diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 7f33834..68cc2c9 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- 2.4.2-SNAPSHOT
+ 2.4.6-SNAPSHOT
@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@
+ org.spigotmc
+ spigot-1.13.1
+ 1.13.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
+ provided
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/ArmoredElytra.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/ArmoredElytra.java
index 556f6ff..0bff5ab 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/ArmoredElytra.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/ArmoredElytra.java
@@ -20,234 +20,243 @@ import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms.NBTEditor_V1_10_R1;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms.NBTEditor_V1_11_R1;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms.NBTEditor_V1_12_R1;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms.NBTEditor_V1_13_R1;
+import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms.NBTEditor_V1_13_R2;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ConfigLoader;
+import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.Messages;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.Metrics;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.Update;
public class ArmoredElytra extends JavaPlugin implements Listener
- private NBTEditor nbtEditor;
- private ConfigLoader config;
+ private NBTEditor nbtEditor;
+ private Messages messages;
+ private ConfigLoader config;
- private String usageDeniedMessage;
- private String elytraReceivedMessage;
- private String elytraLore;
- private boolean upToDate;
- private boolean uninstallMode;
- private String leatherName, ironName, goldName, chainName, diamondName;
- @Override
+ private String leatherName, ironName, goldName, chainName, diamondName;
+ private String elytraReceivedMessage;
+ private String usageDeniedMessage;
+ private boolean uninstallMode;
+ private String elytraLore;
+ private boolean upToDate;
+ private String locale;
+ @Override
public void onEnable()
- {
- readConfigValues();
- // Check if the user allows checking for updates.
- if (config.getBool("checkForUpdates"))
- {
- // Check for updates in a new thread, so the server won't hang when it cannot contact the update servers.
- Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable()
- {
- @Override
- public void run()
- {
- ArmoredElytra plugin = getPlugin();
- Update update = new Update(278437, plugin);
- String latestVersion = update.getLatestVersion();
- if (latestVersion == null)
- plugin.myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Encountered problem contacting update servers! Please check manually! The error above does not affect the plugin!");
- else
- {
- String thisVersion = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
- // Check if this is the latest version or not.
- int updateStatus = update.versionCompare(latestVersion, thisVersion);
- if (updateStatus > 0)
- {
- // TODO: Insert download link to latest version.
- // TODO: Use Spiget as backup?
- // TODO: Add auto update option?
- // Load the loginHandler to show messages to the user when they join.
- Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new LoginHandler(plugin, "The Armored Elytra plugin is out of date!"), plugin);
- plugin.myLogger(Level.INFO, "Plugin out of date! You are using version " + thisVersion + " but the latest version is version " + latestVersion + "!");
- plugin.setUpToDate(false);
- }
- else
- {
- plugin.setUpToDate(true);
- plugin.myLogger(Level.INFO, "You seem to be using the latest version of this plugin!");
- }
- }
- }
- });
- thread.start();
- }
- else
- myLogger(Level.INFO, "Plugin update checking not enabled! You will not receive any messages about new updates for this plugin. Please consider turning this on in the config.");
- // Are stats allowed?
- if (config.getBool("allowStats"))
- {
- myLogger(Level.INFO, "Enabling stats! Thanks, it really helps!");
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this);
- }
- else
- // Y u do dis? :(
- myLogger(Level.INFO, "Stats disabled, not laoding stats :(... Please consider enabling it! I am a simple man, seeing higher user numbers helps me stay motivated!");
+ {
+ this.readConfigValues();
+ this.messages = new Messages(this);
+ this.readMessages();
+ // Check if the user allows checking for updates.
+ if (config.getBool("checkForUpdates"))
+ {
+ // Check for updates in a new thread, so the server won't hang when it cannot contact the update servers.
+ Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable()
+ {
+ @Override
+ public void run()
+ {
+ ArmoredElytra plugin = getPlugin();
+ Update update = new Update(278437, plugin);
+ String latestVersion = update.getLatestVersion();
+ if (latestVersion == null)
+ plugin.myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Encountered problem contacting update servers! Please check manually! The error above does not affect the plugin!");
+ else
+ {
+ String thisVersion = plugin.getDescription().getVersion();
+ // Check if this is the latest version or not.
+ int updateStatus = update.versionCompare(latestVersion, thisVersion);
+ if (updateStatus > 0)
+ {
+ // Load the loginHandler to show messages to the user when they join.
+ Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new LoginHandler(plugin, "The Armored Elytra plugin is out of date!"), plugin);
+ plugin.myLogger(Level.INFO, "Plugin out of date! You are using version " + thisVersion + " but the latest version is version " + latestVersion + "!");
+ plugin.setUpToDate(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ plugin.setUpToDate(true);
+ plugin.myLogger(Level.INFO, "You seem to be using the latest version of this plugin!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ thread.start();
+ }
+ else
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, "Plugin update checking not enabled! You will not receive any messages about new updates for this plugin. Please consider turning this on in the config.");
+ // Are stats allowed?
+ if (config.getBool("allowStats"))
+ {
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, "Enabling stats! Thanks, it really helps!");
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ Metrics metrics = new Metrics(this);
+ }
+ else
+ // Y u do dis? :(
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, "Stats disabled, not laoding stats :(... Please consider enabling it! I am a simple man, seeing higher user numbers helps me stay motivated!");
- // Load the files for the correct version of Minecraft.
- if (compatibleMCVer())
- {
- Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EventHandlers(this, nbtEditor), this);
- getCommand("ArmoredElytra").setExecutor(new CommandHandler(this, nbtEditor));
- }
- else
- {
- myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Trying to load the plugin on an incompatible version of Minecraft! This plugin will NOT be enabled!");
- return;
- }
- // Load the plugin normally if not in uninstall mode.
- if (!uninstallMode)
- {
- // Check if the user wants to disable durability penalty for flying with an armored elytra.
- if (config.getBool("noFlightDurability"))
- {
- Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new FlyDurabilityHandler(nbtEditor), this);
- myLogger(Level.INFO, "Durability penalty for flying disabled!");
- } else
- myLogger(Level.INFO, "Durability penalty for flying enabled!");
- // Log all allowed enchantments.
- myLogger(Level.INFO, ("Allowed enchantments:"));
- for (String s : config.getStringList("allowedEnchantments"))
- myLogger(Level.INFO, " - " + s);
- }
- else
- {
- myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Plugin in uninstall mode!");
- Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new Uninstaller(this, nbtEditor), this);
- }
- }
- public void readConfigValues()
- {
- // Load the settings from the config file.
- this.config = new ConfigLoader(this);
+ this.locale = config.getString("languageFile");
+ // Load the files for the correct version of Minecraft.
+ if (compatibleMCVer())
+ {
+ Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new EventHandlers(this, nbtEditor), this);
+ getCommand("ArmoredElytra").setExecutor(new CommandHandler(this, nbtEditor));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Trying to load the plugin on an incompatible version of Minecraft! This plugin will NOT be enabled!");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Load the plugin normally if not in uninstall mode.
+ if (!uninstallMode)
+ {
+ // Check if the user wants to disable durability penalty for flying with an armored elytra.
+ if (config.getBool("noFlightDurability"))
+ {
+ Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new FlyDurabilityHandler(nbtEditor), this);
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, "Durability penalty for flying disabled!");
+ }
+ else
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, "Durability penalty for flying enabled!");
+ // Log all allowed enchantments.
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, ("Allowed enchantments:"));
+ for (String s : config.getStringList("allowedEnchantments"))
+ myLogger(Level.INFO, " - " + s);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Plugin in uninstall mode!");
+ Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new Uninstaller(this, nbtEditor), this);
+ }
+ }
+ public void readConfigValues()
+ {
+ // Load the settings from the config file.
+ this.config = new ConfigLoader(this);
- // Replace color codes by the corresponding colors.
- this.usageDeniedMessage = config.getString("usageDeniedMessage" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.elytraReceivedMessage = config.getString("elytraReceivedMessage" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.elytraLore = config.getString("elytraLore" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ // Check if the plugin should go into uninstall mode.
+ this.uninstallMode = config.getBool("uninstallMode");
+ }
+ public Messages getMyMessages()
+ {
+ return this.messages;
+ }
+ private void readMessages()
+ {
+ // Replace color codes by the corresponding colors.
+ this.usageDeniedMessage = this.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.UsageDenied" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ this.elytraReceivedMessage = this.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.ElytraReceived").replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ this.elytraLore = this.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.Lore" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.leatherName = config.getString("leatherName" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.goldName = config.getString("goldName" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.chainName = config.getString("chainName" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.ironName = config.getString("ironName" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- this.diamondName = config.getString("diamondName" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
- // Change the string to null if it says "NONE".
- this.usageDeniedMessage = (Objects.equals(usageDeniedMessage, new String("NONE")) ? null : usageDeniedMessage );
- this.elytraReceivedMessage = (Objects.equals(elytraReceivedMessage, new String("NONE")) ? null : elytraReceivedMessage);
- this.elytraLore = (Objects.equals(elytraLore, new String("NONE")) ? null : elytraLore );
- // Check if the plugin should go into uninstall mode.
- this.uninstallMode = config.getBool("uninstallMode");
- }
- // Returns true if this is the latest version of this plugin.
- public boolean isUpToDate()
- {
- return upToDate;
- }
- // Get this.
- public ArmoredElytra getPlugin()
- {
- return this;
- }
- // Returns the config handler.
- public ConfigLoader getConfigLoader()
- {
- return config;
- }
- // Send a message to a player in a specific color.
- public void messagePlayer(Player player, ChatColor color, String s)
- {
- player.sendMessage(color + s);
- }
- // Send a message to a player.
- public void messagePlayer(Player player, String s)
- {
- messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.WHITE, s);
- }
- // Send the usageDeniedMessage message to the player.
- public void usageDeniedMessage(Player player, ArmorTier armorTier)
- {
- if (usageDeniedMessage != null)
- {
- String message = fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(usageDeniedMessage, armorTier);
- messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.RED, message);
- }
- }
- // Send the elytraReceivedMessage message to the player.
- public void elytraReceivedMessage(Player player, ArmorTier armorTier)
- {
- if (elytraReceivedMessage != null)
- {
- String message = fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(elytraReceivedMessage, armorTier);
- messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.GREEN, message);
- }
- }
- // Replace %ARMOR_TIER% by the name of that armor tier in a string, but strip %ARMOR_TIER% of its color.
- public String fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(String string, ArmorTier armorTier)
- {
- return string.replace("%ARMOR_TIER%", ChatColor.stripColor(getArmoredElytrName(armorTier)));
- }
- // Print a string to the log.
- public void myLogger(Level level, String str)
- {
- Bukkit.getLogger().log(level, "[" + this.getName() + "] " + str);
- }
- // Log message that only gets printed when debugging is enabled in the config file.
- public void debugMsg(Level level, String str)
- {
- if (config.getBool("enableDebug"))
- myLogger(level, str);
- }
- // Give the provided player the provided item.
- public void giveArmoredElytraToPlayer(Player player, ItemStack item)
- {
- if (item != null)
- player.getInventory().addItem(item);
- }
- // Check + initialize for the correct version of Minecraft.
- public boolean compatibleMCVer()
- {
+ this.leatherName = this.getMyMessages().getString("TIER.Leather" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ this.goldName = this.getMyMessages().getString("TIER.Gold" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ this.chainName = this.getMyMessages().getString("TIER.Chain" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ this.ironName = this.getMyMessages().getString("TIER.Iron" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ this.diamondName = this.getMyMessages().getString("TIER.Diamond" ).replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ // Change the string to null if it says "NONE".
+ this.usageDeniedMessage = (Objects.equals(usageDeniedMessage, new String("NONE")) ? null : usageDeniedMessage );
+ this.elytraReceivedMessage = (Objects.equals(elytraReceivedMessage, new String("NONE")) ? null : elytraReceivedMessage);
+ this.elytraLore = (Objects.equals(elytraLore, new String("NONE")) ? null : elytraLore );
+ }
+ // Returns true if this is the latest version of this plugin.
+ public boolean isUpToDate()
+ {
+ return upToDate;
+ }
+ // Get this.
+ public ArmoredElytra getPlugin()
+ {
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Returns the config handler.
+ public ConfigLoader getConfigLoader()
+ {
+ return config;
+ }
+ // Send a message to a player in a specific color.
+ public void messagePlayer(Player player, ChatColor color, String str)
+ {
+ player.sendMessage(color + str);
+ }
+ // Send a message to a player.
+ public void messagePlayer(Player player, String str)
+ {
+ messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.WHITE, str);
+ }
+ // Send the usageDeniedMessage message to the player.
+ public void usageDeniedMessage(Player player, ArmorTier armorTier)
+ {
+ if (usageDeniedMessage != null)
+ {
+ String message = fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(usageDeniedMessage, armorTier);
+ messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.RED, message);
+ }
+ }
+ // Send the elytraReceivedMessage message to the player.
+ public void elytraReceivedMessage(Player player, ArmorTier armorTier)
+ {
+ if (elytraReceivedMessage != null)
+ {
+ String message = fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(elytraReceivedMessage, armorTier);
+ messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.GREEN, message);
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace %ARMOR_TIER% by the name of that armor tier in a string, but strip %ARMOR_TIER% of its color.
+ public String fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(String string, ArmorTier armorTier)
+ {
+ return string.replace("%ARMOR_TIER%", ChatColor.stripColor(getArmoredElytrName(armorTier)));
+ }
+ public String getLocale()
+ {
+ return locale == null ? "en_US" : locale;
+ }
+ // Print a string to the log.
+ public void myLogger(Level level, String str)
+ {
+ Bukkit.getLogger().log(level, "[" + this.getName() + "] " + str);
+ }
+ // Log message that only gets printed when debugging is enabled in the config file.
+ public void debugMsg(Level level, String str)
+ {
+ if (config.getBool("enableDebug"))
+ myLogger(level, str);
+ }
+ // Give the provided player the provided item.
+ public void giveArmoredElytraToPlayer(Player player, ItemStack item)
+ {
+ if (item != null)
+ player.getInventory().addItem(item);
+ }
+ // Check + initialize for the correct version of Minecraft.
+ public boolean compatibleMCVer()
+ {
String version;
@@ -260,75 +269,76 @@ public class ArmoredElytra extends JavaPlugin implements Listener
if (version.equals("v1_10_R1"))
- nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_10_R1(this);
+ nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_10_R1(this);
else if (version.equals("v1_11_R1"))
- nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_11_R1(this);
+ nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_11_R1(this);
else if (version.equals("v1_12_R1"))
- nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_12_R1(this);
+ nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_12_R1(this);
else if (version.equals("v1_13_R1"))
- nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_13_R1(this);
+ nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_13_R1(this);
+ else if (version.equals("v1_13_R2"))
+ nbtEditor = new NBTEditor_V1_13_R2(this);
// Return true if compatible.
return nbtEditor != null;
- }
- public String getElytraLore()
- {
- return this.elytraLore;
- }
- public String getArmoredElytrName(ArmorTier tier)
- {
- String ret;
- switch(tier)
- {
- case LEATHER:
- ret = this.leatherName;
- break;
- case GOLD:
- ret = this.goldName;
- break;
- case CHAIN:
- ret = this.chainName;
- break;
- case IRON:
- ret = this.ironName;
- break;
- case DIAMOND:
- ret = this.diamondName;
- break;
- default:
- ret = "NONE";
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public boolean playerHasCraftPerm(Player player, ArmorTier tier)
- {
- switch (tier)
- {
- case LEATHER:
- return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.leather");
- case GOLD:
- return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.gold");
- case CHAIN:
- return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.chain");
- case IRON:
- return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.iron");
- case DIAMOND:
- return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.diamond");
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
+ }
+ public String getElytraLore()
+ {
+ return this.elytraLore;
+ }
+ public String getArmoredElytrName(ArmorTier tier)
+ {
+ String ret;
+ switch(tier)
+ {
+ case LEATHER:
+ ret = this.leatherName;
+ break;
+ case GOLD:
+ ret = this.goldName;
+ break;
+ case CHAIN:
+ ret = this.chainName;
+ break;
+ case IRON:
+ ret = this.ironName;
+ break;
+ case DIAMOND:
+ ret = this.diamondName;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ret = "NONE";
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public boolean playerHasCraftPerm(Player player, ArmorTier tier)
+ {
+ switch (tier)
+ {
+ case LEATHER:
+ return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.leather");
+ case GOLD:
+ return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.gold");
+ case CHAIN:
+ return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.chain");
+ case IRON:
+ return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.iron");
+ case DIAMOND:
+ return player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.craft.diamond");
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void setUpToDate(boolean upToDate)
+ {
+ this.upToDate = upToDate;
+ }
- public void setUpToDate(boolean upToDate)
- {
- this.upToDate = upToDate;
- }
- public boolean getUninstallMode()
- {
- return uninstallMode;
- }
+ public boolean getUninstallMode()
+ {
+ return uninstallMode;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/CommandHandler.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/CommandHandler.java
index 20bd969..a268a78 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/CommandHandler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/CommandHandler.java
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
public class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor
- ArmoredElytra plugin;
- NBTEditor nbtEditor;
+ ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ NBTEditor nbtEditor;
public CommandHandler(ArmoredElytra plugin, NBTEditor nbtEditor)
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.nbtEditor = nbtEditor;
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.nbtEditor = nbtEditor;
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor
if (plugin.getUninstallMode())
- plugin.messagePlayer(player, "Plugin in uninstall mode! New Armored Elytras are not allowed!");
+ plugin.messagePlayer(player, plugin.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.UninstallMode"));
return true;
@@ -67,10 +67,6 @@ public class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor
tier = args[1];
- // TODO: Use armorTier name from ArmorTier struct.
- // Also, use AT-name for permission node verification.
// Leather armor.
if (tier.equalsIgnoreCase("leather"))
@@ -111,7 +107,7 @@ public class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor
allowed = true;
- plugin.messagePlayer(player, "Not a supported armor tier! Try one of these: leather, gold, chain, iron, diamond.");
+ plugin.messagePlayer(player, plugin.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.UnsupportedTier"));
if (allowed)
@@ -120,7 +116,7 @@ public class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor
plugin.giveArmoredElytraToPlayer(receiver, newElytra);
- plugin.messagePlayer(player, "You do not have the required permission node to give " + plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
+ plugin.messagePlayer(player, plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.UnsupportedTier"), armorTier));
return true;
@@ -142,8 +138,6 @@ public class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor
player = Bukkit.getPlayer(args[0]);
ArmorTier armorTier = ArmorTier.NONE;
- // TODO: Again, use the ArmorTier struct for tier retrieval.
if (tier.equalsIgnoreCase("leather"))
armorTier = ArmorTier.LEATHER;
else if (tier.equalsIgnoreCase("gold"))
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/EventHandlers.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/EventHandlers.java
index 065449c..ecd29fa 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/EventHandlers.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/EventHandlers.java
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
-import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@@ -32,533 +31,534 @@ import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.Util;
public class EventHandlers implements Listener
- private int DIAMONDS_TO_FULL;
- private int LEATHER_TO_FULL;
- private int GOLD_TO_FULL;
- private int IRON_TO_FULL;
- private NBTEditor nbtEditor;
- private final ArmoredElytra plugin;
- private List allowedEnchantments;
- public EventHandlers(ArmoredElytra plugin, NBTEditor nbtEditor)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.nbtEditor = nbtEditor;
- // Get the values of the config options.
- this.allowedEnchantments = plugin.getConfigLoader().getStringList("allowedEnchantments");
- this.LEATHER_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("leatherRepair");
- this.GOLD_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("goldRepair");
- this.IRON_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("ironRepair");
- this.DIAMONDS_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("diamondsRepair");
- }
- // Clear the anvil's inventory (destroy all the items in all 3 slots (second slot is not emptied, when repairing you can safely give multiple items)).
- public void cleanAnvil(AnvilInventory anvilInventory)
- {
- anvilInventory.getItem(0).setAmount(0);
- anvilInventory.getItem(1).setAmount(anvilInventory.getItem(1).getAmount() - 1);
- anvilInventory.getItem(2).setAmount(0);
- }
- // Check if the enchantment is allowed on elytras.
- public boolean isAllowedEnchantment(Enchantment enchant)
- {
- for (String s : allowedEnchantments)
- if (Enchantment.getByName(s) != null)
- if (Enchantment.getByName(s).equals(enchant))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- // Combine 2 maps of enchantments (and remove any invalid ones).
- public Map combineEnchantments(Map enchantments0, Map enchantments1)
- {
- enchantments0 = fixEnchantments(enchantments0);
- Map combined = new HashMap(fixEnchantments(enchantments0));
- if (enchantments1 != null)
- {
- enchantments1 = fixEnchantments(enchantments1);
- // Loop through the enchantments of item1.
- for (Map.Entry entry : enchantments1.entrySet())
- {
- Integer enchantLevel = enchantments0.get(entry.getKey());
- if (enchantLevel != null)
- {
- if (entry.getValue() == enchantLevel && entry.getValue() < entry.getKey().getMaxLevel())
- enchantLevel = entry.getValue() + 1;
- else if (entry.getValue() > enchantLevel)
- enchantLevel = entry.getValue();
- // If the enchantment level has changed,
- if (enchantLevel != enchantments0.get(entry.getKey()))
- {
- combined.remove(entry.getKey());
- combined.put(entry.getKey(), enchantLevel);
- }
- }
- else if (enchantLevel == null)
- combined.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
- }
- // Get the protection enchantment rating for both enchantment sets.
- int protVal0 = getProtectionEnchantmentsVal(enchantments0);
- int protVal1 = getProtectionEnchantmentsVal(enchantments1);
- // If they have different
- if (protVal0 != 0 && protVal1 != 0 && protVal0 != protVal1)
- {
- switch(protVal0)
- {
- case 1:
- combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL);
- break;
- case 2:
- combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS);
- break;
- case 4:
- combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL);
- break;
- case 8:
- combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE);
- break;
- case 16:
- combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return combined;
- }
- // Function that returns which/how many protection enchantments there are.
- public int getProtectionEnchantmentsVal(Map enchantments)
- {
- int ret = 0;
- if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL))
- ret += 1;
- if ( enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS))
- ret += 2;
- if ( enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL))
- ret += 4;
- if ( enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE))
- ret += 8;
- if ( enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE))
- ret += 16;
- return ret;
- }
- // Repair an Armored Elytra
- public short repairItem(short curDur, ItemStack repairItem)
- {
- // Get the multiplier for the repair items.
- double mult = 0.01;
- if (repairItem.getType() == Material.LEATHER)
- mult *= (100/LEATHER_TO_FULL);
+ private int DIAMONDS_TO_FULL;
+ private int LEATHER_TO_FULL;
+ private int GOLD_TO_FULL;
+ private int IRON_TO_FULL;
+ private NBTEditor nbtEditor;
+ private final ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ private List allowedEnchantments;
+ public EventHandlers(ArmoredElytra plugin, NBTEditor nbtEditor)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.nbtEditor = nbtEditor;
+ // Get the values of the config options.
+ this.allowedEnchantments = plugin.getConfigLoader().getStringList("allowedEnchantments");
+ this.LEATHER_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("leatherRepair");
+ this.GOLD_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("goldRepair");
+ this.IRON_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("ironRepair");
+ this.DIAMONDS_TO_FULL = plugin.getConfigLoader().getInt("diamondsRepair");
+ }
+ // Clear the anvil's inventory (destroy all the items in all 3 slots (second slot is not emptied, when repairing you can safely give multiple items)).
+ public void cleanAnvil(AnvilInventory anvilInventory)
+ {
+ anvilInventory.getItem(0).setAmount(0);
+ anvilInventory.getItem(1).setAmount(anvilInventory.getItem(1).getAmount() - 1);
+ anvilInventory.getItem(2).setAmount(0);
+ }
+ // Check if the enchantment is allowed on elytras.
+ public boolean isAllowedEnchantment(Enchantment enchant)
+ {
+ for (String s : allowedEnchantments)
+ if (Enchantment.getByName(s) != null)
+ if (Enchantment.getByName(s).equals(enchant))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Combine 2 maps of enchantments (and remove any invalid ones).
+ public Map combineEnchantments(Map enchantments0, Map enchantments1)
+ {
+ enchantments0 = fixEnchantments(enchantments0);
+ Map combined = new HashMap(fixEnchantments(enchantments0));
+ if (enchantments1 != null)
+ {
+ enchantments1 = fixEnchantments(enchantments1);
+ // Loop through the enchantments of item1.
+ for (Map.Entry entry : enchantments1.entrySet())
+ {
+ Integer enchantLevel = enchantments0.get(entry.getKey());
+ if (enchantLevel != null)
+ {
+ if (entry.getValue() == enchantLevel && entry.getValue() < entry.getKey().getMaxLevel())
+ enchantLevel = entry.getValue() + 1;
+ else if (entry.getValue() > enchantLevel)
+ enchantLevel = entry.getValue();
+ // If the enchantment level has changed,
+ if (enchantLevel != enchantments0.get(entry.getKey()))
+ {
+ combined.remove(entry.getKey());
+ combined.put(entry.getKey(), enchantLevel);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (enchantLevel == null)
+ combined.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
+ }
+ // Get the protection enchantment rating for both enchantment sets.
+ int protVal0 = getProtectionEnchantmentsVal(enchantments0);
+ int protVal1 = getProtectionEnchantmentsVal(enchantments1);
+ // If they have different protection enchantments, keep enchantment1's enchantments
+ // And remove the protection enchantment from enchantments0. Yes, this system only works
+ // If there is 1 protection enchantment on
+ if (protVal0 != 0 && protVal1 != 0 && protVal0 != protVal1)
+ {
+ switch(protVal0)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL);
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ combined.remove(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return combined;
+ }
+ // Function that returns which/how many protection enchantments there are.
+ public int getProtectionEnchantmentsVal(Map enchantments)
+ {
+ int ret = 0;
+ if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL))
+ ret += 1;
+ if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS))
+ ret += 2;
+ if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FALL))
+ ret += 4;
+ if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_FIRE))
+ ret += 8;
+ if (enchantments.containsKey(Enchantment.PROTECTION_PROJECTILE))
+ ret += 16;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Repair an Armored Elytra
+ public short repairItem(short curDur, ItemStack repairItem)
+ {
+ // Get the multiplier for the repair items.
+ double mult = 0.01;
+ if ( repairItem.getType() == Material.LEATHER)
+ mult *= (100/LEATHER_TO_FULL);
- else if (repairItem.getType() == Material.GOLD_INGOT)
- mult *= (100/GOLD_TO_FULL);
+ else if (repairItem.getType() == Material.GOLD_INGOT)
+ mult *= (100/GOLD_TO_FULL);
- else if (repairItem.getType() == Material.IRON_INGOT)
- mult *= (100/IRON_TO_FULL);
+ else if (repairItem.getType() == Material.IRON_INGOT)
+ mult *= (100/IRON_TO_FULL);
- else if (repairItem.getType() == Material.DIAMOND)
- mult *= (100/DIAMONDS_TO_FULL);
+ else if (repairItem.getType() == Material.DIAMOND)
+ mult *= (100/DIAMONDS_TO_FULL);
- int maxDurability = Material.ELYTRA.getMaxDurability();
- int newDurability = (int) (curDur - (maxDurability * mult));
- return (short) (newDurability <= 0 ? 0 : newDurability);
- }
+ int maxDurability = Material.ELYTRA.getMaxDurability();
+ int newDurability = (int) (curDur - (maxDurability * mult));
+ return (short) (newDurability <= 0 ? 0 : newDurability);
+ }
- // Remove any disallowed enchantments in the map.
- public Map fixEnchantments(Map enchantments)
- {
- Map ret = new HashMap(enchantments);
- for (Map.Entry entry : enchantments.entrySet())
- if (!isAllowedEnchantment(entry.getKey()))
- ret.remove(entry.getKey());
- return ret;
- }
+ // Remove any disallowed enchantments in the map.
+ public Map fixEnchantments(Map enchantments)
+ {
+ Map ret = new HashMap(enchantments);
+ for (Map.Entry entry : enchantments.entrySet())
+ if (!isAllowedEnchantment(entry.getKey()))
+ ret.remove(entry.getKey());
+ return ret;
+ }
- // Verify there aren't any disallowed enchantments in the map.
- public boolean verifyEnchantments(Map enchantments)
- {
- for (Map.Entry entry : enchantments.entrySet())
- if (!isAllowedEnchantment(entry.getKey()))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- // Get the armor tier from a chest plate.
- public ArmorTier armorToTier(Material item)
- {
- ArmorTier ret = ArmorTier.NONE;
- switch (item)
- {
- ret = ArmorTier.LEATHER;
- break;
- ret = ArmorTier.GOLD;
- break;
- ret = ArmorTier.CHAIN;
- break;
- ret = ArmorTier.IRON;
- break;
- ret = ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // Check if mat is a chest plate.
- public boolean isChestPlate(Material mat)
- {
- if (mat == Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE || mat == Material.GOLD_CHESTPLATE ||
- mat == Material.CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE || mat == Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE ||
- mat == Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- /*
- * Valid inputs:
- * - Elytra (armored or not) + chestplate -> Create Armored Elytra
- * - Elytra (armored) + enchanted book -> Enchant
- * - Elytra (armored) + its repair item -> Repair
- * - Elytra (armored) + other elytra (armored) -> Combine (Enchant + Repair)
- * ! Elytra (armored, !leather) + leather -> Block
- *
- * Ignoring:
- * - Elytra (not armored) + !chestplate -> None
- * - * + * -> None
- */
- public Action isValidInput(ItemStack itemOne, ItemStack itemTwo)
- {
- if (itemOne == null || itemTwo == null)
- return Action.NONE;
- // If itemTwo is the elytra, while itemOne isn't, switch itemOne and itemTwo.
- if (itemTwo.getType() == Material.ELYTRA && itemOne.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- {
- ItemStack tmp = itemOne;
- itemOne = itemTwo;
- itemTwo = tmp;
- }
- if (itemOne.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- return Action.NONE;
- Material matTwo = itemTwo.getType();
- // If the elytra is to be combined with chest armor...
- if (isChestPlate(matTwo))
- return Action.CREATE;
- ArmorTier tier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(itemOne);
- if (tier != ArmorTier.NONE)
- {
- // If the armored elytra is to be enchanted using an enchanted book...
- if (matTwo == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK)
- return Action.ENCHANT;
- // If the armored elytra is to be repaired using its repair item...
- if (ArmorTier.getRepairItem(tier) == matTwo)
- return Action.REPAIR;
- // If the armored elytra is to be combined with another armored elytra of the same tier...
- if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(itemTwo) == tier)
- return Action.COMBINE;
- // If the armored elytra is not of the leather tier, but itemTwo is leather,
- // Pick the block action, as that would repair the elytra by default (vanilla).
- // Also block Armored Elytra + Elytra.
- if (tier != ArmorTier.LEATHER && matTwo == Material.LEATHER || matTwo == Material.ELYTRA)
- return Action.BLOCK;
- }
- return Action.NONE;
- }
- // Handle all anvil related stuff for this plugin.
- @EventHandler
- public void onAnvilInventoryOpen(PrepareAnvilEvent event)
- {
- Player player = (Player) event.getView().getPlayer();
- ItemStack itemA = event.getInventory().getItem(0);
- ItemStack itemB = event.getInventory().getItem(1);
- ItemStack result = null;
- if (itemA != null && itemB != null)
- {
- // If itemB is the elytra, while itemA isn't, switch itemA and itemB.
- if (itemB.getType() == Material.ELYTRA && itemA.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- {
- result = itemA;
- itemA = itemB;
- itemB = result;
- result = null;
- }
- }
- // Check if there are items in both input slots.
+ // Verify there aren't any disallowed enchantments in the map.
+ public boolean verifyEnchantments(Map enchantments)
+ {
+ for (Map.Entry entry : enchantments.entrySet())
+ if (!isAllowedEnchantment(entry.getKey()))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Get the armor tier from a chest plate.
+ public ArmorTier armorToTier(Material item)
+ {
+ ArmorTier ret = ArmorTier.NONE;
+ switch (item)
+ {
+ ret = ArmorTier.LEATHER;
+ break;
+ ret = ArmorTier.GOLD;
+ break;
+ ret = ArmorTier.CHAIN;
+ break;
+ ret = ArmorTier.IRON;
+ break;
+ ret = ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Check if mat is a chest plate.
+ public boolean isChestPlate(Material mat)
+ {
+ if (mat == Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE || mat == Material.GOLD_CHESTPLATE ||
+ mat == Material.CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE || mat == Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE ||
+ mat == Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Valid inputs:
+ * - Elytra (armored or not) + chestplate -> Create Armored Elytra
+ * - Elytra (armored) + enchanted book -> Enchant
+ * - Elytra (armored) + its repair item -> Repair
+ * - Elytra (armored) + other elytra (armored) -> Combine (Enchant + Repair)
+ * ! Elytra (armored, !leather) + leather -> Block
+ *
+ * Ignoring:
+ * - Elytra (not armored) + !chestplate -> None
+ * - * + * -> None
+ */
+ public Action isValidInput(ItemStack itemOne, ItemStack itemTwo)
+ {
+ if (itemOne == null || itemTwo == null)
+ return Action.NONE;
+ // If itemTwo is the elytra, while itemOne isn't, switch itemOne and itemTwo.
+ if (itemTwo.getType() == Material.ELYTRA && itemOne.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ {
+ ItemStack tmp = itemOne;
+ itemOne = itemTwo;
+ itemTwo = tmp;
+ }
+ if (itemOne.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ return Action.NONE;
+ Material matTwo = itemTwo.getType();
+ // If the elytra is to be combined with chest armor...
+ if (isChestPlate(matTwo))
+ return Action.CREATE;
+ ArmorTier tier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(itemOne);
+ if (tier != ArmorTier.NONE)
+ {
+ // If the armored elytra is to be enchanted using an enchanted book...
+ if (matTwo == Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK)
+ return Action.ENCHANT;
+ // If the armored elytra is to be repaired using its repair item...
+ if (ArmorTier.getRepairItem(tier) == matTwo)
+ return Action.REPAIR;
+ // If the armored elytra is to be combined with another armored elytra of the same tier...
+ if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(itemTwo) == tier)
+ return Action.COMBINE;
+ // If the armored elytra is not of the leather tier, but itemTwo is leather,
+ // Pick the block action, as that would repair the elytra by default (vanilla).
+ // Also block Armored Elytra + Elytra.
+ if (tier != ArmorTier.LEATHER && matTwo == Material.LEATHER || matTwo == Material.ELYTRA)
+ return Action.BLOCK;
+ }
+ return Action.NONE;
+ }
+ // Handle all anvil related stuff for this plugin.
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onAnvilInventoryOpen(PrepareAnvilEvent event)
+ {
+ Player player = (Player) event.getView().getPlayer();
+ ItemStack itemA = event.getInventory().getItem(0);
+ ItemStack itemB = event.getInventory().getItem(1);
+ ItemStack result = null;
+ if (itemA != null && itemB != null)
+ {
+ // If itemB is the elytra, while itemA isn't, switch itemA and itemB.
+ if (itemB.getType() == Material.ELYTRA && itemA.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ {
+ result = itemA;
+ itemA = itemB;
+ itemB = result;
+ result = null;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if there are items in both input slots.
if (itemA != null && itemB != null)
- Action action = isValidInput(itemA, itemB);
- ArmorTier newTier = ArmorTier.NONE;
- ArmorTier curTier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(itemA);
- short durability = 0;
- Map enchantments = itemA.getEnchantments();
- enchantments = fixEnchantments(enchantments);
- switch (action)
- {
- case REPAIR:
- newTier = curTier;
- durability = repairItem(itemA.getDurability(), itemB);
- break;
- case COMBINE:
- newTier = curTier;
- durability = (short) (- itemA.getType().getMaxDurability() - itemA.getDurability() - itemB.getDurability());
- durability = durability < 0 ? 0 : durability;
- enchantments = combineEnchantments(enchantments, itemB.getEnchantments());
- break;
- case CREATE:
- newTier = armorToTier(itemB.getType());
- durability = 0;
- enchantments = combineEnchantments(enchantments, itemB.getEnchantments());
- break;
- case ENCHANT:
- EnchantmentStorageMeta meta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) itemB.getItemMeta();
- newTier = curTier;
- durability = itemA.getDurability();
- // If there aren't any illegal enchantments on the book, continue as normal.
- // Otherwise... Block.
- if (verifyEnchantments(meta.getStoredEnchants()))
- {
- enchantments = combineEnchantments(enchantments, meta.getStoredEnchants());
- break;
- }
- case BLOCK:
- event.setResult(null);
- player.updateInventory();
- case NONE:
- return;
- }
- if (plugin.playerHasCraftPerm(player, newTier))
- {
- result = new ItemStack(Material.ELYTRA, 1);
- if (enchantments != null)
- result.addUnsafeEnchantments(enchantments);
- result.setDurability(durability);
- result = nbtEditor.addArmorNBTTags(result, newTier, plugin.getConfigLoader().getBool("unbreakable"));
- event.setResult(result);
- }
+ Action action = isValidInput(itemA, itemB);
+ ArmorTier newTier = ArmorTier.NONE;
+ ArmorTier curTier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(itemA);
+ short durability = 0;
+ Map enchantments = itemA.getEnchantments();
+ enchantments = fixEnchantments(enchantments);
+ switch (action)
+ {
+ case REPAIR:
+ newTier = curTier;
+ durability = repairItem(itemA.getDurability(), itemB);
+ break;
+ case COMBINE:
+ newTier = curTier;
+ durability = (short) (- itemA.getType().getMaxDurability() - itemA.getDurability() - itemB.getDurability());
+ durability = durability < 0 ? 0 : durability;
+ enchantments = combineEnchantments(enchantments, itemB.getEnchantments());
+ break;
+ case CREATE:
+ newTier = armorToTier(itemB.getType());
+ durability = 0;
+ enchantments = combineEnchantments(enchantments, itemB.getEnchantments());
+ break;
+ case ENCHANT:
+ EnchantmentStorageMeta meta = (EnchantmentStorageMeta) itemB.getItemMeta();
+ newTier = curTier;
+ durability = itemA.getDurability();
+ // If there aren't any illegal enchantments on the book, continue as normal.
+ // Otherwise... Block.
+ if (verifyEnchantments(meta.getStoredEnchants()))
+ {
+ enchantments = combineEnchantments(enchantments, meta.getStoredEnchants());
+ break;
+ }
+ case BLOCK:
+ event.setResult(null);
+ player.updateInventory();
+ case NONE:
+ return;
+ }
+ if (plugin.playerHasCraftPerm(player, newTier))
+ {
+ result = new ItemStack(Material.ELYTRA, 1);
+ if (enchantments != null)
+ result.addUnsafeEnchantments(enchantments);
+ result.setDurability(durability);
+ result = nbtEditor.addArmorNBTTags(result, newTier, plugin.getConfigLoader().getBool("unbreakable"));
+ event.setResult(result);
+ }
// Check if either itemA or itemB is unoccupied.
if ((itemA == null || itemB == null) && nbtEditor.getArmorTier(event.getInventory().getItem(2)) != ArmorTier.NONE)
- // If Item2 is occupied despite itemA or itemB not being occupied. (only for armored elytra)/
- event.setResult(null);
- player.updateInventory();
- }
- // Let the player take items out of the anvil.
- @EventHandler
- public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent e)
- {
- if (e.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player)
- {
- // Check if the event was a player who interacted with an anvil.
- Player player = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
- if (e.getView().getType() == InventoryType.ANVIL)
- {
- AnvilInventory anvilInventory;
- // Try to cast inventory being used in the event to an anvil inventory.
- // This will throw a ClassCastException when a CraftInventoryCustom is used.
- try
- {
- anvilInventory = (AnvilInventory) e.getInventory();
- }
- catch (ClassCastException exception)
- {
- // Print warning to console and exit onInventoryClick event (no support for custom inventories as they are usually used for GUI's).
- plugin.debugMsg(Level.WARNING, "Could not cast inventory to anvilInventory for player " + player.getName() + "! Armored Elytras cannot be crafted!");
- return;
- }
- int slot = e.getRawSlot();
- if (slot == 2 && anvilInventory.getItem(0) != null && anvilInventory.getItem(1) != null && anvilInventory.getItem(2) != null)
- {
- ArmorTier armortier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(anvilInventory.getItem(2));
- // If there's an armored elytra in the final slot...
- if (armortier != ArmorTier.NONE && plugin.playerHasCraftPerm(player, armortier))
- {
- // Create a new armored elytra and give that one to the player instead of the result.
- // This is done because after putting item0 in AFTER item1, the first letter of the color code shows up, this gets rid of that problem.
- ItemStack result = nbtEditor.addArmorNBTTags(anvilInventory.getItem(2), armortier, plugin.getConfigLoader().getBool("unbreakable"));
- // Give the result to the player and clear the anvil's inventory.
- if (e.isShiftClick())
- {
- // If the player's inventory is full, don't do anything.
- if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1)
- return;
- player.getInventory().addItem(result);
- }
- else
- player.setItemOnCursor(result);
- // Clean the anvil's inventory after transferring the items.
- cleanAnvil(anvilInventory);
- player.updateInventory();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Check if the player tries to equip armor by richt clicking it.
- @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
- @EventHandler
- public void onRightClick(PlayerInteractEvent event)
- {
- Player player = event.getPlayer();
+ // If Item2 is occupied despite itemA or itemB not being occupied. (only for armored elytra)/
+ event.setResult(null);
+ player.updateInventory();
+ }
- ItemStack item = player.getItemInHand();
- if (item != null)
- if (item.getType() == Material.ELYTRA && (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(item) != ArmorTier.NONE))
- {
- ArmorTier armorTier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(item);
- if ((armorTier == ArmorTier.LEATHER && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.leather")) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.GOLD && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.gold")) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.CHAIN && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.chain")) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.IRON && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.iron")) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.DIAMOND && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.diamond")))
- {
- plugin.usageDeniedMessage(player, armorTier);
- event.setCancelled(true);
- }
+ // Let the player take items out of the anvil.
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent e)
+ {
+ if (e.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player)
+ {
+ // Check if the event was a player who interacted with an anvil.
+ Player player = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
+ if (e.getView().getType() == InventoryType.ANVIL)
+ {
+ AnvilInventory anvilInventory;
+ // Try to cast inventory being used in the event to an anvil inventory.
+ // This will throw a ClassCastException when a CraftInventoryCustom is used.
+ try
+ {
+ anvilInventory = (AnvilInventory) e.getInventory();
+ }
+ catch (ClassCastException exception)
+ {
+ // Print warning to console and exit onInventoryClick event (no support for custom inventories as they are usually used for GUI's).
+ plugin.debugMsg(Level.WARNING, "Could not cast inventory to anvilInventory for player " + player.getName() + "! Armored Elytras cannot be crafted!");
+ return;
+ }
+ int slot = e.getRawSlot();
+ if (slot == 2 && anvilInventory.getItem(0) != null && anvilInventory.getItem(1) != null && anvilInventory.getItem(2) != null)
+ {
+ ArmorTier armortier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(anvilInventory.getItem(2));
+ // If there's an armored elytra in the final slot...
+ if (armortier != ArmorTier.NONE && plugin.playerHasCraftPerm(player, armortier))
+ {
+ // Create a new armored elytra and give that one to the player instead of the result.
+ // This is done because after putting item0 in AFTER item1, the first letter of the color code shows up, this gets rid of that problem.
+ ItemStack result = nbtEditor.addArmorNBTTags(anvilInventory.getItem(2), armortier, plugin.getConfigLoader().getBool("unbreakable"));
+ // Give the result to the player and clear the anvil's inventory.
+ if (e.isShiftClick())
+ {
+ // If the player's inventory is full, don't do anything.
+ if (player.getInventory().firstEmpty() == -1)
+ return;
+ player.getInventory().addItem(result);
+ }
+ else
+ player.setItemOnCursor(result);
+ // Clean the anvil's inventory after transferring the items.
+ cleanAnvil(anvilInventory);
+ player.updateInventory();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- }
- // Player closes their inventory. Also checks for whether they are allowed to wear the armored elytra they are wearing.
- // This is done again here because there are ways to bypass permission check when equipping.
- @EventHandler
- public void onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent e)
- {
- verifyArmorInChestSlot((Player) e.getPlayer());
- }
- // Check if the player is allowed to wear the armored elytra based on their permissions.
- public void verifyArmorInChestSlot(Player player)
- {
- ItemStack chestplate = player.getInventory().getChestplate();
- // If the player equips a new chestplate.
- if (player.getInventory().getChestplate() != null)
- {
- // If that chestplate is an (armored) elytra.
- if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(chestplate) != ArmorTier.NONE)
- {
- ArmorTier armorTier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(chestplate);
- if ((chestplate.getDurability() >= chestplate.getType().getMaxDurability()))
- {
- plugin.messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.RED + "You cannot equip this elytra! Please repair it in an anvil first.");
- Util.unenquipChestPlayer(player);
- }
- else if ((armorTier == ArmorTier.LEATHER && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.leather")) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.GOLD && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.gold" )) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.CHAIN && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.chain" )) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.IRON && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.iron" )) ||
- (armorTier == ArmorTier.DIAMOND && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.diamond")))
- {
- plugin.usageDeniedMessage(player, armorTier);
- Util.unenquipChestPlayer(player);
- }
- player.updateInventory();
- }
- }
- }
- // Because the armored elytra doesn't actually give any armor, the damage received by players wearing an armored elytra is calculated here.
- @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true)
- public void onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageEvent e)
- {
- if(e.getEntity() instanceof Player)
- {
- Player p = (Player) e.getEntity();
- // If the player didn't die from the damage.
- if ((p.getHealth() - e.getFinalDamage()) > 0)
- {
- if (p.getInventory().getChestplate() != null)
- {
- if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(p.getInventory().getChestplate()) != ArmorTier.NONE)
- {
- ItemStack elytra = p.getInventory().getChestplate();
- DamageCause cause = e.getCause();
- // The elytra doesn't receive any damage for these causes:
- if (cause != DamageCause.DROWNING && cause != DamageCause.STARVATION && cause != DamageCause.SUFFOCATION &&
- cause != DamageCause.SUICIDE && cause != DamageCause.FLY_INTO_WALL && cause != DamageCause.POISON)
- {
- int durability = p.getInventory().getChestplate().getDurability();
- int maxDurability = p.getInventory().getChestplate().getType().getMaxDurability();
- int newDurability = (int) (durability + ((int) (e.getDamage() / 4) > 1 ? (int) (e.getDamage() / 4) : 1));
- // If the elytra has the durability enchantment, we calculate the durability loss ourselves.
- if (p.getInventory().getChestplate().containsEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY)) {
- // Get a random int between 0 and 100
- Random r = new Random();
- int randomInt = r.nextInt(101);
- int enchantLevel = p.getInventory().getChestplate().getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DURABILITY);
- int durabilityDelta = (100 / (enchantLevel + 1)) < randomInt ? 0 : 1;
- if (durability >= maxDurability)
- Util.unenquipChestPlayer(p);
- else
- newDurability = durability + durabilityDelta;
- }
- // If the item should be broken, make sure it really is broken and unequip it.
- if (newDurability >= maxDurability)
- {
- newDurability = maxDurability;
- Util.unenquipChestPlayer(p);
- }
- elytra.setDurability((short) (newDurability));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Check if the player is trying to equip a broken elytra (and prevent that).
- @EventHandler
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the player tries to equip armor by richt clicking it.
+ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onRightClick(PlayerInteractEvent event)
+ {
+ Player player = event.getPlayer();
+ ItemStack item = player.getItemInHand();
+ if (item != null)
+ if (item.getType() == Material.ELYTRA && (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(item) != ArmorTier.NONE))
+ {
+ ArmorTier armorTier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(item);
+ if ((armorTier == ArmorTier.LEATHER && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.leather")) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.GOLD && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.gold" )) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.CHAIN && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.chain" )) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.IRON && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.iron" )) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.DIAMOND && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.diamond")))
+ {
+ plugin.usageDeniedMessage(player, armorTier);
+ event.setCancelled(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Player closes their inventory. Also checks for whether they are allowed to wear the armored elytra they are wearing.
+ // This is done again here because there are ways to bypass permission check when equipping.
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent e)
+ {
+ verifyArmorInChestSlot((Player) e.getPlayer());
+ }
+ // Check if the player is allowed to wear the armored elytra based on their permissions.
+ public void verifyArmorInChestSlot(Player player)
+ {
+ ItemStack chestplate = player.getInventory().getChestplate();
+ // If the player equips a new chestplate.
+ if (player.getInventory().getChestplate() != null)
+ {
+ // If that chestplate is an (armored) elytra.
+ if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(chestplate) != ArmorTier.NONE)
+ {
+ ArmorTier armorTier = nbtEditor.getArmorTier(chestplate);
+ if ((chestplate.getDurability() >= chestplate.getType().getMaxDurability()))
+ {
+ plugin.messagePlayer(player, plugin.getMyMessages().getString("MESSAGES.RepairNeeded"));
+ Util.unenquipChestPlayer(player);
+ player.updateInventory();
+ }
+ else if ((armorTier == ArmorTier.LEATHER && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.leather")) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.GOLD && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.gold" )) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.CHAIN && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.chain" )) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.IRON && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.iron" )) ||
+ (armorTier == ArmorTier.DIAMOND && !player.hasPermission("armoredelytra.wear.diamond")))
+ {
+ plugin.usageDeniedMessage(player, armorTier);
+ Util.unenquipChestPlayer(player);
+ player.updateInventory();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Because the armored elytra doesn't actually give any armor, the damage received by players wearing an armored elytra is calculated here.
+ @EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true)
+ public void onPlayerDamage(EntityDamageEvent e)
+ {
+ if(e.getEntity() instanceof Player)
+ {
+ Player p = (Player) e.getEntity();
+ // If the player didn't die from the damage.
+ if ((p.getHealth() - e.getFinalDamage()) > 0)
+ {
+ if (p.getInventory().getChestplate() != null)
+ {
+ if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(p.getInventory().getChestplate()) != ArmorTier.NONE)
+ {
+ ItemStack elytra = p.getInventory().getChestplate();
+ DamageCause cause = e.getCause();
+ // The elytra doesn't receive any damage for these causes:
+ if (cause != DamageCause.DROWNING && cause != DamageCause.STARVATION && cause != DamageCause.SUFFOCATION &&
+ cause != DamageCause.SUICIDE && cause != DamageCause.FLY_INTO_WALL && cause != DamageCause.POISON)
+ {
+ int durability = p.getInventory().getChestplate().getDurability();
+ int maxDurability = p.getInventory().getChestplate().getType().getMaxDurability();
+ int newDurability = (int) (durability + ((int) (e.getDamage() / 4) > 1 ? (int) (e.getDamage() / 4) : 1));
+ // If the elytra has the durability enchantment, we calculate the durability loss ourselves.
+ if (p.getInventory().getChestplate().containsEnchantment(Enchantment.DURABILITY)) {
+ // Get a random int between 0 and 100
+ Random r = new Random();
+ int randomInt = r.nextInt(101);
+ int enchantLevel = p.getInventory().getChestplate().getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DURABILITY);
+ int durabilityDelta = (100 / (enchantLevel + 1)) < randomInt ? 0 : 1;
+ if (durability >= maxDurability)
+ Util.unenquipChestPlayer(p);
+ else
+ newDurability = durability + durabilityDelta;
+ }
+ // If the item should be broken, make sure it really is broken and unequip it.
+ if (newDurability >= maxDurability)
+ {
+ newDurability = maxDurability;
+ Util.unenquipChestPlayer(p);
+ }
+ elytra.setDurability((short) (newDurability));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the player is trying to equip a broken elytra (and prevent that).
+ @EventHandler
public void playerEquipsArmor(InventoryClickEvent e)
- {
- if (e.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player)
- {
- Player player = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
- new BukkitRunnable()
- {
- @Override
+ {
+ if (e.getWhoClicked() instanceof Player)
+ {
+ Player player = (Player) e.getWhoClicked();
+ new BukkitRunnable()
+ {
+ @Override
public void run()
- {
- verifyArmorInChestSlot(player);
- }
- }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 1);
- }
+ {
+ verifyArmorInChestSlot(player);
+ }
+ }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 1);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/LoginHandler.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/LoginHandler.java
index b4d91da..785b13f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/LoginHandler.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/LoginHandler.java
@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
public class LoginHandler implements Listener
- ArmoredElytra plugin;
- String message;
- public LoginHandler(ArmoredElytra plugin, String message)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.message = message;
- }
- @EventHandler
- public void onLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event)
- {
- Player player = event.getPlayer();
- if (player.hasPermission("armoredElytra.admin"))
- {
- // Slight delay so the player actually receives the message;
- new BukkitRunnable()
- {
- @Override
+ ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ String message;
+ public LoginHandler(ArmoredElytra plugin, String message)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.message = message;
+ }
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event)
+ {
+ Player player = event.getPlayer();
+ if (player.hasPermission("armoredElytra.admin"))
+ {
+ // Slight delay so the player actually receives the message;
+ new BukkitRunnable()
+ {
+ @Override
public void run()
- {
- plugin.messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.AQUA, message);
- }
- }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 10);
- }
- }
+ {
+ plugin.messagePlayer(player, ChatColor.AQUA, message);
+ }
+ }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 10);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/Uninstaller.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/Uninstaller.java
index 0dfd583..2ba62f6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/Uninstaller.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/handlers/Uninstaller.java
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
package nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.handlers;
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
@@ -17,66 +16,65 @@ import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms.NBTEditor;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
-public class Uninstaller implements Listener
+public class Uninstaller implements Listener
- ArmoredElytra plugin;
- NBTEditor nbtEditor;
+ ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ NBTEditor nbtEditor;
- public Uninstaller(ArmoredElytra plugin, NBTEditor nbtEditor)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- this.nbtEditor = nbtEditor;
- }
- public int removeArmoredElytras(Inventory inv)
- {
- int count = 0;
- for (ItemStack is : inv)
- if (is != null)
- if (is.getType() == Material.ELYTRA)
- if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(is) != ArmorTier.NONE)
- {
- Bukkit.broadcastMessage("An armored elytra even! Removing now!");
- inv.remove(is);
- ++count;
- }
- return count;
- }
+ public Uninstaller(ArmoredElytra plugin, NBTEditor nbtEditor)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.nbtEditor = nbtEditor;
+ }
- @EventHandler
- public void onChestOpen(InventoryOpenEvent event)
- {
- if (event.getInventory().getType().equals(InventoryType.CHEST))
- {
- // Slight delay so the inventory has time to get loaded.
- new BukkitRunnable()
- {
- @Override
- public void run()
- {
- Inventory inv = event.getInventory();
- int removed = removeArmoredElytras(inv);
- if (removed != 0)
- plugin.messagePlayer((Player) (event.getPlayer()), ChatColor.RED, "Removed " + removed + " armored elytras from your chest!");
- }
- }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 20);
- }
- }
- @EventHandler
- public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event)
- {
- // Slight delay so the inventory has time to get loaded.
- new BukkitRunnable()
- {
- @Override
- public void run()
- {
- Inventory inv = event.getPlayer().getInventory();
- int removed = removeArmoredElytras(inv);
- if (removed != 0)
- plugin.messagePlayer((Player) (event.getPlayer()), ChatColor.RED, "Removed " + removed + " armored elytras from your inventory!");
- }
- }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 20);
- }
+ public int removeArmoredElytras(Inventory inv)
+ {
+ int count = 0;
+ for (ItemStack is : inv)
+ if (is != null)
+ if (is.getType() == Material.ELYTRA)
+ if (nbtEditor.getArmorTier(is) != ArmorTier.NONE)
+ {
+ inv.remove(is);
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onChestOpen(InventoryOpenEvent event)
+ {
+ if (event.getInventory().getType().equals(InventoryType.CHEST))
+ {
+ // Slight delay so the inventory has time to get loaded.
+ new BukkitRunnable()
+ {
+ @Override
+ public void run()
+ {
+ Inventory inv = event.getInventory();
+ int removed = removeArmoredElytras(inv);
+ if (removed != 0)
+ plugin.messagePlayer((Player) (event.getPlayer()), ChatColor.RED, "Removed " + removed + " armored elytras from your chest!");
+ }
+ }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 20);
+ }
+ }
+ @EventHandler
+ public void onPlayerLogin(PlayerLoginEvent event)
+ {
+ // Slight delay so the inventory has time to get loaded.
+ new BukkitRunnable()
+ {
+ @Override
+ public void run()
+ {
+ Inventory inv = event.getPlayer().getInventory();
+ int removed = removeArmoredElytras(inv);
+ if (removed != 0)
+ plugin.messagePlayer((Player) (event.getPlayer()), ChatColor.RED, "Removed " + removed + " armored elytras from your inventory!");
+ }
+ }.runTaskLater(this.plugin, 20);
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_10_R1.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_10_R1.java
index 4ebe471..7cabdee 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_10_R1.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_10_R1.java
@@ -15,102 +15,103 @@ import net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.NBTTagString;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
-public class NBTEditor_V1_10_R1 implements NBTEditor
+public class NBTEditor_V1_10_R1 implements NBTEditor
- private ArmoredElytra plugin;
- // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
- public NBTEditor_V1_10_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- }
- // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
- @Override
- public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
- {
- ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
- int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor (armorTier);
- int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
- itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
- if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
- itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
- item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
- net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
- NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
- NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
- NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
- armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
- armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armor);
- NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
- armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
- armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armorTough);
- if (unbreakable)
- compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
- compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
- item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
- return item;
- }
- // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
- @Override
- public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
- {
- if (item == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- // Get the NBT tags from the item.
- NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
- if (compound == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- String nbtTags = compound.toString();
- // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
- // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
- // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
- int armorValue = 0;
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- pos--;
- String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos+1);
- armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
- } else
- // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- switch (armorValue)
- {
- case 3:
- return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
- case 5:
- return ArmorTier.GOLD;
- case 6:
- return ArmorTier.IRON;
- case 8:
- return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
- default:
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- }
- }
+ private ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
+ public NBTEditor_V1_10_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
+ {
+ ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
+ int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor(armorTier);
+ int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
+ itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
+ if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
+ itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
+ item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
+ net.minecraft.server.v1_10_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
+ NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
+ NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
+ NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
+ armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armor);
+ NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
+ armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armorTough);
+ if (unbreakable)
+ compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
+ compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
+ item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
+ return item;
+ }
+ // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
+ @Override
+ public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
+ {
+ if (item == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ // Get the NBT tags from the item.
+ NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
+ if (compound == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ String nbtTags = compound.toString();
+ // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
+ // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
+ // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
+ int armorValue = 0;
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ pos--;
+ String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos + 1);
+ armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
+ }
+ else
+ // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ switch (armorValue)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
+ case 5:
+ return ArmorTier.GOLD;
+ case 6:
+ return ArmorTier.IRON;
+ case 8:
+ return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
+ default:
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_11_R1.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_11_R1.java
index 9a6748e..e748c74 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_11_R1.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_11_R1.java
@@ -15,102 +15,103 @@ import net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.NBTTagString;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
-public class NBTEditor_V1_11_R1 implements NBTEditor
+public class NBTEditor_V1_11_R1 implements NBTEditor
- private ArmoredElytra plugin;
- // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
- public NBTEditor_V1_11_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- }
- // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
- @Override
- public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
- {
- ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
- int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor (armorTier);
- int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
- itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
- if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
- itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
- item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
- net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
- NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
- NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
- NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
- armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
- armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armor);
- NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
- armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
- armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armorTough);
- if (unbreakable)
- compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
- compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
- item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
- return item;
- }
- // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
- @Override
- public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
- {
- if (item == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- // Get the NBT tags from the item.
- NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
- if (compound == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- String nbtTags = compound.toString();
- // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
- // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
- // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
- int armorValue = 0;
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- pos--;
- String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos+1);
- armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
- } else
- // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- switch (armorValue)
- {
- case 3:
- return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
- case 5:
- return ArmorTier.GOLD;
- case 6:
- return ArmorTier.IRON;
- case 8:
- return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
- default:
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- }
- }
+ private ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
+ public NBTEditor_V1_11_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
+ {
+ ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
+ int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor(armorTier);
+ int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
+ itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
+ if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
+ itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
+ item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
+ net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
+ NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
+ NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
+ NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
+ armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armor);
+ NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
+ armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armorTough);
+ if (unbreakable)
+ compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
+ compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
+ item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
+ return item;
+ }
+ // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
+ @Override
+ public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
+ {
+ if (item == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ // Get the NBT tags from the item.
+ NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
+ if (compound == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ String nbtTags = compound.toString();
+ // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
+ // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
+ // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
+ int armorValue = 0;
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ pos--;
+ String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos + 1);
+ armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
+ }
+ else
+ // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ switch (armorValue)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
+ case 5:
+ return ArmorTier.GOLD;
+ case 6:
+ return ArmorTier.IRON;
+ case 8:
+ return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
+ default:
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_12_R1.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_12_R1.java
index dff456c..e42ef33 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_12_R1.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_12_R1.java
@@ -15,102 +15,103 @@ import net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.NBTTagString;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
-public class NBTEditor_V1_12_R1 implements NBTEditor
+public class NBTEditor_V1_12_R1 implements NBTEditor
- private ArmoredElytra plugin;
- // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
- public NBTEditor_V1_12_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- }
- // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
- @Override
- public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
- {
- ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
- int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor (armorTier);
- int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
- itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
- if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
- itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
- item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
- net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
- NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
- NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
- NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
- armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
- armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armor);
- NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
- armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
- armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armorTough);
- if (unbreakable)
- compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
- compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
- item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
- return item;
- }
- // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
- @Override
- public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
- {
- if (item == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- // Get the NBT tags from the item.
- NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
- if (compound == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- String nbtTags = compound.toString();
- // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
- // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
- // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
- int armorValue = 0;
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- pos--;
- String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos+1);
- armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
- } else
- // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- switch (armorValue)
- {
- case 3:
- return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
- case 5:
- return ArmorTier.GOLD;
- case 6:
- return ArmorTier.IRON;
- case 8:
- return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
- default:
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ private ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
+ public NBTEditor_V1_12_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
+ {
+ ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
+ int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor(armorTier);
+ int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
+ itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
+ if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
+ itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
+ item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
+ net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
+ NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
+ NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
+ NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
+ armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armor);
+ NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
+ armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armorTough);
+ if (unbreakable)
+ compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
+ compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
+ item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
+ return item;
+ }
+ // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
+ @Override
+ public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
+ {
+ if (item == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ // Get the NBT tags from the item.
+ NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
+ if (compound == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ String nbtTags = compound.toString();
+ // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
+ // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
+ // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
+ int armorValue = 0;
+ if (pos > 0)
+ {
+ // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ pos--;
+ String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos + 1);
+ armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
+ }
+ else
+ // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ switch (armorValue)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
+ case 5:
+ return ArmorTier.GOLD;
+ case 6:
+ return ArmorTier.IRON;
+ case 8:
+ return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
+ default:
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R1.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R1.java
index e052e49..6a0cc7d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R1.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R1.java
@@ -15,102 +15,107 @@ import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.NBTTagString;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
-public class NBTEditor_V1_13_R1 implements NBTEditor
+public class NBTEditor_V1_13_R1 implements NBTEditor
- private ArmoredElytra plugin;
- // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
- public NBTEditor_V1_13_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- }
- // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
- @Override
- public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
- {
- ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
- int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor (armorTier);
- int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
- itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
- if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
- itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
- item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
- net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
- NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
- NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
- NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
- armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
- armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
- armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armor);
- NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
- armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
- armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
- armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
- armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
- armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
- armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
- modifiers.add(armorTough);
- if (unbreakable)
- compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
- compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
- item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
- return item;
- }
- // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
- @Override
- public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
- {
- if (item == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- // Get the NBT tags from the item.
- NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
- if (compound == null)
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- String nbtTags = compound.toString();
- // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
- // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
- // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
- int armorValue = 0;
- if (pos > 0)
- {
- // If so, get the value of the generic.armor attribute.
- pos--;
- String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos, pos+1);
- armorValue = Integer.parseInt(stringAtPos);
- } else
- // Otherwise, the item has no armor, so return 0;
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- switch (armorValue)
- {
- case 3:
- return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
- case 5:
- return ArmorTier.GOLD;
- case 6:
- return ArmorTier.IRON;
- case 8:
- return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
- default:
- return ArmorTier.NONE;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
+ private ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
+ public NBTEditor_V1_13_R1(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
+ {
+ ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
+ int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor(armorTier);
+ int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
+ itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
+ if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
+ itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
+ item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
+ net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R1.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
+ NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
+ NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
+ NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
+ armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armor);
+ NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
+ armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armorTough);
+ if (unbreakable)
+ compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
+ compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
+ item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
+ return item;
+ }
+ // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
+ @Override
+ public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
+ {
+ if (item == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ // Get the NBT tags from the item.
+ NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
+ if (compound == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ String nbtTags = compound.toString();
+ // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
+ // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
+ // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ // The level is now formatted as x.xd, e.g. 6.0d.
+ int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
+ int armorValue = 0;
+ if (pos <= 0)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ try
+ {
+ String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos - 4, pos - 1);
+ armorValue = (int) Double.parseDouble(stringAtPos);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ armorValue = 0;
+ }
+ switch (armorValue)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
+ case 5:
+ return ArmorTier.GOLD;
+ case 6:
+ return ArmorTier.IRON;
+ case 8:
+ return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
+ default:
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R2.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R2.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de82164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/nms/NBTEditor_V1_13_R2.java
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+package nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.nms;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import org.bukkit.Material;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_13_R2.inventory.CraftItemStack;
+import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
+import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
+import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.NBTTagByte;
+import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.NBTTagCompound;
+import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.NBTTagInt;
+import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.NBTTagList;
+import net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.NBTTagString;
+import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
+import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util.ArmorTier;
+public class NBTEditor_V1_13_R2 implements NBTEditor
+ private ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ // Get the names and lores for every tier of armor.
+ public NBTEditor_V1_13_R2(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ }
+ // Add armor to the supplied item, based on the armorTier.
+ @Override
+ public ItemStack addArmorNBTTags(ItemStack item, ArmorTier armorTier, boolean unbreakable)
+ {
+ ItemMeta itemmeta = item.getItemMeta();
+ int armorProtection = ArmorTier.getArmor(armorTier);
+ int armorToughness = ArmorTier.getToughness(armorTier);
+ itemmeta.setDisplayName(plugin.getArmoredElytrName(armorTier));
+ if (plugin.getElytraLore() != null)
+ itemmeta.setLore(Arrays.asList(plugin.fillInArmorTierInStringNoColor(plugin.getElytraLore(), armorTier)));
+ item.setItemMeta(itemmeta);
+ net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.ItemStack nmsStack = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item);
+ NBTTagCompound compound = (nmsStack.hasTag()) ? nmsStack.getTag() : new NBTTagCompound();
+ NBTTagList modifiers = new NBTTagList();
+ NBTTagCompound armor = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armor.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armor"));
+ armor.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorProtection));
+ armor.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armor.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armor.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armor.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armor);
+ NBTTagCompound armorTough = new NBTTagCompound();
+ armorTough.set("AttributeName", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Name", new NBTTagString("generic.armorToughness"));
+ armorTough.set("Amount", new NBTTagInt(armorToughness));
+ armorTough.set("Operation", new NBTTagInt(0));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDLeast", new NBTTagInt(894654));
+ armorTough.set("UUIDMost", new NBTTagInt(2872));
+ armorTough.set("Slot", new NBTTagString("chest"));
+ modifiers.add(armorTough);
+ if (unbreakable)
+ compound.set("Unbreakable", new NBTTagByte((byte) 1));
+ compound.set("AttributeModifiers", modifiers);
+ item = CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(nmsStack);
+ return item;
+ }
+ // Get the armor tier of the supplied item.
+ @Override
+ public ArmorTier getArmorTier(ItemStack item)
+ {
+ if (item == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ if (item.getType() != Material.ELYTRA)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ // Get the NBT tags from the item.
+ NBTTagCompound compound = CraftItemStack.asNMSCopy(item).getTag();
+ if (compound == null)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ String nbtTags = compound.toString();
+ // Check if the item has the generic.armor attribute.
+ // Format = ,Slot:"chest",AttributeName:"generic.armor so get pos of char before
+ // The start of the string, as that's the value of the generic.armor attribute.
+ // The level is now formatted as x.xd, e.g. 6.0d.
+ int pos = nbtTags.indexOf(",Slot:\"chest\",AttributeName:\"generic.armor\"");
+ int armorValue = 0;
+ if (pos <= 0)
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ try
+ {
+ String stringAtPos = nbtTags.substring(pos - 4, pos - 1);
+ armorValue = (int) Double.parseDouble(stringAtPos);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ armorValue = 0;
+ }
+ switch (armorValue)
+ {
+ case 3:
+ return ArmorTier.LEATHER;
+ case 5:
+ return ArmorTier.GOLD;
+ case 6:
+ return ArmorTier.IRON;
+ case 8:
+ return ArmorTier.DIAMOND;
+ default:
+ return ArmorTier.NONE;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ArmorTier.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ArmorTier.java
index 54a41e9..8bc7af0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ArmorTier.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ArmorTier.java
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ public enum ArmorTier
IRON (6 , 0 , Material.IRON_INGOT),
DIAMOND (8 , 2 , Material.DIAMOND );
- private int armor;
- private int toughness;
- private Material repair;
+ private int armor;
+ private int toughness;
+ private Material repair;
private ArmorTier (int armor, int toughness, Material repair)
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigLoader.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigLoader.java
index e5bdf8c..5013c4c 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigLoader.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigLoader.java
@@ -12,197 +12,186 @@ import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
+import nl.pim16aap2.bigDoors.util.ConfigOption;
public class ConfigLoader
- private boolean unbreakable;
- private boolean noFlightDurability;
- private int LEATHER_TO_FULL;
- private int GOLD_TO_FULL;
- private int IRON_TO_FULL;
- private int DIAMONDS_TO_FULL;
- private String leatherName;
- private String goldName;
- private String chainName;
- private String ironName;
- private String diamondName;
- private String elytraLore;
- private List allowedEnchantments;
- private String usageDeniedMessage;
- private String elytraReceivedMessage;
- private boolean checkForUpdates;
- private boolean allowStats;
- private boolean enableDebug;
- private boolean uninstallMode;
- // All the comments for the various config options.
- private String[] unbreakableComment =
- {"Setting this to true will cause armored elytras to be unbreakable.",
- "Changing this to false will NOT make unbreakable elytras breakable again!"};
- private String[] flyDurabilityComment =
- {"Setting this to true will cause armored elytras to not lose any durability while flying.",
- "This is not a permanent option and will affect ALL elytras."};
- private String[] repairComment =
- {"Amount of items it takes to fully repair an armored elytra",
- "Repair cost for every tier of armored elytra in number of items to repair 100%."};
- private String[] tierNameComment =
- {"Name for every armored elytra tier."};
- private String[] enchantmentsComment =
- {"List of enchantments that are allowed to be put on an armored elytra.",
- "If you do not want to allow any enchantments at all, remove them all and add \"NONE\"",
- "You can find supported enchantments here:",
- "https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html",
- "Note that only 1 protection enchantment (PROTECTION_FIRE, PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL etc) can be active on an elytra."};
- private String[] usageDeniedComment =
- {"Message players receive when they lack the required permissions to wear a certain armor tier. \"NONE\" = no message. ",
- "%ARMOR_TIER% is replaced by the name of the armor tier."};
- private String[] elytraReceivedComment =
- {"Message players receive when they are given an armored elytra using commands. \"NONE\" = no message. ",
- "%ARMOR_TIER% is replaced by the name of the armor tier."};
- private String[] elytraLoreComment =
- {"The lore of armored elytras. \"NONE\" = no lore. %ARMOR_TIER% is replaced by the name of the armor tier."};
- private String[] updateComment =
- {"Allow this plugin to check for updates on startup. It will not download new versions!"};
- private String[] bStatsComment =
- {"Allow this plugin to send (anonymised) stats using bStats. Please consider keeping it enabled.",
- "It has a negligible impact on performance and more users on stats keeps me more motivated to support this plugin!"};
- private String[] debugComment =
- {"Print debug messages to console. You will most likely never need this."};
- private String[] uninstallComment =
- {"Setting this to true will disable this plugin and remove any armored elytras it can find.",
- "It will check player's inventories and their end chest upon login and any regular chest when it is opened.",
- "This means it will take a while for all armored elytras to be removed from your server, but it doesn't take up ",
- "a lot of resources, so you can just leave it installed and ignore it.",
- "Please do not forget to MAKE A BACKUP before enabling this option!"};
- private ArrayList configOptionsList;
+ private boolean allowStats;
+ private boolean unbreakable;
+ private boolean enableDebug;
+ private String languageFile;
+ private int GOLD_TO_FULL;
+ private int IRON_TO_FULL;
+ private boolean uninstallMode;
+ private boolean checkForUpdates;
+ private int LEATHER_TO_FULL;
+ private int DIAMONDS_TO_FULL;
+ private boolean noFlightDurability;
+ private List allowedEnchantments;
+ private ArrayList configOptionsList;
private ArmoredElytra plugin;
- public ConfigLoader(ArmoredElytra plugin)
- {
- this.plugin = plugin;
- configOptionsList = new ArrayList();
- makeConfig();
- }
- // Read the current config, the make a new one based on the old one or default values, whichever is applicable.
- public void makeConfig()
- {
- FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
- // Read all the options from the config, then put them in a configOption with their name, value and comment.
- // THen put all configOptions into an ArrayList.
- unbreakable = config.getBoolean("unbreakable" , false);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("unbreakable" , unbreakable , unbreakableComment ));
- noFlightDurability = config.getBoolean("noFlightDurability", false);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("noFlightDurability", noFlightDurability, flyDurabilityComment));
- LEATHER_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("leatherRepair" , 6);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("leatherRepair" , LEATHER_TO_FULL, repairComment));
- GOLD_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("goldRepair" , 5);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("goldRepair" , GOLD_TO_FULL));
- IRON_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("ironRepair" , 4);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("ironRepair" , IRON_TO_FULL));
- DIAMONDS_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("diamondsRepair", 3);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("diamondsRepair", DIAMONDS_TO_FULL));
- leatherName = config.getString ("leatherName", "&2Leather Armored Elytra" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("leatherName", leatherName, tierNameComment));
- goldName = config.getString ("goldName" , "&EGolden Armored Elytra" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("goldName" , goldName ));
- chainName = config.getString ("chainName" , "&8Chain Armored Elytra" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("chainName" , chainName ));
- ironName = config.getString ("ironName" , "&7Iron Armored Elytra" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("ironName" , ironName ));
- diamondName = config.getString ("diamondName", "&BDiamond Armored Elytra" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("diamondName", diamondName ));
- elytraLore = config.getString ("elytraLore");
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("elytraLore", elytraLore, elytraLoreComment));
- usageDeniedMessage = config.getString ("usageDeniedMessage" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("usageDeniedMessage" , usageDeniedMessage , usageDeniedComment ));
- elytraReceivedMessage = config.getString ("elytraReceivedMessage" );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("elytraReceivedMessage", elytraReceivedMessage, elytraReceivedComment));
- allowedEnchantments = config.getStringList("allowedEnchantments");
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("allowedEnchantments", allowedEnchantments, enchantmentsComment ));
- checkForUpdates = config.getBoolean("checkForUpdates", true );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("checkForUpdates", checkForUpdates, updateComment));
- allowStats = config.getBoolean("allowStats" , true );
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("allowStats" , allowStats, bStatsComment));
- enableDebug = config.getBoolean("enableDebug" , false);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("enableDebug" , enableDebug, debugComment));
- uninstallMode = config.getBoolean("uninstallMode" , false);
- configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("uninstallMode" , uninstallMode, uninstallComment));
- writeConfig();
- }
- // Write new config file.
- public void writeConfig()
- {
- // Write all the config options to the config.yml.
- try
- {
- File dataFolder = plugin.getDataFolder();
- if (!dataFolder.exists())
- dataFolder.mkdir();
+ public ConfigLoader(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ configOptionsList = new ArrayList();
+ makeConfig();
+ }
+ // Read the current config, the make a new one based on the old one or default values, whichever is applicable.
+ public void makeConfig()
+ {
+ // All the comments for the various config options.
+ String[] unbreakableComment =
+ {
+ "Setting this to true will cause armored elytras to be unbreakable.",
+ "Changing this to false will NOT make unbreakable elytras breakable again!"
+ };
+ String[] flyDurabilityComment =
+ {
+ "Setting this to true will cause armored elytras to not lose any durability while flying.",
+ "This is not a permanent option and will affect ALL elytras."
+ };
+ String[] repairComment =
+ {
+ "Amount of items it takes to fully repair an armored elytra",
+ "Repair cost for every tier of armored elytra in number of items to repair 100%."
+ };
+ String[] enchantmentsComment =
+ {
+ "List of enchantments that are allowed to be put on an armored elytra.",
+ "If you do not want to allow any enchantments at all, remove them all and add \"NONE\"",
+ "You can find supported enchantments here:",
+ "https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/enchantments/Enchantment.html",
+ "Note that only 1 protection enchantment (PROTECTION_FIRE, PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL etc) can be active on an elytra."
+ };
+ String[] updateComment =
+ {
+ "Allow this plugin to check for updates on startup. It will not download new versions!"
+ };
+ String[] bStatsComment =
+ {
+ "Allow this plugin to send (anonymised) stats using bStats. Please consider keeping it enabled.",
+ "It has a negligible impact on performance and more users on stats keeps me more motivated to support this plugin!"
+ };
+ String[] debugComment =
+ {
+ "Print debug messages to console. You will most likely never need this."
+ };
+ String[] uninstallComment =
+ {
+ "Setting this to true will disable this plugin and remove any armored elytras it can find.",
+ "It will check player's inventories and their end chest upon login and any regular chest when it is opened.",
+ "This means it will take a while for all armored elytras to be removed from your server, but it doesn't take up ",
+ "a lot of resources, so you can just leave it installed and ignore it.",
+ "Please do not forget to MAKE A BACKUP before enabling this option!"
+ };
+ String[] languageFileComment =
+ {
+ "Specify a language file to be used. Note that en_US.txt will get regenerated!"
+ };
+ FileConfiguration config = plugin.getConfig();
+ // Read all the options from the config, then put them in a configOption with their name, value and comment.
+ // THen put all configOptions into an ArrayList.
+ unbreakable = config.getBoolean ("unbreakable" , false);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("unbreakable" , unbreakable , unbreakableComment ));
+ noFlightDurability = config.getBoolean ("noFlightDurability", false);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("noFlightDurability", noFlightDurability, flyDurabilityComment));
+ LEATHER_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("leatherRepair" , 6);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("leatherRepair" , LEATHER_TO_FULL, repairComment));
+ GOLD_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("goldRepair" , 5);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("goldRepair" , GOLD_TO_FULL));
+ IRON_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("ironRepair" , 4);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("ironRepair" , IRON_TO_FULL));
+ DIAMONDS_TO_FULL = config.getInt ("diamondsRepair", 3);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("diamondsRepair", DIAMONDS_TO_FULL));
+ allowedEnchantments = config.getStringList("allowedEnchantments");
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("allowedEnchantments", allowedEnchantments, enchantmentsComment));
+ checkForUpdates = config.getBoolean ("checkForUpdates", true );
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("checkForUpdates", checkForUpdates, updateComment));
+ allowStats = config.getBoolean ("allowStats" , true );
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("allowStats" , allowStats, bStatsComment));
+ enableDebug = config.getBoolean ("enableDebug" , false);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("enableDebug" , enableDebug, debugComment));
+ uninstallMode = config.getBoolean ("uninstallMode" , false);
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("uninstallMode" , uninstallMode, uninstallComment));
+ languageFile = config.getString ("languageFile" , "en_US");
+ configOptionsList.add(new ConfigOption ("languageFile" , languageFile, languageFileComment));
+ writeConfig();
+ }
+ // Write new config file.
+ public void writeConfig()
+ {
+ // Write all the config options to the config.yml.
+ try
+ {
+ File dataFolder = plugin.getDataFolder();
+ if (!dataFolder.exists())
+ dataFolder.mkdir();
- File saveTo = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
- if (!saveTo.exists())
- saveTo.createNewFile();
- else
- {
- saveTo.delete();
- saveTo.createNewFile();
- }
- FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(saveTo, true);
- PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
- for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
- pw.println(configOption.toString());
- pw.flush();
- pw.close();
- }
- catch (IOException e)
- {
- Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save config.yml! Please contact pim16aap2 and show him the following code:");
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public Integer getInt(String path)
- {
- for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
- if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
- return configOption.getInt();
- return null;
- }
- public Boolean getBool(String path)
- {
- for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
- if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
- return configOption.getBool();
- return null;
- }
- public String getString(String path)
- {
- for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
- if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
- return configOption.getString();
- return null;
- }
- public List getStringList(String path)
- {
- for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
- if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
- return configOption.getStringList();
- return null;
- }
+ File saveTo = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
+ if (!saveTo.exists())
+ saveTo.createNewFile();
+ else
+ {
+ saveTo.delete();
+ saveTo.createNewFile();
+ }
+ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(saveTo, true);
+ PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fw);
+ for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
+ pw.println(configOption.toString());
+ pw.flush();
+ pw.close();
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not save config.yml! Please contact pim16aap2 and show him the following code:");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ public Integer getInt(String path)
+ {
+ for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
+ if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
+ return configOption.getInt();
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Boolean getBool(String path)
+ {
+ for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
+ if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
+ return configOption.getBool();
+ return null;
+ }
+ public String getString(String path)
+ {
+ for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
+ if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
+ return configOption.getString();
+ return null;
+ }
+ public List getStringList(String path)
+ {
+ for (ConfigOption configOption : configOptionsList)
+ if (configOption.getName().equals(path))
+ return configOption.getStringList();
+ return null;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigOption.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigOption.java
index eef2c31..0ae1c85 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigOption.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/ConfigOption.java
@@ -4,103 +4,102 @@ import java.util.List;
public class ConfigOption
- private String optionName;
- List listVal = null;
- private Integer intVal = null;
- private Boolean boolVal = null;
- private String stringVal = null;
- private String[] comment;
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, int value, String[] comment)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.intVal = value;
- this.comment = comment;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, int value)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.intVal = value;
- this.comment = null;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, boolean value, String[] comment)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.boolVal = value;
- this.comment = comment;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, boolean value)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.boolVal = value;
- this.comment = null;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, String value, String[] comment)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.stringVal = value;
- this.comment = comment;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, String value)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.stringVal = value;
- this.comment = null;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, List value, String[] comment)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.listVal = value;
- this.comment = comment;
- }
- public ConfigOption(String optionName, List value)
- {
- this.optionName = optionName;
- this.listVal = value;
- this.comment = null;
- }
- public String stringListToString()
- {
- String string = "";
- for (String s : listVal)
- string += " - " + s + "\n";
- return string;
- }
- public String getName() { return optionName; }
- public List getStringList() { return listVal ; }
- public int getInt() { return intVal ; }
- public boolean getBool() { return boolVal ; }
- public String getString() { return stringVal ; }
+ private String optionName;
+ List listVal = null;
+ private Integer intVal = null;
+ private Boolean boolVal = null;
+ private String stringVal = null;
+ private String[] comment;
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, int value, String[] comment)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.intVal = value;
+ this.comment = comment;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, int value)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.intVal = value;
+ this.comment = null;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, boolean value, String[] comment)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.boolVal = value;
+ this.comment = comment;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, boolean value)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.boolVal = value;
+ this.comment = null;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, String value, String[] comment)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.stringVal = value;
+ this.comment = comment;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, String value)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.stringVal = value;
+ this.comment = null;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, List value, String[] comment)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.listVal = value;
+ this.comment = comment;
+ }
+ public ConfigOption(String optionName, List value)
+ {
+ this.optionName = optionName;
+ this.listVal = value;
+ this.comment = null;
+ }
+ public String stringListToString()
+ {
+ String string = "";
+ for (String s : listVal)
+ string += " - " + s + "\n";
+ return string;
+ }
+ public String getName() { return optionName; }
+ public List getStringList() { return listVal ; }
+ public int getInt() { return intVal ; }
+ public boolean getBool() { return boolVal ; }
+ public String getString() { return stringVal ; }
- public String toString()
- {
- String string = "";
- // Print the comments, if there are any.
- if (comment != null)
- {
- string += "\n";
- for (String comLine : comment)
- // Prefix every line by a comment-sign (#).
- string += "# " + comLine + "\n";
- }
- // Then add the name of the option followed by its value (if it is an int/bool/String/String[]).
- string += optionName + ": " +
- (intVal != null ? intVal :
- boolVal != null ? boolVal :
- stringVal != null ? "\'" + stringVal + "\'" :
- listVal != null ? "\n" + stringListToString() : null);
- return string;
- }
+ public String toString()
+ {
+ String string = "";
+ // Print the comments, if there are any.
+ if (comment != null)
+ {
+ string += "\n";
+ for (String comLine : comment)
+ // Prefix every line by a comment-sign (#).
+ string += "# " + comLine + "\n";
+ }
+ // Then add the name of the option followed by its value (if it is an int/bool/String/String[]).
+ string += optionName + ": " +
+ (intVal != null ? intVal :
+ boolVal != null ? boolVal :
+ stringVal != null ? "\'" + stringVal + "\'" :
+ listVal != null ? "\n" + stringListToString() : null);
+ return string;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Messages.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Messages.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb11e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Messages.java
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.util;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileReader;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
+public class Messages
+ private Map messageMap = new HashMap();
+ private ArmoredElytra plugin;
+ private String locale;
+ private File textFile;
+ public Messages(ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ {
+ this.plugin = plugin;
+ this.locale = plugin.getLocale();
+ textFile = new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), locale + ".txt");
+ readFile();
+ }
+ // Read locale file.
+ private void readFile()
+ {
+ // Load the default en_US from the resources.
+ plugin.saveResource("en_US.txt", true);
+ try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.textFile)))
+ {
+ String sCurrentLine;
+ while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null)
+ {
+ String key, value;
+ String[] parts = sCurrentLine.split("=", 2);
+ key = parts[0];
+ value = parts[1].replaceAll("&((?i)[0-9a-fk-or])", "\u00A7$1");
+ String[] newLineSplitter = value.split("\\\\n"); // Wut? Can I haz more backslash?
+ String values = newLineSplitter[0];
+ for (int idx = 1; idx < newLineSplitter.length; ++idx)
+ values += "\n" + newLineSplitter[idx];
+ this.messageMap.put(key, values);
+ }
+ br.close();
+ }
+ catch (FileNotFoundException e)
+ {
+ plugin.myLogger(Level.SEVERE, "Locale file " + this.locale + ".txt does not exist!");
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ {
+ plugin.myLogger(Level.SEVERE, "Could not read locale file! (" + this.locale + ".txt)");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ // Get a string from a key. Returns "null" if null.
+ public String getString(String key)
+ {
+ String value = null;
+ value = this.messageMap.get(key);
+ if (value == null)
+ {
+ value = "BigDoors: Translation not found! Contact server admin!";
+ plugin.myLogger(Level.WARNING, "Failed to get translation for key " + key);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Metrics.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Metrics.java
index a515abe..fc9ed85 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Metrics.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Metrics.java
@@ -31,17 +31,22 @@ import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
* Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more about bStats!
-public class Metrics {
+public class Metrics
- static {
+ static
+ {
// You can use the property to disable the check in your test environment
- if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null || !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false")) {
- // Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this little "trick" ... :D
- final String defaultPackage = new String(
- new byte[]{'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's', '.', 'b', 'u', 'k', 'k', 'i', 't'});
- final String examplePackage = new String(new byte[]{'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e'});
- // We want to make sure nobody just copy & pastes the example and use the wrong package names
- if (Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(defaultPackage) || Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(examplePackage)) {
+ if (System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck") == null || !System.getProperty("bstats.relocatecheck").equals("false"))
+ {
+ // Maven's Relocate is clever and changes strings, too. So we have to use this
+ // little "trick" ... :D
+ final String defaultPackage = new String(new byte[] { 'o', 'r', 'g', '.', 'b', 's', 't', 'a', 't', 's', '.', 'b', 'u', 'k', 'k', 'i', 't' });
+ final String examplePackage = new String(new byte[] { 'y', 'o', 'u', 'r', '.', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'k', 'a', 'g', 'e' });
+ // We want to make sure nobody just copy & pastes the example and use the wrong
+ // package names
+ if (Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(defaultPackage) || Metrics.class.getPackage().getName().equals(examplePackage))
+ {
throw new IllegalStateException("bStats Metrics class has not been relocated correctly!");
@@ -70,8 +75,10 @@ public class Metrics {
* @param plugin The plugin which stats should be submitted.
- public Metrics(JavaPlugin plugin) {
- if (plugin == null) {
+ public Metrics(JavaPlugin plugin)
+ {
+ if (plugin == null)
+ {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be null!");
this.plugin = plugin;
@@ -82,7 +89,8 @@ public class Metrics {
YamlConfiguration config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configFile);
// Check if the config file exists
- if (!config.isSet("serverUuid")) {
+ if (!config.isSet("serverUuid"))
+ {
// Add default values
config.addDefault("enabled", true);
@@ -92,15 +100,14 @@ public class Metrics {
config.addDefault("logFailedRequests", false);
// Inform the server owners about bStats
- config.options().header(
- "bStats collects some data for plugin authors like how many servers are using their plugins.\n" +
- "To honor their work, you should not disable it.\n" +
- "This has nearly no effect on the server performance!\n" +
- "Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more :)"
- ).copyDefaults(true);
- try {
+ config.options().header("bStats collects some data for plugin authors like how many servers are using their plugins.\n" + "To honor their work, you should not disable it.\n" + "This has nearly no effect on the server performance!\n" + "Check out https://bStats.org/ to learn more :)").copyDefaults(true);
+ try
+ {
- } catch (IOException ignored) { }
+ }
+ catch (IOException ignored)
+ {
+ }
// Load the data
@@ -108,16 +115,22 @@ public class Metrics {
logFailedRequests = config.getBoolean("logFailedRequests", false);
boolean found = false;
// Search for all other bStats Metrics classes to see if we are the first one
- for (Class> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices()) {
- try {
+ for (Class> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices())
+ {
+ try
+ {
service.getField("B_STATS_VERSION"); // Our identifier :)
found = true; // We aren't the first
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { }
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored)
+ {
+ }
// Register our service
Bukkit.getServicesManager().register(Metrics.class, this, plugin, ServicePriority.Normal);
- if (!found) {
+ if (!found)
+ {
// We are the first!
@@ -126,38 +139,48 @@ public class Metrics {
* Starts the Scheduler which submits our data every 30 minutes.
- private void startSubmitting() {
+ private void startSubmitting()
+ {
final Timer timer = new Timer(true); // We use a timer cause the Bukkit scheduler is affected by server lags
- timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
+ timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask()
+ {
- public void run() {
- if (!plugin.isEnabled()) { // Plugin was disabled
+ public void run()
+ {
+ if (!plugin.isEnabled())
+ { // Plugin was disabled
- // Nevertheless we want our code to run in the Bukkit main thread, so we have to use the Bukkit scheduler
- // Don't be afraid! The connection to the bStats server is still async, only the stats collection is sync ;)
- Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable() {
+ // Nevertheless we want our code to run in the Bukkit main thread, so we have to
+ // use the Bukkit scheduler
+ // Don't be afraid! The connection to the bStats server is still async, only the
+ // stats collection is sync ;)
+ Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(plugin, new Runnable()
+ {
- public void run() {
+ public void run()
+ {
- }, 1000*60*5, 1000*60*30);
- // Submit the data every 30 minutes, first time after 5 minutes to give other plugins enough time to start
- // WARNING: Changing the frequency has no effect but your plugin WILL be blocked/deleted!
+ }, 1000 * 60 * 5, 1000 * 60 * 30);
+ // Submit the data every 30 minutes, first time after 5 minutes to give other
+ // plugins enough time to start
+ // WARNING: Changing the frequency has no effect but your plugin WILL be
+ // blocked/deleted!
// WARNING: Just don't do it!
- * Gets the plugin specific data.
- * This method is called using Reflection.
+ * Gets the plugin specific data. This method is called using Reflection.
* @return The plugin specific data.
- public JSONObject getPluginData() {
+ public JSONObject getPluginData()
+ {
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
String pluginName = plugin.getDescription().getName();
@@ -166,10 +189,12 @@ public class Metrics {
data.put("pluginName", pluginName); // Append the name of the plugin
data.put("pluginVersion", pluginVersion); // Append the version of the plugin
JSONArray customCharts = new JSONArray();
- for (CustomChart customChart : charts) {
+ for (CustomChart customChart : charts)
+ {
// Add the data of the custom charts
JSONObject chart = customChart.getRequestJsonObject();
- if (chart == null) { // If the chart is null, we skip it
+ if (chart == null)
+ { // If the chart is null, we skip it
@@ -185,17 +210,20 @@ public class Metrics {
* @return The server specific data.
- private JSONObject getServerData() {
+ private JSONObject getServerData()
+ {
// Minecraft specific data
int playerAmount;
- try {
+ try
+ {
// Around MC 1.8 the return type was changed to a collection from an array,
- // This fixes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()Ljava/util/Collection;
+ // This fixes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
+ // org.bukkit.Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()Ljava/util/Collection;
Method onlinePlayersMethod = Class.forName("org.bukkit.Server").getMethod("getOnlinePlayers");
- playerAmount = onlinePlayersMethod.getReturnType().equals(Collection.class)
- ? ((Collection>) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).size()
- : ((Player[]) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).length;
- } catch (Exception e) {
+ playerAmount = onlinePlayersMethod.getReturnType().equals(Collection.class) ? ((Collection>) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).size() : ((Player[]) onlinePlayersMethod.invoke(Bukkit.getServer())).length;
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
playerAmount = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size(); // Just use the new method if the Reflection failed
int onlineMode = Bukkit.getOnlineMode() ? 1 : 0;
@@ -230,35 +258,52 @@ public class Metrics {
* Collects the data and sends it afterwards.
- private void submitData() {
+ private void submitData()
+ {
final JSONObject data = getServerData();
JSONArray pluginData = new JSONArray();
// Search for all other bStats Metrics classes to get their plugin data
- for (Class> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices()) {
- try {
+ for (Class> service : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getKnownServices())
+ {
+ try
+ {
service.getField("B_STATS_VERSION"); // Our identifier :)
- for (RegisteredServiceProvider> provider : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistrations(service)) {
- try {
+ for (RegisteredServiceProvider> provider : Bukkit.getServicesManager().getRegistrations(service))
+ {
+ try
+ {
- } catch (NullPointerException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ignored) { }
+ }
+ catch (NullPointerException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException ignored)
+ {
+ }
- } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored) { }
+ }
+ catch (NoSuchFieldException ignored)
+ {
+ }
data.put("plugins", pluginData);
// Create a new thread for the connection to the bStats server
- new Thread(new Runnable() {
+ new Thread(new Runnable()
+ {
- public void run() {
- try {
+ public void run()
+ {
+ try
+ {
// Send the data
- } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
// Something went wrong! :(
- if (logFailedRequests) {
+ if (logFailedRequests)
+ {
plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Could not submit plugin stats of " + plugin.getName(), e);
@@ -272,11 +317,14 @@ public class Metrics {
* @param data The data to send.
* @throws Exception If the request failed.
- private static void sendData(JSONObject data) throws Exception {
- if (data == null) {
+ private static void sendData(JSONObject data) throws Exception
+ {
+ if (data == null)
+ {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data cannot be null!");
- if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread()) {
+ if (Bukkit.isPrimaryThread())
+ {
throw new IllegalAccessException("This method must not be called from the main thread!");
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) new URL(URL).openConnection();
@@ -310,8 +358,10 @@ public class Metrics {
* @return The gzipped String.
* @throws IOException If the compression failed.
- private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException {
- if (str == null) {
+ private static byte[] compress(final String str) throws IOException
+ {
+ if (str == null)
+ {
return null;
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
@@ -324,7 +374,8 @@ public class Metrics {
* Represents a custom chart.
- public static abstract class CustomChart {
+ public static abstract class CustomChart
+ {
// The id of the chart
final String chartId;
@@ -334,32 +385,41 @@ public class Metrics {
* @param chartId The id of the chart.
- CustomChart(String chartId) {
- if (chartId == null || chartId.isEmpty()) {
+ CustomChart(String chartId)
+ {
+ if (chartId == null || chartId.isEmpty())
+ {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ChartId cannot be null or empty!");
this.chartId = chartId;
- private JSONObject getRequestJsonObject() {
+ private JSONObject getRequestJsonObject()
+ {
JSONObject chart = new JSONObject();
chart.put("chartId", chartId);
- try {
+ try
+ {
JSONObject data = getChartData();
- if (data == null) {
+ if (data == null)
+ {
// If the data is null we don't send the chart.
return null;
chart.put("data", data);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- if (logFailedRequests) {
+ }
+ catch (Throwable t)
+ {
+ if (logFailedRequests)
+ {
Bukkit.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to get data for custom chart with id " + chartId, t);
return null;
return chart;
protected abstract JSONObject getChartData() throws Exception;
diff --git a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Update.java b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Update.java
index 4eadc73..43f1478 100644
--- a/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Update.java
+++ b/src/main/java/nl/pim16aap2/armoredElytra/util/Update.java
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@ import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
import nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra;
-public class Update
+public class Update
// The project's unique ID
@@ -28,17 +27,18 @@ public class Update
// Static information for querying the API
private static final String API_QUERY = "/servermods/files?projectIds=";
- private static final String API_HOST = "https://api.curseforge.com";
+ private static final String API_HOST = "https://api.curseforge.com";
private String versionName;
ArmoredElytra plugin;
* Check for updates anonymously (keyless)
- * @param projectID The BukkitDev Project ID, found in the "Facts" panel on the right-side of your project page.
+ * @param projectID The BukkitDev Project ID, found in the "Facts" panel on the
+ * right-side of your project page.
- public Update(int projectID, ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ public Update(int projectID, ArmoredElytra plugin)
this(projectID, null, plugin);
@@ -46,10 +46,12 @@ public class Update
* Check for updates using your Curse account (with key)
- * @param projectID The BukkitDev Project ID, found in the "Facts" panel on the right-side of your project page.
- * @param apiKey Your ServerMods API key, found at https://dev.bukkit.org/home/servermods-apikey/
+ * @param projectID The BukkitDev Project ID, found in the "Facts" panel on the
+ * right-side of your project page.
+ * @param apiKey Your ServerMods API key, found at
+ * https://dev.bukkit.org/home/servermods-apikey/
- public Update(int projectID, String apiKey, ArmoredElytra plugin)
+ public Update(int projectID, String apiKey, ArmoredElytra plugin)
this.projectID = projectID;
this.apiKey = apiKey;
@@ -57,19 +59,17 @@ public class Update
- public int versionCompare(String str1, String str2)
+ public int versionCompare(String str1, String str2)
String[] vals1 = str1.split("\\.");
String[] vals2 = str2.split("\\.");
int i = 0;
// set index to first non-equal ordinal or length of shortest version string
- while (i < vals1.length && i < vals2.length && vals1[i].equals(vals2[i]))
- i++;
+ while (i < vals1.length && i < vals2.length && vals1[i].equals(vals2[i]))
+ i++;
// compare first non-equal ordinal number
- if (i < vals1.length && i < vals2.length)
+ if (i < vals1.length && i < vals2.length)
int diff = Integer.valueOf(vals1[i]).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(vals2[i]));
return Integer.signum(diff);
@@ -78,29 +78,28 @@ public class Update
// e.g. "1.2.3" = "1.2.3" or "1.2.3" < ""
return Integer.signum(vals1.length - vals2.length);
// Get the latest version of the plugin.
public String getLatestVersion()
- if (versionName == null)
- return null;
- return versionName.replaceAll("Armored Elytra ", "");
+ if (versionName == null)
+ return null;
+ return versionName.replaceAll("Armored Elytra ", "");
* Query the API to find the latest approved file's details.
- public void query()
+ public void query()
URL url = null;
- try
+ try
// Create the URL to query using the project's ID
url = new URL(API_HOST + API_QUERY + projectID);
- }
- catch (MalformedURLException e)
+ }
+ catch (MalformedURLException e)
// There was an error creating the URL
@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ public class Update
- try
+ try
// Open a connection and query the project
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
@@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ public class Update
// Parse the array of files from the query's response
JSONArray array = (JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(response);
- if (array.size() > 0)
+ if (array.size() > 0)
// Get the newest file's details
JSONObject latest = (JSONObject) array.get(array.size() - 1);
@@ -136,12 +135,15 @@ public class Update
// Get the version's title
this.versionName = (String) latest.get(API_NAME_VALUE);
- }
- catch (IOException e)
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
// There was an error reading the query.
- // Does not print stacktrace, so people won't see any errors from this plugin when Bukkit Dev's servers are down,
- // So people won't think the plugin is broken, while the actualy problem is much, much smaller. latestVersion will be null, though, which will prompt a warning in the log instead.
+ // Does not print stacktrace, so people won't see any errors from this plugin
+ // when Bukkit Dev's servers are down,
+ // So people won't think the plugin is broken, while the actualy problem is
+ // much, much smaller. latestVersion will be null, though, which will prompt a
+ // warning in the log instead.
// e.printStackTrace();
diff --git a/src/main/resources/en_US.txt b/src/main/resources/en_US.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6ffaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/en_US.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+TIER.Leather=&2Leather Armored Elytra
+TIER.Gold=&EGolden Armored Elytra
+TIER.Chain=&8Chain Armored Elytra
+TIER.Iron=&7Iron Armored Elytra
+TIER.Diamond=&BDiamond Armored Elytra
+MESSAGES.Lore=Elytra with %ARMOR_TIER% level protection
+MESSAGES.UsageDenied=You do not have the required permissions to wear %ARMOR_TIER%!
+MESSAGES.ElytraReceived=&2A(n) %ARMOR_TIER% has been bestowed upon you!
+MESSAGES.UninstallMode=&cPlugin in uninstall mode! New Armored Elytras are not allowed!
+MESSAGES.UnsupportedTier=&cNot a supported armor tier! Try one of these: leather, gold, chain, iron, diamond.
+MESSAGES.NoGivePermission=&cYou do not have the required permission node to give %ARMOR_TIER%s.
+MESSAGES.RepairNeeded=&cYou cannot equip this elytra! Please repair it in an anvil first.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/plugin.yml b/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
index 669d919..136fc92 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
+++ b/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: ArmoredElytra
main: nl.pim16aap2.armoredElytra.ArmoredElytra
-version: 2.4.2
+version: 2.4.6
author: Pim