantiates a new scrapper salvage succeed event
* @param npc <p>The NPC involved in the event</p>
* @param entity <p>The entity of the NPC</p>
* @param player <p>The player involved in the event</p>
public ScrapperSalvageSucceedEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, entity, player);
public ScrapperSalvageSucceedEvent(@NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull Player player) {
super(npc, player);
@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ public final class BlacksmithStringFormatter {
public static void sendNPCMessage(NPC npc, Player player, String message) {
BlacksmithTranslatableMessage.NPC_TALK_FORMAT, List.of("{npc}", "{message}"),
List.of(ColorHelper.translateColorCodes(npc.getRawName(), ColorConversion.RGB),
ColorHelper.translateColorCodes(message, ColorConversion.RGB))));
List.of(npc.getName(), ColorHelper.translateColorCodes(message, ColorConversion.RGB))));
@ -143,12 +143,7 @@ public enum BlacksmithTranslatableMessage implements TranslatableMessage {
* The format to use for formatting any message spoken by a blacksmith NPC
* The text to display when explaining that a cost must be a positive double
* Gets the message to display when displaying the raw value of messages
@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.blacksmith.GlobalBlacksmithSettings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper.GlobalScrapperSettings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.util.ItemHelper;
import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.StringReplacer;
import net.milkbowl.vault.economy.Economy;
import net.objecthunter.exp4j.Expression;
import net.objecthunter.exp4j.ExpressionBuilder;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@ -57,12 +54,10 @@ public class EconomyManager {
* @param player <p>The player holding an item</p>
* @param salvageMethod <p>The salvage method to check</p>
* @param item <p>The item to be salvaged</p>
* @return <p>Whether the player cannot pay for the salvage</p>
public static boolean cannotPayForSalvage(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod, @NotNull ItemStack item) {
// TODO: Account for advanced cost options
return economy.getBalance(player) - getSalvageCost(salvageMethod, item, player) < 0;
public static boolean cannotPayForSalvage(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod) {
return economy.getBalance(player) - getSalvageCost(salvageMethod) < 0;
@ -81,61 +76,26 @@ public class EconomyManager {
* Gets the human-readable cost of salvaging an item
* @param salvageMethod <p>The salvage method to get the cost for</p>
* @param item <p>The item to be salvaged</p>
* @param player <p>The player to provide the cost to</p>
* @return <p>The formatted cost</p>
public static String formatSalvageCost(@NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod, @NotNull ItemStack item,
@NotNull Player player) {
return economy.format(getSalvageCost(salvageMethod, item, player));
* Gets whether the given player has enough money to pay the given cost
* @param player <p>The player to check</p>
* @param cost <p>The required cost</p>
* @return <p>True if the player has enough money to cover the cost</p>
public static boolean hasEnough(@NotNull Player player, double cost) {
return economy.getBalance(player) >= cost;
* Formats a number as an economy cost
* @param cost <p>The cost to format</p>
* @return <p>The formatted cost</p>
public static String format(double cost) {
return economy.format(cost);
public static String formatSalvageCost(@NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod) {
return economy.format(getSalvageCost(salvageMethod));
* Gets the cost of salvaging using the specified method
* @param salvageMethod <p>The salvage method to get cost for</p>
* @param item <p>The item to be salvaged</p>
* @return <p>The salvage cost</p>
private static double getSalvageCost(@NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod, @NotNull ItemStack item,
@NotNull Player player) {
private static double getSalvageCost(@NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod) {
GlobalScrapperSettings settings = BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().getGlobalScrapperSettings();
double baseCost = switch (salvageMethod) {
return switch (salvageMethod) {
case SALVAGE, EXTENDED_SALVAGE -> settings.getSalvageCost();
case NETHERITE -> settings.getNetheriteSalvageCost();
case ARMOR_TRIM -> settings.getArmorTrimSalvageCost();
case ENCHANTED_BOOK -> getEnchantedBookSalvageCost(item);
StringReplacer replacer = new StringReplacer(settings.getSalvageCostIncrease());
replacer.add("{cost}", String.valueOf(baseCost));
replacer.add("{timesUsed}", String.valueOf(PlayerUsageManager.getUsages(player,
System.currentTimeMillis() - 3600000)));
Expression expression = new ExpressionBuilder(replacer.replace()).build();
return Math.max(expression.evaluate(), baseCost);
@ -159,26 +119,12 @@ public class EconomyManager {
* @param salvageMethod <p>The salvage method to withdraw for</p>
public static void withdrawScrapper(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull SalvageMethod salvageMethod) {
double cost = getSalvageCost(salvageMethod, player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand(), player);
double cost = getSalvageCost(salvageMethod);
if (cost > 0) {
economy.withdrawPlayer(player, cost);
* Withdraws money from a player
* @param player <p>The player to withdraw from</p>
* @param monetaryCost <p>The cost to withdraw</p>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException <p>If a negative cost is given</p>
public static void withdraw(@NotNull Player player, double monetaryCost) {
if (monetaryCost < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot withdraw a negative amount");
economy.withdrawPlayer(player, monetaryCost);
* Gets the cost of the item in the given player's main hand
@ -237,24 +183,6 @@ public class EconomyManager {
return price;
* Gets the cost of scrapping an enchanted book
* @param item <p>The enchanted book to calculate cost for</p>
* @return <p>The cost of scrapping the enchanted book</p>
private static double getEnchantedBookSalvageCost(@NotNull ItemStack item) {
// TODO: Properly implement this
/*GlobalScrapperSettings settings = BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().getGlobalScrapperSettings();
double cost = settings.getEnchantedBookSalvageCost();
if (settings.multiplyEnchantedBookSalvageCost()) {
cost *= SalvageHelper.getEnchantmentCount(item) - 1;
return SalvageHelper.getEnchantmentCount(item) * cost;*/
return 1000000;
* Sets up Vault for economy
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A manager for keeping track of players using scrappers
public class PlayerUsageManager {
private static final Map<Player, Set<Long>> playerUsages = new HashMap<>();
* Register that a player has used a scrapper
* @param player <p>The player using a scrapper</p>
public static void registerUsage(@NotNull Player player) {
playerUsages.putIfAbsent(player, new HashSet<>());
Set<Long> usages = playerUsages.get(player);
* Gets how many times the given player has used a scrapper after the given timestamp
* @param player <p>The player to check usages for</p>
* @param afterTimestamp <p>The timestamp of when to start looking for usages</p>
* @return <p>The number of scrapper uses for the given player</p>
public static int getUsages(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Long afterTimestamp) {
Set<Long> usages = playerUsages.get(player);
if (usages == null) {
return 0;
int uses = 0;
Set<Long> expired = new HashSet<>();
for (Long usageTime : usages) {
if (usageTime < afterTimestamp) {
} else {
// Remove expired data
return uses;
* Removes all expired timestamps
* @param afterTimestamp <p>The timestamp for the earliest time of valid timestamps</p>
public static void removeExpiredData(@NotNull Long afterTimestamp) {
for (Set<Long> usageSet : playerUsages.values()) {
Set<Long> expired = new HashSet<>();
for (Long item : usageSet) {
if (item < afterTimestamp) {
@ -25,9 +25,4 @@ public enum SalvageMethod {
* Splitting enchantments of an enchanted book
@ -94,12 +94,7 @@ public class BlacksmithTrait extends CustomTrait<BlacksmithSetting> {
//Start a new reforge session for the player
currentSessionStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
session = new ReforgeSession(this, player, npc, config);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
session = new ReforgeSession(this, player, npc, config);
//Tell the player the cost of repairing the item
String cost = EconomyManager.formatBlacksmithCost(player);
@ -2,17 +2,14 @@ package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.trait;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.npc.NPC;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.trait.Trait;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.BlacksmithPlugin;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.Setting;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.Settings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.TraitSettings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.formatting.TimeFormatter;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager.EconomyManager;
import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.StringFormatter;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -21,6 +18,7 @@ import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
import static net.knarcraft.blacksmith.formatting.BlacksmithStringFormatter.sendNPCMessage;
@ -155,13 +153,8 @@ public abstract class CustomTrait<K extends Setting> extends Trait {
//If already in a session, but the player has failed to interact, and left the blacksmith, allow a new session
Entity entity = npc.getEntity();
if (entity == null) {
BlacksmithPlugin.error("NPC session could not be started, as the NPC does not have a valid entity");
return false;
if (session != null && !session.isRunning() && (System.currentTimeMillis() > currentSessionStartTime + 10 * 1000 ||
entity.getLocation().distance(session.getPlayer().getLocation()) > 20)) {
this.npc.getEntity().getLocation().distance(session.getPlayer().getLocation()) > 20)) {
session = null;
return true;
@ -190,21 +183,16 @@ public abstract class CustomTrait<K extends Setting> extends Trait {
} else if (this.session instanceof SalvageSession salvageSession) {
EconomyManager.withdrawScrapper(player, salvageSession.salvageMethod);
PlayerInventory playerInventory = player.getInventory();
ItemStack heldItem = player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
//Display the item in the NPC's hand
Entity entity = npc.getEntity();
if (entity instanceof Player playerNPC) {
} else if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
EntityEquipment equipment = ((LivingEntity) entity).getEquipment();
if (equipment != null) {
((LivingEntity) entity).getEquipment().setItemInMainHand(heldItem);
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.warn("Failed to update NPC item, as its equipment was irretrievable.");
if (npc.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
((Player) npc.getEntity()).getInventory().setItemInMainHand(heldItem);
} else {
Objects.requireNonNull(((LivingEntity) npc.getEntity()).getEquipment()).setItemInMainHand(heldItem);
//Remove the item from the player's inventory
if (this.session instanceof SalvageSession salvageSession) {
@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import static net.knarcraft.blacksmith.formatting.BlacksmithStringFormatter.sendNPCMessage;
@ -107,15 +107,10 @@ public class ReforgeSession extends Session implements Runnable {
playSound(success ? Sound.BLOCK_ANVIL_USE : Sound.ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO);
//Stop the reforged item from displaying in the blacksmith's hand
if (this.entity instanceof Player playerNPC) {
} else if (this.entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
EntityEquipment equipment = ((LivingEntity) this.entity).getEquipment();
if (equipment != null) {
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.warn("Failed to clear Blacksmith item, as its equipment was irretrievable.");
if (this.npc.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
((Player) this.npc.getEntity()).getInventory().setItemInMainHand(null);
} else {
Objects.requireNonNull(((LivingEntity) this.npc.getEntity()).getEquipment()).setItemInMainHand(null);
//Give the item back to the player
@ -134,7 +129,8 @@ public class ReforgeSession extends Session implements Runnable {
* Gives the reforged item back to the player
private void giveReforgedItem() {
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxReforgeDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), this.itemToReforge);
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxReforgeDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), this.npc,
@ -145,11 +141,11 @@ public class ReforgeSession extends Session implements Runnable {
private boolean reforgeItem() {
if (random.nextInt(100) < this.config.getFailChance()) {
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new BlacksmithReforgeFailEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player));
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new BlacksmithReforgeFailEvent(this.npc, this.player));
return false;
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new BlacksmithReforgeSucceedEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player));
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new BlacksmithReforgeSucceedEvent(this.npc, this.player));
return true;
@ -6,24 +6,20 @@ import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper.ScrapperNPCSettings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event.ScrapperSalvageFailEvent;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.event.ScrapperSalvageSucceedEvent;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager.EconomyManager;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.manager.PlayerUsageManager;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.util.ItemHelper;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.util.SalvageHelper;
import net.knarcraft.knarlib.formatting.StringReplacer;
import net.objecthunter.exp4j.Expression;
import net.objecthunter.exp4j.ExpressionBuilder;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.EntityEquipment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Random;
import static net.knarcraft.blacksmith.formatting.BlacksmithStringFormatter.sendNPCMessage;
@ -74,9 +70,7 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
return true;
// TODO: Check item cost. If
if (EconomyManager.cannotPayForSalvage(this.player, this.salvageMethod, this.itemToSalvage)) {
if (EconomyManager.cannotPayForSalvage(this.player, this.salvageMethod)) {
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, this.player, this.config.getInsufficientFundsMessage());
return true;
@ -100,7 +94,6 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
case SALVAGE -> Material.ANVIL;
@ -112,15 +105,10 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
//Stop the reforged item from displaying in the scrapper's hand
if (this.entity instanceof Player playerNPC) {
} else if (this.entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
EntityEquipment equipment = ((LivingEntity) this.entity).getEquipment();
if (equipment != null) {
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.warn("Failed to clear Scrapper item, as its equipment was irretrievable.");
if (this.npc.getEntity() instanceof Player) {
((Player) this.npc.getEntity()).getInventory().setItemInMainHand(null);
} else {
Objects.requireNonNull(((LivingEntity) this.npc.getEntity()).getEquipment()).setItemInMainHand(null);
//Mark this scrapper as available
@ -128,14 +116,8 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
// Start cool-down
Calendar wait = Calendar.getInstance();
StringReplacer replacer = new StringReplacer(BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().getGlobalScrapperSettings().getSalvageCooldownIncrease());
replacer.add("{cooldown}", String.valueOf(this.config.getSalvageCoolDown()));
replacer.add("{timesUsed}", String.valueOf(PlayerUsageManager.getUsages(player, System.currentTimeMillis() - 3600000)));
Expression expression = new ExpressionBuilder(replacer.replace()).build();
wait.add(Calendar.SECOND, Math.max((int) expression.evaluate(), this.config.getSalvageCoolDown()));
wait.add(Calendar.SECOND, this.config.getSalvageCoolDown());
this.scrapperTrait.addCoolDown(this.player.getUniqueId(), wait);
@ -154,11 +136,11 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
if (random.nextInt(100) < this.config.getFailChance()) {
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new ScrapperSalvageFailEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player));
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new ScrapperSalvageFailEvent(this.npc, this.player));
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new ScrapperSalvageSucceedEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player));
BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().callEvent(new ScrapperSalvageSucceedEvent(this.npc, this.player));
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, this.player, this.config.getSuccessMessage());
@ -173,13 +155,14 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
if (ItemHelper.getMaxDurability(this.itemToSalvage) > 0) {
//Damage the item if possible
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxSalvageDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), this.itemToSalvage);
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxSalvageDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), this.npc,
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, this.player, this.config.getFailSalvageMessage());
} else {
// Give half the salvage
List<ItemStack> halfSalvage = SalvageHelper.pickRandomSalvage(this.salvage, new ArrayList<>(), 0.5);
for (ItemStack item : halfSalvage) {
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxSalvageDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), item);
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxSalvageDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), this.npc, item);
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, this.player, this.config.getFailExtendedSalvageMessage());
@ -194,7 +177,7 @@ public class SalvageSession extends Session implements Runnable {
BlacksmithPlugin.debug("Giving salvage " + this.salvage);
for (ItemStack item : this.salvage) {
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxSalvageDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), item);
giveResultingItem(this.config.getMaxSalvageDelay() > 0, this.config.getDropItem(), this.npc, item);
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import net.citizensnpcs.api.util.DataKey;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.BlacksmithPlugin;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.SmithPreset;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.SmithPresetFilter;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper.GlobalScrapperSettings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper.ScrapperNPCSettings;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.config.scrapper.ScrapperSetting;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.container.RecipeResult;
@ -21,7 +20,6 @@ import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ArmorMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
@ -111,15 +109,10 @@ public class ScrapperTrait extends CustomTrait<ScrapperSetting> {
//Start a new scrapper session for the player
currentSessionStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
session = new SalvageSession(this, player, npc, getSettings(), result.salvage(),
result.salvageMethod(), result.requiredAmount());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
session = new SalvageSession(this, player, npc, getSettings(), result.salvage(),
result.salvageMethod(), result.requiredAmount());
// Print the cost to the player
printCostMessage(player, itemInHand, EconomyManager.formatSalvageCost(result.salvageMethod(), itemInHand, player),
printCostMessage(player, itemInHand, EconomyManager.formatSalvageCost(result.salvageMethod()),
@ -147,13 +140,6 @@ public class ScrapperTrait extends CustomTrait<ScrapperSetting> {
return result;
result = isEnchantedBookSalvage(player, itemInHand);
if (result.salvageState() == SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE) {
return null;
} else if (result.salvageState() == SalvageState.FOUND_SALVAGE) {
return result;
result = isNormalSalvage(player, itemInHand, extended);
if (result.salvageState() == SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE) {
return null;
@ -183,7 +169,7 @@ public class ScrapperTrait extends CustomTrait<ScrapperSetting> {
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.SALVAGE, new ArrayList<>(), SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE, 0);
// Check if the item is enchanted, and whether this scrapper can salvage it
// Check if the item is enchanted, and whether this blacksmith can salvage it
if (!itemInHand.getEnchantments().isEmpty() && !getSettings().salvageEnchanted()) {
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, player, getSettings().getCannotSalvageEnchantedMessage());
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.SALVAGE, new ArrayList<>(), SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE, 0);
@ -202,37 +188,6 @@ public class ScrapperTrait extends CustomTrait<ScrapperSetting> {
* Gets the result of trying to salvage the item as an enchanted book
* @param player <p>The player trying to salvage the item</p>
* @param itemInHand <p>The item to be salvaged</p>
* @return <p>The result of attempting the salvage</p>
private SalvageResult isEnchantedBookSalvage(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) {
if (itemInHand.getType() != Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK ||
!(itemInHand.getItemMeta() instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta)) {
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.ENCHANTED_BOOK, new ArrayList<>(), SalvageState.INCORRECT_METHOD, 0);
if (!getSettings().splitEnchantedBook()) {
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, player, getSettings().getCannotSalvageEnchantedBookMessage());
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.ENCHANTED_BOOK, new ArrayList<>(), SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE, 0);
if (SalvageHelper.getEnchantmentCount(itemInHand) <= 1) {
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, player, getSettings().getCannotSplitEnchantedBookFurtherMessage());
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.ENCHANTED_BOOK, new ArrayList<>(), SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE, 0);
List<ItemStack> salvage = SalvageHelper.getEnchantedBookSalvage(itemInHand);
boolean noUsefulSalvage = salvage == null || salvage.isEmpty();
if (noUsefulSalvage) {
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.ENCHANTED_BOOK, new ArrayList<>(), SalvageState.NO_SALVAGE, 0);
return new SalvageResult(SalvageMethod.ENCHANTED_BOOK, salvage, SalvageState.FOUND_SALVAGE, 1);
* Gets the result of trying to salvage the item as a netherite applied item
@ -312,32 +267,11 @@ public class ScrapperTrait extends CustomTrait<ScrapperSetting> {
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, player, replacer.replace(getSettings().getCostMessage()));
} else if (salvageMethod == SalvageMethod.NETHERITE) {
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, player, replacer.replace(getSettings().getNetheriteCostMessage()));
} else if (salvageMethod == SalvageMethod.ENCHANTED_BOOK) {
StringReplacer replacer2 = new StringReplacer();
replacer2.add("{cost}", getEnchantedBookCost());
sendNPCMessage(this.npc, player, replacer2.replace(getSettings().getEnchantedBookCostMessage()));
} else {
BlacksmithPlugin.error("Unrecognized salvage method " + salvageMethod);
private String getEnchantedBookCost() {
// TODO: If both an item and money is required, print both requirements
// TODO: If only money is required, print the money requirement
// TODO: If an item requirement is set, print the item requirement
GlobalScrapperSettings scrapperSettings = BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().getGlobalScrapperSettings();
/*String moneyCost = EconomyManager.format(scrapperSettings.getEnchantedBookSalvageCost());
//ItemStack itemCost = scrapperSettings.
if (scrapperSettings.requireMoneyAndItemForEnchantedBookSalvage()) {
// TODO: Print both with a + between them (if item has a special name, use that instead of the material name)
} else {
// TODO: If the item is not null, print it, otherwise print the monetary cost
return "";
protected boolean showExactTime() {
return BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance().getGlobalScrapperSettings().showExactTime();
@ -352,8 +286,8 @@ public class ScrapperTrait extends CustomTrait<ScrapperSetting> {
* @return <p>True if the item can be theoretically salvaged</p>
private boolean canBeSalvaged(@NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull List<Material> salvageAbleItems, boolean extended) {
return item.getType() == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK || ((extended || ItemHelper.isRepairable(item)) &&
(salvageAbleItems.isEmpty() || salvageAbleItems.contains(item.getType())));
return (extended || ItemHelper.isRepairable(item)) &&
(salvageAbleItems.isEmpty() || salvageAbleItems.contains(item.getType()));
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ public abstract class Session implements Runnable {
protected static final Random random = new Random();
protected final Player player;
protected final NPC npc;
protected final Entity entity;
protected long finishTime;
protected int taskId;
@ -39,10 +38,6 @@ public abstract class Session implements Runnable {
public Session(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull NPC npc) {
this.player = player;
this.npc = npc;
this.entity = npc.getEntity();
if (entity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to start session for an NPC without an assigned entity.");
@ -108,9 +103,9 @@ public abstract class Session implements Runnable {
BlacksmithPlugin instance = BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance();
if (this instanceof ReforgeSession) {
instance.callEvent(new BlacksmithReforgeStartEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player, actionDelayTicks, getCraftingStation()));
instance.callEvent(new BlacksmithReforgeStartEvent(npc, player, actionDelayTicks, getCraftingStation()));
} else if (this instanceof SalvageSession) {
instance.callEvent(new ScrapperSalvageStartEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player, actionDelayTicks, getCraftingStation()));
instance.callEvent(new ScrapperSalvageStartEvent(npc, player, actionDelayTicks, getCraftingStation()));
taskId = scheduler.scheduleSyncDelayedTask(BlacksmithPlugin.getInstance(), this, actionDelayTicks);
@ -121,13 +116,14 @@ public abstract class Session implements Runnable {
* @param hasDelay <p>Whether the session was delayed, or if the item was processed instantly</p>
* @param dropItem <p>Whether the item should be dropped on the ground</p>
* @param npc <p>The NPC holding the item</p>
* @param itemToReturn <p>The item to return to the player</p>
protected void giveResultingItem(boolean hasDelay, boolean dropItem, @NotNull ItemStack itemToReturn) {
protected void giveResultingItem(boolean hasDelay, boolean dropItem, @NotNull NPC npc, @NotNull ItemStack itemToReturn) {
if (hasDelay) {
//If the player isn't online, or the player cannot fit the item, drop the item to prevent it from disappearing
if (dropItem || !this.player.isOnline() || !ItemHelper.canFitItem(this.player.getInventory(), itemToReturn)) {
this.player.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(this.entity.getLocation(), itemToReturn);
this.player.getWorld().dropItemNaturally(npc.getEntity().getLocation(), itemToReturn);
} else {
@ -176,7 +172,7 @@ public abstract class Session implements Runnable {
* @param sound <p>The sound to play</p>
protected void playSound(Sound sound) {
playSound(this.entity, sound);
playSound(this.npc.getEntity(), sound);
@ -191,13 +187,14 @@ public abstract class Session implements Runnable {
NPCSoundEvent event = new NPCSoundEvent(this.npc, this.entity, this.player, SoundCategory.AMBIENT, sound, 0.5f, 1.0f);
NPCSoundEvent event = new NPCSoundEvent(this.npc, this.player, SoundCategory.AMBIENT, sound, 0.5f, 1.0f);
if (event.isCancelled()) {
world.playSound(event.getEntity(), event.getSound(), event.getSoundCategory(), event.getVolume(), event.getPitch());
world.playSound(event.getNpc().getEntity(), event.getSound(), event.getSoundCategory(), event.getVolume(),
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package net.knarcraft.blacksmith.util;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.BlacksmithPlugin;
import net.knarcraft.blacksmith.container.RecipeResult;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
@ -11,8 +10,6 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ArmorMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.EnchantmentStorageMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trim.ArmorTrim;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trim.TrimMaterial;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
@ -47,51 +44,6 @@ public final class SalvageHelper {
trimMaterialToMaterial.put(TrimMaterial.REDSTONE, Material.REDSTONE);
* Gets salvage for an enchanted book
* @param itemStack <p>The enchanted book(s) to salvage</p>
* @return <p>The resulting salvage</p>
* @throws RuntimeException <p>If generated enchanted book metadata is null</p>
public static List<ItemStack> getEnchantedBookSalvage(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
ItemMeta meta = itemStack.getItemMeta();
List<ItemStack> output = new ArrayList<>();
if (!(meta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta enchantmentStorageMeta)) {
return null;
Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchantmentMap = enchantmentStorageMeta.getStoredEnchants();
for (Map.Entry<Enchantment, Integer> enchantmentEntry : enchantmentMap.entrySet()) {
EnchantmentStorageMeta enchantmentMeta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) Bukkit.getServer().getItemFactory().getItemMeta(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK);
if (enchantmentMeta == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create enchanted book metadata.");
enchantmentMeta.addStoredEnchant(enchantmentEntry.getKey(), enchantmentEntry.getValue(), true);
ItemStack newBook = new ItemStack(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK, 1);
return output;
* Gets the number of enchantments applied to an enchanted book
* @param itemStack <p>The enchanted book to check</p>
* @return <p>The number of enchantments, or -1 if not an enchanted book</p>
public static int getEnchantmentCount(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack) {
ItemMeta meta = itemStack.getItemMeta();
if (!(meta instanceof EnchantmentStorageMeta enchantmentStorageMeta)) {
return -1;
return enchantmentStorageMeta.getStoredEnchants().size();
* Gets salvage for a given netherite item
@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ public final class TabCompleteValuesHelper {
case MATERIAL -> getAllReforgeAbleMaterialNames();
case ENCHANTMENT, ENCHANTMENT_LIST -> getAllEnchantments();
// TODO: Change this to something that makes sense
case ADVANCED_COST -> List.of();
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ public final class TypeValidationHelper {
case STRING -> isNonEmptyString(value, sender);
case POSITIVE_INTEGER -> isPositiveInteger(value, sender);
case PERCENTAGE -> isPercentage(value, sender);
// TODO: Implement proper advanced cost checking
case BOOLEAN -> true;
case REFORGE_ABLE_ITEMS, STRING_LIST -> isStringList(value, sender);
case MATERIAL -> isMaterial(value, sender);
case ENCHANTMENT -> isEnchantment(value, sender);
@ -141,14 +141,6 @@ scrapper:
# The cost of using the scrapper to remove netherite from an item
netheriteSalvagePrice: 15
# The mathematical formula for salvage cost increase when continually used within the same hour. This is necessary
# for some servers where items can be easily farmed. Set to {cost} to disable behavior.
salvageCostIncrease: "{cost}*{timesUsed}"
# The mathematical formula for salvage cooldown increase when continually used within the same hour. This is
# necessary for some servers where items can be easily farmed. Set to {cooldown} to disable behavior.
salvageCooldownIncrease: "{cooldown}*{timesUsed}"
# The settings which are set to any new scrapper NPC. To change any of these settings for an existing NPC, you must
# change the Citizens NPC file, or use the /scrapper command
@ -190,9 +182,6 @@ scrapper:
# Whether to enable salvaging of netherite items
salvageNetherite: true
# Whether to enable salvaging an enchanted books with several enchantments into several books with one enchantment
splitEnchantedBook: false
# Default values for messages used by NPCs
# The message to display when another player is using the scrapper
@ -237,9 +226,6 @@ scrapper:
# The message to display when explaining the shown item's netherite salvage cost
costMessageNetherite: "&eIt will cost &a{cost}&e to salvage that &a{item}&e into diamond!"
# The message to display when explaining the shown enchanted book's salvage cost
costMessageEnchantedBook: "&eIt will cost &a{cost}&e to salvage that enchanted book!"
# The yield message to display if trying to salvage a non-damaged item
fullSalvageMessage: "&aI should be able to extract all components from that pristine item.&r"
@ -258,11 +244,5 @@ scrapper:
# The message to display when asked to salvage netherite items, and that option is disabled
cannotSalvageNetheriteMessage: "&cI'm sorry, but I'm unable to salvage netherite items!"
# The message displayed when explaining that enchanted book salvage is disabled
cannotSalvageEnchantedBookMessage: "&cI'm sorry, but I'm unable to salvage enchanted books!"
# The message displayed when a player attempts to salvage an enchanted book with a single enchantment
cannotSplitEnchantedBookFurtherMessage: "&cI'm sorry, but I cannot salvage that enchanted book any further"
# The message to display when a scrapper is clicked with an empty hand
noItemMessage: "Please present the item you want to salvage"
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ en:
# The format used when displaying any duration remaining
DURATION_FORMAT: "in {time} {unit}"
# The format used when NPCs talk to players ({npc} = The NPC's name, {message} is the actual message contents)
NPC_TALK_FORMAT: "&a[{npc}&r&a] -> You:&r {message}"
NPC_TALK_FORMAT: "&a[{npc}] -> You:&r {message}"
# Translation of the duration of less than a second
UNIT_NOW: "imminently"
# Translation of seconds in singular form
@ -89,6 +89,4 @@ en:
# The text shown if the player has to wait for more than 5 minutes
INTERVAL_MORE_THAN_5_MINUTES: "in quite a while"
# The marker shown when displaying values overridden for the selected NPC (not shown if the NPC inherits the default value)
# The translation of the text displayed when a cost is expected, but a non-number is provided
DOUBLE_COST_REQUIRED: "You must supply a numeric (double) cost"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user